1! 0 IaA W1 rm-M!5a i '1 yi ,v -O-V" o-'i.Wf JH 'tJ, Rlfi KM W. LTfti. Ill - m t :" : ' por year. J r.N'X)IiD;N.CUFpiDAY ffrir 7. 101. 0 SlNGTVK COPY 5 CESTS. 1$ 0 .... m t. . ; gy.-T-:L-:5: 9 : , Tljr i'UnX nifff ! ' piVn I1 .TiYLOn, POWERS, tCUTSfY. !crf--g!aj9 (Jncf.;,!: Ar.er!. ' ('V( ,. ' . hi IdeLC KU i :,:'...6uty.f;t! . -. U. . est. sale of ny mu, u UlH ciVHt , Tcrsl N2i:fr,H; KiUoJ ad Many la-; th,. .1 ho trial Oi U;oo KS for , 1i or iaai.t or !;uhu,s,, Ho .tors jlyca-rr:i!fOfnc(?rS,bav a JfruV i. Julian SCVrr n ci. tho comPilc!ty in mmvu,...:3: Gov. V'E13ELL IT. Will CXUT. I'lHe, r.v.My mom'UT of. Tho New Cileai;s mob did not , Kow'.quurters N..C Division, ,;,! -.ov cn ,,,,. viM?m nc . i Uifitod Coufedorato Votorr. ns, ports indicated Thursday, the 20th. Severat negroes weret Darliam, N. C, July 19, 1900. Gircular Xo. 11. Pa ra ?ra ph 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 v been hilled, bowever. nd some decided by the North Carolina eighteen men w)unded, some be-1 Division U. C.V., at a meeting ins white and the victims of !hel(t at Division hoadquartArs on the 31st of May. 1V during the late reunion at Louisville, Ky., -that its annual convention ifor the elect io a o; ui'I.sioa and brigade commander should be held during the mouth o? An gust, after tho State c.'bi.-'.oa, at a time and place to In iixod by tho Major (U - v ' or- - iiug, the following circular is issued for the informat'on ol t':e coln- reckless shooting. A negro, Charles, seems responsible for tbe killing of two white men, Day and Lamb, but he escaped and the mdb, composed chiefly cf white boys and toughs, in mad disgraceful frenay, made iiidis crinnn;;;te attacks en negroes. 'They were without a. loader and word-!, strangely encash, j mand.. get together in anew place .after Par- 2- The committee in cnarge navmg appointed Wed nesday, August -2, for being dispersed and break out ? fresh. No negro was safe Wednesday night and Thursday morning, and much business was interferred with. The mayor issued a proclama tion .for 500 citizen volunteers Thursday morning and quiet was restored. The terrible frenzy is -greatly deplored by the best citizens. 4l,.- "v, 1 town, Ky. It is being lo. drp-wn ct. hut r-Vi-:vv a4 ' ' -J . ' , '.it to fasten thegaiit ox1 acoaany hbcttng Goebel on Gc'oige J lr 'a I xwp Toniienrati'm or tinilir-s.i--!d Youtsey, but the testimony seem;? very strong that powers was an accomplice and that Governor Taylor, in issuing a -pardon f--r tho crime before trial and con viction, sliows j a clear case of complicity that marks . Powers, Youtsey and Taylor as thre3 murderers of tho firt degree. l) If yon are tronWe.i of theso 7-i- ; j rw"1 Master Joe Morrison Hurt. Master Joe Morrison, unfor tunately, was prevented from going to Mooresville with the band by an accident which came very near proving serious. Tuesday evening while driving the ice wagon he made a mis step and fell from the wagon between the horses and tho front wheels. One of the front wheels passed over his front foot just below the ankle. The bone was thought to be broken, but on examination by Dr. Young was found not to be,.but considerably bruised and hurt. He is doing well and we hope will be able to be up in a few days. IFc's Dirrclng Graves. Mr. R. A. Berkeley is digging tho trench to barbecue tho beef for next Wednesday, but he has another name for it. He says he is digging the grave of Marion Butler and . all t he gang that march in his Vow-path. He thinks his tape line will meas ure true to the proportions of several in Cabarrus that ought to live in' better