tyJfef kri $1 1CM Wff'A , - , ..-. : 1 1 - r 9 . , W M M i Pkice: $4. OP per year. J CONCORD. N. C. TUESDAY fUY 24. 1000. SfNGLI? COPY & CENTS. ' m. BOP SP tCH saidttoe legislature just ploughed ! rourid thi 15tii amend ru wit ! L .stump without hanging fast Ly.cntDiinD Auuunnun HUM UtMj . B..D..C-. i NOVEL IN PRESENTA- , ' ., . It is framed so th t if you are TION. .a white man you can vote with out knowing how to read aud Nftfro in IIms Saddle When Democracy is 'nG but f you a negro you ': ..'an-YVrnt Sogro.Rnle Means- mst bo able to read aud write. ',', th... Bull in the CWna Shop- All persons becoming 21 years ?.) V : Duty, Ye 1: rave Men of Ca- W after 1908 must be able to read and write. This is not hard n and Two Daughters A Suwssful A(!- niinistratioa ofOfllce. Ex-Governor Elias d Succumbs to Kidney Trouble on Sunday' 4 BeSt Dyspepsia Cure. VL tho 22nd Leaves a "Wife, TUroe Sons k " 2 WE SELL IT. Will cure Indigestion and -1 i- i arr u.'tfu ' - t . i i ... -dyspepsia y at his home in Edgecombe. $ n o 3 i-u 00 3 i'S") If you are troubled of these tlis- ft county on ounaay tns I'L-na ana PaHfiS ?;V(, tins m W7as buried on tho 22nd. Disease of tho kidneys had warned him and his family of was coming. --; v:::,.,!, in tho sneech for our ho? can oasilr learn of Cy. Mason on Monday that that and vve had to make it thus wife, three 'sons and two Knntn'tnhPnmvnlbutw to insure us cousu.unonamy. daughters that the end very r,--n: "truth in somewhat' As tho mattor staa c-is" late not against the negro but .. , . . " , i i ' against his charoctor!?:tics. i'i 'leu ;g tho ballot m the hands i,T, ' p Our plan is better than 1 oi the v.cgro in the days of re- 1 , , w.ti,ft. fl, of Mississippi, South Carolina or t'.onstvuct O-i oven without the : 11 ' , . . ,, ... I Louisiana. That of Mississippi neirro s elainiing-it or asking tor 1 1 has. stood for t-n ynr 'without His message to the fusion-leg- The deceased was held in high esteem in public and private life. His adminis'tration of tho office of governor was a success, (j and be cured. It costs you 25 ctH. lj J per bottle. ' . ft n Concord Drug Co, ft Phone 37. 5J Qufttions Answered. Ye. Auist Rower fctill lias the faro--eat miJu of any iaediciae ia tu. civilized world. Your mothers and gra odjjiothera nevir thought of using anything ee 'or indigeKifin or Lillionsuess. Dortora appendicitis, neryouH prostration or $ I heart failure, ete. They used August Flower to clean out thn y.teiu and stop fermentation rf nndir(,ct"id food, regulate the aetio;i f the iiv; r, stirau late the nervon aad orcaaic -xci ion the pysteru, nd that is all ih-v -vk when feeling dull and bud with head aches and other nclies. You o!y iii-cd i few dopes of Green's August Flower, in liquid form to nmke you satiiit d thi re la nothing seriou? t:o matter with von. rur taio uy .4ii ncuicie. iii conn fries. rj n rasa J 1 m ' 3 LI Fl KOT Grand ' H fi ll M 2? it - while tho men who proved; a. riot in the :.s ft.oud h;ture of '91 was itaaili uonu- Clearance 1 3 Hi s Moving the Goot thorn-selves worthy of confidence I ii. i a. . e ii ... i ;. ! civil offices before the , Lmj LC3U Ui U1U ment to Ins work tdwenng far and that ot Louisiana is giving above lho rcach (j shafts of Everyday is a good day. Spot cash is tw level such satisfaction ' as to be-pleas- var were disfranchised he com pared to putting the white man c: :!'. pi; u rs, strapping a saddle on him and letting the negro mount. In fact down oast he said there were two negroes to ride on the back of ever white m,i:.. Tho finro ho showed to be nut overdrawn. In 1670 he said tho wh'.'o men ros,' and demanded of tho negro to get otit of the saddle and he In m st. if rode till 1894. Then the negro got into the saddle again. How? Well, wo had some-Dem ocrats of the rear-back kind. They were' so straightly Demo crat io. that they reared , back. Democracy was too slow for Mi'iTu, . They went out from us Kr.id fie, we told them to mind they'd l?nd with tho Republic ans, but they would not listen. They did land, with them, and that's how "cuffy" got into the saddle iigam. The starter of this, .he said, was Richmond Hear son, who went down to Sampson county and fixed it for Butler an'd Pritchard to go to the United Stages senate, him self and a few others including 'Gov. White to congress and the Lafc good Old State to go to the d 1, ;md it worked 'out to or 'der. In his township eyery magis trate was a .negro but one and when a negro was involved he would not let the case be tried before him. The coroner would dig uj2 almost every corps and holtf an inquest till the county commissioners chocked him by efung to pay the bills. The conditions lfM the Popu lists to reconsider and thy came straight back as they had gone straight out. The people de ja nr ir.! that the legislature give thetu rehn and emancipate the wmtemaa from negro rule in the -'msJ. Tho 15th amendment stood in the way. Using the metapbor of ploughing in a rootv CLUB OF (5. I ma.rhlH or hrnss. ing to -nil nar4--, Ho said there need bo no con- I 1 1 1 . 