o O JO- CI. '17 mm. --at . CC3 ESS VcsiTWper year. ! V CONCORD N. 0. THURSDAY JUL.? J2, 1900. SlNGIiH COP 5 CENTS. " It -TMIB. 9 'What the'Committee ias Secured. ..... 1- THE WORST XEARlY CfiilTVIif. 'ltesmeir, Brass Hands, Leui Melons and Good Eating For People. progress of the barbecue je& as reported to us v zeal commensurate with it cause in which we are "rii-; committee, we are in- foiriH.'ii, has secured. Mr. James I'ou for the occasion and are in cor .' 'j ondence with Messrs. IV;; ' tollman,, of South Carolina, Se-'v .Mi- Daniel, of Virginia, and Col A M Waddell, of Wilining ton nil addresses. 'i:jt3 brass bands will be . iTi . James D Tate, of Char- loi.i.e, i as been engaged to su jmrinio ad the barbecue. A s . , starter for something to -.Hi Ida 00 plates have been pur- clusf i to be tilled with twenty li'T'j l1 nidred pounds of beef al-fta-Jv obtained, also 1,000 pounds ofl';il, ten barrels of crack ers, ari l five barrels of pickles. T'lerc will foe 2,000 gallons of -cui de and 3,000 watermelons n - dy contracted for. T - ordsof dry round hickory : r ' v ill be wanted to barbecue ' ' !..' -t. rCliinesQ. Too Mad for Control -Prince, Tynan's Edict. A London dispatch of the 12th almost p'uts an. and to rational hope that there are auy foreign ers spared in Pekin. An edict from Prince Tuan contains, these ominous words: "The anger of our .people knew no bounds. They could not be restrained. The task of guarding the legations, which, before was difficult, was made impossible." K Elsewhere, "referring to the desire to protect the legations still unharmed, it says: .'If it is impossible for 'us to continue this protection let it be represented to the powers that we must bo held blameless, for the anger of our peoolo grows with th.6 rising of ouL:a sua that sees more and more foreigners and soldiers coming to overrun and lay waste our country and slay our people." It is understood lout ih.s is to prepare the mind of the nations for-tho worst. TWO JUJiNEll PREMIUMS. GOEBEL MUfDEREUS OX TRIAL. Court Has Everybody Exaininod for I .Arms. . Kentucky is now " again ' a special danger point. ..Five men are to be tried for the murder of William Goebel.' ! Caleb Powers, the Secretary of State was the first put on trial on tbe'llth. . . The court had every man who entered the court room examined for j arms. , It" was .anticipated however and none were found. They are on the outside however and there is no telling what trouble is ahead. 4 ,1 '. Death ff Mrs. Lee Bost. i re sorry to. have to report ' 'den death -of Mrs. Lee f No. ' 6 township. Mrs. i! ok ick about 6 o'clock TVodiv.jvciay morning. , A phy ijii as not secured until a fev iMiutes before her death. S.u di -d at 11 o'clock Wednes day. The cause of her death is unknown.. Mrs. Bost was a daughter of the late Mr. Henry 'The. funeral and burial jtook pi.'av this (Thursday) morning tt 10 )'clock at St. John's church. The funeral was preached by "Rev. Mr. Steffey. Beautiful Silk Prizes for the Larg es White Supremacy Club m Concord and Largest Precinct Horseback Tarade. A member of ward No. 2 soma days ago boastfully said ward 2 would parade the biggest White Supremacy Club. Ward 1 has taken up this challenge and will contest it. A beautiful silk White Supremacy banner is be ing made to be presented to the winner. In addition to this there will be a banner ready at the barbe cue to be awarded to that pro cinct in the county exclusive of Concord that will furnish the lsrgest parade on horseback on that day. THAT WttSTON CASE. Tf, Vote Vgaint the Commandments. The following conversation va overheard by asupporter oi the amendment and forwarded tb '. S '.'o. dard by a friend. The .pio of the conversation was pojti when one of the two rr-. ' 1m following remark: Virginia Xegro Citizens Xot Allowed to Register, Hence the Cause. The case of Registrar Thompson of Winston is going slowly. To all appearances it js a piece of f orcical spite. Evidence shows that negroes from- Virginia not entitled to registration applied and the registrar not knowing them de manded evidence of their citizen ship which they failed to pro duce. Mr. Thompson said on the stand, that he had assured them that he would resistor whenever evidence, were them V; Bill, how areyou on the eo: j.- . r. lments? Some of these ; produced showing them to ba entitled to t. . There se'ems no question but that the whole trouble is in the Republican's inability to -vote foreign negroes. The case ijs be skill and deter are doin' their very 1 t 1o gat me to vote ag'in the eo iiMidrnents. They say that no mi. n can b a good Populist roi.l support the command- ments." Mng met with Tin- v.