dPm ' Vcs aBk ass nms &M ff EST fr-'i M V r oi?: $4.t)0 peryear. CONCORD, N. CJ. WEDNESDAY JULY 41. 1900. Single copy 5 cents. . " . - . - . , p - -- r y j." 0 i lIllfiEBlOtL . C03C0RD VS SALISBLl'. ,l! rj-p,ke and 'Atfgustus Rickman Sajisbnry Goes D$m1i i Concord's in tHe Swollen River, Jacob 1 Hands-The 4Jrtad Stand Gar Thalr Support. CoucOrd. and Salisbury base T 11 A j. iT .G .-1 ,1 V . Jarob A Drake a motorman ou uau met .u luo. utilu ueiUlw thr A si uviliA street-railway entthegran(i sland Tuesday even wirmuh'S last Sitoday in the with Mr. Aubrey Hoover as IVpth. "Broad and was drowned. umpire, rno granu sianu wciS The -lme stream near Buck not as full as usual, but the boys ! r :iU' ,;laimed-.its victim in Au- :had approbations , Justus IMckman' ag(3d 16 years. TTc iTul ome comDanious were ,v, !; tr ing across the river when,field but Salisbury. soon showed i , .... !g man failed to reach Concord that the game was to ' ,i a', a ! be wOn only bv hard playing. A ' I aiiu was uiuwucu iu - he ethers who could not uuu Iljau i both sides. A fair game was i played. Salisbury did well but the fates seemed to be against her The ga.me resulted in 16. to 10 El II W W Concord made a few happy ! hits when she first went on the PLEASANT NEWS. . sponder ' Vith His odak ap Shot at Some Sews Items in favor of Concord. We were . : Them to The Standard, i 'iiusant, July 10 Messrr. i,-iman and Hfinry Furr i lg in Charlotte. W A Lutz, President of ui; i. JOUUt'L', who uxa uuuu oai;asv -i:g the many counties for stud '.jits, was here lastTues day and reports that the pros- D'.vts U)- the college this next y,'i; Y ; yQVy flattering Rev. fatz i- the right man in the i i;''hi pl'U'.e. and is doing good voile in t iio-interest of .the col 1. g .. and any young man of our try who desires an educa tion at t oe least possible cost can do no better than to make N. C. college his headquarters. It K one of the best and cheapest rchoots in the South. About twenty-five of our young pe ople spent pleased with the Salisbury boys and will bo srlnd to see tliem in Concord again. at the Fourth Mif-.-mbeiuier's springs. Mr. Alonzo Blackw elder spent last Sunday and Monday at fli UlCV Cola ;a ; ."r tio!).i (!:-(. u.-. - ..: jv. .iii ; ol.e r, tho! : ;. -is the warmest thing . - specially the constitu it'i.mdment. It is being in every nook and very one seems to be ion one side or the d we are having some i discussions. Tlsin n v ; . riCATiox meeting. '1" V hv.u Tr )sand Assemble and Hrar Jrcat Speeches. ; ' id ratification meeting in. 'j on the 10th at ' the of W J Bryan in Lincoln. Moated that 13,000 peo- i'' iembled. Dpmocrats, .1 ' 1 . 7 1 1.1! . i-- - tinu silver xtupuuii- .i.n.-, ri posed tho crowd and Mr, iry;; Gen. "Weaver, Mr. StnveiKson, Mr. Towno, Cyclone D.i vis and Webster Davis made speeches. It is said that Towno nuid'hr est speech of all. It was u grand send off. IS JiKlo Montgomery to Speak in No. 2. The White Supremacy Club of N o 2 town ship will meet at Poo- Mi Ycv church Saturday flight. .o !. .rj.--; .'. tendance .is desired. T , Igc ' lo. tgojmery will be pnss tess tlici'club. Let RICHARDSON'S EXPLANATION. He Tells Why 10 tq 1 'V."? Pat In t!ie Democratic Platform. Washington, July 9. The Post tomorrow will print an in tcrview with Representative Richardson, of Tennessee, who was chairman of the convention at Kansas City, m which he says of tho Democratic, platform: "Tho controlling reason for using the phrase "16 to 1," m the platform, was .because some thought that while ' free ' silver was not tho issuo of this year, yet were it omitted, the very fact of omission would 'give it more prominence and possibly cause it to be discussed more than if it were simply repeated in the platform.) The argument was that if it were left out of the platform it would bo an issue, but if put in the . platform, it would bo superseded by ' the great issuo of imperialism." ' Will tho platform command the support of those who four years ago broke away from the Demo cratic party?" Mr. Richardson was asked. . "I have been gratified," he an swered, "to see that the nomi nees and the platform have been met with so great favor with the Eastern press. A few havo criticised it, but only a few, and the. great bulk of the Djmocratic press is once more to bo in line with the party. With this una nimity, I feel quite sure that we can carry enough of the Eastern and . Middle States to win the election.". Mr. Richard sop plans to re main in Washington for some time and to undertake actively the work of the congressional campaign which will be managed for the Democrats from Wash- infftoii. t1 I'i'V J u !' i come out to i ntgomery on hear the Arpetite of a Goat I itivviL )v all whese stomach and luvf a out of order. But ench should iiv t'uitDr. Kind's New Life Pill appetite, sound diges Meeting at Coanocville. Rj2V. D Lacy Hoge Aeoox Our-.TeaSil We e protfd to state that judges o f teas, who have tried ours, havecreditad August 15tk Democrats to Name Con irres$mn! for the 7fh District. Col. P B Means attended anthem with having the most delicious meeting of the Democratic oxeftu- j flavor! of any teas they ever