o o o as m v --ss A Price: $4.00 per year. C0NC9RD. N.C5. SATURDAY IIjLY21, 1900. SlNGL$ COPV 5 CENTS 1 ks. .msrm towis. i j- i " rata jerLrwi Sm 2? .V n Fl .i ll "A' ST'M it .ami &ry7.vai m r.t& mi m raw- . a - l - ii ift'rntn !TriT inrmil -rftio iiifHtrifiViln nlrmorv incfoa1 rf rVm.an,Kl r.flmmnflitL nnrl u Tin. fiLUllLO USftfil OrLLUH. v.orei hml debauch. . g .0 met ana no and Lr. Thompson, in answer to tne question- ur. Ly. 0 . i CDWELL'SFlNIN-.PoPy P- ".Why the movement now?" he" Q DvfcoeDsia Cure 8 TDAriTTPTORY ernor' favored tb; amendment said it is necessary before all the g V1- LJJ&pepsia cure, g I ROD U L 1 UXi 1 . . at first states about .us haVe the restric- 0 orxr T . T . . f, ,. He enumerated prominent, wnen me ponucai negroes y n Great Fore and the Band . ; , will make ouc State lh haven I Indi . Questions Answred. . Tes, Ancrnft Flowor st'H l;ni the lare eet'sale cf any rotjflicine iH the civiKed world. Your mothersand ffranliaother never thouht of using aaytLius else or indiestiftn or billioosness. Doctors were scarce, and they selcrom heard of So. 2 I rm . . . r l ' M 111 II I M I II IX i aU.e.Keaj-ue Amenamem, au.j - - T- For, while they abuse the fran- 0 LVfontled and Options Mt-Must parties that are yot favonnR the J fa splile This Great (juestroii mine it amcauuiuut, umuu wicm tJt3t t de'arlv He Settled by White Men. estion and . . . Dyspepsia' 8 That was a prelude to grand ( rally day when the White Su-1 premacy club of Ward No.. 2 Senato in which hQ a Argo, Loge Harris, A'lex Mc- Iver and others! He told of Senator Pritcharcrs great speech in the United States cam marching to the court bled copy of the amendment house Friday night. l pre-:hat had eiiminaled from the eluded the thought of oc-lgrand father clause the words cupying the court room and the or at any time. prior there to" immense crowd was seated-on (18G7) which would have brought the lawn. The Concord band , under the educational qualifica onlivened the occasion with its t tion the great body of our best lino music. " jmen of that day and all( their Mr. M B Stickly announced , descendants whereas the grand that Mr. M H Caldwell Would J father clause gives the right of Ti If yon are troubled' of these dis- j$ VV ft must decide this great (I and be cured. It wats vou 25 eta. 42 q'uQstion npw before we are less $ per lx)ttle- able to decide it right!" He referred to instances ol Be- 8 CCOrd. DrU Co J gro domination in the east and (J ' I) learned introduce the speaker. Tikis speech, 'for illusions, pleasing references to past relations, cordial fra to.'nity in a cause towering ihove the ordinary partisan jjolitics and for sublime testimon ia!s to the personal character of the' speaker was an oratorical gem oi rare luster. He said that the man he was introducing is our present con grei-sman, our next congress man and that he himself did aot care how long he should be our congressman. He said he was the man that feasts de feated opponents on good fat tuikey goblers. 'Three cheers for Caldwell were called for and given with gusot When Mr. Kluttz arose he was evidently put to it, with all his magnificent gifts and oratorical accomplishments, to give suit able expression to his recipro cal esteem. Having testified to all Mr. Caldwell said with reference to the pleasant, dignified joint can vas's, he launched forth into his subject, "The constitutional amend nient." He. said that this great ques tion towered above the ordinary spl ere of politics and yet it is a pnrstion oi the highest and rut est cenception of politics, one in which white men of all P'. ! i Lical persuasion should unite , t) a for the good of all parties ant the betterment of all races. As the war of 1775 was not a war of revolution but for revo lution so this is not a political contest of white men but for white men. Referring to the charge of that the Democrats voting to every white native of this-country. , , Mr. Kluttz, had Mr. Pritch ard's attention called to the gar bled copy and the latter ac knowledged the error. The speaker stoutly declares that he' does not believe there is an intelligent man in the State who actually believes tha't the amendment, if passed, will disfranchise a native white man. ! It does cut off all foreigners till they have learned enough of our institutions to read and write our language and it is well it does. The plea that the poll tax re quirement would work a hard ship on Confederate soldiers he easily showed to be false, for all are over 50. Hero he eulogized the Confederate soldiers in terms so lofty and in sentiments so pa thetic and tender as to elicit re peated cheers. , He showed that it is largely the negro that makes the list of insolvent taxpayers, while he furnishes his full quota, in our county homes and asylums and gets equal advantages from the schools to which the poll taxes largely go. There is some harping on the unconstitutionality of the amend ment by some who would not recpgnize the constitution if they were to tind it in the road. The great concensus of the North Carolina bar believes it constitu tional; the United' States Senate, though Republican, and appealed to in the strongest terms by Sen ators Pritchard, Butler, Chand ler, and even Hoar, would not say'itis unconstitutional, and the Mississippi law whoso undis- r,f riicfmrtpViko anv man. guised purpose was to disfran-' he sa!d the legislature