o . ;.".(-. i . ? b . , ; a n TT Z Z w . v - f "V. 4 t. CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY JTJLtY 9. 1900. Single" copy 5 cents. Stl? 5 TTl 'ff fPffl ' Pkice: $4.00 j?e year. J . . 'jf " nnr onTSinniW innriT. 'ommnv rirrummn nmnii I KIUK UIIIUMUI l ItMI' t l Nil III LIILft Mil MUitfl t lliiL UlllUiium liiuuii iUUMUIM LILlllllUU. UlVIUIIt ' . tiiti iiniiiiiiini iiiiiiaiiMi iiaivv diiirwiai i a Tour. InvellUgs Stoie S?f!t!ifi Destroyed From Defective Flm Teavy Damages-No Insnr-; . .-.ace. . ' 1 ir -oke out-Saturday night ' t : ( uM . o'clock in ojaoof Warren ( ,!!., . . i 'a houses, on West . Buf -: r ,,.-. - -et. The house was oc- i -u oi U rA II Whitley. " Tli. nsn nf tho fir wftrf from a, dofW ivo fion in the dwelling r, jxt to the store. The -oof -. part of the house was roady to fall in before the alarm j was given. Tne occupants j The U;ve!y escaped being burned. Two boys occupying a room up ; Li irs escaped by jumping from tii' second story. From the vlw. I!.! the- fire spread to the -,ot c rooms occupied by Mr. C M S;ipp cnfield. Mr. Sappen hVlo s1. oceeded m saving the .: , portion of his stock of :4-oods. Mr. Will Holshouser had just finished building and paying for his dwell- -IjI 1 wig auti me loss was a con sidovable blow. Two other dv llii) houses were burned be-fori.- i ll" Qre could be controlled. One oirdding was torn down in ord : ty stop the fire. ' "ai ; h ul work was done both 1 1 ,libors and the fire com nr iter from the wells was ";!' a m' 'd before the hose from two i' 11 mill was turned on Tl iv.-.-3 of the Concord fire company could not oe con nected with the wTater supply at Forosi 1 Ldl. Three of the houses :md the two store rooms were ownou hy Warren Coleman and one c' veiling house by Mr. Will ifol.sho iser. There was no in sbranoe f'Jolo 'r ivn's loss was over $3,000 and Uoklshouser's about $600. Mr. Stamper occupied one house and lo.s aearly everything. The air was very still at the tune o' the fire, or the dam atro "ii ..lit have been consider ably vy ,: ; V.'o i!"io v atcr. iu od S!:hic. ua: delighted to learn that t.ting at Rimer in No. G ip on last Saturday night 1.1 attended. The school- ;,s insufficient to hold the house (here being more than 10' ' pi s m nt. Senator. R L Smith riiid Col. P B JMeans addressed the meeting and the amendment w.'o .exidamed and advocated with pleasing effect. Forty so.vo;i I'rmes were quickly en rolled in the Democratic club, ichors vrerv added yet before djpej-sio lto make about 60. "'Uh people 'had called on 'Ui'iii ir fuT Young f or these SjV n kY and they confide in iho'ii. ISo. 0 will make a gootfsllow- JufeVai August 2nd. l'io:ifeif.nt ilttl to I? Pfoiuoted. it and Two ice in tha Manila sor- nce to the Charlotte Ob - it Lieutenant Hill, of .vho is now in Manila :!9thU. S. V., will be ' captain in the 29th .i v - ; ."i: e;r 1 T' Strang Wind Houses. Blown Down Corn Damaged Good Rain, Quite an QGiting storn visited Gorjeord'and portions of Cabar- rus Sunday evenirg uibout 4 o'clock. There was strong wind and blinging dust with very little lightning. lx some places considerable damage was done. Early corn was Very much , proven ana Djnt. 1 i Two new houses near the Ca- .barrus Cotton Mills were blown down. The houses had been iiauit;iA auu vauu. uo- longed to the Cabarrus Mill Two or threcr houses at the Gibson mill suffered the same fate One of the chimneys to Mr. Z A Morris's new house on South Union street was blown off. A number of trees were blown down and considerable damage was done in and around Glass's. The wind storm was followed by a good rain accom panied with very little lightning and thunder. CHINA GROVE NEWS. House Struck by Lightning Occupants had a Narrow Escape Other Items. China Grove, July 9: Dr. J.B Gaither's house was struck by lightning yesterday evening, one end of the house being wrecked badly. No one was seriously hurt. Dr. and Mrs. Gaithers were both slightly shocked. We aro glad to say that the house was insured. Mrs. J S Lafferty is quite sick. Miss Gertrudo Lafferty has been visiting friends in High Point but is at home again. Miss Ethel Hearno has gone home to Albemarle. Miss