o . . "V : a. ? - """ ...... .-. -. PftiCE: S4.00 per ;ear. COKCORD. N. G WEDNESDAY, AUGtfST V 1900, SlNGLK bOPY5 CENT m. wit ; OIMJA TOSEt). Third Dafs AVofk ft HirtUftrg In stitute. Good Bains Too lata Ar Corn l$ui This is the third day of tht Good for Turnips-V Hornless Itilu- Teachers' Instifute" and it is be-J Away But Knrrw l-seane ueiuuou commg mQro yiterestmg every With Church Kites and Social Feast. -, It is one of the best and i rr Mt. Plisn nt Items. Mt. Pleasant, , Aug. 9 Mr. m m R W. Harrier has sone tew Alb'emarle where he has accepted apposition with Little Bros. ' Messrs G D Moose and J L Suiith spent several days m Asheville last .week. Mrs. Andy Propst, and sister Miss Eddleman, of China.Grove, tvery Mills a,?ro Kills Mr. Mills XI.' Flack Sear Forest City and is f . TIT J. T.!l LyiM-hedoutlie vvayiojau. - . . ... iX . Our State has another lynch- eariz.s Her yimymwu . raost practice insiuuies tnai inc not. few the usual cause but a Written for The Standard.. . ',hiLS .over. .been held tn B . ,n,;,noi;n Orean Church, Aug. -S. Our tho mtv. Prof. C S Coler CaSO OI VClY KlUcllv JJIUVULatiuu. --o - . vpn, Forest Citv in Ruther community jias Deen niubbuu vnu gave two lectuies tnis raounn - . I 1 !--. lnct TTrtr ! i vv-.. .mi uli v f.A .Aiinh- -ihnnt, Q O'CIOCK COpiOUJi suuv cia "' ' One OrilHSlUlJ iiuu um; oj."j ford county about J o ciolk r . wp visiting relatives m our Tnpda.v moraine. Averv Mills a" The ram came too laio u uuu, siology Bupl. bUCKicy gave 14,nint viPimm no-ro killed the corii crop, but our farmers i lecturG this mcruing on school town last week. law Dr. J Ifi amooc gave, a Mr. iiule Miller, oi liear i'op- very interesting talk this even- iar ail,j Mr. Clarence Betts, of ing on alcohol aud its effects Albemarle, spent several days in upon the organs ot the body. town ast weeK An intQrcstmg program . nasi p w t, moved been prepared for tomorrow. Do tQ this place lagt Monday scllool Mr. Mills H Flack. are uuuu "" Wi nfnic nvori Mr. Flack's son by sowing turnip socd. lur- farm and a difficulty arose when nips not only make a palatable Mr. FlaCk attempted to gather dish tor the tame,- oum uuu some fruit on Monday. .Mills' oitne oe suu.utu,, - wife threatened to shoot Flack and is relished by stock of all who left to avoid a difficulty. Wpds. Farmers, don't forget to The next day Mr. Flack and have a big turnip paten. sons were working near the ne- Sev..Gpo. H Cox, who hac a . . i i : t nnnnPT rnmovod Jroui Uis unuer ifvn'c hnnsfl when ne cauio uuir"""" and stirred up the fruit difficulty. Hp two weeks ago, is doing A quarrel ensued and it is -said niceij. that Mills' wife brought him his miss aiioo f owi. M .vi .i i.n-.hot, Mr. piack been confined to her bed tor six - L ,xT.,u , I weeks with typhoid fever, is near the heart. With his gun P1U ' ,. i .i j- able to oe up anu auuuu uei t,!wi Tn flio cfnitrtrlft Pln.P.k mt r00m i v 1,1 I On Tuesday of last week as illli Jia'jx tiM-i". w"v '-"-'O WE ARE AGENTS FOR FOrt a AND t Eureka -Piano AND Furniture Polish, P I . 1 . 