of North chise air the negroes possible, Carolina had not disfranchised had stood the test. He docs not any. man but had obeyed the fear for our law. , public dfemana and had. sub- The charge tbfit further hm- i .. . . i., .. . , i .. i i,i m it fd this great question to the nations oi tne tranche wuum people for decision much after j be made ho showed to be insfn the demands of the Populist re, assuch can only be done as by referendum. this is, by submitting them to He referred to thaf misnamed the people. , journal, The Caucasion, and its I ,.!pe Populist demand to di. Editorials when it claimed that quajify the negro froM holding theemocjats should, repeal the j office he said lst practicable, Peg-leg Williams law and sub-j Noting and holding office go j mita constitutional amendment, ! together as indissoluble linked, j disfranchising the negro and ; beside if it could be done the later declaring that the dis- i zo,uw "tu wuuiu wuu appealed to the Cabarrus people how long -they would endure such. There were ominous re sponses. Ho said the white race had given the world everything that contributed largely to man's well-being and that it had never been -and never-will be domi nated.' All the literature, arts, inven tions and other achievements of the negro raco Gould be wiped out and you would not miss' them, but for 35 years his voting as he is told demonstrates his unfitness to vote. Where left without the restrictions and the guidance of the white man ho goes back into the vilest forms of savagery ag is shown in Hayti and San Domingo. The District of Columbia once had a government by the people till the negroes flocked in and corrupted the government to an unbearable degree, when the government was taken away from the people, and, for the sake of the negro, white men themselves- are disfranchised. He said it is wrong, the negro only should have been disfran chised. 1 This great reform ho said would be a stimulus to education and would be a blessing to the negro. He would bo no longer sought in politics and would hot be imposed upon by designing men and would unite his inter ests and his influences with his white neighbors and his very best friends. He appealed strongly to every white man to do his best for the X7tt t nrTTim 4 fA I ui-riTwt initio Murr nV u nw.cTiatin - u tut it lainic, eiu. iiift urLa AUfJUBI Flower to clean out tbo, !.yteru and stop fermentation of ititlip-f t- i food, regulate tne action f the liver, siniu lato the nervous Rnd orH,iiic notion f the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. You only need a few doees of Green's August. Flower, xn liquid form to make yon Ratified tberp ig nuiiiiijg bbiious thti matter wuu uu. For sale by all dealers in civilized coun rries. ' , PI If l l l' i i S fiEa So much referred to by everybody is pettiag in its wm k. Every body is profiting by these Bpecial Sales. People Have conlnk-i.e . in our advertisements because wa have just what is represt;utt d TLi.n immense sale is centered on one'object.and that is to reduce fheet ok by August 15th. Every thing has been hustle since the first day of the sale and will continue so till the last day. Desirable goods aro being closed ouf every day. Monday will be one of the big dtv, md you can not afford to miss it. . . . . OHO white lawn 40 inches wide, worth Jl i 10c yd. go at ( Every body will be here Monday. 1 piece 30c French White P. K. Sale price.... 19c. 1 piece 45c French White P. K. Sale price.... 25c. 2 pieces fine P. K. sold at 25c, one a heavy welt and one fancy. Sale price 15c. o 13c heavy welt'P. K. Sale price 10c 2 bolts 25c lawn, very sheer Sale prioo 15c. 1 piece of 35c mercerized mull Sale price 25c. 2 small pieces of $1.25 puffing. Sale price 98c. h piece of real fine all-over lace dimity for waists sold at 35c Cut .to , 25c. All 25c colored organdies cut to half 12c. h dozon silk parasols, former price 3 and $3.50 Cut price $2.00. 1,000 yards of plain white lawn 40 inches wide, worth -10c 5c consummation plan. of this great 500 yards of 10c dimities Cut price on. Mr. E 1) Harrier in Washington. t From a mere noto received we learn that Mr. Eugene-D Barrier is now at Providence Hospital Washington, D. C, instead of Virginia Hospital Richmond, Va. WE ARE RIGHT-IN IT. I Hi franchising ring Ulili UlU UIS- I ' " ' w" j clause should be in drift more than ever into a pur-1 A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, .ALSO NICE FKESII Sum'mer Cheese : AT S. J. ERVTN'S We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but we do offer you the Best Line of, Stoves Jn. Concord . Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteen year guarantee on fire back; satisfaction guaranteed ir money back. Wo also have in stock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home. . . iii;iii:iii1iiiiiiiiiiiirti:iIiiiiHJiiiiiiiii!ijMiniiii!ii3iiiiiiiiiiii Q A-AH DO YOU PLAY A STRING INSTUU I ! MENT? WE SELL 'EM. Violins, Guitars. Bcjdtis, Mandolins, Zithers, Accojdions, et., and 11 kinds of strings and repairs. j llllllUll!lllll!linlll!nii:i!lltlliri!rilinl!M'Jk.?l!llllll!!l, . FURNITURE! RURJMITURE!'! ' No fearise is North Carolina carries a larger stck or better line, and we will se!l VKOods as cheap as the ame gPade of guJi oan be bought anywhere. We have sad and say, come and see if it be true., J Bell, Harris & Co. H Residence Phone i)0. Store Phone., ..11 O