O WB fD Pf rtw: $4. QO per year. CONCORD, N. 0. THURSDAY ftjLY 5, 1900. ... t o P ' If ypi ! r ???r?ik it ' CJi w e - " r 1 I rr-SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. . i . Kill PUBIS miES&'-r' e7;I MR MS t! . ! AtteaLfouis coiled to the fol- ! , AaBi:t.;'(To:;- .i.-J? EeJJi-A Tcsti lcaag rak. i ( ralt!ce Agreed After Ail JJi&Ut After the third week of ech Ses:cn-w prk Loral to S"Ter. term. Ch;:d:e:i carrot be ta.- We have little that Is sai'.sfcc- ;C" j tary to report from the EaaLUia r:. r r . i Ik i S '. ' !'f. . 1 of -h: the - -r lr-A of tb8uub.;a!:t!5"totl13 fi';t-:' '3 vr:L . , 'sfer!?.l rori?!.ssion from the su o s.of .Concorl .or tao lrrinteestt AU tuU:0:1 June, 1000 is btforo ra:,l in advance." ? notice several very) Enrollment for :l:o y.. r is J ,:c.3 things to which the ' follows: Boys, 342; f'rls, i9; -iic. J total, 01. On "p:v.4. j' of boohs A collection 1.3 llClilJl be JlC3Ci Enrollment a year o.o. 316; girls, 324; tott l, Oil. Eo room books suited to jj(,t ty,e TTnfrij;K1es Earn and Drown purlls of that room. Some or ;: f.-jachers supply these L.,oh 1 :aelr grade, which is ry ''ommetiJabie, but such booUs should be found in every to 'ho eighth and The "reading habit" is Is of ix.i edu- ul each teacher should one f-alii. : :a?our ; : ) her pupils to read as ii'r.a hocks as possible during the term.. A;. (moll trrade could be e.vper.s anotaer au- ii. i 1. : 1 1 o .if. the course and enabling t.npiis to be prepared for the f7 -:i.a.k..i year of any of the :A she State. Tlrs is a : si; o u ' : p pe . . 1 to f 1 1 , r t would save money s.r.J. le a hh-.s-'.'s:'; t o all. Iayearrttocoiija . ... will stona" more in n.ed ' ition thr.n in ner'd cf ! . . .'. :..ey. Money fcpH.'. for r.23 :.. cn er e t-g: ' tl. ' r"r. still mere ii;:y7 . . .ther. Good schools, . a rches, jood street?, good : Mkas, these are wer.lth - Ivep, and they raise the 1 f1,1! other property be Vk .vliv.-; to character ,n l rs ""'d citizenship. 'V:,s t I'ort 1ms the following lo say hi regard to cigarette smokii:.;.- ''!5g;t who smoke cigarettes . .;.-h-t7 co poor work st a school. 4lhief Will's Moors cf i ho V.h .. her Buraeu, Wa?h'.rg tor. ( C, says, 'I had rather c r 1 in the service a mnn who Jrhn'.a qu:.:t cf whiskej a dj t h..r to have a corfrmed jigarotte smoker.' 0aretts are v. oT.-e tci hoys than they are for a: ou. .Dr. Clinton says: 'A good donl has been said about the evil of cigarette smokiifg, but "one. hoIT tha truth has not been told; ( 1 i.vs vatched this thing for a ka:g tiiae and I say calmly and deliberately . that ; . I believe c i .i-.'tto smoking is as bad a b ibn as opium smoking. ' I -am talu (. A boys rememb$ ' The 1r ' in grown men" is, of ; . c, . ot so marked. It sends i,. it.;-- consumption; it gives ihcai en tgment of the, .heart, tii-i it s i:ds them to th insane r, .sy . an: . I am physician to se v i",r) boy:.' schools, and I am of -jeii cal.'ed in to prcribe palpita t!o i ot the heart. In nine cascjfS o 1 i. it is caused by the ci g i re to ha bit. Every, physician For "Lad: a? Jlo.;..-y. A New York dispatch of the 3rd says sffidavils have been sworn to setting forth that :r ing the great fire at Hoboken the captain of the tug "!,;':.h" refused to assist in saving the lives of passengers on the Saa because the parties appeal;.?;; to him had no money with them to offer for his assistance. It la also stated that in two intantv the captains not caiy did at assist but actuaTy ! refund to ,ot swimmers craAvl on telr tugs for want of money. Y.uv:r:s will be if.ued a;r.-. a.;:.t li'O.a ou the charge of murder. PcpallatTIcSet. ThePopulii t conver.l'aai that Weda:';:..t:-y oveumg at 4 o'cioca. Houj-o vaas called to order by Chrhnnan Gri.