-liter makes the remark imination. th tt j sftibjy thero might b$ a A specialfrom treensboro to. ; FIREMEN' IX SESSION. Reorganization Meets lu Charlotte Xext Year. Our firemen are showered with welcomes in the State's metrop olis. Mayor Waddell in his usual eloquent way made the speech of welcome which was happily responded to by Mayor Cook, of Fayetieville, .Mayor Ward, of Newbern, and others. Mayor Ward's speech is fr)id by the Wilmington Star to have been very fine. The election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows: President, J D McNeill; First vice-president, Capt. H L Rig gins, of Winston; socond vice president, Chief of Police W S Orr, of Charlotte; treasurer, Mr. T A Green, of Newborn; statis tician, L J Taylor, of Newbern; secretary. W C Von Glahn, of Wilmington. Charlotte was unanimously chosen for the place of meeting next year. , , GeorgeriUo White Supremacy Club. A ;i White Supremacy Club has beeif organized et Georgeville in No.! j 9, township, and ono to wor'k., The membership is good. H M Shinn, was ..elected presi dent; G C Shinn, vice-president and: W S Widenhouse, secretary. Judge Montgomery and L T Hartsell are booked to address the club on the 21st of July. Judge Montgomery at Cannon villa To night. , , The White Supremacy Club at Cannonville is at work. They have.named Judge Montgomery to speak tonight on the amend ment. The speaking will be at the school building. Let' every one be present. A Keen lear Br am. . Your best feelings, your Bocial petition or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach and Liver, Dr. King's New Life Tills ivo increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition., A 25c. box will make you feel like a new being. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. . w ,1 , '. ;.. of truth in the last re- the Winston correspondent of ithe Charlotte Observer says, I Spencer Adams says he is afraid 1 this arrest of Registrar Thomp- mi.staKe. r I e Af jfctite of a GAt r 'C't'by all whose stomach and i ,!r i nf nf nrrlpr T?nt. siifb fJinnl.l SOn W"5 I ..'Dr. King's Now Life Pills,! '7r"T -n i i i .. T,,1 ' The Bost Prescription for Chills t Kr did fjpetite, sound dies- , , . a retrular bodily habit that in i?,-? a bottle oi Grove s Taste - j. i f Lfi lees Chill Tonic. It is simply iron ond 1 ?u.t health great .energy. : quil09 ia a tastelees f Q i. No cure 7 . Fetzer's drug store. ; no pay. Price 50c (( . A ERESII LINE OF. Nice Candies, also Sice fkesIi' Summer Cheese AT S. J. KRVIX'S About Our. -Teas. . , . . . . .We are proud toBtate that "judges p f teas, who have tried ours, haveoredited tlrcrd Aith having the most delicious flavors of any.te&s they ever drank. We earnestly request that yob give them a a trjal and be convinced of that fact. ' -Piiecs: 75c. to $1.00 Per Ponnl . . CONCORD DRUG CO, . JHONE 37. i . Ouestrr us Ansfrered. 0 YfiB. An1llit, VlnV-ar ntill lToo tlio lavtr ( UtU MUW -- p est sale of any uedjeine ia the civiUz8d world. Tour mothers and grandmothers never thought of usiner anvthiner else for indigestton or biHioisness. Dootors ware scarce, and ttiey seldom lieard of j; . .... appenaicuis, nervous prostration or 'Flower to clean out the system and i stop fermentation of undipttid food, regulat the action f the liver, etimn-" late the nervous and' oriranic notion of the system, and that is all Ihey took when feeling fiull and bad with head aches and -other nches. You only lu t d a few doses of Green's August Flower, m liquid form to make yQu eatitied there is nothing 6erious the matter with ydn. For sale by all doalers in "civilized ooun cries. T CD H ! r t is V1 X t t l 1 ;t ,"' Are you the least bit particular .about your Hosiery? Most women r.va are. During this'extreme hot weather you want one that is fast black, durable and cool. We carry as sfnod a line of Hosiery for ladies and jh.iI- dren as can be had. Here oo-' some reduced prices for ytm: a Ladies Mercerized Lisle Hose that look like silk, 4C About 3 dozen Lisle Hose with lace stripe, sizes 8 to 9, considered a bargain at AA 39c, now 3 pairs for.. . JlvU. Ladies' Plain; Egyptian cotton Hose, very fine grade .value at 25c, sale IQr price .... ....... We have the best Hose you ever set eyes on for the price, 2 pairs for A Misses Hose well shaped .-it mm with mnp srriTip mros tn r 8i, .part 'black, 2 pairs for.- FA lift WE ARE RIGHT. IN IT- We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, -but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord . t Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteen- yeas guarantee 'on fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or money back.. We also have in stock Iron Kings, GatcCity and Georgia Home. S!uir"Tliitf iiff iiiluiriiriii;;i:f mf uIiii.iuliixIiiiIiiaiir:;ijTrii;i!:ltiil!rif :TifS Q A VI D0 You PLA'Y A STRTNG INSTUU Ori I ! MENT? LWE SEHl 'EM- . Violins, Guitars, BanjonS, Jianlolins, Zithers, Accordions, etc , aad all kinds of strings and repairs. N a 4-lllllllllllltllllllhlllll!!l!ll llllHl!lllllllllIlil;l!ll'llJii;il';ili4' FURNITURE! .FURNITURE! ! i?n honse in North ClntnUnft (urrinn a hrcfT st.x-k or liftter line, nnd y we will seiryou goods ae cheap as the grude of goods euu be r R bought ttisywhere. We iveiid and say, come and see if it be true. U ' - I Bellt Harris & Co. i Ret?idonoe Phcrae. . . .DO. Store Phono 11 f1 N