-zr. - 1 . " ' - , , -. . ! PniCE : $4.00 per year. CONCORD. N. 0. WEDNESDAY TUDY 25! 1900. IMBfll!? BINB; ADDRESS" 'AT CANNON VI LLE. The Auirlo-Saxou's mission liulo Wherever He is but in North Carolina j Netrro' Tule a Shameful Reality the Amendment the Remedy-Do Year Duty Ye White Men. ' The Hon. Wiley Rush spoke at Cannonville Tuesday n-ight to several hundred people including .i.nuu')!'! of ladies. Ti .-;:'3cch was in every es-:-'":.) trong presentation of the gn-.c issue before us, the ; onstiic nal amendment. H h ; v. i j i essed the fact that all tiuemui feel an inherent love 'or t'.eLr ( Avn state and their own people. Certain races, and people i. .'o entrusted with cer tain great charges. TL Jew was entrusted with 1 he true Knowledge of God and lu loved his own race and has over kept it pure. The Anglo-Saxon he believed lias been entrusted with the I'hrilaa religion and with the inM'itutiox: of self-government. negro was born with in- for self-government. Hi- liar, never made a success in n; ruling a government. Left to himself he goes back as far as to cannibalism itself. The Anglo-Saxon rules in all t,h earth where he is save in North Carolina. It is North Carolina only that has a negro in congress, has recently had a negro solicitor and more than 1,000 negroes in various offices. North Carolina. stands alone as an example where the negro rules the vhite man. "M.. sai 1 that just prior to 1894 if, w :e--be ng thrown at us that ve weie always crying, negro, T- n parity Uhe fixate that does not know and adjni! it s'ivp tlwso wiio hold some office or vvht hope to do so by the vote of the negro. Any man that can and will rQAd the amendment knows it Those who become 21 after 1908. must bt able to read and writhe. Ho .is ashamed of the man who says that white boys can't learn to read and write and that negroes can. The speaker was eloquent and entertaining, telling a number of side 'splitting jokes but always makingastroagpointoutof them. He appealed in his finest strains to the people not to let this oppor tunity pass without doing their full part toward eliminating the negro from politics, lest the meanest 'element from other states crowd in and make our state more than ever the state of negro domination. Don't fear t:e. r:,.'V)'iMitution alitv of the iu:.i:r: "!:... ;-.t. J udge Montgomery says' it is constitu tional, Jake Newell says it ain't. Judge you between them. It is for the pop!o to c?y what they want and for the courts to sav whether it is constitutional or not. Of all men the white laboring man is the last man to be op posed to the amendment. It was plain that the speaker needed nothing but the attentive ear and tho open conviction to make the amendment vote unanimous. -SlNfiLE COPY 5 C5NTS. j . III 'mum? m n a im a un mm .it m ft t ... L. LA, -V. .. For- $ Dispatches Conflicting as Ever For-, SJ Best DyspepSfcl Cure... 2 eigners Sa!d to Be afe. !S 2 rr . . : . S WK SRLU IT! Will ec lie 0 Ttie government is now wait- . . g ing for China .to comply. withl$ Indigestion and. . n .terms proposed for our good of-1 p ; . . . Djrspepsia jj fir.ps frtr rpsfnnnc , nn!i.fA t.hn.t, 0 , ' " . . If you are troubled of those di3- protect all others and 'restore order. Again came assurances that all are safe yet. But all is contradictory and uncertain. MT. PLEAS. 1ST ITEMS. i-iaC. i 1 . . 1-'. - i. ' I W andbecuratl. It ccsts you 25 cts. (J Q ter bottle 2 jj -Concord Drug Co S Phone o". i! (nerti(js M3wered. Yep. !ln?uat Tlwer nfc'll has tbf)Arp-. est salti of any lueiiiciue iJth3 civtlizd worlA Your mctbeM and graa-uiQheTs never thought of usmg anything 'e fot mdigestiou or bilfiousiiesj. Dootors were scarce, and they seldom hwrd of appendicifia, neryoua "prostration or heart filure, etc. They need August . Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of nndicrpstpd fool. regulate the action cf the liver, stimu- . late the nervous and organic action of the system, and tllat is All the took when feeling dull and bad with head-, aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, m liquid form to make you satified there is nothing seeiou the matter wjth yon. For sale by all dealers in jivihzed countries. negro, till he got ashamed and thought propably it would 'not be so bad as before 1870. But th legislature of 18D1 was pow erless to resist tho demands of f",e .'00 negroes. lb.