11 l1 R5 through hereby one of its uiukeia CUi Thost) vi ho btiye tried it kno?,-. j what, it i.. llenibves fSioh., "' tSJ! ytaiiitf. Scratches, etc. . Price: 50 - eauts per Miio.. Plionc.87. HERE GO not fail to attend the Institute if you have not already enrolled You will find it practical, profit able, aild beneficial. Mr. L W S Bost was going to China Grove with a two-horse team, the lines became un the officers1-were Uoupled. He stopped to adjust i them, but as he stepped on the i double-tree to reach' the lines the wound ins? him. Mr. Flack died an hour later. Mills and his wife were ar rested and as taking hern to Rutherfordton ion ti-inv- wove nvprtaken bv a 1U11X HIV T .1 A " ' ' v I , , . urA tnomnn was nulled out team startea ruu, tuiu.ub JHUU U.Li- l"V x- I , , . , i a. i I the driver on the tongue, ana of the vehicle and taken away. mounvu . ' , i i i i. i- i I seeinc no way oi uauauo xio 1 in; umuviu uiv.u . . n th nrisoner rolfed off, the wagon passm J.UW CliJV x vw x I - , . -1 i ,i wa thrown On witUOUl.lOUCinua mm, auu uc WIIUIUUUUU " I , ,.1.4 , i i i i t I came out wim wuaj oi,o"" ac-ainst a bank and shot to death r""3 uuu J Kvn cnc Th team ran aooui lKJLUXtJ7 - ' instantly. I , mi,,, -r-mon r.crn-nofl whim nil ii 1 V.H.U.CI .-1 l.uv.M.v- I .,1 tlllS WaS gOing OU UUl waa - I V.on V-v-i-.-it. nt hie homo oriel m 111 1 f 1 1 I 1 it Last Friday was a happy day AJltJIC VIUll 1 o i AU.i to the crowd to refrain from vio- for grandma Lippard. Aboat lence but all was to no purpose, seventy-five of her relatives ana The special to the Charlotte friends gathered at the home o Observer giving the account , daughter .Mrs. Katie'Rimer, says arrests ot lyncners with whom Kraudma lives. Rev. , be made. U, r. i..n t ,tt. Qnn Mr. iveiuesen, .j- " church, preached a very inter esting and instructive sermon, thon Rev. Mr. Cox administered the Holy Communion to grandma and a few intimate friends At noon a large table was erected in I the yard, and soon was loaded with the good things which the Mrs. Ed. Cook, of Spray, Bead. A telegram was received to day (Wednesday) from Spray, N. C, by relativ.es at Forest fTili announcing: the death of " Mrs. Ed. Cook, who died this morning after an illness of only about a week with typhoid fever Mrs. Cook was a young woman ryA Inrliae nnrl not forgotten to t of some 20years and was a Miss take,with'them. The afternoon Jarrett before her marriage. . . 1easant chat. Grandma is neal ing her ninety- second birthday, but for certain reasons hcr friends thought best notlo wit till then for the re union, or'social gathering, as.it: miglt more properly be called.. leaves a husband and one son about two years old, to mourn thp.ir loss. Her mother died only about three week ago. Mr. Cook is a Concord man and' is highly esteemed by the people in Spray. lie has many frienfls in this city who will sympathize with him in the loss of his young wife. Business Change. Mr. Jno. W Cook has pur chased a half interest in Mr. J Smith's store and they to gether have purchased the J L Boger' restaurant. opens the fourth of next month. It is rumored that the ladies will give the boys a roception. Prof. G F McAllister and P -M Winning Hearts A Fine Tribute. Nussman spent several days m Rev. J H McLain, the new Mecklenburg, last week. . pastor at Poplar Tent church, is rjr i y lVey, of New London, already winning the 'hearts of is at the hotel doing dental work. his people and entering into his I a J work with great .zeal. iis Many thousanda bavQ been restored churches in South Carolina. were toSiSr l 'IIa?60 t5 devoted to him and regretted afflicted with any throat or lun trouble rh tn nart With nim. IT nmirrl.a that hnvo reel? ioa . ' . i all treatment for toany years have yield- Both Churcnes pubhwu fld tQ thig remody and perfect health has tions of regret, showing tneir ueer i w . r - - esteem and love for him and his health resorts failed to benefit, have esitum ttuu wto rUrrff ni.fint.lv ftured bv its use, For fa-mil