f J r! o V -v PRfCE: $4.00 pKsr year.-- S L Concord, n. cj. thurs day 8 wptem ber 9, looo. SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. 1 C 3 f firi iirifi . . . tit - mm I ! 1- i ? n if y p. s V; a, v i v. '0 1, 'Ml BIT. ... blaster Clyde itfyrault Tails From Wasou aud Narrowly Escapes Death Injuries 'ot Defp. . . Master Clyde Day vault, son of Mr. and Mrs. D P Day vault, met with a very painful accident to dav (Thursday). Clyde is 11 years old and quite manly. He was driving a team loaded with lumber and coining down the steep rocky hill beyond the branch near St. John's church ho fell between the horses and the wTagon wheel struck the left side of his head, cutting a fearful gash. It is most probable that his life was saved 'by his head slipping from under the pressure of the wTheel. Bis injuries are .very severe though no.t deeper probably than the skin. Mr. "VV H Dry, who was with the wagon train, ' procured a buggy and took him in and has tened home as the quickest means to get him a physician's treatment. He bled considerably but was entirely conscious of everything. He is resting very well. While the fearful accident is deplored, one is moved to a feel ing of congratulation to him and his parents that he escaped a sadder fate to which he was so imminently exposed. Court Jurors for October. The following jurors have been chosen for the next term of court which begins Oct. 15th: J A Blackwelder, A F Lefler, Moses Linker, A M Brown, P O Dry, W M Mo wry, D J Little, A Cline, A M Cox, L Z Shinn, D C Bond, V A McCurdy, Robert Black welder, M H Austin, J C John son, O D Overcash, M M-Gillon, W A Kindley, J S Isenhour, G P McAllister, W ' L -Wi-denhouse, Frank Smith (No. 3) A L Castor, TCSloan, Benjamin Burl'eyso'n, G M Smithy W A Wood, J F Boat, S W Pharr, W C Kluttz, W G Barringer, Jno. R Rowland, S M Richio, D W Shimpock, J C P Cochrane, and A H Bratton. JSean Measures One Yard Long. Mr. Sappenfield has 'quite a curiosity hanging in front of his store. It is a bean, measuring one yard long. It is knOwn as the snake bean And is raised by Mr;md Mrs. S L, Kluttz in the country. number. They have ,quite ajery rapidly and live on the CciilcnarLni Has a Ilcunion. "VVo learn that Mrs. Btsy Heglai who lives near Piney Woods church in Stanly county has rounded up a century of life. There was a family reunion at her homo a few days ago in which the number of her decend- ants participating reached 75. o i . 6(eOBD HSR - MIRf . i . a James I'rjlor Ylotiin of the Iron Whetls-kAiimiitation Trobably Not Necessary. Mr. James Taylor, son o Capt. Taylor,, of Concord, came - ' very noar losing his life Ins night on the rails. As it was he got his left foot mangled so tha ; the doctor's fear amputation wil be necessary. Mr. Taylor is switchman on 'yard engine No. 400 in, the Sea ' board Air Line yard. Ex-police ! man Dan Bradley.is engineer in ! the yard. The engine was pull ing a lumber train. Mr. Taylor was standing on the ground a the end of the depot, waiting for the train to pull up. As the engine passed he put up his foot to step on the footboard o the engine, as train men always do, misssed the step and foil be tween the engine and the first car. .ine corner oi tne car struck him in the back. He fell in such a way that his left foot was on the rail. The wheels of the car passed over his foot, mangling it horribly. Engineer Bradley was the first person- to reach his side. He pulled Mr. Taylor from under the wheels, and 'phoned in stantly for the railroad surgeon The injured man was moved to Private Hospital, and the phy sician and friends remained with him through the night. The doctors are undecided as to whether amputation will be necessary. Mr. Taylor was resting quitely this morning. He is 21 years of ago and has been employed in the Seaboard yard three months. The accident occurred at 10:30 last night. Charlotte Evening News, of the 5th. We are pleased to note from the Charlotte Observer of the 6th that the doctors do not think amputation will be necessary. Lost His Fine Cow. Mr. Jno. A Cline - lost his fine cow Wcdenesday night. It was caused by her getting into the feed room and eating too much. Rabbit "Enterprise. Mr. A C Bogs has started a Belgian rabbit ranch. These rabbits are much larger thau other breeds and are said to weigh when Stressed from ftvo to jten pounds. They multiply surplus vegetables of a farm. Tli meat is fine for food. New ton Enterprise. Hester's annual statement shows that Southern mills used 197,713 more bales of cotton this year than last. Ex. T . 