vsv on . rt IS e 9 . . w . r-5 m n . ; Pmoit: $4.00 pgr year. ... CONCORD, N. C. TUESDAY,, AUGTteT 7, L900. . . ' ; . ' 5". CHINESE . FORCED BACK BY Fifty Thousand Moritf iu Alabuma- Davenport Dangerously III. THE ALLIES. - . Will Eliminate tho Negro From Poll tios-The State Tkkeft u nunuHuva, Alabama's election came off Among Attatfkfirs Many Times More f . . for Chinese-Force oT Defense May be Monday and tho Democratic Ilroken DiOicnlties andUulcertaiutits ticket was frium-phant'by 50,000 A very important and hard t fought battle has occured on the way to Pekfn 'as has been ex pectftd. It occurred at Fietsang, some 12 miles beyond Tien Tsin on Sunday morning and lasted m for seven hours. Tho allied forces succeeded in .dislodgirg the enemy, .though the casualtit s 'are estimated- at 1,200. The Chinese casualties are be lleved to be three to six times greater. , Tbe effects cannot be accurate lv estimated. . The Chinese are ' believed to have retreated to a stronger position at the walled town of Tung Chow where there are great stores of provisions. The flooded lands make it difficult to advance with heavy artillery and the resistance may be very formidable. On the other hand there is some hope that the battle has weakened the power of resistance. Li Hung Chang has informed the consuls that the ministers left Pekin for Tien Tsin under escort on August 3rd. It is not fully credited, however. . The Chinese do not comply with Secretary Hay's demand to open free communications be tween him aild Minister Conger. It soems from dispatches that the attacks on the ministers have ceased and that supplies have been furnished them by the Chi nese who now realize the im mense penalty for any harm done them. THEFT. 1H Frank Smith HasMcwelry Stfclen--.U. Coll)rt Arrested ajid Jewelry Found. . Mr. Frank 'Smith found on Mondaj that some of his jewelry had disappeared. Al. Colbert, colored, had been to his room for his .clothes and took the "booty while there. Ilosold some of the buttons to Than White, who attempte'd to sell them on th street? A search warrant was ' tkn out, Al Colbert ar rested and the jewelry founds Mr. 5 L Boger made the .ar rest. The negro t attempted to make his escape from Mr. Boger but Chief oi Polire Harris glive chase and soon had him under majority. ' The election carried with it the decision to hold a constitu tional convention to eliminate the negro from politics. The state ticket is as follows Governor, Wm. J Samford, of Lee; Attorney General, Chas. G Brown", of Jefferson; Secretary of State, R P McDavid, of Mont gomery; Treasurer, J Graig Smith, of Dallas; Audi'tor, Thom as L Sowell, of Walker; Commis sioner of Agriculture, Robt. T Poole, of Marengo; Snperinten dent of Education, J Aborcrom bie, of Calhoun. FROM THE GiiOVE. Tarks Lafferty Doing Well Quiet After Election Mr. J. L. Bostian Expand- ing Hey. Ilobt. Patterson to Lecture'. Written for Tbe Standard. . China Grove, Aug. 7. The election is over and everything is quiet again. We are glad to see Mr. Jim Kirk out again, but he is not ablo to go to work yet. Master Parks Lafferty has had an operation performed for ap pendicitis and is getting along nicely. Dr. Stokes, of Salis bury, performed the operation Saturday eye. Miss Hattie' Templeton, of Amity, is visiting in China Grove. Rev. Robt. Patterson will give a lecture at the Academy Friday night. Mr. J L Bostian is at work building a new front to his dwelling. When finished it will' be quite an attractive building.' Also Mrs. Bostian will have a brick store near Mr. Bos tian's furniture store for her millinery department. New "students are coining in every day to Wright"' Bros. school. Tho young people of China Grove enjoyed another straw ride last Friday night.' Moon light and nice watermelons were plentiful. ! oo0o3o0o2o0ooaoSoao&o0oo A dispfttch came to relatives o sr wrc at?w AfiwxrTs vnxt Jfrto Mrs. Davenport, nee Miss' .Terr- EtJreka Pi an mo oa,pp, isur;uumiy m ner Or- ., i i O hon,e in Coinjock,- "c.rrHuck g Fujniture Polish, o o rnnntv TTor mnthpr Mrs Knmi O wliich ha4)eeu well introduced o county, lier mother, Mrs. happ, naHhrouahhereb yoneofitsmak ersIM will 'board tho early 4 rain this evening, for her bedsidtt. Thostt who haye tried it know o wimt it is. Removes Spots, q Stains, Scratches, etc. ICS i rnuc . ou utJiiis pur ooiiib1. g Th Best Prescriptioti for CWlls CotlCOrd Drug Co. o Andjfever is a bottle ot. Grove's Taste-: "o Phone 37. . less Chill Toflic. It is simply iron end C " jwWcfS?"'0"1, Oocyte- OoDo5o2oBo0o0o0o0oBoBoaoO (J'tious Answered. Yfis. August Flower still haslhe larg est sale of any tu'edicine ia th civilized worKl Your moibeHR and Kranjiothers neer thought vi using any thins else 5or indigestion or billionsness. Doctofs were scarce, and they Beldom hjard of appendicitis,- "nons prostration or heart failure, etc. They used Arrnst Flower to clean out the system gnd stop fermentation of .undigested food, regulate the action rf the Kver.'btimu lata the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all ther took when