..SS o . - 1 SL . . , - ; B f ' l ' ' m m ' : ', 11 . ' a"! if'',-J GU'J PiiiCE! $4.0 per year. CpNC()Rlt, N. C MONDAY fULY 23, 1900. Single coptf 5 cents. j5H lull) MftOUR Effi GRATEFUL ACKXOVfi IEBD OF A MISCRC VT. Entluises the Audienc With a 'Spell , binding1 Presentation. Hon. Thomas W Mason spoke Mrs. II. P. iihiss ThanRs Friends Far. Takes Mr. si. P. Cook's IWrse ami Kifhs . Q (2 B: D. C. Away For Interest in Her Church at Litehlleld, III. We are in possession of a mis- a IS Best Dyspepsia Cure. ! a-' S . . . ; i at 'the court house dobr from sive from Mrs. H.P Glass, of tlie about L to 3 o'clock today (Mon- First English Lutheran church, day ) according to' appointment of Litchfield, 111., the purport of ai.d'jHVibably drew the audience which m'1 not bt) altogether to him in speH bound enthusiasm clear if published in its entirety mon sbsorbingly than any of without further explanation, and the great speakers we have bad. we avail ourself of the privilege Th,; crowd was small and sat extended to recast, and condense i ... alu i;t at first in positions of easy 1U lisVning but more and moro the : Mrs- Glass is the daughter of imprest giw till at the last men Mr- and Mrs- R M Patterson, of and drew nearer and,A,u' " auu was B1JU zen oi Uoncord 1 got -r,. ,H,,,..uif tnVni his .mpan. zen OI uncord 18 years ago mi, r i ... i: t- ..i. ,fnm fhnhnrnin.o- words foil 1 ilJO Jt puiuuu ui mu con u:g ' f rom his lips. Thoro was little for boisterous applause- and little neod of jokes for every point was made in clear forcible terms-and carried con- iction with ever emphasis. lie w.-s gentle to the erring, generous even to 'the evil dis ri l;;it powerful in pointing out t i : v evils against which wo havo to contend and inspiring to hi.- listeners in urging each to a groat duty and a great privil ege in carrying the amendment. i t was a great speech and if flt'ii' were those wTho could not :-ee clearly they surely Can now. 'atl;ary Uell 3Iov-'d Out of Albemarle. A special to the Charlotte Ob- A 11 1 111 server rrora iuoemane aatea July LM says: "One Zachary Bell,' of David son county, came into town yes terdav for the purpose, it is sa'd, f)f organizing a labor union The Mill News of Charlotte has just exposed a scheme in which it says these unions so called are being prostituted and used as anti-amendment clubs. In the .exposure Mr. Bell is named as one of the organizers, a man of very unsavory reputation and strongly anti-amendment. Know ing these things a number of the citizens of the town and the op eratives of the mills concluded that it was the best thing for Mr. Boll's health that he move on. So last night a crowd waited on hiin and escorted him beyond the limits of tho county with the parting injunction not t6 return 'o do bis. dirty work. No vio ."ii'.' v ;is offered him and every ' 1 1 " . vis peaceable and in order. Tlx people of Stanly county suifeu d one imported emissary .o cc ,iiC here and work against the amendment some time ago, but they are now thoroughly aroused and feel that they are able to vote their own convic tions nvithout outside interfer-i once. gregation started an enterprise (heaven bless our good women, they're always at something of the kind) and this lady conceived the idea of asking, for a small free-will ottering (aboutl() cents each) from friends of her .'hild hood. The . response brought her S2.95, small it looks, but put into the quHt that was being made for ;the benefit of the church, it was no small help. The generous response by far- off friends touches Mrs. Glass most deeply" and her eyes fill with tears of loving gratitude while her heart overflows with tenderest emotions. She invokes heaven's richest blessings on each one manifest ing the kindly interest and asks us to give tho names of thoso who have thus kindled afresh the sweet memories of loved ones severed by time and dis tance. The persons to whom she ren: ders public acknowledgment for manifestations of sympathy and loving interest are the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. R M Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cline, Mr. and Mrs. John Propst, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Hilemau, Mr. and Mrs. Pink Misenheimer: Mesdames Lidia Hileman, Mollie Dayvault, Sarah Cress. Ohio Patterson; Misses Kate Foil, Rose Wille- ford; Messrs. James Sapp, Chas. Alexander, Will Hileman, Victor Suther, Thomas Waller, Jqhn, David and Charles Winocoff, John Freeze, Fretl Glass, Will Cline and Will Castor. U Sundify Sight. Sfimo miserprCnt, drow t.lm stn. , - j pie and took Mr. James P Cook's w we SELL.IT. Will cure 0 horse from the -stable Sunday. 