o - ViS ; . '.i-, " 6 ' . ti ... i . 'i 7ft Pi;ice: $-1.00 per year. CONCORD. N. 0. SATURDAY JULY 14, 1900. SlNGLTC COPY 5 CENTS. u iff f f ST1 m ff 1 MR. ALLISON SPEAKS. IJItLS..:1: '.el Federal Interference In State .fairs Bound Over to Court -"er(e8 Arrested and Bound A! -Warm Time f5r Somebody. The trial of Registrar Thomp son in Winston .has een con-jhQ eluded by his being bound in a bond of $2,000 fo'i his appearance to Federal court. The bond as well as the decis ion is clearly an outrage pure niil nple. The prosecuting it'orrip-TS evidently ashamed , v r j '"lling to reduce it but TLonip on said he did not care for , -.. luction.that he could .give il.i 1 no matter how 'outrag- j 1 , -i i Shepherd warned com ir; s- i ,u srBeckerdite that it's be ing ptA-ely a state affair he had no jurisdiction and that every officer obeying his mandates was liable to. arrest and punish ment. It was shown that Reg istrar Thompson . demanded proof of citizenship from ne groes he did not know and in stead jf giving it as the com monest principle would demanded they went to Republican head- quarters and from there the warrants at once issued. Now these negroes hay 3 been arrested and are themselves bound un der bonds of $500 each as all the rest will bo who make them selves the tools of such deviltry. The indications are that be fore the Winston people are going to be cheated out of their rights as citizens by imported negroes from Virginia there will be a hot' time there. NO GOOD NEWS. MiniMce Wu to Make an Effort to Hear Fj on- Minister Conger at Fekin. 'T he e is yet nothing encourag ing fro a China. Minister Wu at Washington in consultation with Seer e a ry of State Hay will make a rv 1, effort to get a message taiojuii. Minister Wu to the Cb.ir.eo authorities and Secre tary lily's in cipher to Minister Conger, It is one more forlorn hope, o f hearing that the minister is yet 'dive. IMIreH.s Services for the Chain (Jang. It is pleasant to note the silent forces always operating for hu manity s sake and that there are eye-i and ears ever opon to the e'lU of the needy. Somo time ago Mr. J C Fink visited the chain gang on Sabbath evening. He found that just then there was r.o concerted plan for hold- ing religous services with this class, who of course cannot go to not throw ojjt any on ac D w. r Frank and Manly Defense cf Action. Distorted and Strained or 'Partisan Purposes. Mr. Editor 'There seems to be 'scrnlQ complaint of the action of the commissioners in purging jury box. The law requires this to be done. It is a very difficult task. W doubtless left" out some good men wo did not intond. It : would have beeu wonderful if we had not over looked some names among so many, especially when tho tax books from which we select tho names are so often wrong, the wrong-' initials put down, then many persons make their returns before the commissioners, and their namos do not appear on tho tax books in regular order. Sometimes names are in thq box and not on the list, which is a clerical error. Tho law requires the list to bo revised in Septem ber, when- we hope to correct all mistakes. There are several thousand names in the county, many of them unknown to us. We hope the people will not be lieve all of the exaggerated re ports of tho numbers thrown out of the box. I have heard of names left out that I find in the list. These reports are made by office seekers to pro mote their own election, and not for any patriotic or worthy mo tive, and is the first time this kind of tactics has been resorted to, and is unworthy, of any party seeking the purity and honor of the jury system. Such actions tend to intimidate tho officers from purging the jury list as the law requires, and put unworthy men on the jury, such as some the present board found in the box, on which is in mind now, who left the county for several years, for a violation of the law, to keep from prosecution. None but the highest motives prompted our action in this mat ter. It was not (as alodged by some) done in secret. The whole boiii'd was present, as also Sheriffs Buchanan and Peck, Clerk, Jno. M Cook, Register Johnson, all of whom were re quired by lawto bo present. There were also others looking on while the work was in progress, while the doors were open to any one who cared to see. They claim there are 400 less names in tho box now than when we purged it. I never counted them to see; I hope they are more correct on this statement than some they have made. We il FOREST. II' IB. Judge Montgomery Speaks Seats Pre pared and Ladies Especially1 Invited to Attend. The Forest Hill people have prepared seats and they extend a special invitation to lady citi zens to come out and hoar Judgo Montgomery tonight. If there ever was an issue vital to the interest of our fair sex and one that claims their aid and enthusiasm it is White Su premacy and the constitutional amendment by which to securo it. LiOt leminino grace charm to the cause. give CALL TO YOUNG LADIES. Come Together and Make Those Prize Banners. A meeting of tho young ladies of this city is requested at the home of Mr. J C Gibson Mon day morning at. 9:30 o'clock for the 'puuposo of consultation about making t two campaign banner', one to-be givoa by tho ladies of Concord to tho procinc in the county which