- related the c" nogrcLiug the liit-i ! P.ETKFAUE ITE3IS. disgraceful with Abe Middloton for (survive 'Or instead oi a onei-eg- j uri tu'. o j -L v. i . t ; l t ix vt. j k and their driving him No Piv:K'hiii Xext.Sabhath-Betlipaire and Poplar Tent Teams to Cross Bats Aged Mrs. Kimnions Critically 111. There will be no preaching at Bethpage next Sunday. Thore will be meeting on the second Sunday. Tho Bethpage and the Poplar Tent baseball teams will play a match game at Poplar Tent next Saturday. Miss Nora .Fisher, of Concord, is visiting at Mr. James Fisher's for a few wTceks. Miss Mamie Shank, of Rowan, has spent a week on a visit at Mr. D M Isenhour's. Mrs. Wilson Kimnions is crit ically ill. fthn is now above 80 state ! "cars old and is not expected to II. Ol 1 h.g Aj.dintinenls. Judge Montgomery will speak . -r-N . ... .,,1 .1 l,nrf, In M- f.f ollice and'ibreaking the , mjUi ,1UU 1,1 r , ... , . i . if. tnwrhln on Fridav ni.rht and n: lis oincc, aii occausj ul-, - i Tnscarora Mill Well Under Way North Carolina College Will be Full-Key. Mr. Lutz Heard From Personal?. Written For The Standard. Mt Pleasant, July 25. Miss Bessie Flowe'is visiting at Mrs. D W Dorton's this w?ek. Rev's Linn. Miller, and Fisher and many others itteii.led con ference over at St. Peter's hfct. week. Mr. John Craning, of Raleigh, late graduate or tiie UuiverG'.ty of North Carolina, is visiting friends and relatives at this place. Mr. A II Matherson, of New York, came in last Monday to cover tho Tuscora cotton mill. The mill will soon be ready to place the machinery. Woclip the followiiig.from the Salisbury Truth:Index: Manning, N. C, July 20: President Lutz, of North Carolina college, passed through here yesterday on his canvass for studeuts. He is very confident of success in his new field and says his enrollment tho coming session will reach 1;0. President Lutz is worthy of much commendation, and should have the co-operation of every pastor in tho North Carolina synod, in building up grand old North Carolina college. This institution is ours which every Lutheran in our dear old state, should feel proud of, and support it at every opportunity. Mrs. Herbert Hahn died last Monday night awl was buried j yesterday at Mt. Cilead church, j The Best Remedy lor Stomach acd Bowel Trouble. "1 have been in the drug btiKinesn for twenty years und havo sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the. '.if tire lift I havo neyer found anythiv' to "i'i :l Cliamberliiin'H n.-.Mf f11inlfr, ;it"1 i Mn rrln -.k-n 'f"xi-(tv for all stomach and bowel troubles," H j Kiys O. W. Wakefield, of Cr-aous, I? (ia. ' This remedy cured two severe M cases of cholera morbus in my faiu;ly;H and I have recommended and roIu t 1 1 ... 1.. . J! t Ji. ., ..I t 4. ........ ! ! iltlllflreus (il ;ioi.i.':m "i ji. niiu.y nisi in 'an Clearanc W A' il- IS Moving the Goods. PI I HI Kveryday is a ffood day. Spot cash is the lover that moves the matchless values. Neighbor tolls neighbor aud so the glad tidings of superior value? travel. This took Must be reduced by August -15th And bargains will abound in every depdriaiVnt. ksu! V4k Vv ji w v J v v. jflf vaVstjj Here are Unparalellci, Matolites Ya;r:es rAin ' sMd 20 l)c slow if yon wonlil sliare in tbem: 1,000 yds. of JOc White Lawn, 40 inches wid., Sale price Sc. 1,000 yds. of 7k. bler-ehed domestic., yavd v. ido and good heavy cloth, Sale price 5c. '500 yds. of 10c corded dimities, good patterns, Sale price 5c. Great reduction in white V. K., all grdos. Wif vi? if "Baiw Xx" var iat j jp mv vt' uJ . H x x r n a rj vvL i- i v li, r t,: -Hi G i'V..;. i- :3r I'GHT IN IT.' II refused to place negro n in 1 i 1. office over and anions t i i ..ill at o p. m. on aaiuruay ;u uie picnic at.Pharr's mill. ' -. T . AT TT n., 1 .1 it.1 1 t:-',V. t.t30.' Nvhiio luiiy; clerks. mi"uu wwlvc" VV111 Our opponents would say no at Poplar Tent on Friday, the iim-or ofnagrdrule, you only ! 27th, at 4 p. m. and at Gilwood i Mr. 9. liwnshin on FridW Ji I i ?th to tbcir fii.vir i !;;-hi,ctJoo. 'ill'ards a quick and fer.rft nnv in u & plonsant form." For me i.r. jn-ii'H j drns store. nMit. On Saturday n.gnL ne Ur-i1! cnonV nt Flote's store. He ,v .. discuss the Amending negro, negro, do. Ke reltated the "VVilmfagTon exam le of negro domination to dio'.v that negro rulo -vas a sore and rduucful reality, one which ,ve uov.rivant again, and which! Wjey Ryc ,v" r.j.poil to all white men to j 1 ' 1 ' iivWe horcaftor by ! ... , ft porest; v 4. ! lor tni fiivjnuinenc. -r - cndmcutlYill:Kt dis- U;i7 Ynll a salitary white man i H llf tO-nfght. T Oil "i l h if Si A FliESN llXEOF )i Nice Candies, j i tia vrni.' r i 's ;:rr la AIJTjv 1 . i j i J ' - I Summer Cheese ArE S. J. ERViXS We do not offer you a Dollar tor' i cents, but we do ofter yoa hc Best Line oStove- m Zone on v Holid car of St:-.r Leaders je st arriv."1; fLrt-?on years guarantee o. nre Ijack; nut ibihcikiii narautuon .or uifii-'V ';v.ic;. Rtoek Iron KIa?;s, Gate City and (korIa Ik'riie. , i' aJso Live l. iri'.!,:!'ii!;i!i!i!:il-:i-iijni;i,ij!ii! P" Q A V! DO YOUT PLAY A SIRING INSTU-'J . Oi 1 ! MHNT? WE SELL 'EM- Violins, Gmtars. I Unjoin, T'IiumIoIius, Zithers, AccojJio', eo , ar...l , all kinds of stiiugn una r )airH. t FURNITURE! FURiNiTUR! !" "A a l: , K in it.- hi hou--e in North Carolina 'cariffrs airgtstuck tT bcfliT lia, anc'. N v,-c vjJI toll you oodn aa cheap as the panio rrr.-.U' of ecu be Loabt anywhere. We havo said and buy. col and see it is be true. f huld come ancY .))( 5- $.y gives him tho right toj' TI5 & CO. O .... Ion as he lives, and not an intelligent man in bring your neighbor. s,: Residence Photio. . . .V0. Store Phono. , o t.,.v jrlitled to vote al it