nm iw a i i an i .stt r r iff; r 4 C Rrice: $4.00 per year, j CONCORD. N. 0. SATJJRDAY, AUGUST 11 Single 'copy 5 ceJxs. , BOO. ... A I I l ) 'CI f 4 ' SIU fSHMBPBBHB LEGATION " STILL UN DER SIEGE., Minister Conger May Sever Have Re cgivfd Sec. Uay's Messages Large Ainy tlie Placed in China Soon-- Conger Heard From Later. . Tbe dispatches bring little comfort. from China. Another and unpublished dispatch is said to have come from Minister Conger. It is now doubted, how ever, whether any of Secretary Hay's dispatches have reached Minister Conger. It seems too that the Chinese government en- dcavbrs to impress Minister Conger that the government wants Him to accept the escort fromPekin. ' The conviction is more and more impressed that the move ment to Pekin is the only thing to be done. . A Berlin dispatch of the 10th calculates that within sh weeks there will be 230,000 men and 500 guns together with 117 war vessels in China. Since condensing the above we have the following dispatch bringing latest from Conger: "Washington Special via. Can ton, China, Aug. 10 says, "Le gation still under siege by Im perial troops. Situation desper ate; GO killed 100 wounded. Some sickness but general health good. Whatever be the outcome will hold out indefinitely." IX RECEIVER'S HANDS. (;! Hill Copper Company Comes to a Crisis. The Gold Hill Copper Com pany has gone into th9 hands of a receiver. , As announced, if has recently been sued by a number of per sons. Judge Simqnton has ap pointed Mi. W Murdock Wiley receive; and the sheriffs are. en- joined from executing any of the judgment agtuust the -company. Fitniung Land Sells Vfell. Col. John II Long passed through today (Saturdav) from ' ' Iredell county tfhore htj was sur- veying the old Carson pl,ce Mr. Bob Wallace who had,pur ciased it for the Jimfjcyr sold 200 a(es.of it to Mrs. Christenbetry qnd two sons at th neat price ofi $15 per acre. m Mr. Wrlace also olcl anbtfi'bf part o? the farm to Ir. Frjark Jdfjnson.jof fcharlotto, at;lper t'fio Oolong tujis u that h4 measured out 150 acres Sf the Ed Henderson place in tins tysold)Mr. G3. Cline. The consideration we believe vr also about $15 per aare. n m nurrni !M l-i.i in mat, TUe ran-Amerioau. Exposition ana the OiortunilieS It liffcrsto This State. The Hon. W F Po'rt(jr of Hay Meadow, and the Hon. Larwrtmca Holt, of Burlingfpn. are the two vice-presidents appointed by Governor Russell to look after the interests of North Carolina at the Pan-American Exposition. Mr. Holt, has been absent in Europe for some time and there- fette unable to take up his work. Mr. Porter, "however, has taken matters in hand and has been spending some time in Buffalo getting in touch with the great onterprise which shall next year ' astonish the world in its giant proportions and surpass magnificence. It is Mr. Porter's intention to return soon to the .State, and, with his closer' knowledge jof "the splendid en terprise urge upon our people the importance of an adequate representation by North Caro, lina at Buffalo next vear. He thinks that this is an opportu nity of such value to all the State interests that it would be exceedingly short-sighted not to hav.e a creditable exhibit. He will undertaice to find out what the people of the State think about it when they better under stand the greatness of the expo sition. He will address a letter soon to tho people of the State .ting forth his reasons for urging a first-class represonta- lon by North Carolina. Wjth her yast untouched stores of mineral and forest wealth and her unclaimed 'oppor tunities for business investments of all kinds. North Carolina has much to offer to. tho home seek ers and investors . The Pan-American Exposition will cost nlany millions of dollars before tho gates are opened, the .National Government -alone .ex pending half a million on its buildings and oxhibits. Within night's ride of Buffalo more 'than forty rail lion people to side. Chicago had, only half as many within in the same" dis tance in 1893. .Aan extra attraction Boffalo offers the greatest natural won der of the worldNiagara Falls within, half an hour's ride of tile Exposition; where also is established, the largest, poorer planUn the world. Vice-PTcsideiit Po?.ter hopes" fr tlto hearty co-operation tjbo pess and pui)M$ in fiis work. in I 4 If t.roubItffitH Rheumatism, give Cra jpjierlam's Pain-JSkh' a trial. It will Dot aoBt you a tctlt if it does o fodOrA5,nIfjon will relijR-e the pain. Tt also turcs sprains and bruises in nr.Ahkird time rrouired bvanv otllw HAD ti onnni 1 U c(Wn-itrpatenra Cii(. burns, frostbite cininHev, pains UT tuo b ig ani cuwi. slUkidalar an' other swalli:t3re quickly cured by appinK'.it. