TV ' '"'wti $ T1 J J&ftl MIT Hflff Mi-Sf ft P f& .&M -km...- 1:1 Pl;iCR:C4. :.() or year. J CONCORD. N. C. SATURDAY fTJLY 2ft, lt)00 -Single copy5 cf.: !;-. . m tlx- ' flew I vT- '.i vi Jj. '- i' 'I s J' I 1 7 v. tLliJ j 3e Orloans Ma.M -r.r Charles Kills . Tb'.-n r;-.-r .;;..' rroc!i r'the' ' .Crest-:.'. Citt. . The lust of iho'Ncw Orleans trouble was like a fatal clap at the cio.x- of a thunder storm. It was learned that the negro Charles, who had killed Officers Day and Lamb, was in a house in the city. Cfficars went to ar rest hisiand without warning he opened fire and killed one and fatally voundc:l another. While a Catholic Priest was minister ing to the dying man a boy standing, by ihe priest was killed by a shot from Ch arles. Later ho killed another man and fatally wounded four and injured several others. Charles was firing from a sec ond story window. It was de cided to burn him out, so a can of oil and a match was applid. He came out- to change loca- tions and was killed. His body was riddled with bullets. There wero several other ne groes gotten out of the house later and locked up, one being killed while resisting arrest. With this terrible tragedy the New Orleans riot seems now, over A' strong police force is on hand. EAGLETS. TWO BOYS, An Eas:le Swoops Uown on Two Boys and Gets Its Life rounded Out With a Wagon Spoke. The . Independence, Kansas, Dispatch says that - James and Grover Parker, living in tho In dian Territory south of here, were on their way home a few 'days ago when a big bald eagle swooped down upon them knock ing the younger brother to the ground senseless. Before the elder brother, who is 11 years old, could realize .what happened, the bird had struck him in the, faco and knocked him down. As he started to get up the bird came at him a second time. The boy seized a wagon spoke that yas lying near him and fought 4,he eagle until he finally killed if. Those Beautiful iSanuei. Tha beautiful ailk banners! made by the ladies are in the Gibson Drug Store windows. One is red silk ith white let-: t'ers "We Are the Victors."' The ' ofhir is white silk with biue'Ibt i llO C CI ouVibiu ui oupremacy. .T, corrugated poli and trass rods.: T4ie- victor banner is forthe proict 'having theo largest $hitc supremacy club? The other gO03 to the township that finishes the largest number in the horseback procession. A wealthy widow is often an object of interest because of her principal. ' Ui. v . ' ' ?, lutbDar- Sword of Mrtin W.ifer His Oroat Grand Ihsujlitri 'Irs. M. Udell. . . ' ; v nttea , or ie otanaara. - . 0n Friday .evening an episode iof unusual interest occurred at the residence of Capt. J M Odell. A committee, consisting of M Jas c pinkf w M; and Mr. D A Caldwell, Tyler, repre senting Stokes Lodge No. 32, A. F. and A. M., presented tho Cap tain and Mrs. Odell a sword that once belonged to Colonel Martin Phifer and which ho car ried as an officer in the Revolu tionary wTar. This valuable relic of colonial days has long been tho property of this Masonic lodge, and be cause Mrs. Odell is a great-grand daughter of this venerable man, it was agreed to place it in her possession. As the little party stood before an oil portrait of Col. Phifer, handled the ancient weapon, and talked of the pioneer history thereby linked with tho present,' feelings of emotion wero awak ened chat will not soon fade trom the memories of ;." -those present. , .. - WITH THE CHURCHES TOMORROW. Yonr Presence Is Welcome and the Pewa Are Free. St. James E. L. church. Sun - day School at 4 p. m. Central M. E. church. Sun day School at 4 p. m. Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m., by the pas tor,. Rev. 'J A B Fry. Forest Hill M. . church. . . Sunday School at 9.S0 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. rn, by the pastor, ; Rev. R M Hovle- y Baptist church. Sunday School at 9.30 a. m.. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. the pastor, Rev. BLacyHoge. Cannon ville Presbyterian cnurcn. ounuay aeuooi at.y.ou i i r- i i ..j. rv o I a. m. treaciting at li a. m t.v the pastor, Rev. C Preston. First Preresbytian church. 'Sunday School at 4 p. m. S(er vices at li a. m. Trinity Reformed church. Sunday School at 10 a. rn.' Ser vices at 11 a. m.. and 8 p. m. by tho pastor, Rev. Vv'HMcNairy. I . St. t Andrews . E.,L. church. I Wunrv School '' sir 0 nO a ' m I Services ; to(porr.o.w'; night at 8 tp' - m- bY ' the- pa'stor, liev. C A Brown. " McKinnoa P rVvgby tf rian church. -Sunday School at 9.00 tl a. m. a. i. and 8(7! d. m. bv Rev. J.. J. .Duiihiai " ' T M. Episcopil churci. Sunday school at 10 a. m. karvictSfc at 11 a. m? and 8 jf. m; by Dr. J Davis. nmm . Striate PheafctiiTon A dwelling housin Piorida sank into the earth tifty feet dOring a rint freshet. The cccupanrs aurrie, oul ana were saved, bur the hoose and house hold goods vTerolost. Anderson Intelligencer. . jAoodEfpoit:3?.r. ciiBr.i - B. D..p, ; g ' t District Best Dyspepsia ClirC.. to . We notice in the Salisbury Sun yv'D SIILL-IT. Will CUltfi ' J. the report. of t?ie M E. District j? .j . , . . i S conference at New Loaou and ,L n'c.itwii aif-J the following report Urom thelti . .'