company and walk the green earth yet. . inmm -m m mmt" Tublic Speakings. PIr. L T Hartselhwill speak at the school house at Cooks, in No'k..4 township, at 4 y. m., Sat urday and at Forest Hill Satur day night. Mr. M B Stickley yill speak, at Faggart's school house Satur day night. m - i R has been decided by the f c'an 1 yBo rctof Education hat the g institute ior tL4 colored voiling of the 'uluLA-j liiouumout erected by the Stale to tho nit cil ery of the late Senator Zobu-on B Vance, a citizen no less dis tinguished as a gallant soldier, than illustrious as a patriotic statesman, it is an oec;vdon for the assemblage of his North (arolina ex-Confederate com rades to do honor to his memory. Par. 3. It is therefore or dered, tliat 'iTmebting of ropre seutatives from each camp com posing the North Carolina Divi sion, United Confederate Vet erans, be held in the city of Raleigh on Wednesday, August 22nd, 1900, for the purpose of electing division and brigade commanders for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tho con vention. The meeting will be held in the Senate chamber of the cap- itol and be convened promptly at 8 o'clock in the evening. Par. 4. Camps may send as many delegates as will attend; and bo entitled to as many votes. as its respective numbers bear to tho aggregate number of all the camps. To ascertain these numbers, each camp w'ill send a list of its members by one of its delegates, certitied by its com mander or camp adjutant. Par. 5. It 'is further ordered that all member? of the staff of tha major general commanding, all brigadiers and members of their staff shall report in uni form, and that the delegates from various camps shall re port m uniform where it is prac ticable. . 0 Par, 6. Brigade commanders Will have thia circular distributed Uf each camp in their respective commands, and request the Lpapers to publish it. By order of . Mtl Gen. J. S. Car. Adjutant. ,4 Wm. H. S. Burgwyn, , General andOhief of Stuff? , Col. Win. II S Iiurywyn bcirfe aurdorbitfd.to organize the vetri erans oi me war wiin -)pam nas MF.'S.'Ary otlifftM-s A NineLlv'9 Yc,nrr!:t'r. Daniel Sweeney, aged 8 years, a son of Patrick Sweeney, fs credited with having r-us ta; ry lives as a cat.,. Last .night ho fell p feel at home and was ren dered unconscioui;. . Half an hour later he war; about as usual. Within two years ho. has twieu b'evl f,-j,' lr ' J-"nP.-.tr ffj knocked dow7n by bicycles a half dozen times, " once' thrown from the railroad track by" being struck by a freight train, besides being run down twice by wag ons. Hazeltpn, .Pa., Dispatch. i uud be cured.- It ccsncs you 2 eli. f ior bottle. ' : ; ti Concord Drag Co, , few a, t -rt--r:'8 Au-nPt ViUV " -PI inn r- W! I"'!'"-"! fonu to rmko. you satitie-i vsui v , u nervo:t: and oi'auic octfnr, of tlie f ysteiu, and that is all tln-y ),..(4 wlwu fet.-hrjr duil find bad with Lead- iicaen &'.:d otUvz ccifies. You ftvlv nwd a re a nothing serious i!io rjxttfr n-jth vo'i. For sale ty all abaters . in iiviDztxl oouncriea. G 3 B T ff 13 fi TO B T",ri'?S Is Moving ( - "Ill lie Goods. . Atfas It .a,l-!lrack? j "The marveJlouri cure of Mrs. Rena ,T Stout of consumption has, created in ianse excitemeut in-Cammack, Iud." .Writes Marion Stuart, a .leading d: nj? giet of 'Muucie. Ind. , She only weished 90 pounds when her doctor in Yoiktewn said she must soon die. Then she be gan to nse Dr. King's New Discovery and gained B7 pound to. weight and was completely cured!.' 1 ' It' has cured thousands of hopeless otses, nnd is positiyely gnarantood to cure all throat, chest, and lung aiseases. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free &t Fetzer's djcnsr stoi e - .. 4.. - i A house on Bell street io rent. Seven rooms. Bath and water closets. . . MJ Cokl. If troubled with rheumatism, give Cbamberlam's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost yon a cent if it does no good. One application will relievo t'ie pain. Tt also cures sprains vil rr'r"', in one-third time required by any o ""if r treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbitei, quinsey,' pains in the side an-i chest, glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by epplyinsj'it. Every ot tie warranted. Prio 21c. umi 50c. Ft r sale at Marsh's drwr stc-". Everyday is a good day. Spot cash is tht; lover r!'af ,'iiovcs the matcliless values. Neighbor teJiu neighbor and so the glad tidings of superior values travel. This sio:k Must be reduced by August igih . And bargains will abound in every department. .'it The BestlteiRcdy ror Stomach and Bowel Troub!e. : "1 have been in the, drug business ftr twentv vears and hiive sold mo?- -.U - f the proprietary medicine of- m y i.,u. i Aniaue the entire lint I have niy-r ( found anytliiov.to.fquil Obnmh'.ri n-i'., Colic. Cholr . an.i l.-iurr!n-:i:a. luiu-n,' for all stomach and howl trontilc.-i," . says O. W. Wakeliel'J, of Oi.v.!: .,a, Ga. . 'This rt-nvly enred two sev.-ro ! cases f cli o!ra morbus in try fu;iji.:!y and I haw r'-oiumeided and h1h ' H hundreds .'f1uttf-H of -if to my cus: .. ers to their (.n. r i attffactjou. U 4 affords a quiok nd Bare cure i;i h ; h pleasant l'orra." For sale at bursa's '.i druor store. ! k kjj w fife vt0 jj '2J up ji :a n W w Here are UnparalelM, Matcliless Yalnes aod yon should not lie slow if you wouli stare in tbem: 1,000 yds. of 10c White Lawn, 40 inches wi(ie, Sale price 5c, 1,000yds. of 7ic bleeched domestic, yard wide and good heavy eloth,' . Sale price 5c. 500 yds; of 10c corded dimities, good patterns, Sale price 5c. Great reduction in white P. K., all grdes. 1L Mr i ') , ik ... l. WE ARE R-fGHT iN I We do not offer you a D-.diar f't l-'ii'iy centh, but we do offer yon the : Best-Line k.. b loves m firo buck tt Solid car of Star Leaders jufit arriv d; fiftfo'n years gTiurautee 0:1 51 1 buck; tisfaction .'nuffUit'i or' ayy bick. ,Ve ao haVti t'i M -k Iron Kins, (JiUc Ciiy and Georgia Home. . W 'i!i!iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii!i;l'i::?ili:il:!!!.'i'ivj. i ;i::j!:,,l!ji;ii,,.-f,i!in;ii A FKfelT'LIE OF teachers shfll ho hkl the tjiird j a)oited the n.'srry oHfays, vook ii August bc.nfii on j and calls if meeting to be fieldjn Mc day the 01 h at tie colored : the Senate Chamber lit 12 o'clock fcrcded hool. . The Institute ; of tho same davto transact sueh f.' v:i.l-?dchcrs will bo the ' business as is nifcessary to com-ij); last v.-cck beginning August the pleto the organization , of tbT)) 'dt the court house. .- '' veterans of that war. . , 1)-- I Nice. Bandies,- Summer CheespI. ft . -.I'lCRVlN'S H 'I Q A VI DO YOU PLAY' A STRING INSTUtJ. OA. I ! MENTt? WE SFXL L'Ai .vfolinsj Guitars, Bficjono, TVtar dcii, Zithers, AccordioP, eto ,r,d M all kinds of ti ings and rtpuifb. 4-liii(ii!iitiHii;:iij!i'J;:lini4!i:iliii ' -1 ------ " " - " -, - W EU RNITU Rl PURN iTU B .' .' . I m L !:' i'i 'Si ' ... No hostfin North Carolina curries a farser stock or litter h' rK' we will sell you ;oods as cheap ti e panie :rno f pods '"iu oa w bought anywhere. We neve suia and say, come and see it it wue Bell, Hanis & Co, Reafidence Photi6. . ; .Da. V :::, VOUQ. . On O

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