o Of! JMM If 3 -u '. X t sVt.i 4s - . er-. PmcfE: $1.00 per year.-i CONCORD, X. 0. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER-! 1000. S tx n i c c f y 5 c i : . t ? . 'I! Ill II. jSTKfiXER -BmS BIBB. Bfiidigo Pool riaccd.fndcr $250 For CuttlUf? Mgbt ttoss at Forest mil! Bondigo Bool was arraigned before the mayor's court this mornuij? for cutting one of the night bosses, Mr. Lochman, last Arthur Sewall at tl- i Wrrv of Death . Stricken ou Sunday 'frlit. The Hon, Arthur Scwutt, tlio Bern ocra tic nominee for vice- presiaent lour years vgv, was seized with appclexy at 10 o'clock Sunday night. He is uncon SEWS CULMMJS. - - Friday night in Mill No. 4 atl scious antf is expected to pass Forest Hill. It seems that Pool away at any moment was drinking and came into the room where Mr. Lochman was during tne working nours.wmcn A Winston-Salem special to is strictly against the rules, the Charlotte Observer says: He had his knife open Four prisoners, two white and when he came in. Mr. Loch- two colored men. broke out of . . . . man seeing mat ne was Mail hero iust beforo davlieht drinking and. also violating one! Sunday morning and made their of the rules ordered him out of escape. The white men are bad the room. When he refused to characters, their names being i go Lochman attempted to put Noah Albody and Edward him out when he was cut by Uuate. They 'broke nail at Pool who had his knife out J Salem, Va., a few weeks ago. when he came in. I They were in for holding up a Lochman was discharged by Norfolk & "Western freight train the mayor and Pool was fined $12 1 in order to steal a ride. They for being drunk and for dis-Jwere arrested hero for mak orderly conduct. He was also hag an assault with a deadly placed under a $250 bond for weapon. They sawed two cell his appearance at court. Fail- bars and thfm torQ a hole in the ing to get any one to go on his jail basement The door to the latter was unlocked. -Jailer bond he was taken back to jail. SUNDAY EXCURSION Masten has been advised that the two white men carried small saws in their hair and with these cut the cell bars. How they tore up the floor is a puzzle. Gen. McArthur reports from eral Roberts, sent August 30th," I . say s : . Mrjor Brooke, commanding at f- jilruairy Station, reports that attacked the Lord Keberts Chiias ic Trvw ?h nn ' n 4 -t i with lOtfrnon .ho The following lnterestiiiiftaic'ii about 500 yards from the rail-- I Way, August 27. The Boers were completely routed, and" left fit: j. ??s , . Kuus Into Another Train and Pleasure Seekers Meet Injury and Death A fearful wreck occurred near Hatfield, Pa., Sunday morning when an excursion train ran into a milk: tram, Killing tmrteen x u"iuca wt- 'persons and wounding thirty Bently of the 47th Volunteer In- others, many of them very seri- fan try died on Aug. 2Gth of nns1v wounds recoivea in action at -j i l-flnmn.lifr T,ii7in Ann- 1 cf tnr Thinks Bryan Will Carry Sew York and to' ' & lie Elected. Lieutenant Koy i Fernald of the I Art i i n ii r i Hon. George B Wise is back was drowned in tno jaiour i . . . . from, his vacation. He spent . river on oept. 1st. i some time in Nova Scotia, where Labor Bay was quite exten he met Bishop Jagger, who haslsively celebrated on Monday. often preached at St. Paul's-and There was great speech making Bishop Kipsolving, of Texas. but rather 'the most singular com- Capt. Wise spent sometime in bination that we note is that of in iNew iorK on nis return tion. vt j uryanandijov. itoose home. He said to a Times re- veit at Chicago. It is said that porter last night: . "I firmly be- the governor stuck close to the lieve that Bryan will b"e elected! labor question while Mr. Bryan President. Four years ago branchod off somewhat when J. was m iNew-iorK all tnei An Rllicot CJitv. Md. iatph - I r ") .j-fvu talk. was in favor of McKinley. I was surprised to'Sarn this week of the remarkable, changes that hav come about, It is Xf the 1st say 3 1 Robert A Mor ris, the 18-year-old son of Hick man Morris, of near Waterloo Bryan now. The people realize that free silver is a dead issue. Km. 4 frN-l Probdbly o per cent, of the gold Ben!ocrats in New York, tiro for Bryan. I mixed a jood deal with the peopfib. I talkf d with them on the streetcars, in liotels and gathered bJforinatpn from my political a.44i! jfijrnal friends. Bryan, in my judgment, wit carry Ne vr York State. Captain Wise is in fine health, arid is ready to take the stump died last night from a singular affection. Younr Morris was in ished lire sui"pcl;wheu he began eating a poach; In litin th fruit he took into his mouth a honey bee, which stung him ill Uio threat. Swejlir.g c,.t- at once, and in 1o than half !h liour he dfed from strangulation A,'e note that 4T. ,o;;.i Jenkins associat fto of the Clifci-lotte News goes to Raleigh as the p.vcyi-11",.-; fr.:;lus of the for Bryan and tho other Demo- j Tin: ..?