o Pricb$4.00 per year. . COttCCf&P. N. C. TUESDAY IUDV3ik190O. SiNGLB CpPY 5 CENTS r. -is WrirSli: - . j 1 ANQELO BESStTHG AS SASSIN. - Fire Three $hots Into The Good Soy- ereign as He Enters UIs Carriage One Enters the Heart and the Tic-! tim Dies Universal Sorrow Reigns Hing Humbert of Italy was murdered on last Sunday evening the 29th by an Italian Angelo Bressi de Rrato. The vile as sassin fired v three shots one of which entered the king's heart just as he entered his carriage amid the cheers of his peopl. Every shot took effect on the king. The monarch died almost in stantly. The assassin was arrested and gave his name. He "claims to be fresh from America and did the deed from opposition to monarchical gov ernment. The murderer was barely saved by- the soldiers from the mob. He is indifferent of his deed and gives evidence that it was conspiracy involving others. There is great sorrow over the nations and many messages of sympathy and condolence are sent. The king was greatly beloved and the act is sadly deplored. CHINESE KEWS. Belter if Not Again Delusive -German Minister Heard From Safe on 2Ut. News comes of a more en couraging tone from Pekin. Tho German minister has been heard from and it is riow believed that the legations in Pekin were safe up to the 21st of July. Every message, however, in dicates that the diplomats are in great straits as provisions rvr.d ammunition, for defense were :0 short as to be about ex hausted t by this time. The ad vance 6f the allied forces is nol yet begun and if the pro foreign Chinese do not themselves sup ply them there seems little that is cheering in it. No Daily Standard Tomorrow. The, Daily Standard will not issue tomorrow. All the force are for White Supremacy and -they wfch to take part in the great demonstrations of real for the peaoc and prosperity of their mother State. "We have ho fear that a gpnerous puct'.c will not approve. . The Standard Avill, wo hope, bo ou time Thursday evening' as U3U&.1 and oil Friday morning . Kluttz aud Caldwell. Mr. T F Kluttz ani fr.ai H H Caldwell have begua ther canvass of the county. They are' at James Burkhead's ad Over-1 cash's stoQs today. Tomorrow j they will "be at Enochvine and tomorrow night at China Grove. - ;! Ill "I0! Will Start Ont at 10 O'clock Sharp- Tbree Bauds Will be on Hand and Good Mnslc Will be Heard on All Sides-Oorae Out and See This Grand Parade. The parade starts on diurch street at East Depot street and goes down Church street to East Corbin street, along East Corbin street to North Union street and up North Union" street to Mr. II M Barrow's residence, thence crossing to Church street, up Church street to East Buffalo street, along Buffalo, street, to North ' Union street, down Norti Union street to Marsh street, tnence 'by Marsh street to North Spring street and down Spring street to the graded school where the speiking takos place. The different townships1 will line up as follows: No. 1: Enters by depot, up De pot street to Spring street, up Spring street to Mill street; by Mill street across Main street to Church street, down Church street to East Depot street. No. 2: By depot up Depot to Valley street, up Valley street to Mill street, up Mill street crossing Main to Church, down Church to East Depot street. J No. 3: Beattie Foard road by Buffalo street," to Church street,', iown Church to East Depot street." , No. 4: By Salisbury " road, iowri Church . to East Depot treet.: I No. 5: East Depot street, h.nd forms in rear of township No. 12. ! Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9: Forms on Mt. Pleasant road at old Lutheran church. Nos. 10 and: 11: On South Union street. ' No! 12 Ward 1: From Can- nonville up Depot street cross ing Union and stops east of Church street. "Ward 2: At Odells, down Union to East Depot, by East Depot and stops east of,' hurch street. Wards 3 -and 4: Will form on past Depot east of Church. Stanly county will form on West Corbin street. Bands: 3 Concord, Greens boro and Steel Creek. Be at positions at 9:45. Parade. begins at 10, promptly. ! CHINA GROVE ITEMS. Hot Time in the Old Town Tt Light Hon. T F Kluttz .to Sp"''iXn the . St'clal Circle. Written For The standard. China Grove, July 31 Mr. Iiobt. Laflerty ; is home on a visit.; 1 1 ; Six new students come in Mon-. day. We are glad to see our townii j! ;'i:ve with boys and girls attesd ing the Wfiit Bros. schb'... MiSs , Belle Ecfdlemaij inter-tair-od .rnumbir' of friends last Tjreok1 at"herndrme in honor of her Wend Xis Agns Cook,- o Kit.'; Pleasant." ( Rovand Mrs.