gives the largest Democratic majority at the election in August and tho other to bo giyen to the town ship that has tho groatest num ber of men on horseback in tho parade on tho first of August. This call appearod on Friday but the printer failed to read the hour as it was intended to bo and confusion followed, honco the appointment for Monday morning. A good, large, and enthusiastic mooting is urged. We hope there will be due ap preciation of this handsomo movement. The necessary cost will bo very small to each but will be wanted at once. the sanctuary ..Mr. Fink address- ?dp note,Ve believe to all minist ers in town,vsith,reference to the matter. It is well known that count of polttjcs. We found old and feeble on .the list who have served out their" time and a.re no longer expected to do this rnoFt o': the pastors have more sort or service;. inea luu mimai tl;w . ough to do in shephcrl- ers of the Gospel, the doctors, Mr. Harry Odell, of Mt. Pleas ant, is hero today and will spend Sunday with Mr. Drayton White. . FOR OVER FIFTY YEA RS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lior.9 of mothers for their children wh'-e teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, Boftens' tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and. is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by drufrists in every ptirt of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs Win- About Our Teas. Questions Answered. l Yps. Ancrnt Flmvi r .still li'i fh htn' est sale of any meduuno ia the eivhissM world. Your mothers and grandmothers We are proud to state that judges of I never thought of nsi'ir nnvthior Am . , , x ... , I nidjsestiou or birnonsness. Doctors teas, who have tnecrours, have credited Uvere sonroe, an! Uey foHom hci.rU of them with having tho most delicious TC'fJfii f'M lirofitr1v,n rT " Ueart fauftre. ete. J hoy ufed Au;rut flavors cf any tes they ever drank. We Slower to eleun out the syr-h'tn un.t ; Bwp lernipmaiw u 01 mnn,j?orui toim. regulate the aetiou i the liv r. !roa late the nervous nnd orcin;o nctfon of the system, and that is nil tVy tyok when feeling dull and hud with .head aches and othor ncbes. Ymi only n:i-d, few dotes of Green's August Flovor, m liquid form to make you putitlrd thero is nothing serious tho matter with yon. For salo by all dealers in liviliatii conn tries. earnestly request that you give them a a trial and be convinced of that fact. Urines : .75c. to $1,011 Per Ml CONCORD DRUG 6 I'llONE '61. AT- PARKS 1 ; u tho Well there has been a rush for two wvvk the enthusiasm still grows. seasonable, sty and dependable goods were never before put on market at the priee. We have just happened on a eertain jobber who had a burning desire to elean up a Jot of Dimities worth lOo a yard. The lot was large for this season of the year, but the priee makes the trade. They are put on sale today at5e'per yard. The patterns are good and every yard worth double; slows Soothing Syrup, other kind and take no rosort to this sort of warfare or they no doubt would Lave found many mistakes. I only make these statements to correct false impressions, and to apologize to acy who may feel aggrieved. Yours truly, Jno. P. Allison. 20c white organdie $aU Price We- All colored organdies go at 12c French ginghams, former price 10c Sale Price 7hc- Bleeched Domestic that would bo choap at 7Jc Sale Price tie- Apron chock ginghams, tho Gc quality Oar Sale Price Ac Remnant ginghams in 1 to 4 yard lengths, a great valuo at. . :h( $3.50, $ 3.00 and $2.50 Parasols Sale Price 82.00. AH kinds of Millinery being sold regardless of cost . J5L WjJkMMM & 0;0- WE ARE RIGHT IN IT- no Id not respond. i-r v x, n w thr tirprru). military men. mil ij. jvu I'aiLiuuitll jn;n j 9 lers au'1 some .otners vno arc . . , Mr. Rnhmidt whnsn cxompl wcro there, aiso m iuy f I. " .-M,.. ti.InV 4ioti al i-t. r.Ti irv worr is with liin'neirroess. ,"uvv tuiii",'" . " w . ... iii el mrnaten tnere win: ho lanrcc portion i the not b so much differfco. L hen I f 4 l.iri :,.,,! 4i-r tinnl.Uns lefu tamos out . .Lh heij every Sunday eveB- Umt they did noi, discovery until , thov revised their work fror J J. A FRESH LINK OF Nice Candies, ' 3fj AiONICSFIltel ihguSiMER Cheese fir. 8 We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord SolM car of Star Leaders jat arrived; fifteen yearn gnaratiteo o't fire back; satisfaction gnnranteed or monf-y back. U'o nifo hivo iu stock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home, . , (inniiiiiitmi:iii1iiilii!iii!iiiiii)iiiiiii!!ii:ii6iiiit!!i!ii;iij:r:ij:iii.i. O A VI DO Yoa PLAY A STRING INTUU 0 I ! .MENP-r-,WE SELL"EM. V,,, f 2 . Violins, 0mtaH. HanjonfC Maudolu,H, Zitfcer, Acconliorf, eto Jarsn all kfnis of fftrings and rpairs. . tnittftttfttifiiifiMliinftitii:tH;tH(iHiHii;)i:r:fi:iitititt.'i0 . r-1 inMin irir- i r-i inMi-ri i n r ! i No tiWMi in .North Oarolinarcarriii n.inrp'f r tofk fr bell if Ii. 'r 3 l l ' T VMV ftCS f will llyotin-o.sa8 oeaif a the ma t.Je vt 4 4 Tk'" i.HuppiilS and year to 'year, which we expect to V v a.-. glScfto dfl-ct public 'do when the proper time by Hi ft!.- to it iMODcr object. law comes. Our party did not 'sss f5!1. to it , jroper object. - vtitiii iui l ij vw. "w ... f ReH;!fc'TicFhonfc....W. if nsitt tjiffT" Slcre Phcue. 12. t m