-Visitor u-d r. J W cratic nominees. Richmon Wot ,ua)l, of Atlanta, Ga., takes Times, 2nd. ..'his place on the News. of news comes from South AT r.ica ! by Avay of London Sept. ;rd. . Desultory skirmishes with the j Boers continuo during t ho sren eral forward movement of iiob erts' army in. South Africa. Gen. Buller has reached a point be yond Helvetia on nis way 10 xy dpnburg, and is camped, on the north bank of tho Crocodile river, while the Uurgber rear guard retires before him withou opposition. Gen. Roberts, as was rumored yesterday, has formally annexed the South African republic to Victoria's ?om,imions. . Tho official announcement i made in tho followiug dispatch to the "War office, dated Belfast, September 1 : "Luucr tlic pro viic 2-u ui Lior Majesty's warrant, dated July 4, I have this day issued at army headquarters, Belfast, a procla mation, announcing that the Transyaal is henceforth to form a part of her majesty's do mimons." This is signed "Roberts." . The following dispatch from Gen. Roberts, dated Belfast, September 1, describe the latest military operations: "Gen. Buller marched with his force today from Helvetia on his wav to Lvdenburg. irie is now .encamped on tho north bank of tho Crocodile river. The enoiby's rear guard is retiring before him without opposition. Paget reports that a small column of Baden-Powell's force, under Colonel Plumer, dis- patched by him,. drove off a small J I ( commando under General. Pre-((( i torius, east of Pienaaras river. Plumer captured 1,000 head of cattle, thirty-one' wagons, twenty-six prisoners and ninety Marttini 1 rifles, -The families who wrere with the commando are being taken care of in our Camp. The enemy managed to derail another supply train five milo.-i south of Klip river earlv this morning. Two men were killed, one was wounded, n.ud thiity-livo were tyikeh prisoners. Tlie e4 gino was blown upland thirteen truck irereburned. A party of Brabant's Horse, on duty at tlfo Klip river bridge, followed th enemy as soon a the report cifj-hd accident ratio 1! them, intothe, neihborinp- hills aiid recovered all f the prison- M ers. oa vho field five dead, including H Pretorius. Our only casualty was ono slightly wounded. Mr. I'unly Loses. His House by Fire. Mr. W LBell received a postal today (Tuesday) from liis friend Mr. R O Purdy; of Sumter, S. O., saying that he hail just been burned out of a. home. Mr. Purdy and wife were asleep and were awakened by tho falling of sparks and cinders. They had five children in the burning building that were very badly burned before they wero gotten out of the house. Tho houso was worth $4,000 and there was $2,800 insurance on tno nouso and furniture. About $300 worth of furnituro was burned. Mr. Purdy was at onetime partner with Mr. Bell and is well remembered by some of the citizens of Concord. fi? Cures UillLLU iuVJ I L I LI 17 0 W.J m -t 7;- -v snro euro tor.omus ',J lover is Hide's Tasicss Tonic CHILL. CURR. V CbiMren like it. None. bA 'i&jj tor. It is )ositively gunran Ved. Give it h trial and ho onred. Price f)0o. per bottle, j 0 bottles $125. Concord Drug Co. , 'JfUon 37. a II troubled with rheumatism, cive Ctamberlam'a Tain-Balm a trial.. It will not- cost you a cent if it does no ffood, Uno application will relieve the pain. Tt also euros sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites. quinsey, pains in the side and chest. glandular and other ' swellings are quickly cured by applying'.it. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, and 50c. For sale at Marsh's drug stoa. A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT-S. J. ERVIN'S I 1 up The. School Supply Department Of this store is now fnlly prepared to furnish any and every need in this line. Next week, Sept. 3rd, the small boys and girls will be want ing their Slates, Pencils, Tablets, Crayon, etc., and we hope you will remembr Parks & Co. are selling these articles at a very low price. Here are some of those extreme values briefly Indexed : Pencil Tablets, small size,' lc. Ink Tablets that will surprise you at 3, 4 and 5c. Extra large Tablets jo. Composition Books with stilt backs only 5c. Pen Points 3 for le ers from 1 to 5c. Pen hold- Large assortment of Load Pen cils from 1 to 5c. Crayon, li different colors lor 5v Rulers, which are quite necessary in all schoois, lc. Ink that will. not spill out of bot tle 5c. There are many- other things in this line not men tioned that will pay you to call and see. II, L PARKS & 00. ::s You AH Know About The Man Behind the Gun ! , We fir also ready tor Action in correct form with steady ftii with all kinds of Furniture and House "Furnishings to the muzzle. Wo go forth conquering and to conquer. Cur ioU and fving all discounts. We are in a position -to do you td-' . Our tine, of Mahogony, Birds Eye Maple and Golden Oak Suiti? are beauties. Iron and Brass JP.vl are the talk of the fown, You can't call for anything made out of wood usoS in the hou- for m JTurtiture ti&te hayen't in the etcre, or on tho Tvay, -0 r:4nnr if . j? k Musical Instruments, r 5 Third shipment in two mo". niH Vnil Fvfir ! 0 8 which ,show vldu:ty ua- Over seventeen hundred ofifi our prisoners havS come iiitoi Q ti CUUip. Xltvli VI lucoi; j-icvv sent to Pretoria, and tho re mainder go tonight. Another dispatch o from Gen- Come and seo us, weare rever too busy to v e'er mo yivi. Bell, Harris & Co. Fsiclei. cq Pho'Jf-. . , , I ioro I hone. . , ,V