o HARRIS' . LITHIA. WATER Has no equal in the United States for curing Dyspep sia, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Nausea? Dropsy,' Gout, Rheumatism, Dis eases of the Kidney's and Bladder, Hematuria and Catamedial .Derangements, piseases of the Blood. For Sale At MARSH'S Drug Store. WEATHEK FORECAST. Pair tonight and tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. D- L Bost spent Tuesday in Charlotte. Hurry to Dry & Miller's for school books. Miss Mary Young is visiting the Misses Craig's in Salisbury. Two milch cows for sale. Lippards & Barrier. Mrs. B N H Miller, is some what better today. LAWN Swings at cut prices at J T Pound's. dl7. i Mr. R A Brower and little son went to Charlotte. today. LOST Small flat key. Fin der will please call at this office. Mr. W R Harris and children went to Charlotte today. Mr. N E Baker, of Forest Hill, moved to Charlotte today. You can get second hand school-books at Dry & Miller's. Mr. H P Deaton, editor of the Moorqsville Euterpriso.was here Tuesday night. Mr. A T Brock, of Winston, paid a pleasant visit to Concord Tuesday night.. , Rev. D G Caidwell returned Tuesday night from a visit to Glass and vicinity. -Mrs. J A Miller, of Lincoln ton, is visiting her daughter Mrs. W H McNairy. Mrs. Noah Correll left for Spartanburg, S. C, this -morning to visit relatives. Miss Ida Russell returned to day from a visit to friends in China Grove. The Al G Field ministrel has a new ad today. . Don't forget to read it elsewhere in this paper. Mrs. S F Starretto arrived this (Weduesday) morning from New York and is visiting at her father's, Capt. J M Alexander. Mr. H L Parks arrived from New York this morning from an extended purchasing tour for his Department Store. Misses Maggie and Mollie Brown returned from Salisbury today where they have visited relatives for a week. Mrs. .G M Lort, Miss Addie and two of the other children went to Charlotte today where Miss Addie enters school. Mrs. Frank Goodson affd child returned .home Tuesday night from a visit to f fiends and Rela tives in Norfolk. WANTED: Representatives in every section. Big wages and steady employment to botfi sexes. Address, or call on, Eugene Harris. Room 4, Pied. Bldg. Charlotte, N. C. Sixth Annual Holiness con vention. Raleigh, Sept. 9-1&. Round trip 86.70. Tickets on sals Sent. 7-10: final limit CROr REPORT. Ralus General But Too Late Cotton Half Open. The government crop report for tRe State, for the week just. ended, says: "Many fayorable reports were received, in cftnsequence of the widely distributed rainfall which J occurred on several days, yet most reports .indicate that the rains came too late to improve!! the prospects for staple crops to any extent. Morever, many places are still extremely dry, so that fall plowing and planting is impossible. The temperature for the week averaged 6 degrees daily above the normal, but moderated toward the close, the nights becomming somewhat cooler. Where rains occurrod peanuts, field peans and .sweet potatoes were refreshed, ' and the moisture stopped premature opening of cotton bolls to a con siderable extent. Much fall plowing was done and turnip seed sown. Fodder pulling is nearly over in the east, but is just under way in the west por tion of the State. It is hardly possible that the weather con ditions can materially affect the yield of corn; much has been cut and stands in shocks. Cot ton is opening very fast, and picking has become general; in many counties the crop is half open, l ne prospects lor lan or top crop are very poor. Uncut tobacco has been badly scorched and is curing poorly; cutting is proceeding actively in the north central counties. . The rice harvest has begun ; the crop is fine along the lower Cape Fear river, but poor in northeastern counties. The Best Prescription for Chills And fever is a bottle oi Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. It is simply iron end quinine in a tasteless form. No care no pav. Pric 50a SIXTEENTH ANNUAL SEASON. The. AL. G. FIEFD Big :: Ministrels Directions of Dan Quinlan, Oldest. - Biggest. - Best The Host of Features from Two Worlds. The Most Expensive Organization In Existence. 