v o o W kf '-. -0 i fa - - & ? : i i-s ' i s . . . .r .' .. r r :i.t par year. CONttmD.T. C. -SAT P VY, SEPTEMBER r, tooo. . SlNCf.l! CftPY 5 cfch'T; . r Tjirr fcrrfiico inns tttUa- llLi-lrilEO shim. I ( OSIKITTEEo BAYS UALYStfOIi I A' Provisions are Distributed Repairing Crocc;(!s Mo:M'-y tue'Gi'Ciitest Xsi-d JTore TL.au $l,COC,G(iO Raised More Decidedly brighter dispatches are coming from Galvos ton. .Committees have the. work in h'and. Provisions ar dis- tributed systematically and re lief from immediate suffering seems afforded. . Mayor Jones in a dispatch of the 13th says : "Our most urgent present needs now are disinfectants, lime, cement, gcsolino stoves, gasoline, charcoal furnaces and charcoal. Near by towns also may send some bread. For the remainder of our wants money will be most available, because we can make purchases from time to time with more discretion than miscellane ous contributors would exercise. We are bringing order out of chaos, - and again offer our pro found gratitude for the assist ance received." The weather is fair and favor able for those in roofless houses. Carpenters and other median ics are busy roofing the uncov ered houses and making various repairs. The wharves are less injured than was first supposed. The relief fund is now more than $1,000,000. The estimate of the dead, how ever, does not diminish, but is placed at more than 5,000. A...u.i4K 1 C.1 U.S. Arrested for Stealing. "Duck" Ellis, a colored boy of Concord, but who recently has been. living in Albemarle, was indicted this morning for steal-' jng. Ellis has been working for Mr. Austin, of Albemarle, and several days ago he stole from his employer a coat, a pair of shoes and a gold ring. This morning hp" was arrested here by Policeman Bogor with all throe of the stolen articles on his per son. He will be sent back tP Albemarle for trial. CMvotftn 5,fO in, Jt,liastvn P,CC. The question uv'- ' ow C.g:z the Galveston disaster compare with that of Jol,r..lov, u in loss of life? We turn to .pofforri's brief account ? cd tlnd it as fol lows: - "The town itsU contained some 20,000 inhabitants, and along ihe Coneia..Ui.;h river there was a total population of about 30,00 ', when, on May 31, 1830, this busy, i'.rivbg district was laid wasto by the bursting of Co:iemau;;h Luko aud reser voir situated about ton miles above the town. Houses, churches an.1 f:;: torie?. wore driven by the a mas.s of ruin which ws dually piled up against the railway bridge at Johnstown and its destruction completed by tVr c"!rr",r of! fire. Altogether those who per ished numbered 0,000." While the death list at Galves ton must remain a more approx imated total, it will hardly reach beyond 5,000, which leaves the Johnstown far in the lead of sim ilar disasters. t'tvs are 0. i . I) all. ilOi'-lTiV. Was IrobMy n Hii-I Dos?. Mr. C C Faggarr, of No. .11 township, while standing iu his yard this morning saw a strange dog bite his dog and then run on up the road toward Concord. He got on his mule and followed the dog and -says ho saw him Tun ing after chickens along the road and snapping at everything that came his way. Just outside of the corporate limits he overtook the dog and killed him. He thinks that it was a mad dog, as it had all the symptoms. XLW'X CULLING S. "t'be mercy of t!e fx-ri ;.- fnm cr- l .'i,.; bim. aud liia ria:bU' :n&m mio olxiiureu's children I' 1 '3-17. St. Andrews Hi. L. .,uurch.- Sunday Scbo.ol at ,l.;0 a. m. Services at 5 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. C A Brow::. St. James E. L. cnuioa. Sun day School at 4 p. m. Services at 11 a. m., and $8 p. m., by Mr. V C Ridenhour. Trinity Reform ell church. Sunday School at 10 m. Ser vices at 11 a. ra., and S p. m., by the pastor, Re v. W H McNairy. First Presbyterian (' ...b. Sunday School at 4 p. m. C3er Vices at li a. m., and 8 p. m., by Rev. J- R Bridges. Baptist church. S u n da y School at 9 a. m. Services at J L iiridges. Central M. 11 cb,;reu. Sun day School at 4 p. m. Services at 11 a. m., by Dr. W W Bays .i.i-I , '. '.h- :-..-lor Rev. JAB Fry. Forost Hill M. E. church. -Sunday School at 9 9. m Services at 11 a. m.. by the pas tor, Rev. R M Hoylo and at 7:30 p. m., by Dr. WW Bays. Episcopal church. Sunday school ?t 10. a. m. Sorvices at 11 a. m. The R-avcry ot Tornca. Yvai grandly nown by" :4m. Job: li-lmg, of Bntler, Pa in a three ti-Kiblo that caujed clitrcssiL's attacks I of nausea find iEcwg:estion AU remddiea failed to relieve her until she tried -h v V-f.en. Ator Uiz it two nu ;Lo wrote: ''Iara now wholly cured and can eat anything. It m truly i: tonic for the whole Eynicln as J ti tined in weight end feel mnchstrow?ir since nsinfr it." It nidsdist-Htion, cr.rcs dysreps:'a, impioyes appytitc, givca new life. Only 50o. GuartLntted at Fetzer'a drnj? etore. The "well bred man never City Star. 2 - w ' .