. a o O r PiycE: $4.00 per year. (JONCQISD. NX!? WEBtf EDAY, AtlGUSt 15, WOO. . SlNCL?J C&PV.5 CfKNTS-, E2 ffi-Mffl-FROM DOVER.JtRW.PEBSONS-- KILLED: CHS SIB ManjfIesOccuants. The worst railroad dressing1 . j . Officers Tlectcd for Ensuing Year Dr. WilkinsSi Elopes With His Wife's Lehigh Train Runs Int a Biv nd! Sponsor and Historian Added Mr. ; isr-ls Identified In Chariots amT ' ' I Queen City. . " Charlotte has had something Uisaster thatwe remeiber notiDg Camp AiO. .212 United Confed-' . . nrMirrad npnr Slntintrm Pa . . A, of a sensaion in the presence of urrea neax blalinFton Fa erate Veterans met m the court . ' fVia infi. a .nWh house on Tuesday the 14th, First an elQPm C0UPle fr0B1 D.over joo3o00o3oBo8oJ5o0o2o3o' ? WH! xfiVt f rnaxrTS int? roc o TZ2 Deleware. One Dr. Howard M Wilkinson lieutenant G E Ritchie pre siding. - ' ' The minutes of last annual left his wife last Saturday and meeting were read and approved. The treasurer then reported elbped with her 19-year-old si's- ter, arriving in Charlotte Mon- on the 18th.'. Adisplitcb sty.s: "jf iiteen persons were in stantly killed and eleven others, seyeral of whom' will die, were seriously injured last night in a grade crossing accident three miles east of this city by, a pas senger train on the -Lehigh and the financial transactions for the day night. year, showing a balance of $3.54 He registered at the Arlington New England railroad crashing 'on hand. Messrs. D ACaldwell, hotel, -as Dr. and Mrs. J M into "an omnibus containing M M Gillon and JX. Peck having Walker, but on finding that Jhis twenty-five persons. All the previously audited the report by identity was not hidden- he told dead and injured were in the om -request, it was endorsed. . his story to the Observer man. nibus and.but three escaped un- Tho, meeting then went into Tn brief it was that his wife injured, the election of officers for the was groundlessly jealous of hira - "The accident occurred about ensuing year which resultedas ana the girl. This grew into 5 6'clock . The omnibus driven . follows-: ' persecution of her and a protect- by a man named Peters, was re- Captain Commander, H B ing interest with hhu till it rip- turning to Slatington, from a . Parks; First Lieutenant, G E ened into intense love in both, funeral the occupants had been Ritchie; Second Lieutenant, 0 A whon elopement was the, out- attending at Cherriesville. The Pitts; Third Lieutenant, S R come-. ' coach belonged to Henry BiU-. Andrews; Adjutant,- MM Gillon; He is a druggist and expected ner, of Slatington, and the dead Secretary and .Treasurer, J D to set up in Charlotte, but and injured were nearly all rcla- Barrier; Color Bearer, D W revelations spoiled his plan and tives of Sophia Choeffner, at Moore; Spon'sor, Lola J Har- he left for parts further south." whose obsequies they had been ris; Sergeant Major, J L Peck; it seems both are of well con- present. The train was a speciai Quartermaster, H M Goodman; nected families and he had been and consisted of. an engine and Commissary, W JM Weddington; doing a good business though one car. At the point a.t which Surgeon, Dr. W H Lilly; Assis- he seems not to be rich. the collision occurred there is a tant Surgeon, Dr. L M Archey. Ho had sent his wife off to a sharp curve in the road and the Col. Paul B Means was chosen summer resort to facilitate.his omnibus came 'along at a good Historian for the camp. . ' plans. He wanted his wife to rate of speod, the occupants un- He accepted the position with get a divorce so that he could conscious of any' impending dan the general .assent that the marry No. 2. He was anxious ger. As the bus swung aiound members wbuld each furnish' for public opinion and the law the curvo the engine and car him a sketch of his record to let them alone in Charlotte came in sight. It was too late and