40 Ministrel Stars ""40 The. Famous Faust Family, Austra lian Acrobats, seven in number, The Great Knetzger, the Master Spirit of Ambidexterity. Welby '' Pearl, America's Fin de Siecle Exponents oi Refined Nkgro Comedy. Will Hacket, an Unctuous ComeaifSi. Hanael Hastings, the Celebrated Ens- lishBariton. The De Velyos, French Musical Ex perts. The Shadoire Troupe of English Pantomimist, five in number. 12-Nightingales of Songs-12 Magnificent Military Brass Band and Superb Orchestra of Picked Soloists. Grani Street ParaJe and Concert Daily AT 11:30. 9 j We have just re ceived a fresh lot eff Grits, Hominy ..' . and -Rico. We call special at 'tention to a liile oT Ground Cloves, Cinnambn, . Allspice,. etc. Something very fine for flavoring jel. lies, etc. . ' V.' D. SIKES, PhjP0NE LVvN y h m m ?r 1 1 1 a m ssa .m fc3 fc &i fc If your Horse or Cow Is ran Aown flsefl tbem PRATT S m Stock - Food AND NOTE TFfTC R FSTTTjT. m PRATT'S fe Poultry - Food g MAKES IIENS LAY, If you don't Merc if tPV if ' i i ill I M Mllii -3 DRUG g STORE. FOR Sill SILVER Willi AND . CALL AT W. C. CORRELL rp 1 lift iJEWJiiLJiili. North- Carolina College. Chartered in 1859, Jit. Pleasant, N. C. Uollejriate and Academic "Depart ments, Classics, Mathematics, Sciences, Philosophy, History, Economics, Eng lish, Modern Languages, Chemical and Physical Laboratories. Three large brfck buildings; rooms with suitable furniture. Free access to 4,000 volumns. Fine campus of eight acres nicely shad ed. Faculty of live professors with best credentials. Smoking, drinking intoxicants and 'gambling not tolerated. Board in president's dinning hall forall well-behaved students at cost. Daily mail; connected by telephone with Charlotte, Salisbury, Concord, Albe marle. -Fall term begins Sept 4th, 1900. For catalogue or further intoamation. address Rev. WM. A. LUTZ.a. m., Pres., Winston, N. C. orMt. PleasanlN.C. T n E if Offerf the business publio a reliable, pr manent, conseryatiy and acommodat ing banking instutiOn. We solicit your patronage with the assurancfKif honorable treatment .and due appieciation of your patrxnHge? If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - . - - - - Caffi etf Ms - $10,000 D. B CoijTBAsE,3hashier m gu m 1 i i 1 p I too alia m I J. M. Oraxr President We. Underbuy AND- TPS IR W: Wejhave bought a big lot-of Scriven's Patent Drawers TO SELL AT 45c. They will be here in a iew days. But you needn't waifc for that lot to come as we have decided to put our present stock on sale at that price. This is not a Bar gain day sale or a closing out sale. Every Day in the Yearis a Bargain Day at our Store, And every day is a Closing Out Day. You canfalways be sure of getting goods here any day in the year at Lower Prices thanjarc ever made at the so-called bargain day sales. Cannon & Fetzer Company. Turning Things 1 m-nmmrtyw,,Hnr, v-iwaB g Tay.VP iMp;iiiw mil Jin 11 mum mnimt n w ''J Furniture and Undertaking. . .': . . .Phone No. Just in. . Fresh lot of Rubber ' Garden , Hose. E. McNISH Piion ... 104. For Sale .- . . property oif East DSpot street. Good five-room house and good barn, well of water, garden, etc. - For terms apply to re at Sallsbury,JN. C. F. V Barrier. We. Undersell That's what wur are doing at our Grand Clearance Sale Of S u m m ex Goods. Our en--' tire line n in n ouniiL Iktter see About it. M. L. Brown & Bro. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE . STABLES. ; . Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. . Outfits of all kinds fur niske4 promptly and at .reason able prices. Horses and mutes alwayS on hand f of sale. Breed- ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hosts. Boss am an . . Sprints. on To those desiring the benefit of Mineral Water during this hot weather, I will say that I havo; three houses, near the abovt? springs which can be rented at very reasonable rates. John C. Sossaman, Sept. 16th.