i t .-, i PficE : $4 00 jfer year CONCORD. N.a FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1900. . i v ......... A ; . SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. r " n n it rtr rv ak. n r ri rv 1 Cabarrus for tne White Man The Amendment, Aycock and the Whole County Ticket solid. ' r- Returns Not Complete But .Enough to Show That Democracy and White Supremacy Have a Good Majority In Old Cabarrus-Victory by a Hard Fought Battle. From 10 o'clock when the re sults could bo forecasted with a fair degree of certainty Gran ville, Martin, Lenoir, Orange, Beaufort, New. Hanover, John son, Catawba, Northampton, Rowan, Pitt, Person, Wake, Franklin, Vance, Chowan, An son, Pasquotank, Perquimans and Richmond were soon an nounced as safely Democratic. In Wilmington where the ne . gro vote before the riot of '98 occurred was about 3,000, only two were cast on Thursday . In fcWake 1,500 majority is cla imed for Democracy Fifteen negroes voted for the Amend ment. Franklin reports from 700 to 1,000 in favor of Ihe amendment. Anson makes a fine report of 1,200 to 1,500 Democratic ma jority. Rowan's majority is announc ed as 1,600 for the ticket -and 1,300 for the Amendment. Wilkes' county reports Greene, Democrat, for the Legislature, but the rest of the ticket Repub lican by a decided majority. The amendment carried ki Guilford by 80 votes. Mecklenburg's majority for , the amendment is estimated at .-I "OA o,j0U. . , Edgecombe county goes over' 8,00.0 for the amendment. Further returns show Tyrell .in Democratic line. Iredell reports 600 majority! in favor, of the Amendment and 800 in favor of the tate ticket. Washington is safe by 400 pr 500. Btunswick is said to tie safe by 200 votes. The "city of Newbern and Cra ven county give Aycock 'about 4 foOO majority. Same for amnd- ment. Martin's majority is set down at 1,083. At 10:80 o'clock 18 counties in dicated 50 per-cent higher num bers than the Charlotte Ob server's estimate and the ma jority for the Amendment was placed at 60,000. Chairman Simmons retired shortly after midnight satisfied with the results. He said the Democratic majority will exceed 50,00, and thinks we will -secure three-fourths of the legislature. Perquimmons is safe by 250, Alamance by 1,000, Forsyth by 500, McDowell by 250 to 300. Cumberland is Democratic by 1,000 to 1,200. Grainville will probably be in Democratic line. Wilson goes Democratic by 1,200 to 1,500 a gain of 1,1)00 over last election. Edgccomb is set down at 2,500 Democrotic majority. At 1:30 a. m., of the 3rd 48 counties give majority of 54,000 and 13 counties givo Democratic majority of 3000 for the Amend- ment, Estinated majority ior statd-C0,000. Davidson ts probably Demo cratic,. Caswell is safely. Demo cratic,. Pamlico is conceded to the Democrats, Polk county is Republican. mm mm mm mm mm i Albemarle, New Lflndfcn and Norwood give th$. amendment a majoritof Tf). $ . Harntf t givcfOO majority. Cabarrus Caufity. The returns from the county were yet incomplole at 2 o'clock. Enough was received , however, to assure us that Cabarrus Dem ocrats have gottoja everything tjiey voted for. . " . The following is the best available as we go to prc$s: DEMOCRATIC. ' ' No. 1 Township For ;mnd jment 99, against amendment 15$. f o5-FA134.AA124. . Nc. 6 F A 111, A A 52. No 7 F A 39? A A 89. o 8F A 19$, A AflL No 10-F A 101, A A 154. at No 12, Ward 1 F A 319, A A 121. Ward 2 F A 259, A A 110. Ward 3-F A 73, A A 27. . Ward 4 F A 115, A A 201. No. 1 Township Morris 100, McAllister 99, Peck 92, Johnson 95, Swink 99, Propst 101, Long 96, ' Lentz 94, Gillon 95, Stallings 94, Cline 96. : No 2 township Morris 137, McAllister 134, rest not heard from. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 not hoard from. No 6 Morris 113, McAllister 114, Peck 110, Johnson 104, Swink 113, Propst 115, Long 111 Lentz 110, Gillon 109, Stallings 109, Clino 111. ino m orris o, lvicaiiisier k.wfv 43,' Pock 52,' Johnson 41, Swink 47, Propst 47, Long 26, Lentz 45, Gillon 43, Stallings 44, Cline 44. No 8 Morris 190, McAllister 193, Peck 185, Johnson 185, Swink 194, Propst 195, Long 197 Lentz 194, Gillon 194, Stallings 193, Cline 194. No 9 not heard from. ' No 19 Morris 105, McAllister 107, Peck 103, -Johnson 108, Swink 109, Prcpst 104, Long 109, Lentz 108, Gillon 108, Stal lings 108, Cline 108. No 11 Peck 111, Johnson 122. Swink 123, Propst 115. , Rest not hoard from. Township No 12, Ward 1 Peck 305, Johnson 320, Swink 322, -Propst 321, Long 317, Lentz 317, Gillon 315, Stallings 315, Cline 315. Ward 2 Morris 249. McAllis ter 247, Peck 200, Johnson 262, ft Swink 202, Propst 261, Long I U S . .B. D. C: U ' I Best Dyspepsia Cure. WE SELL IT. Will cure Indigestion and . . . . Dyspepsia If VOa are trAnhlad nf thnRA rhs. 2 eases give this medjpine a trial il aud be cured. It costs you 25 eta. Q pep bottle. ft g Phone 37. Questions .AnsTrered. . Yes. August . Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your moth era and graodmotheiw never thought of using anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce, ancf ihey seldom heard oi appendicitis, neryous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used Aufrust Flower . fo' clean out the syfetem and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action f the liver, stimu late the nervous and organic nation of the system, and that is all they tck when feeling dull and bad witli head aches and other aches. You only need a few dopes oi. Green's Ausrust Flower, m liquid form to make you eatitied there is nothing serious the matter with yon. For sale by all dealeris in livinzod countries. a 1 1 T I it y Many Styles! Reduced Prices! 0m Have you any needs for additional light weight headgear for immediate use? Then here is a fortunate chance for you. An opportunity ta save on a purchase is alwaye welcome. Never before have we offered such a chance to save on Men's Straw Hats. About 75 Straw Hats sold at 50c, 65c, 75c and $1 now put on a front tabic ond marked . : 9 Mk, MM ...V.t 00 2-&-aUia aor en' -tvr mo- kiuj- chv tw mar Still a better lot goes at 50 cents each. Not a hat but what is worth double o n ,1 V,r.U,ln c ih(t nttrfictinn I I III I III! I III I ' 1 r r - 1 SB in r Lt Monday Morning p W 4 1 CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE." A -FRESH LfNE OF ' Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH 'Summer Cheese j AT g. J. EUVIN'S ) w . 11 WE ARE RIGHT (N IT. H v. At We do not offer you a Dollnr for v ifty cents, ' but we do offer you the . W Best Line of Stoves in Concord f! 8olid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteen y -j.tr s puarauteo v.j fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or money back. We also have, m stook Iron Kings, (late City and Georgia Home. . liiiliiiliiiWiliiiliiiIiiit'linlailJiifniliiiiliiiliiiliiiiiiili'ilLr"!'!! Q A VI'DOYOU PLAY A STRING OA I MENT?- WE.SELL'EM. . INSTUU- rf if 3 V1i-na CtritVava "RoTiirtnfl TVTftTulnllTlR. tftthpiTH. AfrtOTilioTia. d-Q. . Ulim j j j( '.'lunj UiK'iU) vuj f -1 t 1 trT . all kiLxf s of trini?s and repairs. " . -(HiIrfIniirj(iiiprnIiMjirI)!ilriiIii'lM!lit;IriiIui(iM!n'!''!rMl!!i(itif(iin(- FURNITURE! FURNITURE! ! N Jfi) jioiise !A North Carolina'carries a larger stofk or better e viii sell you ftoodsu cheap as the samo gram) of goods boj line, end 1 stil you gooes u cneap as ino samo griuio vi guous can v" b&kt anywhere. We have said and say, come aa J see if it b? trie.? IJUII. llUllli? V WVa Residence Pho. . . . 90. Store Thouo ....12. f 'A ft