11 - ... . A 1 . nnvr, fnr vntnr Knt t lle I UU V CUUSOU UM3 U.lgS OL1 U1C VVi IX X - A l-il1 t Vli KJIA U , jJ 111.3 I duty in voting for it. The public bui-dmgs in tho Capitol United States says the illi- to float at half mast for 80 days. tarato colored men of Hawaii, Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines are not fit to Organized for White Supremacy - Ninety vote and there is little dan. I eight Members Will Come in a KoIId ger that the Supreme couit Column August 1st I e 4i. oi,. ,.e ,..;n i u .,iu I vxi wit) mi;iiu ji ijjw umi ux win tiiiiu uiiijr m tut; auutu i is he allowed by the constitution u u 11 w a "liJLU "l" I was organized at the Cruse All the powers of the United School house in No. 0 township. I AT,. TJ O 15 4 (l, States had never reconstructed x 1 JU1VU a community in the south any nQW I premacy which consisted of 27 tt i u I members. Mr. A E Furr was JU.U caiiuu atieiiiivu iu iiie i , I was elected nrpsident. John A negro convention in liunaioi 1 marble or brass. moves the ipafe.liles5 vnlns. Tf i(rlihnr fol U noio-hhor lae GovelllOi' aild COUUCil n tin rlfil fi1 . w i f, him uunipj a. uiij.'iiiui 1 11 V O U a V Ui A 1 i 1 ' 1 U' IV. Must be reduced by August 15th And bargains will abound in every dep.tri nuMit. Here are Unparalelled, MalcMfe Valncs acd yon stacH not be slow if yon would In.tbem: 1,000 yds. of 10c Whjte La v11, 40 inches wide, Sale price 5c. where it was the declared pur- Suther. vice-president and John 1,000yds. of 7k'-bleeclied domestic, ya and grood heavy cloth, Sale price 5c. '., id pose that they would never stop T,ottB CLtli-v- till there were mixed schools and hashad tbree moetinfe's late1 and now enrolls 98 members. It will meet on the mornirg of August 1st at Safriet's shop and proceed to the barbecue in oro; solid column. Sf;c no hindrances in the south to in termarriages of the races. This, said he, is what negro rule means tor the south. You may curse Democracy all you will, curse it as long as you J The Best Remedy ior Stomach and Bowel like, curse it with all vour might I Trouble. . . . . I "I have been in the drugJbusinesR for but it is nere to protect your 1 twenty years and have sold most all of i ' , i i i I the proprietary medicines of any note, nomcs, your iwives ana aauga- A the -entire liHt i h ave never ters. Strike it down and you ou,?d wwtiiiDft to eqnal Chamberlain's '' I Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Jtemedy ha,vfi T?nt.lr. Pritrhnrd nnd I for all stomach and bowel troubles." I Rftvn O. W. Wakefield, of Columous. George White and all that the G. "This remedy cured two evere , . . . , . , - cases of cholera morbus in my family histony of your state records ami j. nave recommended and tola ,i -n l 1 hundreds of bottles of it to my custom- wut'u iBmuus naiiua "ciu. thfiir entire 8at j6frtCtion. It 1 weakened. affords , quiok and fiure cure m a l pleasant iorm. ' e or buiu hi luarua s We do not hate the negro nor 1 dpue store. shall we wrong him but with a ballot in his hand he is like the bull m a china shop. )) His closing appeals to thd'ij) peopfe of Cabarrus were pathe tic but lofty. Be true, said he, ye brave men of Cabarrus. Do your duty now on the 2nd day of August leav ing the future to be met as it comes. Build factories, build your tomes and all that pros perity brings but build white rule, white civilization, white 500 yds. of 10c corded dimities, good patterns, Sale price 5c. Great reduction in white P. K., all grdo?. jP 0fo fP WE ARE RIGHT IN IT. A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FKKSlt Summer Cheese AT S. J. EKVIN'S manhood and white womanhood , umpy new ground he in North Carolina. We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord , Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteen years guarantee yu fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Weaiso liuve in stock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home. :niiiiNii:iiiiiniiiiiili:')iiiiiiJiiii:iiiiMiiiJiii!iiiiiii(ii!!ini!ii4. , Q A VI DO YOU PLAY A STRING INSTUU- Oi-l I - MENT? WE SELL 'EM. " . " . Violins, Guitars, Banjons, Mandolins, Zithers, Accordions, etc., and all kinds of strings and repairs. . IMiliiiliiiliiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiliiilnJ.hliiiliiiliiilailiiilijldili,;!!!;;!!,!!!!!;-;. FURNITURE,! FURNITURE! ! No house in North Ganfifina carries a larger stock or better line, and we will sell you goods as cheap as the tsume grade of goods on be bought anywhere. We have said an$suy, ooun; aud tu:v if it be trre. t Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phooe. .. .HO. 1 Store Phcno.... 12.