-of 9 V .A s,.ra euro fo? chills i-n.i 0 fewer if CHILL CURE. Hy ChrTron like U. Nci.., ' i'V f.-ir If ia ,,..,;f v speaks of his dough. Kansas er' '3 poaitivelj pn",,r. tse. Give it a trfal unc. "... V CUI(' iT;g 50o. per by:,l.;, bottles $1C5. creeffd Drug C-.-.. , Tlione 37. v "'.V 5 cr fT r; Magnificent of in Bryan-Stevenson Club. Friday night in pursuance to the call issued by Mr. M B Stick ley, who 'was president of the White Supremacy club, and Mr, A E Young, chairman of the democratic County Executive Committee, ex-members of t.hjs club who desired to fbte for JJryanand Stevenson assembled in the court tiouse and formed a Bryan-Stevenson club. Fifty eight men were enrolled as mem bers, and much enthusiasmw!s shown during the formation 5f the club. The next meeti ng will Officer C W Dunn a few days ago arrested here a colored wo man named Linsey Hootsey charged with whipping her child to death with plow lines in Northampt on county a year ago. The child was ll years old. Mr. Dunn carried her to North ampton where she awaits trial. Commonwealth. A Brooksville special of the l3th to the Atlanta Jotirnal says: "Hirtun Lukes eloped with John Moates' sixteen-year-old daugh ter, from Pineville, ten miles front here, on horseback, thogirl riding behind. An old feud ex isted between the fafAilies ani Moates and two sons, furious wit! anger, pursr?d them. Get ting near they opened fire and killed both girl aud Jver? A pofiso is after tl murderer wffo fiod i the swtmps. The X3oldsboifo Medical o- This Is Sense. Hon. David B Hill in his de nunciation of bossos is but adopt ing the tactics of defeated men everywhere. If he had won in his fight on Croker he would have been as much a boss as the victorious Richard, but beiDg defeated he cries "Boss." No man can be a boss without the consent of his party. As soon as a man establishes a repu tation as a successful political campaign manager and party loader he becomes a boss, ac cording to the envious ones and the defeated aspirants for lender ship. We have no patience with this "boss" cry, since no party and no people nexl be bossed a day longer than they are willing to be. The man with the quali fications for leadership will in evitably lead, until tho people object to his leadership and over throw him. Danville Register. To the average kid the first is the most seasonable yoar of life because it has so many fnils. r uents' Furnishings. This splendid new line of Furnishings for .i -men, just added to our Clothing Department, h : won the esteem of many who have seen and iuspv vi ed the goods. The new things for men's wen: of a class that has added tone to the estal)lishiu';;,. We are showing the very newest styles and 1 st materials. For any little want drop in the Dej ment Store's Furnishing side. or t Tho now Bat-Wing Ties Fall fihirts, all sizes, for are here in all the shadoa all people of eolids and fancies. New lot of high brand The TIK you want is'.A oo1 collars for the new Ties. Come in---if you don't want to bny just look around. Beautiful assortment of Collar Buttons, Cufl But Gents' plain and fanoy tons, Cuff Holders, Tie We aro sliowiaic tho i-t liuen bosom .1.00 v,-; ite dress Shirt to be had. here. See. Oar Ktylep and prices should brin you here. hemstitch Hankerchiefs, 10 to 25 cts. Boys' Shirt3aaaC!:..i,. Holdero, eto. aro to be here. Funcy ha'f Fl -i- p M now slm.i.v- New lino 4 CJol'.".' Oat- tcra at , ... 10 to ;")t)c. H. L. Parks Sl Co. 1 ciety has requested the xity lilt; uuui iuo ai li.Li.- wju t it i ij. i-iiFi! be held on Friday niffhtT ttsrh ard n to 21st, M B Sticklcy was elected u r '' president aDd G B Means secre- has been sucxully v Jary Jnated.Ne & Observer. A'FKEH LT.XE OF I Nice Candies, , ALSO NICE FRKSII . Summer Cheese 4? S. J..ERVIX' You AU Know About The Man Behind the Gun ! We are alscready tot action in correct form with s'eadv nim 1-14 with all kinds of Firrniture and House Fuvmshk? to the muzzle. We .forth conquering aad to couiii- C and savin,? all disconutrt. We are in a puitioa to rto ye Our line of JVWhogcny, Birds Eye Maple and Golden 'Dak ShHs . arebtanties. Iron and 13 -a 39 Bods ate b tik ?f the town, T.,-j can't call for auyth?u;r mide out of wood used ia flii hntw: f, r: Furniluro that we V-ve't in the Rtcre. or ou the vruv . J' 1 1 'Pictures!! . ntuslcal Inst-1 ll rZ' 1 t ,- : "t rt Third frnert in two rconth. j 5 Did You Everi.j? lft we da't br - J f J Come and kgo us, we'are revcr too busy to wf'ccmo you. Bell, arris & Co. R esidence Phonf. 0.o Store Phono. 1 W P "-in