o 0 .'HAHRIS' WAEB Has no equal in the Uaited States for (juring DySpep ia, Constipation, Liver Comprint, Naus:f, Burns?, Gout,: ' Rheumatism, Dis ease of the Kidney's1 and B!adder, : ' Hematuria and Catamedial Derangements, Diseases of the Blood. ' For Sae At . MARSH'S Drug Store. WEATHEi; POKECAST. Fair tonight and threatening showers Saturday. Mr.' A F Hartsell came in last night from a business trip. Read H L Parks & Co.'s new ad today. Mr. W H Paine returned from Monroe this- morning. Two milch cows for sale,. , . Lippards & Barrier. Sheriff Peck has already torn two receipts from the tax re ceipt'book for the. new year. Dr. J C Davis went to Lexing ton this morning. He will re turn home next Tuesday. LAWN Swings at ciit prices at J T Pound's. . dl7. Farmers report cotton to be opening rapidly and also a very short crop. Miss Adah Craven went to Charlotte today to spend several days. Miss Pattie Lee returned to her home . in Monroe today from a visit to Mrs. D D Johnson-. Hurry to Dry & Miller's for school books. . , r Prof. J F Shinn went to Greensboro this morning on business. Reserved seat tickets on sale now at Gibson Drug Store for Al G Field's big minstrels. You can get second hand school books at Dry & Miller's. A new Switch board arrived yesterday and is being placed in the central office of the local company. Mr. M J Corl has rented tho McNinch house to Messrs. Luther Biles and Roley Harris. Th6y will occupy next Monday. Dr. L A Biklo who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. G W Means, returned to King's. Mountain today (Friday). . Miss Pattie Kimball returned home today from, a visit of two months in Salisbury among rela tives and friends. Mrs. J W Cannon went to Winston this morning to see her daughter, Mrs. Douglas, who is very sick. Mr. J M Burrage is carrying his arm in a swing today the rej suit of being thrown from the seat of his. mower. He narrow ly escaped being cut very badly. Mrs. N F Yorke and Miss Maie Pitts are spending a few days in the country with Mrs. P M Morris, who we are sorry to learn is quite unwell. Mr. F V Barrier returned to Salisbury Thursday night, his stay being cut off by sickness in the household in the person of Miss Lucy Rimer. Miss Carrie Neisler returned to her home in Rockhill, S.C., today after a nleasant visit of a month tn Miss Sallie Castor. Miss Carrie is always an attractive visitor in our town. Full line of school books, tab lets and pencils atDry & Miller's. Mrs. J T MeConnell ivent to China Gj)ve Thufsflay evening to visit her baoth$f Dr. J S Laf-4 lejiy. . The lades' ' 6f the Baptist chtirch'will give a lawn party to morrow mgni .ona me cnurcn grounds. . The first load of cotton seed came into the mai'ket locttiy (Fri day) and was bought by Mr. Jn'o. K Patterson at'15 cents. Mrs. Frank L. Robbins, of Salisbury, arrived this (Friday) morning and is visiting: at Mr. Jas. C. Gibson's. Mr.' Floyd Corzine is home from Commercial College in Charlotte, and is spending sev eral days with parents. Miss Dora Hix left today (Fri day) for Baltimore and New York to purchase a fall stock of goods for the millinery de partment at Dayvaults store. Miss Nellie Cavis who has been spending the winter in Washington City is 'spending several days , at Mr. W C Cor rell's. Miss Cavis is on her way to her home in Spartanburg. We learn that many were turned avayM from the opera house in Charlotte Thursday night for want of room. ' The Observer says the show "sur passed its usual mark of excel lence and can show in Charlotte to a . full house any timu it pleases. Doers Didn't Take Lad j brand. A few .days ago it was an nounced that the Boers would probably capture Ladybraud as they bad besieged it, but the an nouncement comes that the 150 British soldiers held out against the "2,000 attackers. Tho ap proaching relief columnmay have helped to raise the siego.. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL SEASON. The. AL. G. FIEFD Big :: Ministrels Directions of' Dan Quinlan, Oldest. - Biggest. - Best. The Host of Features from Two Worlds. The Most Expensive Organization in Existence. 