If Pice: par yar.l . CONCORD. N. C. FRIDA.Y, AUGUSX.10, 930, Single copy 5 cents. 1 9 : s" ' 1 ' " grrn- T flj --v .1 w ..J 0 11 ,1 i BATT it LL C V. 1 1 w. rat. 1 MUCftMAUKIEI) MONROE'S CARVAL. . Mis, jncViokers at Las Weds Mr. Rrilt, American Casualties kixty-Important of This City. . t Victory Fifty Thousand to Start on The Richmond Dispatch of tucJoth, Sunday prints the following: " The victory ol trio aiiiea lorces uA marriasre license' was is Sag- Many Attractions Camping Out irested JwlO Cents. Our .neighbor Monroe is'to have a street fair and carnival on the 21st. 22nd and. 23rd inst. J The Hand-bills are all about and at Yang Tsun as announced on . sued yesttvday to Mr. Gaston I are somewhat novel in get-up. Thursday is regarded with a Britt and Mrs. Cornelia A Pari- The manager, Mr. Harry Re- good degree of satisfaction. It ' gr daughter of Presly and' Mar- dan, suggests that families come was deemed a strategic point of garet Triffin,' They, were to be b wagon trains and camp out. A camp will be provided in which only those who have ladies in the group will be admitted a a. x Strict police regulations will bo some importance and places the marrie( yesterday. allies some 18 miles on the way from Pekin. The entire casualties are put at 200. The American's suffered sixty. It is now announced that there will "be an army of 50,000 allies to proceed on the 15th. Cotton Report for July. . The Commercial wires, report today (Friday) the following: Improvement over the average of cotton for the last' ten years for July is 5 per cent fot Texas 3 per cent for Georgia; 10 per cent" for Missouri and Tennessee There is 'a decline of 9 per cent, -in North Carolina and South Carolina and 4 per cent, in Mississippi, Louisiana and Flor lda. .Cotton has advanced 20 to 25 points." JoopoMoUoBoBp MoGoJMJoo AVU ARE AGENTS FOR FOR Eureka Piano ca . and Furniture PoHsh, O wliich hagrbeen well introdnced ICS through here by one ofo'ts makers lS Thos who have tried it know c WUftt it is. Removes Spots, wzs oiain8,focratcnes, etc. Price : ' 50 eeuts per bottle. o Concord Drug Co, -1? c Brittis a-resident of this city. she weht to Durham While here she kept house and enforced for their protection. Many attractions are promised having secured a divorce on Mrs. Parker's account. A Business Change Today. The firm of Swink & White have disolved ' co-partnership. Mr. Swink has sold his interest in the Store to Mr. White. The transaction goes into, .effect to day and 'the business hereafter will be done in. Mr: White's name. ' Kinj? .Humbert Buried. The bodycf King Humbert, the. murdered monarch 'of Italy, was buried in Rome on .the 9th. amid most imposing ceremony and deep grief. Tears and moanings testified to the loyalty of the Italians to their King. Election Echoe. At Catawba on election day Harvo Ervin agreed to swallow his dog, hair and all, if the Dem ocrats carried the cgunty. It is noV proposed to set a day for the performance and hold him up to the agreement. In ttie same precinc'Sam Brink- ley bet his horse that Rockettf would beat 'BlacliweMer 500 votes. g At Newton box Tom Parker took "a full set of Democratic tickets but sajdftc would riot vote for the Amendment but just as ne entereu the box ho gpt con fused and threw down air the other tickets and voted f or te Amendment. But tho strangest thing was that after it was all over the de feated side did all the celebrat- Britfwasherboarder-his wife togethep with a gene.al time and all for 10 cents admis sion fee. Then the grand jury began to ask embarrassing questions, and Complimentary to Miss Tomlinson. Mrs. Parker moved .to Durham. A moonlight picnic was given There she consented to marry J last night compliment ary to Britt provided ho would give her Miss Mabel Tomlinson, of Dur a gold watch' and $100 to buy fur- ham. The party, chaporoned niture.- Be forked over the cash by. Mr. and Mrs. J U Rutlcdge, and she took it and ran away gathered at Braf ford's Mill, .a with one Chas. II McVickers, a tavonte picnic ground. A de- cirar drummer., whom she mar- Jigntiui spread ana strolling in rWl at. TVm villfl. This was so tho moonlight was enjoyed till three or four months ago. the small hours of the night. It seems that they did not' long benietimes Out of Town. reside' together. About two The Davidson Dispatch has months ago she returned to Ral- the following .local: . eigh" Britt agaki became her "Tho election is now over and constant companion. charged with stealing $50- from a She was dispatch is again ready for business. If you owo us any man from Burlington. He had thing, come in; we have plenty of time, to write receipts. If her arrested. She swore she wo owe vou well vou needn't I break your neck in trying to . . . . ... nnrloT n ripjwfl hnnd. But before reach us with your bill. It's the trial for tho theft of the baroly Possible that we may bo . , . out out of town and out of money ne went to me magis- trate, withdrew tho prosecution and had her released from the peace bond. Then. Mrs. McVickers and 1 ays: "Advices