w IT ':W PniCEf$4.00 per year. J CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY fULY 30, 1900. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. of on S I' . 3 3 I i 1 I I 9 1 I Wirt I'd. i Passes Away on 28th of Lunjc and Heart Maladin His 58th YearVSome Sketches of, Ms Career Long Service Jn'N. C. College.. Prof. Henry Thomas Jefferson Ludwig, A. M. Ph.D., died at his home in Mt. Pleasant on Sat- urday night the 28th at 10 o'clock. Bayond the community circle it was a surprise and a shock rarely suffered, but to those about him i"t was but the realiza tion of gravest fears. His health has been preca rious, and within the lasf few days the end became painfully v-isible. Tuberculosis was .the nrime cause of death, combined X with heart disease. Prof. Ludwig's many friends hopod for him many-years vet of the most useful period of life. Ha died iu his 58th year. He was a man of irreproach able character, a consistent member of Holy Trinity E.. L. church and has for most of the existence of the congregation been a member of its council. The deceased was conspicu ous as a scholar, being well versed iu all the sciences and languages in the courses taught in the colleges and was an ex haustive student of each. His extensive collateral reading made him a most interesting teacher who won to an unusual degree the admiration, the es teem and even the love of his students. In early life he showed an es pecial aptness for mathematics. He would furnish himself with a supply of arithmetical problems before starting out on the farm and between the plow handles woujd find the solutions. At night he would place the results on paper. He soon became rec ognized authority in this branch. He was elected to the tutorship in North Carolina Collego and pursued his studies, graduating in 1871 with first honors in the first class of graduates .from the institution. II.; was elected to tho p;'o:? rsliip of mathematics in tho college, a place ho has held ever since save a period of 'a few years wl en he was en gaged iu teaching a high school in Concord and editing tho Con cord Tirr's ond v.lso in conduet :ng.O;high school ia Salisbury. This embraces tho year 1853.. His life service has been e :oted almost cl'roly to teach ing in North Carolina VoVtcpe. He was a member of Co. II. , Sth N. C. Regime and served through tUe entire Confederate war. His last isonspicuous labor was V;riirj tho history of tho regimentiorJuJgQ Clam's booh. Hi; alma mater conferred the 1 I in LUUi! V. M. en him at .tho cxmratfon'mttrm mills. h:it. now of Caro- i f two years insfead of the sual ! period of tl&oo y.rs. :iwlrry College conferred on him the i tillo o Ph.D. in 13 (?) a titlo j ricliiy ii:rltodby his attain-; aents. I The deceived v;as unique Ju! many characteristics. Firm and orthodox in. the faitA ne.vas not demonstrative in his religious professions: Ofstrong and un- yielding convictions, Jp was not dogmatic or assertive and pos sessed in an unusual degree the' power of harmonizing with those with whom he was associated, which marked him as a man able toet along with anybody. He was a devoted member of the Masonic fraternity and was secretary of the State Grange while that organization was a source of power and iutlaeiice in .the State. Prof. Ludwig was never mar, ried, but had all the crro of raanr agement and providing for a family, being the stay and sup port of his aged mother a,l two sisters, beside the rearing of one brother to manhood. . The funeral servicu.i were cou ducted at St. John's church at 9 o'clock a. m!, this (Monday) morning by his pastor, the Rev. J A Linn, assisted by tho Rev. S D Steffey, and the remains were gathered with ti. j f uL; in che cemetery there. j The death of this man is like dropping a pebble in the lake of sorrow that will carry from North Carolina College a wave of grief to the utmost bounds of its attachments and will call forth a sympathetic sigh for it and those bound by the ties of endearing kinship. - ' t THE CHINESE WAR. "if. now it Effects American Cotton Milling Letter From a Younpr Concord Friend. Caroleen, N. C, July 28, 1900. Editor of The Standard, Concord, N. C. My Dear Sir: If you are not in possession of the following I will send it. Owing to tho situ ation in China, and regarding the market of American goods, the Pacolet Mills, of Pacolet, S. C.,- the second largest mill in the South, having .something over 100,000 spindles, will havo to. make a chango of goods suitable for this and other countries.' The change of goods means a' change of machinery. They hare been shipping their entire output to China.. The mill of course will be forced to shut down when the change is made, and for a time will throw about 1,500 or 1,800 hand.3 out of work. This is a neighboring mill and tho stock is reported to be worth ,rtf0, par value $100. I only give you this from i mill standpoint. The mills are feeling the effects of the war to no little extent. ' 1 Wishing you good luck, I am, Yours most truly, D. Fkancis Cannon, Jk. Mr. L. D IJuyul li ypfiili at 'aaaon-t villi Tonight. Mr L D Duval, the formed superintendent of the Cnrmorf Icon cvUoti mills, will '-Teak at Catouvillg trti'gbt. It cverjj one bo jwesent toirtght;..