- : Paly (DiHiCTri ;SEpa(feiri0y Price: $4.00 per year. THE WARD PRIMARIES. Delegates Elected to the County Conren- tion Township Executlye Committee Elected Delegates Instructed for the State Officers. . This (Saturday) afternoon 'the , primaries of the different wards tvere held, resulting as folows: ; "-ard No. 1 J B Sherrill, Jas; F Hurley .and Dr. R S Souri were elected delegates to the county convention and aso the'fownship executive. commit tee. The delegates were in structed to vote for C B Ay cock for Governor R. L Smith for Lieutenant-Governor, B F Dixon Tor Auditor, H B Varner foV.Commissioner of Labor and Printing," F W Harper for "Cor poration Commissioner, ! The Democrats of Ward No. 2 assembled .at the usual -voting place, J N Br6wn, chairman township executive committee in the.chair, C. McDonald,5 pn. mo tion, elected secretary. ; pn mo tion the following delegates to the . county ", convention . were ejected: J N Brawn, W G Means, W A Smith, Quint Smith, John W Propst. W R Johnson, L T Hartseil, John C Wadsworth and C McDonald. Delegates were uhinstructed. Jas. N Brown was elected Chairman of Township Executive Committee; and Quint Smith and Dr. L M Archey mem bers of the same. On motion the convention adjourned. Ward No. 3 Delegates in structed to vote for Aycock for Governor, Robt.. L Smith for Lieutenant-Grovernor, and Wm. H S Burgwyn for State Treas urer. The delegates were in structed to vote for none other but a straight Democrat for Su perintendent of Public Instruc tion. JD Barrier, Jno. K Pat terson, and G G Richmond were elected, as the executive com mittee. J L Brown, P A Correll, J L Peck, J D Barrier, G- G Richmond, Jno. K Patterson, Jno. C Smith,' Geo. W Means, and Wade Barrier were elected as delegates to the county con vention. . ; Ward No. 4 A B Young, Jas. F Day vault arid Jno. M Hendrix were elected as the county ex ecutive. committee. Thos dele gates to the county ., convention were instructed to vote for Ay- conk for Governor. Robt. t Smith for Lieutenant-Governor, Wm. H S Burgwyn for Treas urer, T J. Jerome for Attorney General, S L Patterson for Com missioner of Agriculture, H B ' Varner for Commissioner of La bor and Printing, McNeil, Mason and Rogers . for Corporation Commissioners The follow ing , were' , , ; elected dele- gates to , the, county con vention: Geo. A Black welder; Calvin Stonestreet, Jno. Kluttz, J J McDaniel, G T Cro well, P B , Means, A B Young, Elaifl King, Geo. M Lore, A L Hopkins, as. F Day vault, Jno. M Hendrix, H C Herring. - r - Larirfi Ttnslnpss Leaves Asherllle. ; The Ashjjvillo Citizen says thatt the .Paris Medicine .company which did SSi $826,000 business in Asheville last year is leaving, to manufacture its medicines in St. Lou Ds which is its point of distribution. The reason as signed is that the Southern's freight rates are - unfavorable and makes too much of a drain on the business. CONCORD, Trying: to Make us Feel Sliphted. t "When the north-bound train j arrived here shortly 'afternoon Friday, Admiral Txeorge Dewey got off. his. private caft- and walked along the station plat form,, the cynosure of probably half a hundred people, for it was not generally known that the admiral of the United tate navy was to pass tnrougn. sev- V eral gentlemen engaged him inisVOuched for as a &6nuinemad conversation, ,on,e of "them ex- 6ue, and this was applied to pressing the hope of' some day the wound. It adhered for thirty seeing him master of the White ' &ehours arid dropped off. At House. The admiral expressed !tne nfxt application it remaineft his thanks for the compliment, oa a ' shorty time, then fell off. blushed slightly and got back on After this it refused. to take a the car. A eallanff ti&chelor hld, 5?hich is regarded as an then called for Mrs. Dewey, who ityueareu on me piauorm oi me hoped that Ihe people of Salis- tond thaf it will 'adhere to bury, who got-a slight glimpse ' nothing unless it has poison in of the 'admiral on his way South, tt-rthat one may have a severe, and Concord, where he is said to deep cut, a lacerated hand or have taken a chew of tobacco