-r an1 tha following tialict wa hy rt " c t ' roa House Jake lie a. Register of Doed.s- ninger. Sheriff Jno. A Pirns. Treasurer C C Caldwell. Coroner Caidwf-11 Qn or 7. Cotton Weigaer Frank Do ger. Surveor M G LontK. Commissioners W M Wed ding ton, J L Stafford, Lawrenco Kluttz. Amos Pen Was It a Mlrac'e? "The Trarve!lou9 cure of Mrs. Eeaa J Stout of consumption has created in tense excitement in Camnnick, Ind." writes Marion Stuart, 1 loadia drug gist of Muneie, Ind. She only weighed 90 pounds when her doctor m Yoiktown paid she must soon die. Then she be gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery and gained 37 po'undu in weight and was cozxijlei.eIy cured." It has cured thousands of, hopeless, cases, and is positively guaranteed to cure all throat, chest, and lung diseases. 50o and $1.X)0. Trial bottles free At Fetzer's drag btore 1 ; ' I?;?.0 . tKe cigarette heart. I 0: n bright boys tufned Ti vis.and straightforward, I ays made into miserable! s by cigarette smoking. I !. axaggerating. I am Mr." Earl Thompson returned yesterday to Salisbury. . .A' Sprained AnKle Quickly Cured. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E Gray, editor. "of the. Guide, Washington, "Va. "After using several well ecommerided medicines 3 'without ' success, I tried Chamberlain's ,Pafn, BaLm, and ."am pleased to say .that reliel pam e as soon as I began use and a" complete crire Bpe'edily'" followed.'" " Sold at J Marsh's drug Btore. If troubled with rheumatism, give ftl-Arnhfirlftin's Pain-Balin a trial. It will not cost yon a cent if it does 119 Citv convention. . The comtae had ; 1 all n;f,f.it tes.noi a.al agreed on a J 6 to 1 plank in the paitfoim.by a.voie of S6 to '2. 1'iahard Croker said today that the entire 72 votes from He Yak would be cast in fuvor of tiid silver plank. David B Bill is sqmething of t'a.e lion of th9 day for the vl"e presidency, though it is too ea Ay -probably to forecast the finality. ' PERSOLPOIrTr5lS. Mr. J A Yauntz, of Uhar h,.te, pent today here. Mrs. D B Castor is expecting to go to Kimesville tomcrrpw : ao.niDg. Dr. S L Montcoaiery :n spending several days at Rocky Ti' ver springs. Mr. H A Sappenfield arrived this morning from High Point to attend the funeral. of Mr. Arthur Cook. - Miss Mary Bing-ham went to Albemarle this morning to spend several days with frie ids and relatives. - -'-Dr. C B Thompson left tla' morning for Salisbury where he and Hon. J O Pill chard add...,:., the people of Rowan. Mr. John Craven returned hctra ta.:t night from Union S-nrngs, Ala. Mrs. Craven did not return with him. Mr. and 3Jrs. A H Slier: id, of Charlotte, who have been v s itin ; Mr. hi 0 Shevrlll ou We;;t 2x.d b.i.eet returned home this morning. ! Messrs. Aubery Hoover and Morris Caldwell went to ' har lotte this morning to see thn game of ball between Charlotte and Tarboro. Elders Jno. A Walker and W A Adams, who are represent ing the church of the "Latur Day Saints," were in Concord this morning. . MissosJFdorence and Isabelle Stacy,, who lias been visiting at Mr. D P Day vaults and Dr. D D Johnson's will go to .Newton in Ihe morning. Prom there they will go to the mountains for a visit. 'Mr. D P Cannon returned home last night from Salisbury where he had been to see Mrs. Cannon and little child, Alice Slater, . who. is very unwell. Mrs., Cannon and child go to. Waynesville this mdrning. About Our Teas.;- (Jnestfons Atifhveh'f). We are proud to rtMe that judges o f Yes. Auem-t Flower etiii hat th nr - iest Frtle'of any medicine thy civiii-zerf-wqrld. our ijof!iefr and lau n...!