Q o .11 at' r-vw,l. P;ke:$1.Q0 per year,.l OONCORIX N. 0. WEDNESDAY JlJLY-18, 1900. . -SlNGLIi COPY 5 ci;TSt t ! iTfl fS4STH . m m r i 1 P 1 Sit f fPlI if f in. r& f"i "Ci as. UUilUimfil li Lit I UiUL. . . t-L- i'- -j meeting: in .muusi n ujnupn- .1 .i tilU ii'ioK on'iin:iussiojiers Action A Hack Mr.ilo w ithout Comparison some baa roacis not exr Sclnol Fund . Restored to Prer tbo .chain ?an to do. It has stctits. jfceen a mistake to novo the an. Mr:. Editor: While our efle- for the small johs. Tkishey mi's 'u-looking up the record discovered by experience. of on -'arty for the past year, I j This critc4sul against ' the .olio - they always put their own ' board a4 well as othors. is cn. cor.;:H-don on our action and tiroly unjust, for as stated above iv i.iv. .uc owijq board hns so economically s; t.ney make no compai- j mn.nas:ed as to be able to reduce .sua with U r irown acts. By re-; tho taxes for-this year $2,000, for I'v.v M THE Hi. ' It ..-B. D: C: . , Oil v ( ihoir ncv to their book's you will ; which is no .mall matter these he T used money belonging ' hard timcs J cr recount to swell tho j Your.s for White 'and. They had no right ! and the ticket, Supremacy A. t! : j j ilJ V - it; the present board had iuake good and it showed . y iu bad light; but that occur again this year, :" schools .are in better lian ever. takecare not to say any about the commissioners i " lu( ing the taxes this year, but call attention to tho creation of ..tnot'ter office. There wTas ho new office created; tho commis sioners saw that the chain gang needed general supervis'oi, and the question arose among them whether it was cheaper for one of them to look after it as has beer, customary or to hire some one They saw that tho law al lowed t hem $2. for each day they serv and milage; which would have been about an average of $2. SO r; day for the one who lived in town, and. $3. 50. a day for the ones who lived in the country, they each living fifteen miles from town. When they foun t thoy could get a man of experience aud more capable for this work, they hired Jiim at one dollar and fifty cents a day, and en milage, for the days he ac tually serves, while the old Wan! t aid one of its numbers $2 A Democrat. ill ill a da y f . r the same work. They ,---': a man who had ex- ; V: e in such 'matters. .He 1 i. en and is still on the P No .i'fntiary Board of Directors 'he State, and Mr. !m said that Mr. Leazer, .! ! ::tendent of the peuiten iia ,. , advised him if ho could r.-r Young to take charge of Me g. : eral supervision of tho rhai;i gang it would be a good business stroke, a"nd he felt ca palilf'Of judging, as Mr. Young wasiiis trusted adviser and co worker during his adminfstra. tiun. ?r. Allison said that Mr. Wurtti, the treasurer of the State told him the good record the penitentiary made during Mr. Lc izer's administration was jnoie due to 'Mr. Young than any other man, for Mr. Leader was' sick a rreaideal, and often left hiir c ;fiarge. Now with' such Itcveinie Olllcor Declares For iw Aiiieisd mont Three Dolhtrs cr dr-y Uhs lift Command Allen Jonos. The Lexington Dispatch which. is a very giant in this White Su premacy fight contains the letter below from a life long Republi can who has been a bchool teacher but U now an internal revenue officer getting $3.00 per day. . Being a conscientious man, however, and able to rise above the consideration of position and emolument he is looking to the good of his native state and says: Lexington, N. C., July 14, 1900. Editor Lexington Dispatch, Lex ington, N. C: Dear Sir: Much has been said about the proposed amend ment to the constitution of North Carolina. Some condemn and some commend it, for one, I have read and re-read it, have heard it djscussed by both sides, and, so far, have been unable to do more than honestly recommend it to the voters of North Carolina for ratification. I shall vote for its ratification myself and' cordially invite my friends of all political parties to join me in so noble a cause, viz. : tno entlironempnt oi White Supremacy, from the mountains to the sea. Tho amendment disfranchises no white voter whose ancestors were voters prior to January the 1st, 18G7, provided, such voter .gets his name on tue registra tion book before 1908. The amendment affects only tho colored voter whose asccstor was not a voter prior to .January' th 1st, 1867. I sincerely hope that I every voter in North Carolina, irrespective of party affiliation, will cast his vote to reclaim his native State. . . Very respectfully, . 'Allen T. Jones! ate $1,500 or $2,000 to repair llacts To He Placed In OH Lutlkraa 'jjj gSf. ) sfa some oad roads not expedient for Church Committee Will bo There on ''"' thrtloraliig-urAWlst. ;S WB SELL IT. Will cuuk The. ladies of Cabhrrus county w . ' . who will kindly fuhfisii tu-ovis-t I ndigcstioii and ions for the barbecue dinner are . . . 'Dyspepsia D requested to place their baskets '4 . g (Questions Vr.stverl. w f? ' 'Vnyt rioivpr Btill'hnf the larsr- 1 54 iTest.'sixle of any medicine ia the crt iliztd S1, worlif. Your irtotbert and taQ'Tiaother t I ii ...e : . -i never thougLt cf using abvtbiiur el- jn were g'.mree, and tlicy felJftu Jieurd of '0 aienJic-iti. nervous' prostration nr benrt fnilare, etc. They ut-ed August stop fermt?ntati n of u"tUtret-.il fooO. regulate the iH'tion -f tlie liv r. stimrt- etc. in the Concord Hig bu ild ing (th e oi d Lu th era on Wednesdar mormm 1st. The jiroper comra"ttce will fi be there to take charge and give ;) due care to them. By order of W 11 Harris Chair man of committe. h School if If .von arw trouble.! of these 1n- ft j fa't? th-? rervuin and organic cciton of " , i t"11808 this mwliciutj a trial SVsf(-,ni. ... i tiM.t ,v t)u.v .,(ll. u church , aud Ite cured. I costs y cm 3- cts. fill, 5, ,u-1 " lb ' 11 tla-y ajuk r urust!?j per bottle. . , f.