7 , . . It is the ill wind which blows the piiysician the most good. -Orange, Va.QObserver. . mi fill o riu ATfrj BHoIfDack Mr.kes "Wooden Key, Rope Jloolcss and Escapes Wtthiu Fifteen ftiuites. "Topeka Joe," a noted crook who is believed to be the head of fhegang that robbed theWill- lamsburg banlr sometime agq was in jail; in. Richmond, Va., but made his escape about 2 o'clock on Monday morning, the 3rd. The story reads iike this His cleverness being known he was especially watched. The guards made their rounds at o'clock and fcfund him all right. At 2:15 when the guard, made his round Joe's cell door stood ajar with a wooden key in it A thorough search showed that he had made the key from the broom handlo and a ropo from his bedding. He had mysteri ously secured some iron hookas The means of escape 'were com plete. He had gone out and had gotten on the wall and let him self down. The means' of es cape were left behind and ho is game for the experts to chase while the bank vaults are his prey. NEWS CULL1MJS. R S Neal, a contractor and lumberman, whose plant is near Morehead, has mado an "assign ment with liabilities of $30,000. The Rockhill Herald says Miss Eliza Wallace hanged herself last Sunday night. ' She was in ill health which is thought led to the rash act. A fire at Asheboro on Wed nesday destroyed the plant ot the Ashboro Wood and Iron Works, two barns and two cars loaded with lumber. The loss is estimated at $12,000 with about $4,000 of insurauce. Mr. Burt Higgins, of Mont ford's Cove of Rutherford coun ty, was killed Tuesday afternoon by a pully that .brokq and, flew hitting him near the eye. He nev,er spoke and died within a ovv minutes. The fall of aDerrick at Rich- mond, Va., Wednesday morning killed one man and injured three others. Surgeon General Wyman of the Marine hospital service says hat there is no yellow fever in he country and the season is so far advanced as to promise its escape. A. & JI.t College Full. The Agricultural and iphT rinlltio-ft rit T?;i.lpioli nuptial i today. Already Wednesiiayj there were 200 students in and e Jp oft them. ! Bishop Warren A Chandler savs the war in China will have no enect on tno cnurcn s woric there, that missionary work will continue there as heretofore. Ex. ARTHUR SEW ALL DEAD. 1 - . Succumbs to Apoplexy Mau of Lme Means Running Mate of lir yau. " Arthur SewalJ died at Small Point, his summqr hoiiefc near Batk, Me., 'Wednesday morning, th(i 5th, of. apoplexy. The public was prepared for the news tand considered it only a matter of time. He was in his 05th year. He possessed great wealth which camo by the 'business of ship building in which he succeeded his father. . He was a man of large busi ness, It seems, embracing rail roading and banking. He wielded la'rge influences in local and State politics but was doubtloss overestimated when placed four years -ago on the the ticket as a running mate for W J Bryan. Children ftlio Confederacy Meet. The Children of - the Confed eracy will meet tomorrow at 5 p. m. at Mrs. Jno. P Allison's. This is the last meeting before the State and general conventions and a full attendance is especial ly desired. Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine ia the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anythiner else for indigestion or billiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous ' prostration or heart failure, etc. Thfcy used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food. regulate the action cf the liver, stimu late the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. You only need a few dopes of (Jreen's August Flower, in liquid form to make you satined there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealers in civilized conn cries r 1 A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FKES11 Summer Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN'S J You AH Know About ' The Man Behind the Gun ! We are also ready for action in correct form whb steady aim, lonad a ....... VlUl ali kmda . . hfirtlltlire find HoilSe hlJ V J1 ! s II U K to (he muzzle. We so forth ooaquenn and to conquer. ---4 , jr lots and saving all discounts. We are in a position to do you uod. Our line of , Mechan-'Mahogoriy, Birds Eye Maple and Golden Oak Suits are beauties. Iron and Brass can't call for anything made out of wood used in Ute house for Furniture that we hayen't in the etcro, or on the way. l m j. . 9 9 I! K ft 3TIULU1 n o 4. ' JJ Did YOU Ever ! P 0 W .v ?. Come and see us, weare never too busy toj Oilcome you. Bell, Harris &. Co. I?os:dence Phon.., ,0. Store Phont,. . 1 ilisaFffl.'I k.J A snjre cure for chills and 114 ftfver is 9. - - , r..vj Haiicc's Tasteless Tonic CHILL CURE. i Children like it. None bet- 3 Dottles $1.25. O Concord Drug Co0, ft , X UllUO OI. The School Supply Department Of this store is now fully prepared to furnish any and every need in this line. Next week, Sept. 3rd, the small boys and girls will be want ing their .Slates, Pencils, Tablets, Crayon, etc., and ' we hope yon will remembr Parks & Co. are selling ' these articles at a very low price. Here are some of those extreme values briefly Indexed : Pencil Tablets, small size, lc. Ink Tablets that will surprise you at 3, 4 and Sc.- Extra largo Tablets Composition Books vih stiff backs only 5c. Pen Points" 3 for lc. Pen hold- ers from 1 to 5c. Largo assortment of Lead Pen cils from 1 to 5c. Crayon, 14 different colors for 5c. Rulers, which are quite necessary in all schools, lc. Ink that will not spill out ofbot tlo 5c. There are many other things in. this lino not meiir tioned that will pay you to call and see. K.a ter, it is powtively gnarnn- rf teed. Give it a trial and be til M 'cured. Trice 50c, per bottle, 3 P3 m, L. Parks Beds are tho talk of the town. Yon Thirfi shipment in two tuo- f h -, adwicdf-10WS we-diJa'1 fcbur