anything 6t this kind, but un and spat on a 'yellow cur, wii not e? there is oison it it the feel -slighted over " this , occur- ston6 wiH not adhere. Iri a c'ase rence." Greensboro correspon-her lt. Sets to work It; is dent to the Charlotte Observer. also claimed for it that after it We linow of no place where he falls away from the wound it is could find a place to perambulate placed in gome kind tt a fluids and not be ; molested like at 'milk; generally and that inside Greensboro and we think he de- of five minutes the poison can serves credit for taking that be plainly seen. It is said, too place instead of Concord or Sal-! that this poisoned fluid has been isfcrurj . Concord, Salisbury and ' given to rabbits, cats, etc. ; and Atlanta feel slighted that George! never fails to kill in a short didn't pay them a visit while he : was fresh but his visits are get ting common now. The Remains Interred at Poplar Tent. The bodv of Mrs. Lavina Young arrived here Friday nicrht from Hickory. The funeral was conducted today (Saturdav) at Poplar Tent church by the pastor Rev. Geo. L Cook. Mrs. Young leaves four children E M Young, Mrs. Laura . Mrs. Jno. V v 1, Fisher and Miss Hettie Young. The remains were accompanied here by her son-in-law,' Mr. R W Johnson', her soil, Mr. Ed. M Yourisr' who lives near" States- ville, and Laura her daughter, Mrs. To Open an Office Here. ; Foi s6yerai days Messrs. P . J Fagan and F Linden, of Penn sylvania, have been in Concord with a view to opening a busi ness here. The firm, which is .... ' x - - - P Fagan & Co., has rented for one year the old posfofffce build ing and hopes to .Open irp the 10th of April with' va line' "61 electrical and plumbing supplies. One of the members of the firm will always be here. He.Tf HI Lecture Monday Night. , Dr. Len, ; Gr Broughfori. the great Southern pulpit prater, will lecture, at the Baptist church Monday night at 8 p. m. "He is drmatic, eloquent arid fnrppful. He deals with sledge- Htimmer , "blows. "New York Journal. ;. , v Admission 35 cents.:; Tickets at Concord drug company.- . , " ' , AN INEST MEDICINE . FOR Ia GIUPFE v George W Waitt, of Soath Gardiner, Me., says: "I hate had thS forst cough, cold, chills and crip and have taken lots of t:ish of no account but profit to the vendor. (Jnanioenazn's uougn Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chilli cold and grip have left me. 1 congratulate tne manu facturers of an honest medicine. Sold at Marsh's drug store. - ' ; N. C. SATURDAY, MARCH BITTEN BT A MADDOG. Ma4 Stone Adheres for Thirty-One Honrs Now W8llv Miss Annie, the seventeen- lyearold daughter of "R' H Stanley, living near the Battle Ground, was bitten .by a mad dog about a week ago. She was at once taken to Belew's Creek,, where soma one has what indication that all the poison had , . It is claimed for the rnadi time. . The dog ,in question was after- wtirds ' killed but not until he had bitten several other dogs, all of them going mad inside of a few days. Greensboro Record. With the Churches TouvorrW. The pastor, Rev. C. B. Miller, will hold regular services tomor row morning and tomorrow night at St. James Lutheran church. . 1 Regular services tomorrow morning and tomorrow night at Forest Hill Methodist churdh by the pastor, Rev. R M Hoyle. Rev. JAB Fry, the "pastor, will held services at , Central jilethodist church tomorrow iribrning at 11 a. m. and tomor row night at 7.30. Rev. W. B. Oney will hold f-H t A 1 T ... 11 i services at bt. ivnarews ijux-n-erari church tomorrow at .11 o'clock. Subject "The Three." Communion services will bo held at Trinity Reformed .church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. There will be regular services fymmorrow night by the pastor, Rev. W H McNairy. Regular services at the Baptist church both morning and night by the pastor Rev. B Lacy Hoge. Subject for 11 a. m., "Feeding the Multitude." ' Subject for 7:30 .mi. A TJI ! p. m., "ine American j.uu. There will be regular services at. . Cannonville . Presbyterian church., tomorrow morning , by the pastor, Rev. C Preston, and at; White Hall at 3. p. m. Preaching tomorrow evening at 7 ;30 o'clock at Forest Hill Pres byterian church. - All cordially invited:. Rev. J C Davis will hold services at the Episcopal church tomor row at . 