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, end 50c. om sale at Marsh's drug stcrs. FAITH ITE3J9. GoodClu'ce for Fiifiimue Cad Wales foy m aiatrilhuny ami Rock Bottpm Pros- ferity Cor Men. "Written for Tk Standard. Faith, August 10. Mr. Jonas Shephard, of Fatth, and Miss Ida Mooso, of near Mt. Pleasant, N. C, were married Thursday, the 9th. TJiey drovo to Faith to visit friends, where (they will make their future home. Miss wioose naa oeen visiting in Faitli at her grand parents "for a few months before her marriage. There are several young .gen tlemen at Faith who work in the quarries vvho would also get married if they could find suit able patners. They usually make (cutting granite) 'from two to four dollars per day, and the' work is x)ern;anent and will last for many years to come. Carpenters are at work put ting up Andy Casper.s new rosi donco. J T Wyatt shipped off a car load of his fine granite this morning. The people at Faith want to put all their extra m6ney into a cotton mill when . some one comes along and starts tho ball to rolling. There are three baseball teams in faith: Some Chinese Impressions. There is no such thing in China as a government, as we understand that term. There is the outward form', but it is 'en tirely devoid of substance. There are officials, but they lack power, -and even the imperi ous will of the Empress Dowager cannot be impressed by the peo pie at large. Tho present dis turbance, if it is at least a popu lar uprising, indicates the help lessness of the central erovorn- ment to. govern; or if it is at, most actually supported by the authorities, then we see tho cur ious spectacle of a government carrying on a war against the civilized world in concert, with tho greater part of its people and the whole of i4ts-navy stand- j ing by apparently unmoved, j What other tiountrj but China j c?h present -such an anomaly?- ! William Barclay Harper's Weekly. Paj'sons, in AFRESH LTNKOF $ICE(iilNDIES, Suhmsr Cheese AT 3. J. erveKs oo0c2oSoBo06Sq!SoSo!SoJJdSot) i WE AKE AGENTS. FOR FOR ? S Etfreka Piano .. C AND o o o g Furniture Polish, o O wmcn Has been well introduced o S through here one of its makers IRS Those who have tried if know C what it R Rethoves Spots, q ra tains, Scratched, etc. 158 Priae : 50 cents- per Mtle.4 2 Concord Drug Co, o g Phone 37. K3 K ooJoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoloO 00 Will.be a big day in Ladies' Oxford Ties and Children's . ' - . Slippers.. . .. . . . . . Just three more days-of this sale aod if you buy, bet ter buy now. The goods reduced are just the things most needed, right now. There is yx3t before us two months of this suffocating weather too hot for shoes. The prjee will be the smallest thing about-these Ox fords. Prices are cut so deep on Children's Oxfords that you can buy them for school days'. The leatlier would cost more than thse the values. Monday's Oxford sale will be tbc talk. Lot No. i. Ladies' Oxfords on c. D. andE. widths formerly sold at 2.0(5 and $2.50 in all sizes, 1 to 7, will go on sale Monday at Sale price $1.50, All .$1.25 and $1.50 Ladies' Ox fords, cap toe and plain too, n. and e. widths, sizes 1 to 8,- Sale price $1.00. Child's Sandlcs, sizes 1 to 4, brmer price 40c, " Cut price 25c. . The sizes are, of course,, 'the lot there are all sizes and a bargain. Jin Ij WE ARE RIGHT IN IT. We do not offer you a but we do offer you the ' Best Line of Stoves in Concord Solfd car of Star Leaders just ativ 3; fit"t o; yen rs .guarantee cm fire back; Batisfaotion puaratiteecl or money back. We aJo have m etock Iron Kltfgs, Gate City and. Georgia liorne. Q A VI DO -YOU PLAY dl I : MENTV WE m Violin Omtars, 'ar.jVnfi, ?aud.Iiv, ZiUs, Accctdions,eta,fm4 B " N all kinds of strings ud repsiirs. f t'-i . i U . FURNITURE! I b - i v.,.ik j wo will M yon f-Wods as cheai h th f ' bought anywhere. We have i und BeH, Harri5& Co. "Resider? I'honf). .00. (Jittstions Answered. Yes. AuguHtr'Flower still haa the lafg- est sak) of any ludiciine ia thh ci-iliaed world. Your mothers and flrraudinothewT Lnffver thouglit of usiiig anj'tlikir elae or indittion or billiouaness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard ot appendicitis, neryons prostration or Heart iailure,etc. Tnfey ueed Augnst Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food,' regulate the action of the liver, .stimu late the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dnil and .bad with head aches and other aches. You only need a few dopes of Green's August Flower, m liqifid form to make you satitied there is nothing serious the matter with yon: For ' Bate by all dealers in iviiked countries prices. .Observe how great Lot No. i. Child's Sandles, size 5 to 8, former price 68 and 75o, Sale price 48c. Child's-Sandles, 9 to 2, former price 75c, Now only 48c. Misses' Sandles, sizes 11 to 2, former price $1.25, Cut price $1.00. Misses Sandles, sizes, !) to 2, former pace $1.00, Sale price very niucli broken, but in if you get a fit von get 3 Dollar V: hy cents, H . ft . I if. A STRING INSTtfU'- ti SELL 'M. E Li FURMIRJRE!! ' I . i . -i. ,. i -ij. i: J? w' wijjs ktm f goid an bti J my, come and tmj it it be tru. K toru i'h una. a. j o