-elmg (V.i.'l au,1 ba-I nllx Load- ' '4 Ji ! acted a::d other acV.Cfi. Yon oiy rood a HAUTSKLIi- CASTOH. A Beautiful IFome Affair-JE..:n ' the S:.1 Train (Joins to AsheVillo and Waj nesville to S( in' Several Weeks The liiido Has Been Staying in the I'osi (.Ilice Here For Several Years. At 8:15 Tuesday evening Miss Margaret Castor was married to Mr. A b' Harwell., i Ue e.ere mony took place at the home of the bride's father Mr. Elam Cas tor, on West Depot street. Rev. Chas. B Miller, of St. James Lutheran church performed the ceremony.- The marriage was a quiet home affair only a few of the bride's best friends being in vited. The bride is one of Concord's popular young ladies. She has held a position in tho postofnee for several years. She is well known here and has a host of friends. Mr. Hart sell is tho popular drummer of a large tobacco firm. The bride and groom left Tues day night for Asheville and Waynesvillo where .they will r spend several weoks a Concord Drug1 Co Phone 37. ra c-v' v-iC'w$'a n few doi-es of (lreen'3 August Flower, in liquid form to make you ratified there is nothing terions tho matter with you For sale, by nil dealers in 'iiviJized countries. u TV 1 -AT- nr .do; scment do the people cen- j s-ire uiem for tl's transaction?; Killed Prisoner in Self-Defense. Chief of Police Lyerly, of Vov. luoc at. the result. ThVe 'Ashovillo, killed JoeMcCltchey, wai ro discipline at Jhe camp; ' a prisoner, iie jail Monday night, rh eo rict, often had as much' He was taking him to a cell bouVmatters. as tUe of-, where his nensrt wquld not dis- The Standard VilKiivo Yon tne Kews. The Standard gladly announces to its loyal and generous pat rons that, while it cannot under go the drainage of tho evening press dispatches, which, when tried before were remarkable for little worth and great cost, that it has arranged with the Charlotte Observer, for all the latest aiews of such nature as will justify special attention aild that it were a privation to be without till.tha liext day. Such mes- cMirnc will IllllddV rn Tim Kfurwl. ilUp'-n M ill ,11 . ' w ...ivk ;ii ard duly nccred-ited and alsd on, bulletins 'at'The Standard office' and Postal Telegraph office. PARKS Well there lias been a rush for two week? a-nu the enthusiasm still grows. Such seasonable, sty Mali and dependable goods were never before put on the market- at the price. We have just happened on a certain jobber who had a burning" desire to clean up a lot of Dimities worth 10c a yard. The lot was large for this season of the year, but the price makes the trade. They arc put on sale today at 5c per yard. The patterns are good and every yard worth double; 20c white organdie Sale Price 10 0- All colored organdies go at i l'2kc- French ginghams, former price 10c Sale Price 70- Bleeched Domestic that would be cheap at 7Ac. . . .Sale Price So- Apron check ginghams, tho Gc quajity Our Sct'e Price Ac- Remnant ginghams in 1 to 1 yard lengths, a great value at. . .c. $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Parasols Sale Pt ice 82.00- 5?" All kinds of Millinery being sold regardless of "i V IfttS 7 nyfifc)! y.9 i&'Zsz) T j 0, l.sj ,Jjf 'Phone messages too of tho result of ball games by the State League will be bulletined at The K Standard office. t Tnmafs too??- a different : turo tno citizens. :MCL,iaicney .nt iham as snnn n Mr ! ?ncldenv .attacked him wilJL a that- he tt curinrr 'OBJ -'ok charglf). He looked pioce of bu ! tor them, rflid loold-d after Mysteriously obtained. LyerJjj; o.t matters which enabled j in self-defense seized a pick H -. Drintedent to look more handle and iot flfeing able to el' eb, after the "ofk, and has weigh his blow iu golden scales , onev to tlO countv. and! struck tbo prisoner a blow from i!" ii-'l the work. As a result i which he died t) ':r; has been reduced for this '' exonerated. A FKtSII LINE OF .Nice Candies, ALSO NICE -FJiEiSlI Summer Cheese AT 8. J. ERVIN'S 1 '! WE ARE RIGHT' IN. IT, We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty centb, but we .do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord . . Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteen yenfs. guarantee on fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or inoney buck. We uiso hVe iv etock Iron-Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home. , $:ii:fitufiifUli:)IiitI!t!:)!3 tIiir!-f!JniI'liJ'liIritiiiil-5 o A VI DO YOU PLAY A SPRING INSTUU 0 1 ! MENT'- WE SELL 'EM- Violins, Guitars. Banjons, Matidolin-vZitheff, Accpnlion, etc., and fiJ kinds of strings and rtpuirs. I? '8 -5-!iii:itininitnSi!if i i.J'it IinJ, If i 1 T . : I. r ; :: j i Ji : ; i li 1 1 Ij i: Hn;-!- LyerlcAvas fully ! I. . ... .... f ?! 9 K FURNITURE! FURNITURE! ! - ft' No hoiiso in Xortb Carolina carries a larger stock or better lii, aud we will sell you goods ae cheap as the same grnd? of croods can be bought anywhere. We have mid and say, come and see u it be tru ... pell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone DO. Store Phono. n 15 P. k is3rrcn3nR