-A n. never toongyt of using an vtl;; !' else ot indifrCHtioo or bilhonsntiss. Doctors wre scarce, and they feldoni h-ird of t'i, who have trieji ouvs, baveoredited Wota with having the most itelicloni ' JPPendioitiH, ncryons prostrution m t heart failure, etc. Ihey need August navors ot an3T teas tuey ever darJk. We x( lower to clean out tne system ari , stop fermentation cf nndiger-tttl ooj, i.edtjy rcqua.n mat you tnve tliem a ( regulate the action f the livvr. stim-j- latcfthe nervous find organic !ia.ion oi Hie system, and that, is all thev Uu4 ft'lien feehnj; dull und bad with l-enij.. a.ches anil other aches. Ytm only need & lew dneos uf Grecni'a August Flower, in liquid form to mifec you entitled there is nothing serious the matter with you. ( Foj sale Ity 'all Healers in civilized ' countries trial and bo convinced of that fact. Prtecs 75c. to $1.00 Per Pound. :e8iMrw 00. i'honb 37: CLEARANCE SALE Everybody is talking about the bargains to ho had "at PABKS & .ce.5s3 It was an agreeable surprise to the buying public to la aa.v ihat thds np'rrjdid clock of goods is to be sacrificed. As previous' men - tionodit mast be reduced by August 15th, just 5 more weeks. P. otits have beou scv.i6aeu and a good slice of the cost cut. away. In spite of the extreme warm weather, everyday this week has been a big day. T u re is no standstill here; crowds of shoppers are scram bling around the counters for thin goods that have lost their pr ice. This Jias been an eventful day in parasols and wrappers. If y.au did not get hers today, bo sur"e and come tomorrow. Thrpric " j-iv.naln the same till chwed out, and all the desirable goods are goi'a'-faL WRAPPERS AfJD PARASOLS. All $1.-13, $1.25 and $1.15 wrappers well made, 'sale prl AU 75c wrappers at colsing price re . . 9Sc tSc- $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 parasols in black and all colors at. . 2-C0- OUSE-KEEPRES D B 1 I 3 1 a a Hore is your chance, and do't dlay, for the goods you :rr: it want, may be gone. In some lots there is only a few of. One piece mercerized linen 64 inchos wide that sold at 75c, . . Sale, Pc'ce bDc 1 p'ece very fine damask 72 inches wide, real value $1.25, Salr Price USv 1 piece d ana k 72 inchos wide, new patterns, fiafo iV ice 00 c- piece sturdy haf bleeched linen that will be whito in two washings, sold at 50c, . Sale Pj ir..p. t'V,)c. Ready-mjide sheets, unbleeched, hemmed and full size, 8;dK), Sail- Price 3ov- 3 dozen bleeched pillowcases, differed sizes, sold aflTc, " s -w -in 4-,' ' 1.. 1 1 1 : . Bleeched heavy comb towels, big values. FA 'for tic- 1 i .' he:Frnest Line ? - 'OP1 O BANANAS, PIjyE APPLES, a LEMONS, WE ARE RIGHT IN IT. pain. Tt also cures spn irn anrt brm'ei . 'i? ' m one-third time reanired hy av ther ! ( treatment. Cuts, bjtirr, frostbites, j X POTTED GOODS qxannef, pains in the s.se i-i-sl ctfei, ( K3i m (Flaiwyar acq owier 'KV.'ih w-re quickly cured bv applying it. Every lit tle warranted. Price 25c. and 50c. For sale at Marsh's dn$ stc -. The Appetite of a Goat Js envied by all whose Btomach and Livet are out of order. But such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, give a splendid appetite, sound diges tion and a regular bodily habit that in sures perfect health and great energy. a ' HOMINY, and .g the truth that every; Only 25o at Fetzer's drug store. IN THE CITY, TO h FOUND AT I S. J. Ervin's. 3 rtul Art maakjmmi . ..... iy We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but Ave do offer you the' . BesLLine of Stoves in Concord feolid cat 6f Star Leaders jast 'arrived; fifteen years .gnarantee- oa fire back; satisfaction gBaranteed or money back. We alpo have in stock IronKIngs, Gate City af d Georgia Home. t . : iii;i:ii;ii;!i;i:i!iiii:il!i:iiiiiiiMti:iiiiiMiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiniiiK- Q A Vfoo YOU PLAY A sr-klNG INSTyU UXi I i MENT? -WE-SELL 'EM.- M Violins, Guitars: r.anjunsMaLolin, Zithers, Acrdiotis, etc.vand all kinds of strings and repairs. ...,. rnitiiiniHtHfiiiIinfViiiir4'MiuIii;Hin:ni:niIutI:i1utliti;;.ii;UiI .FtfRNITURE! FURNJTUREll No house iii Noith Carolina carries a larger stock or bitter li;j, anu we will sell you goods as cheap as the same grade of goods can Vx? bought anywhere. We have aaid and say, come and see it it be true. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phoiie'. i 90. Store Phone. .12. 0