a , o o o ' , : ' ' Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD? N. C THURSDAY, AUGUSf.2( 1900. Single copy 5 cents. B S which we cannofnention. -Per-1 excitement a fight had begun f$ttr3Z2tfz?z'&c2tZiZ2ZZ BIG. RALLY. fiaps the oup cajling fortli the "hist in frbnt of th speaker and Q greatest number of. remarks was I the crowd swayed to and iro un- .;.A Day. Long to 'Be Remembered. - Beautiful Floats, De- lightful Music and Good Speaking. Dinner Vanishes Hot For the Texan Populist Action Makes Votes for the Democrats. Never before has Concord had such a day as Wednesday. The largest, most enthusiastic and most determined crowd that ever gathered within the limits of the town was here Wednesday to give the finishing stroke to one of the hottest campaigns that has ever been fought in the county. People began to arrive by day-break, on horseback, in buggies and in wagons, and each morning train brought delegations, until the large numbers were swelled to between ten and twelve thousand people. The crowd was perhaps the largest gathering that has assembled in any county during the campaign, and one of the jolliest, most orderly and well conducted. The , procession was formed at 10 o'clock with No. 2 township at the head. No. 2 was so fortunate as to win the ' beautiful silk banner for putting the largest number of men on horseback during the parade, aud it is remarkable when we remember that it is the strongest nogro township in the county. There were over 2,500 people in the procession, the greater part of whom were mounted. The Concoid band led the pro cession, followed by four boauti ful floats, decorated in pure white, bearing banners with ap propriate inscriptions. The first float, driven by Mr. Jno. Mc Dowell, with lovely maidens in pure whitp, represented Con cord. The next was from. For est Hill, with , maidens in pure whife, and in theirmidst Gapt. J M Odell. A second float con taining 40 girls from,Forost Hill, driven 4y Supt. Coble, followed. Forest Hill did her part in the parade. The float from Mt. Pleasant was unique and beautiful and did credit to the town. ! There were several other floats 1 the small float bearing a bevy of boys, aud on one 'side was the in scription, "Wish "Ve Coy Id Vote," and on. the other,. "We Are Nqt Afraid of 190.$." Stanly county sent a "big and enthusfastic delegation of red shirts and took an important part in the parade. Mr. A M Brown, chief mar shal, and his corps of marshals deserve much pi'aise for their management. The Qreensboro and Steel Creek bands had their positions in the parade and furnished ap propriate and uatriotic music for the occasion. The crowd was enthusiastic and genorous in cheering and could be heard from one end of the town to the other. After marching through the principal streets the procession and' crowd adjourned to the graded school grove where seats were prepared, for the immense crowd. Never has a more intelligent crowd gathered at a political speaking here, and as Major Guthrie remarked, "It was an audience of strong men and lovely women." The meet ing was called to order by Chair man A B Young. Prayer was made by Rev. JAB Fry. Mr. M H H Caldwell, in appropriate remarks which were well re ceived and generously applaud ed, introduced Major W A Guth rie, of Durham, to the audience. Major Guthrie made a good speech in fluent and polished language and carried conviction in his argument. He said in his introductory remarks that he did expect to see a big crowd here but did not expect to see the State turn out. Major Guthrie is a magnetic speaker. Mr. Jas. H Pou, of Johnson, was next introduced by Mr. II S Puryear and made one of those strong, forcible and inspiring speeches for which ho is noted. Mr. Pou is ono of the finest campaigners in the State and his speech here was a whooper-up," and doubtless caused many votes to. bo cast for White Supremacy today. He spoke over an hour and held his crowd spell-bound. . From the speaking the crowd went to the barbecue grounds where dinner had boon prepared for over 8,000 people and was served in a most acceptable man ner. The dinner crowd was im mense, and rations disappeared as a vapor. In the meantime while the Democratic speaking was in progress the Hon. Harry Tracy from Texas made his ap perance at the court house, mounted the steps, and soon had a handful of Populist around him. - Mounting a tabe he be gan to speak. The news soon snread that Mr. Tracy was speakingat the court hcuse 6f course the Democratic red Jhirts etc., began to gather m the court hotso yard to help the few Populists to cheer their im ported speaker. He had only to begin to open his mouth and the crowd would yell and cheer fil it emerged kito the street. Mr. Tracy began again and so did the yelling and fighting. All "passed off nicely only one 0 man 'being huft, he was a Popu- 'Q list and received a lick over the 0 head cutting a considerable ' U gash. Mr. Tracy we suppose ; 0 was on the platform for over 3Q hours; but we don't suppose that (l - B. D. C. . Best Dyspepsia Cure. WE SELL IT. Willoure Indigestion and .... Dyspepsia If yon are troubled of those dis eases give this medicine a trial and be enred. It costs you 2- ots. per bottle. it would take 10 minutes to tell what he said. One could only tell that he was attempting to speak by seeing his lips move. Finally he came down and with his body guard made for the Kimball house, the crowd following and yelling and cheering. He disappeared in the hotel and the crowd thinking that they were after Tracy, soon congregated. Several speakers mounted the steps and besought the crowd that they do- no vio lence to the man. The crowd dispersed and Mayor Moans with guard escorted Mr. Tracy to safe keeping. Tho crowd began to follow them and at the square a police force stopped the procos sion aud Mr. L C Caldwell mado a speech in bohalf of good order The crowd again quietly dis persed and Mr. Tracy was con ducted to Rev. B LacyHoge's. A horse and his grip from the ho tel being secured he .was driven to Glass station, where "Young Lochinvar" the Knight from the West, returnod crest fallen. Mr. Tracy said that he had seen many a crowd and had dwelt among the Texas cowboys but never before had he met such a determined crowd as he found here. He said that he was tired of North Carolina and wanted to get home. The action of the Populist hero Wednesday reminds us of the man being drowned and grasping for the last straw, but availeth nothing and sinketh beneath tho waves. Mr. Tracy had no business here and perhaps ho was served right, still we would have been very'sorry had any violence bee n done to him. His Populist friends could have averted his presence here Wednesday and they have only lost many sup porters by their actions. One man, who carries considerable in fluence, said he would 'today voto the Demociatic ticket, and carry others with him, on account of the Populist action. Many others doubtless did the same. L C Caldwell, of Statesville, Col. T 0 Haines, of Benne'ttsville, S. C. and Mayor Thomas Linn, i of Salisbury, spoke at tho court . house Wednesday evening and ' made strong speeches. ; It wTas a red letter day in the history of rabHrrus. Everyone was here for a good time and had it. The various committees de-: serve much credit for the man-1 ,agement of the campaign which' siastic ever waged in Cabarrus, ' and today tjfley will see the fruits of their work. 8 n Concord Drag Co nu rim (Questions Answered. Yes. Angust Flower still haa tfie larg est saie.of any medicine lathe diviiized world, Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else Mr indigestion or bifliousness. Docjors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, neryons prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action f the liver, stimu late the nrvous and, organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. Yon only need a few does of Oreen'sAugust Flower, in liquid form to make you satitied there is nothing serious the matter with yoli. For sale countries. by all dealers in ti v-iliati inTTMSiniiTPil 'mn i Tin hh mi n s , am Many Styles! Reduced Prices! aa aa aa aa Have you any needs for additional light weight headgear for immediate use? Then here is a fortunate chance for you. An opportunity ta save on a purchase is alwaye welcome. Never before have we offered such a chance to save on Men's Straw Hats. About 75 Straw Hats sold at 50c, 65c, 75c and $1 now put on a front table ond marked aa aa aa aa dl 00 00 00 00 w Still a better lot goes at 50 cents each. Not a hat but what is worth double and'tlirible. 00 00 00 00 00 vt..ti . . w..7v.ty is the attraction WW Monday Mornlntr Tr J "TfJ W WB'HW W J - i. Rev. W II McNairy starts: Friday for Lincolnton and other ; points to be gone for a month WE ARE RIGHT IN IT- We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifty cents, but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord Solid car of Star Leaders Just arrived; fifteen years guarantee on fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or money Iwck. VVe also have in Rtock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Home. 4!iiiii!iiiuitnii:i!iiiiiiiiiini::it:ii!iiinliiiiii:irniii!i''"i!iii Q A VI DO YOU PLAY A "STRING INSTUU Oi I 1 MENT? WE SELL 'EM- Violins, Guitars. Banjons, Mat-dolins, Zithers, Accordions, etc., ami all kinds of strings and repairs. MII!llllll)'llllll!lilll'l!llilll!lIlMllUl!ll'l:;!!'ni!:;!lllll(i!il!llll - FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! No house iu North Carolina carries a larger stock or better line, and we will sell you goods as cheap as the same priiie cf goods can bt bought anywhere. We have said and say, come and seo if it be true. on a vacation granted by his and finally in order to add to the charge. 1 Bell, Harms & Co. Residence Phone. . Phone 12. 8 U