40 Ministrel Stars 40 ThaiFamous Faust Faniilv. Austra lian Acrobats, seven in number, TVia ' (treat Knetzcer. the Master Spirit of Ambidexterity. Welby & Pearl, America's Fin de Siecle Exponents oi Refined Negro Comedy. Will Hacket, an Unctuous Comeaian. Handel Hastings, the Celebrated Eng lish Bariton. , . The De "Volvos, French Musical Ex perts. The Shadoire Troupe of English Pantomimist, five in number. 12-Nightingales of Songs-12 , Magnificent Military Brass Band and Superb Orchestra of Picked Soloists. ' . , Grani SMParadeW Concert Dally AT 11:30. Whoever gains any advantage by the use of unrighteous means pays too high a price for it. Atlanta Journal. We have jusj; re c3i$1id a freslflQt of Grits, . Hominy . and Rich ' We call special at- tentibn'to a line of Ground Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, etc'. Sohiething yery fine. for flavoring jel. lies, etc. V; D. SIKES, PJP0NE illl mmm Y. i If yonr Horse or Cow is run flown feed them ' PRATT'S M m StOCK - hOOQ TZK AND NOTE THE RESULT. Poultry - Food FOR STERLING SILVER AND cur GLASS ' CALL AT W. C. CORRELL The Jeweler. North 'CaroBItia ColDege. ChartereU in 1859, rit. Pleasant, N. C. . Collegiate and Academio Depart ments, Classics, Mathematics, Sciences', Philosophy, History, Economics, Eng lish, Modern Languages. Chemical and Physical Laboratories. Three large brick buildings; rooms with suitable furniture. Free access to 4,000 volumns. Fine campus of eight acies nicely shad ed. Faculty of five' professors with best credentials. Smoking, drinking intoxicants and gambling not tolerated. Uoard in president's dinning hall for all well-behaved students at cost. Daily mail; tfoanecWl by telephone with Charlotte,, Salisbury, Concord. Albe marle. Fall term begins Hept 4th, 1000. For catalogue or further inloamation, address . . Eev. WM. A. LUTZ.a-m., Pres., Winston, N;0. or Mt.Fleasant N, C. Offern the business pnblio a reliable per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. " 't We solicit your patronage with the ooani-nnna rf hnnnrhlfl treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. ;. ' If we can serve you any time we wilJ be glad to haye you come and see us.. , i LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - Canital aniiHs - $70,000 D. B OoLTEANE,!hashier J. M. Omex President. HF ill l W A, -3 r-i - 7 -i-L i MAKES HENS Lit. p If yon don't Mie?e It g: try 1&zssp p i ft 1 jM iai We Underbuy. : - : ' AND 1'S DUR WAY. Wejliave bought a big lot-of Scriven's Patent Drawers TO SELL AT 45c. They will be here in a few days. But you needn't wait for that lot to come as we have decided to put our present stock on sale at that price. This is. not a Bar gain day sale or a closing out' sale. Every Day in the Year is a Bargain Day at our Store, And every day is a Closing Out Day. You canjalways be sure of getting goods, here any day in the year at Lower Prices thanjare ever made at the so-called bargain day sales. Cannon & Fetzer Company. Turning Things 'r Si That's what w Iinrn 41 are doing at our ljllll Grand Wmmm Clearance ! saw njwttrifsmn nam X UVI,7 ' Furniture and Undertaking Phone No. . Just in. - Fresh lot of Rubber Garden . Hose. E. McNISH Phone . . 104 EofeSale. . .vr My property on East Depot street. Good five-room house and good I barn, well of water, garden, etc., For terms apply to me at SaliFbury,N. C.; v F. V Barrier. We Undersell-.. if i -c. Better see About it. M..L. Jrown-&;;Bro. LIVERY, FEED"ANB5SALFi STABLES. . Just inn-ear of Cloud Hotel. Omnjbuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur- nished prqmptly 'and at reaspn- abk) prices." . HorSi; and mules always on hand for sal. 'Breed? ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hos:$ Sossaman . . , Springs. To those desiring the benefit of Mineral Water during this hot weather, I will say that I have three houses, near the abovo springs which can bo rented at very reasonable rates. John C. Sossaman IO 0 ISMTim