drank. We tiv.e-eommitteeat the Mt. yernon in Salisbury on Tuesdaythe lOthr at which he tells us a call was made for a convention to be held ht Statesville on August 15th to nominate a candidate for the 7th congressional district. A MYSTERIOUS PLAGUE. Over 40 People Already Dead of It m a Louisiana Parish. New Orleans, July 10. Pres ident Souchon, . of the State board of health, today received i telegram from tho president of tho parish board of health for Caldwell parish, of which Co lumbia is the seat, urging tkat an expert, a quantity of tents, and sanitary'' inspectors bo sent to that place at once, as a, mys terious plague had broken out there, which was fatal in ovor.y instance. Tho telegram stated that-fully 40 people, mostly no groes, had already succumbed to the disease. President Souchon sent Dr Beard, the State expert, to the scene, it is oeiiovou tne epi domic is a very malignant one. earnestly request thit you erive them a a trial and be convinced of that fact. Prices: 75c to'$i.00 Per Poou'eL COHRD DRUG CO. I'liONE 31. Duestious Answered. Tea. Auernst Flower still has fh 1 .est sale of ahy medicine ia the civilized wurm. lour motners ana grandmothers never mouRLt or using anything else or indigestioi or billionsness. Dorters "were scarce, and they seldom heard appendicitis, neryona prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system und stop fermentation of uniige-td ffod. regulate the action f the liwrt stimu lat the nervous atid orcauio :tion of the system, and that is U thay took when feeing dull "and had with bond aches and other aches. You only ne d a few doses of Green's August Flower, m liqmd form to make ypu satitied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealors in civilized countries. 13 ? or- PERSONAL POINTERS. Miss Addie Strieker returned yesterday from a visit to Charlotte. Mrs. J P Cook and, Mr. J M Hendrix are spending the day in Mt. Pleasant. Miss Lizzie Morehead who has been visiting Miss Nannie Cannon left thi-4 morning for Durham. She will go from Dur ham to Alleghany, Va. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothirg Syrup has been used for over iifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children whne teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of tns world. Twenty-live cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Airs. "Win slows -Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind A FKESII LINE Otf Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. EKVIN'S mm fiwrtt.."-! "-.' -a pp.: fast Are you tho least hit about your Hosiery?. Most wnni'ii are. iMiring- tins extreme you want one that is t durable and cool. We carry a: a line of Hosiery for ladies ami dren as can be had. Hen reduced prices fbr'you: (J ! ! J.I en: ne ' Ladies Mercerized Lisle Hose that look like silk, only. I . 48c. About '3 dozen Lisle Hose withdace stripe, sizes 8 to 9L considered a bargain at 39c, now 3 pairs for Ladies' Plain Egyptian cotton Hose, very fine grade value at 25c, sale price $100. 19c. We havo-the best Hose you ever set eyes on for the price, 2 pairs for. Misses Hose well shaped with lace stripe, sizes 7 to O z 82, part black, 2 pairs for . . 0 ft on last Mondayftnight beffen a protracted meeting in the school buifdingat Muh interest acs Cannon vill been manifested by the earnest Glorious News Comes from Dr. I). IT. Cajole, of J-ii!:iii4iiiii!i!ii!i;iJ:i:,n(:; iMiJiiilniliiiiii'iiJiiliiliiOiiliiilii ; n -t-.d TO ".1. t : ular bodily L0)it that in t lfth and great energy. 1 9hOr's drug store. Washita I. T. He writes: "Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Erer of Scrofula, which ha caused he great suffering for years. Terrible sores would brek.out on'h.er head and face. proachia-of M. Hog, aad the and the besl doctors could give no hUp; t FURNITURE! FUi?WITUf?E ! ! r... .. I Vnf. tioto hor Viooltli ia cvo''fiit "filing I P3 a " attendance is ooci IT meeting . . V 7 V T r n A tr Bitters n the best blood purifier B Vn hnnRa in nmi;n ,.,., nrK.it.,.r li.a we will aellyou goods as cheap as the Ptimofirra f gJCdti can bo Jbought anywhere. We have said and suvk cr e nnvl sou if ij be true. WE ARE RIGHT IN IT. We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but wc do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteea .years guarantee on fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or mony back. Wo also have in ctool: Iron Kings, (late City and Georgia Home. , .::iii!iiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiini(si!iiii!iiiiu:i;uiii!;iiiiiiii;:i!:iii;i'i:nii!iiiil. CI XVI DO YOU PLAY A" SPRING 1NSTUU Ol I I MENT? WE SELL 'EM. . Vidins, Guitars, Banjons, Mfctdolins, Zithers, Accordioas, tto., ud .If M K t fir S3 will continue more. iU AV know Mr. C C Sikes, of Monroe, wr It's .ltd supreme ready for I tetter, salt rheuW, ulcersf boils and . running sores. It stimulates liver,. here Tuesday and returned home llfllna Jiff0o(lfAllli;,fi' fIlo efMnBti, r tins vveanesuay; morniug. - . Only 50c. boie at fetzer's drug store. & Bell, Harris Cc? Residence Phone 90. Store PL.u5! ,12. V3 O o o

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