li St -15 . If , -Kit- I 1 Ka tear' Q I it f 7 it Pitie'E: $4.00 por year. CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY- IULY lji, 1900 -Single cop 5 cents. 4 "4 Bf 1-3 ViWtf- 1 " I ' V ,1 ma W ' -. ' rpfip RIP IM1E, !netteWinecof- aud Mrs- Chas. ; fro nucteslrfcble negro vbt fromf ; . Questions 4jWct ' f H H K lT K lK fi ' Sherwood. . all around-us. for South. CaVo- l . w ft i Ansit Flower still has the Ian t 'ti UiU UilituLiuUlJl !,. ' t ! , ff , ' R , I) .C h est sale oihd mtdnjine ij tlio CLviifKect iliu uiu uujtuu juiii No. 5 Toyxsiih jhna,. Louisiana -and-MissWiJ D.' U. 0 world, ftiir mothad RraofliSothera. x m- n e. --.a -have reticted the negro vote ' U , r, ftt.ner thought .fcf ,lsin? anything else . .Miss Grace Safnt,: Miss "C3r. . " , i r Best Dyspepsia 'Cltre Z Windireiwi or billionsnes Dvetors ci,! ir,.c-' T and Virginia IS sure to do the 4l .J V V . D were Rcarc.' and tliey seldom heard rrf A' GREAT. CROWD . COMING. ItK'ts Appointed for All 'the 'j'ii'ivn ,h?)s -Three Eunus of Music 'J ho Kloiuciicp and Oratory of the to :e Here-Work for All. Thi. si liciting committee held a mceirt on Saturday to ascer tain whit progress has been mad. ai d after canvassing the mi alter thoroughly we feel war ! anted in promising to the white lioople -a barbecue on the grand est'scale ever seen in Cabarrus county. It is no exaggeration to say that we reasonably expect eight thousand people to be piwit on that day. It has Leon advertised .far and near. People from adjoining counties will be here and the entire white population of our county are talking . ,md working for it as never before. Undoubtedly you will see the largest concourse-of people ever assembled in our county.. There will;; be three bands to; dispense the .soul-inspiring music. The' eloquence and oratory of the State will be here in the person of its ablest representatives to embody in language the .loftiest patriotism of the people, and set bounds to their enthusiasm and zeal for a cause involving the dearest and moA aci'ed interests of society and ivr.ivv , . ,.. , , Wh.le our success has never horetoft :e been equaled, still to make nore perfect we want r ei',v -'' to do his part - for the cans:, it touches every man, on; n aid child, no matterwith vhat j,"l;tical party they affili ate. the 'cllowing committees of laches 'vere appointed in their rospfv.iive townships to wait upon the people and to receive contributions of money or eat ables and to notify all white peo pie that jhey will be welcomed oil that day: No. 1 Township. Mi .s Peaiie Morrison, Miss Maggie L Caldwell, 'Miss Mar garet Crier, Miss Mary Query, Miss Belle Davis, Miss Ella Parnhardt, Mrs. Sam Houston, Mrs. Will Harris. No. 2 Township. Mrs. Charles Cannon, Mrs. Will Carrion, Mrs. P R Motley, Mrs r ) Oehlor, Mrs. W J Mc r.rn. L 1 li: Mrs. J C P Cochran, Mrs..).;!1 a Craven. X No. 3 -Township. 1 , Mrs. NT F Nesbit. Mrs. B W Pivs.ey. Mrs. E M Fioid, Mrs. C O TJillon, Miss Bessie Kim raons, Miss Mary Rankin, Mrs. Y) li Graham, Mrs. Frank Smith, Miss Mai tie "Wallace Miss Lillie AlexancVr, Miss Edna feove. e No. 4 Tovexsinp. Mis Ida Wrinecon Miss Carrie Gilloi. iiss M'unie Isenhour, M Oi. riN; er, Miss Bettie ' .Mi s Ada Isenhour, na 7".-ee, Miss hou-f F Cline, and Mrs. Columbus Dayvault. No! G Towysmp Miss Mary Kitchie, Aiiss Dora Ritchie. Miss Myrtie Foil, MissJ Alice Bost, Miss Mary Sell, anl Mrs. W D Barrier. j No. 7 Township. Miss Theresa Barringer, Miss Lillie E Ritchie, Miss Minnie Ritchie, Miss Laura P Lonz, Miss Mary O Moose, Miss Annie Moose, and Miss Faneis Moose. , No. 8 Township. Miss Mabel Barrier, Miss Winona Cook, Miss Iha Barrin ger, Miss. Eltha Fisher, Miss Emma McAllister, Miss Maggie Moser, Mrs. Dr. Barrier, and Mrs. Juo: Cook.' No. 9 Township. Miss Jennie Earnhardt",1 Miss Lillie Baugh, Miss Laura Tuck er,' Miss Cora Smith, Mrs. W L Widenhouse, and Mrs. Dr. Je rome. No. 10 Township. i Miss Ida Linker, Miss Flora. F.urr, Miss Mattie Shion, ..Miss Maud Hartsell, and Miss Delia t ; Russell. No. 11. Township, i; ,,v Miss Callie. Lipe, Miss Dollie Faggart, Miss Bettie Furgersori, Miss Annie White, Miss 'Emma Hudson, Mrs. Lark Bonds, and Mrs, Cepil Faggart. j ...Tjie occasion sounds a calL tp every, lover of his state, to every one who loves home or knows a friend. , Every ons- personally concerned in making it ,a success. It is not a political occasion but every white person without re-! gard. to party is invited to be present. Z A Morris, J Secretary, j FOREST llll. Judge Montgoiife'ry Addresses a Splen did Audience Saturday Xipht He Kehearses the Origin and the Results of gro Enfranchisement and Pleads for White Men to Act .Now. Judgo' Montgomery was intro duced in terms, eloquent in ar dent zeal in the cause, by Mr. W R Odell and spoke to a fine audience Saturday night at Forest Hill. There were a goodly number of ladies present and doubtless no one regrets having turned out to hear the great topic discussed. The judge proceeded from the ijistorical to the logical and from the logical to the empassioned. He rehearsed the origin of the 15th amendment and the method of its adoption whereby the in cubus of the ignorant and the vicious negro vote was thrust upoius and the terrible conse quences . when the State was within the clufehes of