- the speaker fill give important fvCts concerning -fTe amende cut. He is a good speaker, so don't ? fdl toOear him. I I1MV RAPE 111, A Stranger Assanlts a Young Lndy Wltfla She Is afr Home Without Any Trotcc- fton The ?ind ESiapes. , The -"Salisbury Truth-Index of the 28t has 'the "following ac count of an attempted assault iipon Miss Lillie Cisper by a strange white man: "A strange white man attemp ted yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock to commit rape on Miss Lillie Casper, of Litakcr town ship. ' The man entered the house while Miss Casper was all alone, with the exception of a'small boy who was in the house at the the timo. The man approached her with improper suggestions, and she attempted to withdraw from his presence. He followed Jier and succeeded -in 'placing his hands upon her but she escaped before Vie could accomplish his fiendish purpose. ' Mr. Casper the father of the young lady, met the man on the ; As soon as the young lady nooided her father of the at tempted outrage he started in pursuit of the man accompanied by his neighbor, Mr.. M A Deal. They continued the search until midnight but without success. ! Miss Casper is a pretty young woman of eighteen and ' ler father is a well known and well-to-do farmer of Li taker town ship:" ' 1 The Healer's Work. An Augusta, Ga., dispatch of the 28th' says: The divine hoaler had a subject there in an old col ! of ed voman who had been deaf for .years. He restored her speech-and she. made the welkin ring with her hallelujah's. Mysterious Sews. NothiDg can bo more bcv.;I dering than th news from China. It is bad enough at best, but how bad the situation is seems a locked up mystery with no key to the truth. Along with assurances of safety to ail h.it the German minister who was doubtless killed comes the dis patch that before the sweeping massacre the heads of families in the legations killed their o wn families as ;i last at of kmdeers and lore to spave them iioai the brutal savagery of the Chinese. The Best Prescription for Chills And fever is a bottle or Grove's Tub'.v lefis Chill Tonic. It is Hircplj- iron suJ quinine in a tasteleBa form. No enrd no pav. Trie1 COc. . A FRESH INEOF . Nice -Candies, Also nice fksh ' SfDMtfBIf CHBESE jj ii AT S. J, ERVIN r 8 B. -D'.-C. . I ft Best Dyspepsia Cute. WE SELL IT. Wilt, crjfera Inai&restlOn and ft; tion and . . . Dyspepsia If you are troubled of these dia- and be cured. It costs you 25 cts. y . per bottle. ji Concord Drug Co. xrnviiG at, s iOTDAUkf UITHii M-H H II llti r III 1 I Many Styles! Reduced Prices! mm em Have you any needs weignt neaagear tor immeuiate user Then 'here is a fortunate cliahce for you. An opportunity ta save on a purchase is alwaye welcome. Never before have we offered such a chance to save on Men's Straw Hats. About 75 Straw Hats sold at 50c, 65c, 75c and $1 now put on a front table ond marked 3 Still a better lot goes at 50 cents caeh. Not & hat but what is worth double and thrible. v...vi.y WE ARE RIGHT IN IT We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty corts, but we do offer yon the Best LMc of Stoves in Concord i Solid ear of Star Leaders just arrive!; fifteen ywr a:uiirnijt..o .. fire haclr; sitisfKCtian yuaraDted or nituf.v lck. We aiao n.i v.. stock Iron Kins, Ustc City and Georgia Home. Q a T DO YOU PLAY A STRING INSTUU- i ! Micrr'i we se;ll 'em. VioTins, Guitar, IUi -jmup, M;iloiii, Ziyersi Vic r Jlious, t tc.auu all kinds of striuyH npd reptira. 4.B!uiiiii:iij.t'if1ii.i4ii;!iii';C;'ii5iiii;.!.ii!. FURNITURE! h nm in "ortb f.'arolina carries a laror it'ih. or better hte, u . .1.1 !-.)V. y(,u i.-oo.?3 a? chHup )xh the Kaaie4)fc.: ',J, t"i:' i r,l.t -1ic-: Wo h.vo said uud say, coiue aii-.l f'fo ii it be tn: . -.4 ' Be!l,riarris& C6 Questions Answered. . Tea. August Flower etill has t!a Irtr- eetale of any medicine ia the civiliAd'. world. Your mothers and. grandmothers never thought of using anything els for indigestion or-bflliousness. Portors were scarce,' and tfiey seldom heard oi heart failure, etc. They used AniUs? If I m a- t x 1 1 . x lower vo oieau uuv uio yMeui uuu stop fermentation of undigested fo;ti.. fegulate the action ! the Im, f-T'iun-late the nervous and organic motion r f the syatem, and that is all thov took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. You few does of Green's August Flower, xo liquid form to make you satined tliere in nothing serious the matter with y...-. For sale by all dealer in ;ivilizeJ countries. for additional light fit? . ' t h pi H p, 4 'FURNITURE! ! . Store PhoTiti. A:'., 9