& . - - T - . . 1 , .' : r Price: $4-09 per year, j I nr 'nnniinun in- nniinm tit iHirWid.-IH U. FjetehtanOYrecwa isu Kept the Ts.uk and They Ware 1 Saved. ' A freiHt train from Winston Salem, bearing' in the caboose 16 of the Oxford orphan singing class on tb,eir way to thp Mocks- ville, picnic, was partially wrecked on . Wednesday. The rails spread and one freight car . left the track. The train ran a quarter of a mile till stopped aud nine cars had gone off in a mass. By miracle,' it would seem, the caboose stayed on ttie track and the orphans were aved. . Miss Jennie Ilnrlockef has Money Stolen this (Thursday) morning from Reidsville with a white man, W A Henley "whom toe had gone for. Henley and family came here sometime ago from Reids ville. On Sunday evening Miss- Jennie Hurlocker, who boards with a Mr. Hinson, was leaving .for a visit to Stanly county and had placed her money away Henley was at the same house und 'saw where the' money was placed. During the evening while'Mr. Einson was sleeping it is supposed that Henley found the key and opened the drawer and took the pocket book which contained $63. He was arrested there Wed nesday morning. Chief Harris was wired for and went down, and secured the man. The pocket book and $53 was found. Henley was placed in jail heie to await trial. Mr. Dan Hcglax Dead. Mr. Dan Heglar, of No. 5 township, died Wednesday morn ing the 8th about 10 o'clock. Mr. Heglar lias boon a sufferer for sometime and his death was not unexpected. Ho was about 50 years old and leaves a wife and one child. The -funeral was preached this (Thursday) morn-! ing at Mt. Gilead church whore the body was laid to rest. T ll,t...'.. ITi'llo Tita Miilm. Last Friday afternoon two mules, belonging to . Mr. J B Green, 'who lives just across the liiie inStanly county, were killed by lightning. They were stand ing under "a tree, one on each side of it, when the stroke came. -Mo3roe Journal. Allied Forces Take Yantsun. A Washington dispatch today says that Yangtsun has been captured by the allies. This city is on the route to ekin and the p-nnouncement indicates that the allied forces are press ing onward. concojsS. SENATORIAL SllDfARIES. . rronsion In the FUtorm-Sfccond to 1 ; . Voted the stJUe Democratic Ticket . , ,. . idmiteu. Mr. R R Clark o&ithe States- ville Landmark,. and 'member of tho Dnmocfatic nlatform com m'ittee; g1Ves the following in 'formation as' to senatorial ' primaries:" "The .platform committee of the last Democratic State con vention,' April 11 adopted the following in the platform, which was subsequently adopted oy the convention: 'We hereby instruct the - . - - u State executive committee to make provisions for the holding of a primary oil the first Tues day of next November for'the selection of a United States Senator, by the Democratic vot ers of the State, at which every eiector who has-voted the Demo cratic ticket in the State election shall, be entitled to cast" one vote for one man for United States Senator, and the candidate who receives the maioritv of the " V votes so cast in the whole State shall receive tho support of the Democratic members of the Leg islature: and if no candidate shall receive- a majority then tho committee shall hold a sec ond primary at which only the two highest candidates shall be balloted for, and the one receiv ing a majority of the votes so cast shall receive the support of the Democratic members of the Legislature. "Provided, That if any third candidate shall receive at the first primary so hold within 2,500 vdtes of tho second highest can didate, then in thjvt event tho three candidates shall be .bal loted for at the second, primary, and the one of. the 'three recoiv ing the highest number of votes shall receive the support of tho Democratic members of tho Leg islature for United States Sena tor." "Every man, Chen, who voted : the Democratic ticket in tho Au gust election i entitled to ex press hte preference for Senator in the primary at tliC November election, no matter how ho votes in November? or whether he votes at all. "These aro the facts as they were understood by the platform committee of tho Democratic ; State convention." As has has been aptly said the man who sits on a limb and saws it off is a Solomon compared with the one w7ho neglects newspaper advertising and yet thinks he can successfully compete with his more wide-awake and enter nrisinff competitor in business j who pins his faith to it. Ex. n: a Thursday, augiTSt .GjssnfAL sens' 7 m. J C Black and family, of - . .. . College, Which will now be their , honne. r rot. J IS wnarey, Vn.JJ., Oi: . , tne oiitbwesteyn. Presbyterian I -. M T- -W-V TTT1 TA1 T-V 1 TT . rn - University, Tennessee, is vis - iting at Salisbury. Dr. Vhareyfi 50 CeiltSr DBr Mt ' o , fessors in any Southern collage, Miss Alisle Alspaugh and Dr. Thos. W Page, cousin of the well knowTn author, Thos. Nelson Page, were mafried in Winston Salem Aug. 8th. The groom is a professor in the University of California. Rev. M L Kesler, of Rocky Mount, has been unanimously called to the Baptist church of Scotland Neck to succeed Dr. R T -Vann, who was recently elected president of tiro Baptist Female University at Raleigh. Limherger Gheesc. We most heartily agree with one df our exchanges which says "Limberger cheese laid away in cupboards and refrigerators will drive away aunts." Yes, it will drive dogs out of a tan yard, drive a spike through a brick, a hobo from a meal of victuals, a mule through a barbed wire fence, a herd of cattle over a precipice, a negro from a chick en roost; yes, it will drive a man into insanity who stays five min utes within ten feet of its unsa vory presence. Yes, sir; it will drive awayiaunts and also uncles, and if wTe had any cousins that it wouldn't drive away we'd bo tempted to disinherit them, and yet some men will eat tho stuff and say it is not good. Salis bury Sun. Insane From a Stroke. About a year ago Mr. J A Byrd,of Greensboro, was struck on the head by a falling hook and ladder truck. Siuco that ime he has boon disabled, and recontly his mind has boon af- fected. For tho past fow days he has been violently insane. Ho (j imagines that some one is con- stantly. trying to kill him and re quires constant hatching. Western Sentinel. !. AVKFII LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE Flifcsil Summer Cheese at s. j. er yin's :k -. - 1 $ 1900.. joaSaaoSoSoOoOogoMoMoO ii'u a tj w A n i vrrra ttt pud WAR ACW W F0'B IR3 I O . .i ANb S r 'i r i r o MM I a a am kv-t am I 1 at. Lm. ti I ' 1 t . 1 11 1 ta O on una ueen wen imroancea. o C3t through here by tne of its makers 1R9 o Thoso who have trie! it knoW-S O " nut it la. J.VCUIUVCO oiiuin. o ! stains, Bciatches. etc. o If5 ' t r . IRS o Ksvncura urug o o g Ph.one 37. g oo2o3oJ!olSo0oJo0oi!o0o5o0oo THE LIFE Of this sale is drawing to an end". Next Wednesday. is the last day. This has been a speedy sale, full of snap, character and honesty. During the past jive weeks there has been lively trading at this store, nnd we will make the last' week -the banner .one. Quantities of Merchandise have been moved to our entire satisfaction, bilt there are a few remaining lots that must be. sold re gardless of cost. Tis a pity to sell Thin Coats like we sell these, but pities are not respected here. There is only 75 Thin Coats from our tremendous summer- sell ing. They must aud will be sold. If your coat is a little -dingy or possibly snagged, now is an opportu nity to don a new one at a mere song. You have two hot months in which to wear a cool and , comfortable ' Coat, besides it will be very convenient next season. The sale is on and you should come immediately and get your size. - These are Bargains: Four coats only of black Sicilian with neat gray" stripes. a bargain at $L'.uu sale prico Four coats and vests of plain 3.00 now ' Fight coats and vests of very line glossie-black Sicilian, tfbod value at 84.00 salo price. . : ' &2-9S Just three coats only of herring bone .pattern in blue sprgy round-cut, very' lino goods that sold at $3.00 sale price. .$3.50' Six coats of square-cut' sorgo with D. B. silk face and a good valuo for S4.00 sa?o price h!2.08 Eight coats of blue sorgo, squard .00 salo price.. . . . Thin Coats $2.00 crash suits for V1i,p nuro linen suits, good valuo Seven fine blue cova-rt suits, former price $3.70 now. . ..$2-8. &f ,lUli I WE ARE RIGHT IN We do not offer you a Dollar for Fifts! cents, j but we do offer you the J Best Line of Stoves in Concord ' f Solid car of Star Leaders ju arrived; fifteen years -uarantee ou 5. CiO back; satisfaction guarantee! or money 'buck. ttfsjiso Have in l stock Iron Kings, Gate City and Georgia Hope. f .lMiI(rf:it;i:Ftiii!!:ff:!:S):i!Ij:!::I't:I;:i1, tiili-.l:;!!!: ijn ii HiSmSriil!. fI:i'lnl-5- O A ATI DO YOU 'PLAY-A STRING INSTUU- I O A Y I MENT;? WE SELL 'EM- . I w Violins, Guitars, Banjons, Mandolfc. Zither?, Accordions, etc,, ami all kinds of fctrings and reptiirs. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! ! No tense in North Carolina carris a larger stock or better lias, nod wo will soil you goods ae chenp ad tho same grade tf jroods oan m bought aDy where. We have said and say, come and see if it be true. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phono ... vK). Store Phono . -SlNCLE CQBY 5 CENTS. OncstionS Answered. Yes. August FloTV-f still hasthe larg est sale of any medicine u the cmlizdd world. You mothers and gfatyJmothers narer thtughfcof using anythins else for indigestion or Jbillionsneas. Jtors, were mrce,.and tljey seldom heard .of appendicitis, neryouj prostration or heart failure etts. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food. tt.crnlfl.tJtfA anfinn nf tlifl Hpr. nHmn. late the norvous and organio action of tne systam, ana tnat is au tney tooK when feeling dull and had with head aches and other aches. You only need a few doees of Green's August Flower, in liqnid forrato make you eatilied there ia nothing 'serious the matter Vith you. For sale by all dealers ,in liviJized countries. $ l-ao- black Sicilian, formerly 8L98. - cut, D. B. that sold for bMo- from 25c up. '..St 25- at sS.CO-r-salc pn ;.,4v f). IT- 13. .'t.Vm'i'VBMinB

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