-Clpp aT3d Rev. Robt. Pattersoi are visiting at Us. I Frank Patterson's. .j Hor T 1& KluUz Mil Siieak here tonisrht. A larjre ftbwd it expeciea. mere win u i. "ymvr 81 IB Corals' 'ai an 013 iSrleijd Whom They Honored on His Learing and Meads Yfltk Tbeinfor the Amendment. . Mr. Tj D Duval snoko to thft ! people of Cannonville Monday fciiffht. Hfs zeal for the causo of .White Supremacy was his great incentive for being there and he appealed as one who held thejr confidence as manifested when he left them. 5 He plead with them with all his force and power not to throw away this opportunity to cast a vote more vital to their interests jthan any they had over cast. j The speech was not long but was- punctured with deafening applause. It was a source of delight to these people to hnv Jhini and hear him, with ail his attachment for the mill people. to declare to them his conviction that the amendment is good and wise in its provisions and that it is the right thing to vote for. He was disturbed by a request to pxplain why Democrats appoint ed negro registrars in the past He "said the! explanation was that had done no such thing and that that- is the whole thing in fehort. Blow to the Boers. A Pretoria dispatch of the 9tti from Lord Roberts savs Ghti'; PrinsfcH5,"vitti DiOO' Boers; have surrendered to GenV Hun ter. This ' blow - is severe to the Boers ' and indicates an early ciollapse.' 1 White ManTurned Yellow. ! Great consternation was felt by the friends of M, l Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yel- Ifcw Ilia skin slowly" changea color, also his eyes, and he luffered terribly. His malady was'yeUow jaundice. He was treated by the - best doctors, but Without benefit. Then h was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful stomach and ' Liver romedy, and ho writes:. "After using two bottle3 I whb hollv'' cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Only 30c. Hold at Fetzer's drug Store. J Was Ii a Miracle? ! "The raartellous cure of Mrs, Eena J fjtout of consumption Las created iii tenBe excitemeut in Cammaok, Ind." Writes Marion Stuart, a leading drug gist of Muncie, Ind. Sh,e only weifrhed 90 pounds when her doctor m Yoiktowu said she must soon die. Then she. be gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery and gained 37 pounds in vreight r.nd wuh compleiely cured." it has onred thousands of hopeless cases, nnd is positively guaranteed to cure all throat, chest, and lung aisfafiea. 50c and &1.0U. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's dng fctoro K. FRESH - LIN'S Ol'1 JNKE CANDIfiS ALSO SICE FHESIL 1Summer Cheese !.'t J.- Ml 1 AT S.J. KRVISVS V r q B. Du C. i g Best Dyspepsia Cure. ! i VJT7. S"PT.T. TrP TVtt't rn, Q Indigestion and ' 8 Dyspepsia 0 you are troubled of those dw- 7 n eases give thia medicine a trial z M and be cured. It coeta you 25 cts. per Dottle. Concord Drug Co. Phone R7. inThuiflruflTn.il iUiUifiiii nniui 0 88 IVfany Styles! Reduced Prices! Have you any needs for additional light weight headgear for immediate use? Then 'here, is a fortunate chance foryou. An bpportunity ta save' on a purchase - iftway.a-WDlcome-Ne.verJbefore have, we offered such a chance to save on Men's. Straw Hats. Abotit 75 SfcraW Hats sold at 50c, 65c, 75c and' SI now put on a front table ond marked Be 6a Still a better lot goes at 50 cents each. Not a hat but what is worth double and thrible. , GTnnur IinT nt Is WE ARE RIGHT IN IT- We do 'not offer you a but we do offer you the- Best Line of Stoves in Concord Rnh'd car of Star Leaders just arrived: fifteon years -guarantee od ii ffre" lac'k; efttisfaction guaranteed or money back. We also have n. ff ' stock Iron Kings, (late City and Georgia Home. !i7:i11!rriiiiiiJii1;,r'if:!Hilaii(iiJ,MtiiJ"ii1i,i!:,i"ii:Miiiiiiil .C? A VJ-do you play a spi ; t)ft I 1 MENT? WE SELL ' oiinsij ds of tt all kin rings and rt fairs Violins Guitars. Banjons, Mandolins, Zithers, Accordions, eto , and . .. tlllflillltllltlllllllMlJlltlfiJlliliiJlll.lMlt'itlt!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . FURNlYURE! FURNITURE! .' No Louse iiiXu! th Carolina carries a larger stodt or belter line, aaa we will eoil you goods p cheap aa the same grad of goods cau v: boughtayViicio. fo aave eaia and II,Hfirris&'Co. . .Questions Answered, Yes, Augnsf Flower still hs the laig. est saldottAnjr medicine U the civiliiwd orlcl. YourSnothers and graadniothera jiever thought pf 8ing ( anyhinsf ejaa for indigeation or bifliousneas. Doctors were ftcarce, and they seldom hoard of appendicitis, . nervous prostration or j heart failure, etc. 'They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regnlata the action .'f the lirer, stimu late the nervous and organic action, pf the eystep, .and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with Loud aches and other aches. You only uoed a few" doses of Green's August Flower, in, liquid form to vxao you aatiiieJ thure in' nothing serioup tJe matter with you. For sale by all dealers 'in . civilized countries. WW aw 1 i 0 the attraction g Monday Morning y-rX, Dollar for Fifty cents, RING 1NSTUU- EM- say, come ana suo ji n w m. , Residence Thone 90. Store Phone. . . .12. g Salisbury Sun, July 30tb. tiri in this Sihl town tcriisht. 4 O

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