0 T , . . night and'rode or drove it prob- 9 Indigestion and . , g ably most of the night. ;8 ... Dyspepsia J Mrs. Cook was disturbed frou 0. . . oi mi .on - H If you are troubled of tbeie dw. thinks was the horse's.crosslng M the bridge, but at the time pre1 ,Q sumed th!it it wras a noise from! (2 some other , cause, She found j Jitestifciss Answered. Yes. Ancii?t Slower still has ttrtjarg- y kest saleof any mtdicinaia tiiciilized world. Your mothers and gr a od mothers never thougilf of, using anytliins else 'or indigestion or billiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they eeldom heard gl apiendiciti9, neryons prostration or heart failure, e 3. They nped Anirust flower to clean out the ytKm And stop fermentation CI undipt'rtvd food. regnlata tho f.;tiuti i f tu livtr, stimn- eases give this medicine a trial and bo cunL It cc sts you 25 cts. per bottle. the horsiin th yard this (Mon day) morning with every indica tion of being greatly abused. It is to be hoped that any one hav ing a clue to this crime will fur nish tho same so that the wretch may be caught and prosecuted for trespass and for cruelty to animals. Concord Drug Co Phono 37. Hon. HarrrTracey to Speak Here.' Mr. Jno. A Sims received the following telegram this (Monday) morning from Raleigh: "Harry Tracey will speak in'Ccncord August 1st." "Hal W Ayer." Hon. Harry Tracy is from Te 'v'l - a .:d wjis very prominent in !!. .'llianrc and one of the aen'in the Populist Notice to Veteran. Camp No. 212 in its meeting on August 8th, 1899, resolved to meet 6n the same day that Gen. Barringer's cavalry company meets which is tho second Tues day in August. This year it is on the 14tK. Veterans will please remember to meet on that day for the election of officers and such other business as will be before the body. . County Institute. The teachers' of the county should begin to get ready to at tend the county institute which has been arranged for the last week of August. There are US country schools in tho county and tho teachers of these schools are required by law to attend. The instructors are Prof. C S Color and Mr. W W Morris and tho work will be of tho most practical nature. Arrangements will bo made so that board may be had at re duced rates and the teachers should bring their book's and stay the entire week. II will bo an excellent opportunity to re view the branches and get ready for tho work of the yoar, yes, and for examination also as much credit will bo driven to those who attend every day. The white teachers will meet at the court house and the col ored teachers at the colored school building. Practical recitations and dis cussions will take the place of lectures. Every toacher should have a note-book and bo prepared to question and be questioned. Samples of tho lessons to bo given will appear in this paper from time to time. 8 late the nervous tid organic eti, of the system, and tjint Is all Ihey took when foehng drut and bad with head-, aches and other ':;hes. Yrou onlneed a jC lew itof-es oi ui eon s August v lower, in i .liquid frni to make yoii eatilied there i.s normng scr:on.- ote htutit vr!i roj. For sale by all dealers in r.viliziH.' councries. - Mf S'v.-ri.-. ' 1 1 ad ; Ma'sonic A'otide. Special communication The Best Remedy lor Stomach a,nd Bowel , Trouble. "I have been in the drug. business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lteniedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," sys O. W. Wakefield, of Columous, Ga. "This remedy cured two severo cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recommended, and sola hundreds of bottles of it to my custom ers to their entiro satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale at Marsh's drag store. . Tis said and truly so That a Hit Dog Always Hosiers. Other people may say that they sell . as cheap as Parks & Co. you kmw thai"' stuiT. lis true you hear rarks-& Co. at'-drlv Special' Sales spoken on all 'sides, even by other merchants. That's becauso-we sell tin; goods. Since the 2nd day of July we luive been doijiff a phenominal business busy every day just like fall of the year. 1 ;i- ii . of cutting. the force down for tho dull ino;). !i, wo have been compelled to have extra k. lp There is just three more weeks of this "-rami sale to the 15th of August by which time th stock must be materially reduced. lo clo-v out certain lines, the price cutter is goin; deeper and deeper into the heart of desirabh merchandise for immediate use. r 4 O i M 3 11 n Here are UnparaleM, Matchless Y0r sri yon sborJd not lie slow if you would share in them : 1,000 yds. of 10c White Lawn, 40 inches wide, Sale lorice 5c. 1,000yds. of 7e bleeched domestic, yard wide and good heavy cloth, Sale price 5c. 500 yds. of 10c corded dimities, good patterns. Sale price 5c. Great reduction in white P. K., all grdes. ft L. Parks & Co. i 4 55- 3 fTPau!WJ'tJiinBangiMB WE ARE RIGHT IN "IT. I r of Stokes Lodo lNO.i2 A V v F & A M this evening at 8 o'clock, July 25, 1900. Work in the first degre. Craftsmen, take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. By order of tl3 W. M. K H Griffin, Sec. Jiadv 23-1900. Mr. and Mrs. David Shields i mm. wlio ha v been visiting at Mr. J MissPearland Myrtice Thomp- I! Caidwell's went to Due West, 'son, of Salisbury, returned home ,A FRESH .LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE F11ISII Summer Cheese ! AT S. J. ERVLVS We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord 1 Solid car of Star Leaders jnt arrived; fifteen years guarantee on fire back; satisfaation guaranteed or mom-y buck. We aiso huvu ii stock Iron Kings, Oats City and Georgia Home. Q A VI DO Y0U PLAY A SPRING iNSTUU Oi-i. I ! MENT? WE SELL.'ErvI. Violins, Guitars. Han j one, Mamlolfnj, Zithers, Aceordion, etc., and all kinds of strings and repairs. l'lllllllll!lllll!l!lllllmll!ll!i;illMill.l:lf i .:!;jlJ:::Jii;Jl!l.;. FU'RNITLJRE! EURNITJJRE'!, Ko house in North Tjarolina Wrries a. larger htock or better line, and vro -(nil sell you Roods as clttap as the pai.ua rrade of floods cjiu be boufrht anywhere. We have said und say, coLae and ee it ie tiuc Bell, Harris & s v., '.1 .1 H S. C-, .4ourdayJnight. thi morning. Residence Phie. . . .0. ' SfllT'C PIlOlU-. . . o

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