feeling dull and bad with head aches.and other nchea. You only need a few dopes of Green's August Flower, in liquid forprtb make, you satitied there is Nothing serious the .matter with you. For sale by all dealers in -iivilized oouniries. pa n w 1 i u T in o . n-AJ r- . Has been the most exciting and .the most thrilling ' . Sale ever held in Concord. Dull months have been turned into busy ones and eager buyers have crowded the counters like the fall season. There is some reason for this summer throng it is the matchless prices. People have learned to look for our advertisements and are al ways ready with an anxious heart to. take 'advantage of the 'opportunity. Today there has been a throng at the Ribbon and Hosiery counters. We have sold Jots of stuff but there is enough for one more days lively selling. Be quick if you will share in these bargaing. Every thing as advertised. 0 Q 3 Q Q Q Q oooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooocoooooo RIBBONS. Lot No. 1 consists of 35 lo 48c in all kinds and colors. Sale Price t5c- Lot No. 2 Large variety of Neck Ribbons, Waist Ribbons, etc. in satin and silk, all shades, former price 20 to 30c, Sale Price 15c. Lot No. 3 all 15 and 19c Rib bons, Special Price 10c Baby Ribbons for this sale only, Special Price 2c- Ton never get too many Rlons and tie closing out price are on tte , piece of heavy welt white P. K., 25c quality to Close at 15c- 1 bolt of 15c P. K., Sale Price 10c- 1 piece of 18c quality of light weight fancy P. K., Sale lrice 10g- 1 lot of white barred muslins, former price 7c, Cat 2yrice 5c- 1 lot of barred muslins sold at 15c, Sale Price 10c- 2 pieces of Berkly long cloth ot 12 yards, sold at 1.75, Cut Price 81-33. Some short pieces of wash silks, 2 to 8 yards in a piece, worth 60c yard, would make nice dressing saques," ' lour Choice 35c- 2 dozen ladies fine gauze vests in mercerized silk, must be closed out. Only 17 c- 1 dozen fine umbrellas, valuo $3 and $3.50 Sale Pric-' S3.00. 40c Lndies Lisle drop htitch hose, . : . , Spcciccl Price. 25c- Mic.,-,,. .1..-. riiU 1 :.u 20c very sheer plain white Kr r ? j ' ? " "' lawn 2 pair for 25c Cut to 15c- 2 pieces of 35c White -French 3 pieces of dottod swiss sold Great bargains in viid-widar K., at 15c, bloeched domestic, no stanch. Sale lrice 2b c yard- . Now only 10c- For 5 o yard- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO.OOOOOOO OOCOOOOOOOOOOO---' Wake .up, grab your bonnet and be on a 'hustle if you. would take advantage of the offerings here tomorrow-. . .' oopooooooooooco.ooooooooooo OOOOCOOOOOOCCOCOOC'OOC H. L. Parks d&Co. H. L. Parks & H. L. Parks & Co. NEWS CILF.LX2S. Tho trouWle passed" off at May boro without any thing seripus. Three negroes were killed at McIVtakin mine three miles south of Gold Hill last Friday y tfie explosion of dynamite. The Gold Hill Copper Co. ind tho Union Copper Miring Qo.,( It Saved His Leff. P. A. Danfoit of LaOruuo, On., suf fered for six months tritli a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen'sjVrnicfi Salve wholly curocl it in five dayu. For ulccra, wounds, and pilep, its the heat ealve in the world Cure guaranteed. Only 2!i. Sold at Fetzpr's Drug store. ..f r are again in finaniai ffouble i arrest again. Colbert was tried but as.surancesire givcii that before 'Squire Pitts, failed to give bond and was placed in jail to await court. , Colbert has been on the chain gang several times and seems not to be satisfied off of it. The commissioners met today and Oent through the regular routino of business, of paying bills. 11 LINK iW- Nics Bandies' WE ARE RIGHT IN IT. M f s y Best Vine of Stoves in Concord t.. We do not offer you a' Dollar for Fifty cents, but we do offer you the . i ' , " li, X A. JJ-i A A 1 I S.JJ .. a "w mm LJfft- v . r r m: t. . all will Ee adiuMtd. soon. , m . AT .fy.T. TCTl KIEX1 T i X II j UUUlUCclUUU UOiXllliliaCiP Will ? meet Messrs W J Biaru aui . 1(1 Adlai L Stevftfison and foriHallj ; Solid car "of 3tV Leaders japt ,p.rrivi; il fifteen yesra guarantee ou fire back: satiRfautioji guaranteed !4r money' b-sck.' We also ' hvo in 5 'etoc Iron Kings, Oatu Cit anj Cieorgia. Home. , , N '' ! ' ' : f.'i i!!ii'r-f:ii'ii'-i',-.ii-.Hi,.lnil!li:i!ii!lii!3i.il,-A-il;iiiiilliili.'il:IA w Q A V DO.YUl PLAT. A o 1 Hi NG INSIUU- ;,Oi'l,'MENT(;?---WE,SELiL:''EM.' ' ' Tiollns,' Ortitttr8.f;an johpt '.toIihsVZjtaers, Acconlidr ?,'eta, ft V break the nows of their nomina- i tion tomorrow. j ! Mrs. R L Query, who spent Sunday and Monday at Mr. M H Caldwell's returned to Pavidson Monday. tit' i i i i i . - an Rinus r strive ticx: ci.pana. .. . Hi.' . I '.-. 1 1 1 1 i i i i AT ' S'. J. ,'EK'V1"N''S '. FURNITURE - FURNITURE',! fi t ill . No. honse in - North Carolina arries a larger ttoek or better line, and M ' we will tSoll y'otx good4 as e'beftp' ha the suniy grade oi ,'ocds caa ba it U bought anywhere... ,Wp, have, said and come and w if it be true. M I, t.. . . , ;BeIl, Harris & Co; , J i ResidoTwe lione. .V .00. Store 'PHoiid. . . ;12. P

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