11 o'clock and i o'clock. Sunday school at p. in., CIaily' prayers at 5 o'clock through the week. - ' ' j. MereiwiU'ber regular services at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning. ( i The Mt, Pleasant baseball team arrived here this morning and . In".- .. !H 1 TT! 1. are Datuing wiin ..me -niii School boys this afternoon do spite the March winds and cold i weather. ' 311900 PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr, C C Hook, of Charlotte, spent last night here. Gus Hartseil came : in, this morning ,o spen Sunday. . -Mr. Frank - Hargrave, of Lexington, spent last night here. Messrs.- Sam Houston and J B Ross? of Charlotte, 'spent to- 'day here. . . . " . .; . . .... ... Mr, X M Barnhardt, of Char lotte, is spending, today here with his brother, -Mr. E G Barn hardt. Miss Mariiie Ury returned hbme last night; from .Charlotte on account'of the death of Mrs, Young. . Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Gillon. of China Grove: arrived here this morning to- : spend" Sunday at Mr. Monroe Gillqn's. Ifasonlc Xotlcel' Sjiecial cbmmunicatibn COT of Stokes Lodfire No; 32 A F and .A Ml Monday night ; April 2nd, 1900, at 8 o'ciock.. Work in the M. M. degree. , Crdf tsmen be'promptly on tim e, and a good' attendance is re quested. ; ' It H Griffin, Sec. March 31j 1900.. Time Extended to Spaniards. l The treaty of Paris gave Spanish citizens in the Phillip pines .one year to determine whether they will be citizens of the new island government or not. Having had little chance, on account of the vain , and foolish resistence of yie Fillipinos, to know whether or not they would like to become permanent citizens under American rule thoy have been given another six months to decide. Just Received j A. fresh line of Kemker - Woolwine Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-Kreams,' and the finest line of Fenny Gcods ever brought to the city. . California Oranges, Alakuma, . . and a nice assortment of Stick Candy S. J. ErvirTs. 'Phone . ..... .-6q A ' That lost her shep, . says let them . ' alone, they will come home, while ! ' ' : ; she is selecting her. Futnltur&tLtid Ho usefurnlshlng at . f , BELL, HARRIS & CO.; Where she has a choice in Room, Sets from $10.00 to 150.00. , Dining Room Sets, . Tables, Chairs, Sideboards fromO $10.00 totS.OO. Hat Racks from 10 .cents to $25.00. , Parlor furniture fr,pm.$15.00 to OO.OQ. 9 Ward Rob?s, Roll Top, .Flat and Lrlies' Desks from $4.50 to'ft.'lO.OO. Your choico from the following list of the most Celebrated Cook Stoves on the market today: Star Leaders Iron Kings, Gate City, Georgia Home and some other pocket additions. Pictures ana lecture Frames. Come and see, wcwill do the rest. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone.... DO. Store 'Phone.. ..12j Single copy 5 cents. TV . " V - '0. Orir Hob Drinks are still in ull bl8t. and tLev arc purely elegant. We Sre also I repared to serve Cold Drinks, . Ices, Eu:. . Ppecial entertainment for the ladies their popular'resort.. 'HONia 27. Gonoord Drug "Go. ul Fair Women That cart be, realized hy proper attention io the shape and style of tha foot wear is a dainty and pretty foot- We have a complete stock of all the newest styles in high and low shoes that are flexible, dur able and comfortable. Are you a little hard to fit, then come to this store. Our Oxford Ties aro in all, sizes from 1 to 8 and all widths C to E. Everybody is howling about high prices. Leather goods, like other lines have advanced, but wo were fortunate in placing our con tracts with the oxford manufac turer months ago. The conse are really quence is, today we snowing as gooa a value as we ever did and an oxford that has more style and appearance at $1.25, $i 50, $2 and $2.50. We claim to show you Just d little better quality than any one else: Complete line of Baby Shoes and Strap Sandals- . . H. L. Parks & Co, hi ... 1 ''!.'. . r " ' fir h if it