the negro and tie carpet-bagger. He re lated scenes and incidents of ne gro rule in the Cist and the late 'operations of fusion triumph He showed that if this amend ment were to bo lost the State would be the dumping ground of ; siP;- He explained the effect of the amendment and stoutly averred that it would not disfranchise a white man, and offered to give boiKi that he would pay aity na - , .. ,, - , . , , ttve white, man disfranchised by this amendment the sum of $100. The bugaboo of what all the Democrats would do, as if they would 'disfranchise themselves, reminded him of the old fogy that was opposed to the rail road's being built through his lands He and the bid woman went to see the train pass along when finished and sho was rather pleased with it. ."Ah," said he, '"it.did very nicely this time. It came along endwise and did not do any harm, but just wait till the train comes along sidewTays, then you'll see." The . constitutionality of tlu amendment . had been vouched for by almost the entire bur of North Carolina and the only two Popujist candidates for G o vernor before Thompson are stumping f,or, it, beside many of tho'loading Republicans. It- is 'designing office seekers and men ignorant of law that are harping on the unconstitutionality of the amend ment. ; , , . j, Its adoption would afford, op portunities for the discussion of great political issues, whereas the negro is and has been a hin drance and a. menace to which the' chief attention had to be given. t, ,.4 - He ' went;;over the historical andlogical ground to , well nigh completion when: he T appealed to rtenlva$.'WhitO!men, for the sake of wives aud daughters, for the sake1 iof' ani " educated .-posterity and a peaceful and progressive politicaLsociab and moral con dition "in dear old Carolina to vote for the amendmont and all the ticket representing it. It is beyond question that the speocn did great good if there wrere material in the audience not yet fully persuaded. Miss Mary Young Wins the Trize. The Au Fait lub had a charm ing meeting last night with Miss Georgia Pegram. Among the pleasures provided was an an gling party. The prizes wove won by Miss Mary Young, of Concord, and her escort. Mr. Ernest Davis. The club meets next with.Miss Hettie Barucli. Charlotte News July 14th. ! j9l .Mi AFRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, 'ALSO NJC,E FRESH 0 Summer Cheese AT S. J. ER YIN'S in WE SELL IT. Will cuke 8 . Q Indigestion 'and 'O ' ... Dvsnf nsin I) J . n if yon art) troubled of these dr?. 71 li ease give this medicine a trial it j 0 and be cured. It ccsts you 25 cts. Q JJ Per bottl.e- . . J p ' J fl ""Lucuurug K,u , n I VI The Clea'rancp - PARKS 'Well there has been a rush for two weeks and the enthusiasm still grows. Such seasonable, stylish and dependable goods were never before put on the market at the price. We have just happened on a certain jobber, who had, a burning desire to clean up a lot of Dimities worth 10c a yard. The lot was large for this season of the year, but the!price makes the trade. They are put on sale today at 5c good and every yard worth 20c white organdie Sale Price 10c- All colored organdies go at. .j '. -12c- French ginghams, former price 10cr Sahi Pfice 7c- Bloodied Domestic tha would be cheap at 7c. . . . Sale Pric& 5c Apron check ginghams, the Cc quality Our Sain Price Ac Remnant ginghams in 1 to 4 yard lengths, a great value at. . .lc. $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Parasols All kinds of Millinery ' jmjJHsnw Tufi WE ARE RIGHT IN iT. We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, N but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord . Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteen years guarantee on fire back; BfltisfactioUj guaranteed or money buck. We also have in stock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home. HiMiiiriiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii3iiii!i!iWiliiilniiiiliiiii:l!iiMi!iii!i!niiil CjTV-I MENT? Violins, Guitars. Basjons, Mandolins, Zithers, Accordions, etc.. and all kinds of strings and fcpaira. m .li:!lll!llili;illilll!lll(llll!llllllll(llli:!illl!l!lllll!ll!lliri:!!l!ll!!lll FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! . No house in North Carolina Sarriesa larger stock or fetter line, and we will sell you goods as cheap as the same grade of goods can te bought anywhere. , We have said and say, come and see if it be true. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone. . . .1)0.' Mill IIIIHIHMUUMjn j appendioitis, nervous frohtration or I'l i heart failure, etc. Thy. need Auprnst jl Ffower to clean out the system and i ) ston frnjentation of uudipreited food reguiaie tne action 1 thti ver. stican lata the rjervous and orcrflrii Htioc f the system, .and that is all they'took. when feeling dull and bad with hea3 achesund other aches. Vim only nerd a few doses of Green's August llower., n? liquid form-to make you satitlc! there is nothing. serious thi matter with yon. For sale by all dealers in civilized countriuw ' ffeiiitarha Ktopn-i in zu minutes Uy fR lilt!' Vain Pilia "Onft vta.1iw 3 rh. I AT - per yard. "The patterns are I double; Sale Pi ice $200- being sold regardless of cost. 9 PLAY A STRING INSTUU- WE SELL 'EM- 1 Store Phone. . 1 v. S5