experiences during the war. till the affairs should so ripen, to stop either the omnibus or A motion prevailed that we but when he found it would not the train, aud as tin driver of meet on the second Tuesday of bo agreeable to them there, ho the former whipped up the four 'August of every year. concluded to move on. horses to cross tho track ahead The business of the body being A Word to whcat'xiir"e,hergi ' of the train, tho latter ' crashed finished, tho meeting adjourned Mr G T Crowell believes that into its middle. Tho occupants just after receiving an invitation Cabarrus county has produced were thrown in all directions, 'from Mr. John M Cook, and anunusual,if notanunprecedent- bruised and bleeding. Tho" voting most grateful thanks for ed) wheat crop tMg yeaj and hQ eleven dead were killed outright., the -same, to repair to the rear intends the threshing companies Physicians and a special train of the court house and enjoy a r0J.t the umbor of bushels were scut for and tho injured feast of the most luscious water- of wheat they hayo threshed He were taken to South Bethlehem.' .melons. , wishes to cdmpilo . the statistics "No watchman is employed to Thirty-one of the old 3cars.en- Ln(j. publigh them We make this warn teams or .pedestrians of gaged m the jolly feast and re- announcement at his request and any approaching train and those called that they had no such hope the figures will b(J given living in tho vicinity stato that it -during the war. him or it given to us we will is impossible to hear an ap- When all had feasted to the gladly convey them to hirn that proaching train. i i . i ii 1 fill -Col. Means was asked inlho w may puDnsn mem in gooa A peculiar feature of the acci- m I iorrn. S Eureka Piano o AND Another Dispatch from Coiger, ButXot Satisfactory-Wall That May Have to Bp Pierced By the Allies. There is nothing to indicate clearly what progress the aJJied through hereby one of its makers forces have made toward Pekin l ' w , 'B Furniture Polish, t t i i ii i i i Jl o o within the last few. dfiys. . Another telegram was received from Minister Conger , by the government at. Washington on the 14th but it does not bear a date and ;s not a reply to dis patches sent for him. : THere is hope thatthQ Chinese will come to terms, but if not there is much to do to get into Pekin. The walls are said to be 50 feet high and so thick that two vehiclos may pass each other on its top. Heavy artillery' may have to be brought up over the bad roads, for only such, can be effectual, causing much delay in rescuing the endangered people. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Qeo. D. Williams, of "Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she conld not tnrn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electrio Bit ters she is wonderfully . imiixoyed and ablo to do her own work'" This .su preme remedy for female disease quick ly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melanchly, headache, faintmsranddizzy epell. It is a god-send to weak, sickly, run-down people, Cure guaranteed. Only 50c. Bold at. Fetzer's drug store. No. 11 Township Sunday School Con vention to Meet. The Sunday school conven tion for No.ll township is here bv called for August 23rd at Zion church at the hour of 10 S. W. White, Vice-President. o RSI Stains, Scratches, etc. Price r 5p ecnTs per -Mis, o Concord Drug Co. o Phone 37. oofioBoBoBoOofiofioBoHoDoDoo A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. Kit YIN'S III ;)!, Ill: a. m. Durincr last May an infant cliikl of our neighbor was suflcring from cholera infantum. The doctors had iycn up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle cf Chamberloin's Colic, Cholera and Liarrhoea Kennedy to the house tellinp: them I felt sure it would do good if used according; to direotions. fn two days time' the child