Pauline Thom wTent to Concord Saturday night to visit for a few davs. Mr. Jim Kirk, of ' Patterson Linn & Co., is on the sick list. ChinaGrovc High School opens Tuesday, July 17, 1000. The pros pects aro fom full school. SPEECH TOM (J JIT. Mayor J. 1). Mr-Call, of Charlotte, to Speak r.t Torest Hill Tonisrht. Mr. J.D" McCall, mayor of Charlotte, will speak before the White Supremacy Club of Forest Hill tonight at 8 ofclock. Mr. McCall 3s an old and tried Democrat, and is in heart and soul for Whito Su- pletnacy. Let every one who belives in White Supremacy hear him, and those who do not come and hear why they should believe in it. Masonic Sotice. Regular communication rAV of Stokes Lodge No. 32 A V p & Alf this evening at 8 o'clock p. m. The notice of last Saturday calling in this meeting has been revoked. Craftsmen, take due notice and gCvern yourselves accordingly. By order cOthe W, M. R H Griffin, Sec. MISS J0SIE CREECH DEAD. YMds'to Typhoid Fever "Was Eighteen Years of Age To be Buried at ftoeky Ridge Miss Josie Creech died this (Monday) morning about ,10 o'clock at her home at 'Cannon ville. Miss Creech has been sick with fever for about five weeks. She Is a daughter of Mrs. H B Creech and about 18 years old. She- was a member of the Presbyterian church , and led a c'onsistant Christian. life. The fune'ral will be preached to morrow morning at 9 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Creech, by her pastor, Rev. Cochran Preston The burial will, be at Rocky Ridge church. Rest For a Week. Tho Kindley mill atMt. Pleas ant closed down last Saturday evening for one week. The pressure for produces ' is now moderate and the opportunity is taken to give tho operatives a week's rest. A GnoJ Cough Medicine. Many thousands havo been restored to health ami happiness by the use of Chamberlain'a Coueh llemedy. If afflicted with any throat or lunp: trouble give it a trial for it in certain to prove, beneficial. Coughs that havo resisted all treatment for many years have yield ed to this remedy and perfect health has been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that tho climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been pernanently cured by its use, For sale a Marsh's drug store. If troubled with rheumatism, give Cramberlain's Tain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will rolievo the pain. Tt also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites. quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings aro quickly cured by applying'.it. Every bot tie warranted. Price 25c, and 00c. For sale at Marsh's drug stc-9. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Bob Wheeler yesterday in Reidsvillo. Mr. Clarence Hoilig of Mt, Pleasant is in town today. Mr. Luther Brown came home this morning from Salis bury where he spent yesterday. . Mr. and . Mrs. Rutledgo spent yesterday in Charlotte and returned this morning. Mr. and Mrs. David Shields spent vesterdav at Mr. J P Cald well's. They 'go to Misenheiraer'sl springs today. i Mr. P W Ilairston who has been visiting at Mr. JPAliison's j returned to .Cooleemee this ; morning. OThe Finest Lipep a of ! S BANANAS, 1 S PIJVU APPLES, f& HOMINY, and B n at i?t arms a. IN THE CITY, FOUND AT TO BE - a p. j. crviii .-a H ' TD f-t r n Xrk fS M-AAUMM 07. About M Teas. We are proud to atate that judges o i teas, who have tried ouru, have credited them with laving the most delicious flavors of any teas they ever dranlt. Wo earnestly request that you trive them a a trial and be convinced of that fact. Priees: 75c. to $1.Q0 Per Ponnl CONCORD DRUG CO, . Thone '61. Parhs fc Co. Clearance Sale. Tuesday, JoJy no, a big dtfy ih gent's ffurnishilngs This store, known for many miles around as the home cf bargains, is ia tbe midst of a most thrilling sale. This solendid stock must ho r-duued by tho I 'jtb of August, and we detm it the quickest way to reduce tho prici. Durirj? the past week there has been real lively selling all over the house. The lames liay-e fairly been scrambling over the matchless values oiFored in the drv rrn- , sido. The values to be had at this Clearance Bale aro truly wonderful i oplc rrfi f-ist grasping tho golden opportunity to buy such goods for su much Lm than tLty are worth. Neighbor tolls neighbor, and so the glad tidings or V"r ' v Unr travel. Tuesday must be the banner day of this sale and we b. lieye von ill hv goods were never before sold at our Clearance Halo prices. . tirie to U; whittling sticks; to be successful vou must tret.up and hustle a ir, i,d . 