. Dyspepsia ill the 'following report " Crom . the Methodist Church: Rer. J A B . Fry, Central church, Concord: 217 members a gain of 27; 70 church papers taken J a ' well organized and working congregation. Finances well up. Rev. R M Hoyle, Forest Hill Concord: 583 members 25 re ceived this year. A large and prosperous Sunday school; col lections for conference assess meuts and for ministerial sup port, all well in hand. Rev. R G Barrett, Epworth, Concord: This charge is a mis sion station. It was reported as growing, but not yet ready to be made self-sustaining. Rev. J S Nelson, Concord cir cuit: 500 members;- average at tendance of 75 per cent of mem bei'ii. Porto Ricans Show Pro-Spanish. . The Porto Ricans are not m uch elated over-, the change ; from Spanish to American rule. They took little stock in the 4th of 'July but on ' the 26th the cele bration of St Jagers, the , patron saint ' of Spain,, they displayed thousands of Spanish flags dn the streets of San Juan. The hood lems in the .streets' Cried, Vive I Espanola.. , I As some one said, it was na f tural that , the Porto Ricans I should care little for i the; 4th pf I July as .the' constitution of the I United States does riotr apply to I them. I niot Burns i r - I tvq deDot of the Seaboard Air (Line at Henderson was burned Thursday with its contents to gether ith two freight cars loaAd with coods. The fire is believed to have originated from spontaneous combustion. Twelve barrels of oil added to the imp6ssibility oj savinr anything dospite six streams of water playing upoh it. The matches that are result to love must be ; the product of a love. Ex. If troubled with rheumatism, give Cbamberlam'B I'aii:-;&iiri ;i tril. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the Tmin. Tf also flnrfis Hnramfi and lrninfirt Mn one-third time required by any other treatment. ;. Cuts, burns, iroBtbites, qmnsey, pains in toe.siae ana cnesr. irlandnlar and ether llinzR , glandular and other wfllmgn ,ro QWCKiy curea Dy appiyinjc w. suvery uoi-1 sale at Marsh's drug 8c-. i( AFRESH UXfOF g K-ice Candies, mi . i'j ALSO'Nici: i;! it j Qnifafuw rhv & if; 'Ilia .7 : ( S AT 'S. J. ERVTX hi tS in j t! Dyspepsia ft 3 3 i ii you arc troubled oi these (lis- ft 1 eases pive this fnedicino a trinl I il and be cured. It ecsts you 2 ct. tj per bottle. " A Concord Drug Co. k !i PbnV.o W 2, II Many Styles! 4 Reduced Prices! 06 rtiirli r -w t Have you any needs tor additional uiit weight headgear for , immediate use?' Theahere is a fortunate chance for ymi; An opportunity In save on a purchase is alwaye welcome; Never before have we offered such a chance to save on Men V Straw Hats. About 75 Straw Hats sold at 50c, 65c, 75c and SI now put on a front table ond marked 6 WW WW'W'W W W Still a better lot goes at 50 cents each. Not a hat but what is worth double and thrible. mi STD1W HOT gllF ftttc..a?? Hi U Ml II U1ILL j w j . m . . S WE ARE RIGHT IN II". V,e do not ofFer you a but we do offer you the. g . p Solid car of Star Leaders just, fire back: satisfaction cuar.'vuteed' or atock !ro Kir.'i,rs, Gate City and Georgia Home. -!iii!ii!nj!i:i!i!!n:J:M2!ii!:';':T!i,i(;i!!ii;!r.j!:i::.; ;J::iJ; ij;;!".! !;; q-a vidoyoSj puvy Oi.I iMENT? WE Violins, Guitars, P-uijons, Mar all kinds of strings and repairs. WtllMlHWlflllllllllMjIlllllllJIllTtMllllllllilltllillllllllll'rr. I'"f n I RW ITI I Pt! No house in North Carolina carries a larger stock or better liuo, sr. !j c iil tiAl 3 ou j.:ood-f; cheup an the e gradfof -ood e-u li 2 f- ou-iit a.tiyvhi-io. We have said uud my, come aim tee ;f be ti ae. w Bell, Harris & Co. I tiesidence Phone. .. .00. ' i-t"V Pbone. .li- 'J Questions Auvn red, 7e. Aiurnst Ffower M'li Ln't!-e .'ar er;f r ? of e.ny metliij'ue u tii- .J 'd w or id. Your pothers nn.l iv :i ! ht-rs never thought of vsin nnvt1 i; r ise 'ur incli?estt;oh or billio'tyi-ess. !,-o "torg vere scarce, ani thfy KLvkai 1 -m-J of Rppendieitis, ut-ryo : rro! ;.! ;i. 'r ln-artl!ailnre, er'j. Tixy iw-! . ; -nt Fkver to eleuu t m ,i i fitp ferrentttioj of utui2tM.t; lood, resrulat the actum f t'.- lw .. r. n 1o.ta the nervous nd organic ..!..:.. -f ll.o system, ujhI that in nil l- ;nk hon feeling ihul n.-nl lal v it!. nches and other.nehes. You c i "y uai'd m few of Gfccu'a August l lr-M r in 'liqtnd form to nrnUn you sntirir t.jre in nothing serious the miitter mvit.'i yon. For n!e by all dealers in ::vi ... d eouacrieij. m. f'r- n -il'.- l'l'l, km 09 munuay murmug sc SiS5- rts Dollar 'for Fifty cents. ves in Conoi arrived; fifteen yjurn gff.raut-"3 o inonf-v bn .7 0 iVf Ji'lVO J a strinq inptuu SELL EM- doling, Zithers, Accordions, etc., atd PI I DM ITM PF H I Hi 0

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