received from Bitlis money. mm Bad News From Armenia. A Constantinople dispatch of Britt left town, and tho next heard of them was the above. If Mrs. McVickers really mar ried Britt, as appears from the Richmond papers, and has not been divorced from McVickers, she now has two husbands living and ono (Parker) dead, whom she was accused of killing, and for whose murder she was tried Virginia apples took tno first . i and acquitted. News and Ob- prize at the Paris Exposition, and North Caroliua apples, ten varieties, all grown in Western jn. u., look trie second prize That isn't so .bad in a world competition. Morning Star. Asiatic Turkey, say that 200 men, women and children havo been massacred in the Armenia villages, in tho dlstict of Sassun, by troops and Kurds under Ali Pasha, tho comtpandant of Bitlis. Ho is also said to ha ve ordered the village to bp burned. ooBofloffoBoOoGoDoHoOoBbOoo Questions Answered. Yes'. AliRUKt Flower still haa.the larg estfcale of any medicine ia the civilized world. Your,mother8 and grandmothers never thought of using anythios. the .or indigestion or hilJiouBneea. Dootors were scarce, and they Beldom "heard of appendicitis, neryons prostration, or heart failure, etc. Thty need Augrjst Flover to clean ou the system and stop fermentation 0f undigested food. . regulate the actio.n rf the liver, stimn lati the nervous and organic aqtion of the system; ' and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with bend aches and other aches. You only need a few .doees of Green's August Flower, in liqifid form to make yom satitied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealers in civilized countries ' THE LIFE Of this sale is drawing" to an end.." Next Wednesday is the last day. This. has been va speedy sale, full of snap, character and honesty. During the past five weeks there has been lively trading at tins' store, and we will make the last week ' the banner one. Quantities of Merchandise have been moved to'oiir. entire-satisfaction, but there are a few remaining lots that must "be sold re gatdless of cost. ' Tis a pity to sell Thin Coats like we sell these, but pities are not respected here. There is only 75 Thin Coats from our tremendous summer sell ing. They miist and will be sold. If your coat is a little dingy or possibly snagged, now is an opportu nity to don a new one at a mere song. You have two- hot months in which to wear a cool and comfortable Coat, besides it will be very convenient' next, season. The sale is on' and you should come immediately and get your size. These are Bargains: Four coats only of black Sicilian with neat gray stripes, a oargam at .uu sale price S1.A&. Four coats and vests of plain black Sicilian, formerly ffouu now 81.98- Fttfht coats and vests of very lino glo'ssio-black Sicilian, good value at $4.00 sale price 82-98 Jlist throe coats only of herring bone, pattern in blue serge round-cut, very hue goods that sold at tf.). 00 sale price. ,8o-50' Six coats of square-cut serge with D. B. silk faco and a good m valuo for $4.00 sae price; $2.9S- Eigllt coats of blue serge, squard-cut, D. B. that sold for $3. 00 sale pri.ee 2-i: - Thin Coats from 25c up- $2.00 crash suits for. 81-25'-' Five pro linen. suit's, good value at $5.C0 sale prico. Seven line blue covart suitsiormor price $3.70 now. 82-48- a L 'piiie, & 130). server. I WE ARE RIGHT IN t" rt ft . 1 1 1 1 4- VWV U-W Turn -Newton Enterprise. Came Very Near .Bering" a ISenons 1'unaway. Iji$t Wednesday evening while Mr. Ed Parnell and family were returning from Patterson's mill tho breast strap of -one of the horses broke on tho hill just be yond tho depot. This caused tho tetiirt to run, the hack waftuKned over, and fell on Mr. Parnell ctitting. two gashes on his face ancl bruising hm con siderably. Mrs. Pirnell, who had a small cfiild on he$ lap, was khrown ouVund both were con- dt-ably bruised. Tho other chil''en escaped with a few slight brgises. All are able to be outuow, though it was a narrow escape. . 1 III A FljESH LINE OF Nice Candies;.; iLSO NICE FRESH f 9 m Summer 'Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN 'S 3 in r,4 H . ffi J s We do not offer you a Dollar for F-iftv cents. but we do offer you the Best Line of Stoves in Concord Solid car of Star Leaders just arrived; fifteon years guarantee Mi fire back; satisfaction guaranteed or money back. We also have in stock Iron Kings, (iate City and Georgia Home. Iiin:nIiii:i!i!!!rii(iii.In!!!!;Ii!i?!i!ii:!i!ii(iiiiiiiil!iiiii!i!!iil2 Qa T Dp YOU PLAY A STRINGINSTUU uA'I ! M'ENT? W SELL 'EM. YJ'ons' Ofuitars, nnxjrs, Mandolins, Zithers; Accordions, eto, anA all kinds of strings nd repairs. . FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! No hfrise in North Carolina carmsi larger ?tock or beT lin, ttaA we will sell you gooJfl as cheap'ns the same grade of goods in t bought anywUfcre. Ve havo said tnd say, come and see if it bo troe Bell, Harris & Co. ResidciKfe Phone .... DO. Store Photio . . . 1A : J ing. o

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