11 . .4 ' Dry oods. The unapproachablo values offered in Jry Coods huye drifted into the every day conversation. Just think of Sic colored Oj gaudies going at 12jc, and the 10c corded Dimities are being sacri ficed foi 5c. 'Tis an unusual 6ccurrenco to sell a stock like this, regardless of value or consideration of cost. All kinds of Miliinery is to bo closed outsat a great sacrifice. Tho prices on Ribbons havo been cut a fourth and a third. Apron check Ginghams worth 6c, Sale Puice 4c. 7jc Blocched Domestic, yard wide, Sale Puice 5c. Clothing at a Sacrifice. This whole side of the store is a victim to be sacrificed. Saving money is one of ha" been invented then come and see $12.50 suits strictly all wool of very neat pattern, Sale Price $10. 10 suits of very neat plaid or stripes strictly high grade, Cut puice $7.b. All 7.50 suits, tho season's best patters SACRIFICED TO rO.)rJ. Men's $2.00 crash suits, Cut Price $1.50. All $.1.00 trousers, Cut Price $3.88. All $3, $3 50 and if 4 trousers, Sale Price $2.50. Big value in trousers At $1.50. Bcrivens Drawers At 50c. 50 gauze undershirts, Sale Price 39c. . L. Parks c Co. WE ARE RIGHT IN IT- 1 ,W(3 clo not offer you a Dollar for Fifty touts, but we do offer you tho ... i Best Line of Stoves in Concord u Solid car of Star Leaders just stock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home, f llllllllllllllllllinllllll!lll!lllllllIWlilllllllllllllIl!lllll!lllll-;' Q A "VI -DO YOU PLAY .A -sf RING 1NSTUU 0-1 I ! MENT? WE SELL 'EM; ; Violins, Guitars, Eanjons, Mao!is,Zithers, AccorJ-ions, etc ,tnd all "kind of striiigs and repairs. , FURNITURE!. F0RNITURE!! - No house in North Carolina carries a laiRer stock or wtter hue, an& we will sell you goods as cheap as the same grade of goods ran be bought anywhere. We have said ,ud say, come ar0see if it be tru Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phnnf DO. Store Phone 12. Questions rAnswerefl. Yes. August Fliwer.still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the civilized vyorld.'Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anythfns else 'or indigestion or billtousness. Doctors were scarcetj and the' seldom heard of appendicitis neryor.s prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August, Fkn?er to clean out th system hixI stop fermentation of urdigetttijd food, regulate tliR action f the life! stimni late the nervous and organic ttr-lidn of the system, and that in all they took when feeling dull and- bad with he'K-!-aches aud other aches. You only'netd h. few doies of Green's August Flower, iil liquid form to make you satiried there is nothing serious tho matter with yofl. For sale by all dealers in civilized countries. 4 -v ury uooc. 500 yards 15od Tick rouaiauts wnrth 7Ao in full pieces. Sale Pjuce ic. liJecched Honey Comb To vm, (Jut Uiucf. JJc. 65c wash silks in design.' 1 i pn r -s Redt ced to yv. 500 yds plain white organdto valn: 20c. Cut Price 10c. Ladies JIoso, tai or back, f .ill size' . Only f.c. 2.50, 3 00 and $3.50 Turul , Sale Puice J.00. A quarter of a hundred Trunks go ia the sale at one-fourth off. . ii I . -in. i i .i to the price cutter, any garments are the best ways of making money that what is to be saved. All 25o fancy box, Sale Price 19c. 25 dozen pira fancy sox, 2 pairs Fo t 5c. All 15c. sox To CO for 10c. Just eight 1.50 all-over silkshirts To (.o at 1.00. All men's $ oxford ties At $2.50. Men's S3 and 2 50 vici Oxfords, Ctx Price $1.08. About 50 pairs fine bund K'w-d shoes principally Nos. (5, 7 an'l b, old for $3.00 and &3 50, Cut Put:: v2.50. Take your choice auv -t onr bo'V knee pants For 39c. Boy's blouse suits wo-th 50 Sale I'rice 25c. H. L. Parks & Co. iA.'.'.E'.'t.U'.J arriv; fiftce'n years, grftrantee on m ' July 9, 1900. t UP 'Jt Z4f u& iVl'iniOHL macaaaBXSEa