v. Wo cotw below ,the Hia a Marsh's drug store. .. nA Mr. W G Means returned home congregation 01 umuu Tuosdav niffht from Cloveland church: . springs much improved, but still 'Ve beg leave to give ex- unwell. pression ol our ieenugs m ic- gard to giving up our pastor, who has been so long and pleas antly associated with us as our spiritual leader and guide. And we as a church and as a congregation do hereby express publicly our high esteem for Rev. J M McLain as a man and as a minister of the gospel. And that wo, wnile regretting his going away from us at his own request, concur with him in asking Bethel presbytery to dis solve tho pastoral relations ex isting between him and this church (Allison Creek.) And that he coes from us with our best wishes and earnost for the welfare of him self, his dear wife and little ones and for success in his holy vo cation, and in the hope that his life may be long spared to do much good in that lot or field where God in h providence has called him to labor. ; , And further, we commend him rind his loved ones to the Chris tian love and fellowship of those nnn yards of fim JLawns and Or gandies at a great sacrifice.. A great bargain was hit - up on in the northern markets, which tlie people of Concord will get the benefit .of. It is rather late, we kndw, for such fabrics, but still there will be five or six weeks yet in which light goods will be worn. If yon are without a want in this line, at pres ent, it will pay you to buy now and make up next spring. This is the greatest offering of the season and you should not fail to come and inspect the goods. Here arc some of t&e figures : A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, also nice fresh Summer Cheese at s. j. eryin's' 25o. Fino Organdie, beautiful rat terns, onlyji 124C. Lawns cheap at loo. to boll ior 10c. lOo. Lawns in all coin and patterns to be put on sale at 5c. ii i in 4 new lot of Lawns to tell at 3c. Be sure to come prepared to buy a big supply. H, L. Parks & co. During last 3T.y an infant child of our neighbor vraa sutferins from cholera infantum. The doctors had eiyen up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chnmberloin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time the obiM had fully re covered. Tho .-Lild is now vigorous You All Know Aboat The Man Behind the Gun ! ' We .ro ako ready tar action in correct form Ht rtoady aim, lcl with all kinds of Furniture and House Furnishings to tM muzzle. We go forth conquering and t conquei :.-Cai rtoto and saving all discounts. We are in a position to do you Sood. tian love and leliowsnip ui uu uurnneoi. Ji fihMpn Oak'Suits among wfcom h!s lot is cast and Mahogony, Birds Eye-Maple and Golden Oak bu ts . , iu, fi.,.,, l.av. . t -n,n00 RArisar the talk of the town, ion Xb" - SrX'Sae o. olwooa in tne hou 'ZSSrbv office's of A1H. Farnitnre that haven't in tne store, or on the , ay. son Creel cnurcn. J. A. M. L. Stewart, Wn. Jl Neely. Wm. hoate, J. R. Cook. D. B. A. Watson. You for J PicttlfesH JjAtoicaifastWnS. y M w Tilirj shipment m two motLs, M r-S V.. ITv,r! A (J which shows we didu'tbuy uu- Lt 0 Did You Lver: w ttdvl,eaiy. ft ,..,,1 t,nUVitr remedy frequently and have never drug store.g The Best Prescription for Chills flrnve'a Taste- Ana iever in a uuvw : , . , lflS Chill Tonic. It is simply iron end ilO cure- copay. PricpOOc. Come aid see us, wo are never too busy to welcome you. Belt, Harris & Lo. Ifesidence Phonj. . Store Vhone 1:1

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