mot: Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD. N. 0. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1900. SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. - . Cjj . ... (Mil Meeting Elects Offlccrs and Appoints Committees. At a called meet held at Mrs. J C Wadsworth "Wednesday af ternoon, much enthusiasm was manifested. The work was given but by electing 'officials and the assignment of com mittees, which are as follows: , R L Keesler,.) GeneralSupervis H M Barrow, j ors or Managers. ' W C Cornell Treasurer. DINING HALL COMMITTEE.' Mrs. Geo. "VV Brown, chair man; Mesdames. A M Brown, Jas. Ervin, D B Morrison, Kate Goodson, D B Coltrane, J A Kennette, R E Ridenhour, Mehaffey, Scott, N F Yorke, J P Hurley, J O Wadsworth, P M Misenheimer, Ed. Hall, Sappenfield, Alexander, J D Hatchett, R A Brown, Dr. J E Smoot, A S Day vault, W C Cor rell, Jno. A Cline, R L McCon- nell, Goodman, J M Hendrix, Dr. R S Young, W R Harris, Misses Claud Fisher, and Willie . Richmond. Committee on Baby Show Mrs. M L Brown, Mrs. H M Barrow. ' Committee on Doll Exhibit i Misses Emily Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson, Belle Means, Nettie Al- len. Committee on American Booth Mrs. R E Gibson, chairman, Mrs. J C Gibson, Mrs. J F Good son, Miss Lizzie Young. Committee on Flower and Fruit Booth Mrs. P B Fetzer, Mrs. J P Allison, and Miss Nan nie Cannon. Committee on Museum Mes dames. D B Coltrane, Elam King, S J Ervin. Chas. J Har ris, B E Harris. Committee on Candy Booth Mrs. A E Lentz, Mrs. D L Bost. Committee on Pillow Booth. .8 .a c o a o 8 Q 8 ' Atierid-'the Meelng- of the BryanStevenson Club -Friday Night- Q 11 C 0 : r 0 g Will Elect Delegates to the State Convention, jj T - " Bl! HI. fl IF IBS CAUL , Questions Answered. Yes. August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine ia the civilized world. "Your mothers and eraadinothers never thought of using "anything else J were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, e$o. They used 'August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regukita the, action rf the liver, stimu late the nervous and organic action of tne system, and that is 'all they took when feeling dull and bad, with head. aches1 and other .aches. You only need a few dopes of Green's August Flower, in liquid form to make you satilied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all' dealers in civilized I countries. V eures"00 IS 1) FEVER The publisher of a comic paper lives by wits. Ex. A sura cure for chills and fever is k.V ft a Hancc's Tasteless Tonic Children like ij. None bet- a ter. ii is positively guaran teed. Give it a ' trial and be cured. Price 50o. per bottle. 3 K72f bottles $1 25. A Concord Drug Co., 11 ri,, oi r fmWm j. ttK l&l lOTm Public Speaking in Cabarrus Kluttz and Caldwell Associated. . Hon. Theo. F Kluttz, the Dem ocratic nominee for congress, wi11. address his fellow citizens of Cabarrus County, at the fol lowing times and places: Concord, Monday, October 15, day, lp.m. Mount Pleasant, Monday, Oc tober 22, 7:30 p. m. Harrisburg, Tuesday, October 23, 11 a. m., with Hon. M H Caldwell. Poplar Tent, Tuesday, October 23, 4 p. m., with Hon. M H Cald well. Gilwood, Tuesday, October 23, 7:30 p. m., with Hon. M H Cald well. Flowes, Wednesday, October 24, 2 p. m., with Hon. M H Cald well. I i Detective Halney and the. Police Officers of Greenville Made the Arrests. For some months thieves havq been robbing freight cars and stealing all kinds of stuff from the Southern Railway, at Green ville. S. C. Detective Thomas Haney went to work on the' case and, with the aid of Chief Ken- ney and his force, ran down the the thieves, four negro men, W K Goodlett, Joshua Moore, J T Hendricks and Cage Counts, all truck hands in the employ of the Southern. They had in their possession hundreds of dollars One piece of black As- worth of goods. Hendricks j alone had $200 worth of suits of i clothes. The preliminary trial will be held Thursday. Alii have made written statements' and confessed the guilt. Mrs. Katie Coley, who diiSap- FALL DRESS GOODS! . Today we makc-an exhibit of an extremely large line of Fall and Winter DRESS GOODS. This dress goods department is one of our strong pcints. . We have'taken a great deal of pains as. to the selection of the right ma terials, and the price is most reasonable. We hare some truly wonderful values. It is one of the deepest human instincts never to be satisfied,. and we are sparing no pains to make this storo a popular trading place. A higher class of Dress Goods and many new lines have been added. The values mentioned below speak for themselves. When we 'say special it means something and will bear a profitable investigation. We