Jiad fully re covered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I-have recommended 'this remedy frequently .and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curt;s Baker, Bookwalter, Ohio. For sal at Mursh's drug store. North CaroBina College. Cluttered In 1859, Jit. Pleasant, N. C. Collegiate and Academic Depart ments. Classics, Mathemnticp, Sciences, Philosophy, History, Eoiio;ues, -Eng lish, Modern Languages. Chemical and Physical Laboratories. Three large brick buildings; rooms with suitable furniture. Free accpw to 4 OOO.yolumns.. Fine campus of "eight acres nicely shad ed. Faculty of live proftB8ors with best credentials. Smoking,, drinking intoxicants and gambling not tolerated. L5oard in president's dinning hull for all well-behaved students at cost Daily mail; eomioeWl by telephone with Charlotte, Salisbury, Concord, Albe marle. Fall term begins Spt 4th, 1900. For catalogue or further iuioamation. address Rev. Vv'M. A. LUTZ.a. m., Pres., Winston, N. C. or Mt. Pleasant N. C. il II j' I lira m iionai m 0, Offoru the business pnl -lie a reliable, per manent, couHcryative and acojmmodat. ing banking instntion. Wo solicit your patroting-.-; nth the assurance cf honorable trt-atui. ut aud due appreciation of yonr mt j-. If we can serve you any Ums, we will" be glad to haye you cocao and um. LIBERAL ACOO ,1JU. L'l 0?TS ' TO. CUSTOMERS Capital M Snrnlus , - $70,000 I). B CoLTBAE,"ChaBhier ,T. M. ODEiL, President. name of tho camp to give ex- nression of sincere thanks to , Harris-Kyle. Mr. Obok. Though too lull ,f or utterance he made some pleasant remarks, reminding .Mr. Cook that he .was the first of the younger, generation ho had" manifestsd ill this way bis rever- efico for the veterans and called on all to give Mr.jCook as a mosi s'uitable offering three fit rousing . . . . m 1 . Wo notice in the Salisbury .Truth-Index the marriage 'of Mc Richard A Harris at the, Battery Park hotel, Ashevilleon August lth, to Miss Florie Kyle of radsden, Ala. feheiaseen spending the past month in dent was that the horses draw ing the bus escaped unhurt." Trusted Multf Causes His Death. Mt. Frank Allen, of Farming- You All Know About . The Man Behind the Gun ! We are also ready for action in correct form with steady aim, loaded with all kinds of t Furniture and . House Furnishifigs to tbp muzzle. We go forth conquering and to conquer. Car lots and saving all discounts. We are in a position to do you good. Our line of . ion, Dwio County, Miej recently Mahogony, Birlls Eye Maple" and Golden Oak Suits: form the effects Of a kick on the " . are beauties. Iron and Brass Bedparq, Ui? talk of tho town, You Asheville and wjis joined there Without seeing ilijt a disposition u iv t . TTn iv nfict, ! to kick. u x ..11 r . ,t. 1 . r , n-tn?rk Anf . f n.rkl n anil 1 Tl 1 1 in hnnari fni head by a mule that he. had boon Fltf niture.that we hayen't inThe stem, or on the way. working with for fif teen, fears . : : 11 Rfihfil vails ; the like ofwhicnfKyle has vfsited hjre and has , FT.Senalor Isiralis Sinking. he lievef heard, folios ed by many friends whowill rejoice to' The great ex-Senaft)r John J thrte .more cf the kind heard in hear of her wedding. She Ingall wbo is in Las Vegas, New apontjnuous charge. 'is a sister 01 lurs. rieroner mi,' 4.1 -vi-inrtri if ! RmiVi nnd is a charm insr af?d L 11 U V UltJU. uiuuuuuvjcu. j.u uuo . , gk. , fi,Lcff PAtiW and dis. lovelv voumr lady. Mr. Harris be growing wofse and is re persed. is to be congratulated. I Pictures!! YbM?sic-nstrumentsi .. i Third Rhipment in two months, Did You Ever! Sliaff.0 w,,'"rm.1 11 Mexico for his health, is said to be growing wofte and is re garded as in a dying condition, j Residence Phone. . . . 00. j aaviseuiy 0 Come and see us,' we aronever too busy to welcome you. Bell, Harris & Co. Storo Phono. k. , .li.. 2 9