are pleased to have you glance over the new styles and observe the widths and prices. trican, 52 inches wide, considered cheap at 75. Special 50c Two pieces of grey and brown rlaid Home spun, 46 inches wide, only 75e- Concord, Wednesday, October geared in the Rock Cut neigh- 24,7:30 p.m., with Hon. M H j'borhood last week, as told by a h piece of heavy worsted correspondent in Friday's paper, OKirting tor rainy day wn,R fniind Thursdav. Sho had I skirts wandered away and spent the night in the woods. It is sup- Broad Cloth, 52 inches, Caldwell. Ladies especially invited. HPGrier, Ch'm Dem. Cong. Com. A B Young, Ch'm. Dem. Ex. Com. Faithful Old Darkey Dies Jack Cannon, after being sick for ten days, died last night I Jack was a faithful, upright hon Misses Agnes . Moss, Kate Gib- est old darkey, and all who knew ' sqn, Janie Ervin, Kate Means. I him vouch for his good charac Committee on Gipsy Camp ter. He belonged to Mr. Jas. C and Orange Grove Mrs, L D Cannon during slavery and has Coltrane, Miss Jennie Smith. w.orked for the Cannons ever Indian Village Robt. L Kees- since with the exception of five ler. years that he stayed with Mr. Music Committee Messrs. R James A Sims. HediedonMr. A Brower, JAB Fry, H M Bar- D F Cannon's plantati6n, where row, R L Keesler. . he has worked for the last twen- Some ladies who were not pres-1 ty years, and in his death Ca ent at tne meeting will be as-barrus loses a faithful servant signed work later. It is the I and a good farmer. earnest desire of the manage ment that all the committees and Other ladies who will help meet j at Mrs. J C Wadsworth's on Fri-1 day afternoon at 5 o'clock. . Fortj-FiTO WheatDrills in Parade. At the Mount Holly Street Carnfval Wednesday 45 farmers received their Empire wheat drills, hitched up to them and Plaster-Seford. Mr. .Louis A blaster and Miss I went into narade Lillie Bell Seaford were happily I 0 , . . , ... united in wedlock on the 16th in- Such a t-io new drills stant at the homo of the bride's I purchased and received al?" a father, Mr Caleb betord, of one timeis an instance stand No. 4 township, by the Rev. V R . . - Stickley. They leave next Sat- mg alone m the State Jdproba urday for McDowell, West Va. bly incthe whole South. where Mr. Plaster is engaged in busineS as bookkeeper and Mr. W G Boshamer is clerking cashier for a mining company. f or H L Parks & Co. 25c. posed that her mind is unbal anced. States ville Landm ark . all shades, a good val ue 97c. . Hatch & Foote. bankers of i Wall Street, New York, have as signed. It is a firm of 80 years' standing. The collapse, was caused by the secret financial ventures of Foote, who failed, and involved the bank andis now sick and more than half crazy over the affair. 3 pieces of 38inch Home spun, black, grey and snowflake grey, real value 75c, Special. . . . .48C. 1 piece of blue water proof Serge, 54 inches wide, Onlj .57jc. Here is a plum 5 pieces of all wool grey Home spun, 36 inches wide, cheap at 50c, Cut price. 39C. 1 piece bro. snowflake dress goods, all wool, Only........ Here goes a genuine bar gain in the true sense of the word 5 small pieces of 40 inch Cre pon, has a silky lustre; never sold for less than ll yard, Our special price , 25c. 75c. Some very handsome Skirt patterns of Cre pon has the new wandering embroid ery effect for pattern $498 Very fine black .Henri etta, worth 11.25 yd, Special.... 98C. Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. Hiseina, Editor Seneca (III.) News, was afflicted for years with piles that'no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world. He writes, two boxes wholy cured' him. Infalible for piles, Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold at Fetzer'a drug store. TTl-liJT,I J L?1! i J "3 "V " M V r You. Alt Know About The Man Behind the Gun ! . We are also ready ft action in correct form with steady aim, loaded fs with all kinds of lis Furniture and House Furnishings A FKESH.LINE QF Nice Candies,. ALSO NlCEKESH .Summer Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN'S to the muzzle. We ro forth conquering and to conquer. Oar lota and saving all discounts. We are in a position to-do you good. vui iuio a Mahogony, Birds Iye Maple arfd Golden Oak Suits Iron and .Brass Beds are tut taLK oi tne town, ii ; a. y i are beauties. can't call for You of wood used in the house foe can t call lor anytning jnaae out oi wooa usea in Furniture that we haygn't in the stcre, or on the way. - JE " 1 11 Pictures !1 )A ill Li 11 CI M Mil JIM UlJJblllO, f Third shinwient in two montis. sir T V.i 1 trf a tS which shows we didn't buifu. p L, J advisedly, Come and see us, we are never too, welccmlyou.1 Bell, Harris & Co. Rejdence Phon. . Store Fhono.-,!l2