o e DRY STANDAR! JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. ocrtoe m ran aiohkis bvilij 1HE ST!YNMRD1s published every a (buiiday excepted; and delivered Jy Oris year f4.00 Bi:.-. oiifatSd 2.00 Thien months L.00 One month .35 Single fioov. 05 THE-WERKTV KTATCm T in oar-page, eight-column paper. It has -Hrer cu-cnjauon in uarmrrustoan any otlr papgf. Price $1.00 per annirm in advance. Advertising Hates : Terms for regular advertisement? ciade known on application. Address all communications to THE. STANDARD, Concord, N. 0. Telephone no. 71 . NATIONAL TICKET. L For President William Jennings Bryan. For Vice-President, Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors-at-Large, LeelS. Overman, of Rowan; D. H. MCLean, of Harnett. , For Congress from 7th District, Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, of Rowan. For Elector, J. R. Blair, of Montgomery. Concord, N. C, Sept. 22 1900. The Press-Visitor claims that Raleigh has the largest and best equipped cotton gin in the State. .'Its capacity is. a bale to every 15 minutes. , Thai's something of which to boast, but then it is to have Marion Butler. We'd rath er sit on the lever and drive bor.ses round in a ring ginning three or four bales a day. WELL ES0UGII PUT. Atlanta Veterans to the 0. 0. P. DR. HUffitEB McGUIRE DEAD. Was onewall Jackson'i Physician - Eminent Surgeon and Author. An Associated Press Disraeli of the 19th from Atlanta savs : "Atlanta flaW IRQ finite r. Hunter MeGuire, vfhowas L. t i s 1 Confederate. Veterans, at its last stonewall Jacks&n's medical'di meeting, adopted a . resolution rectdr. died at his country house s,s,-.nUnA t-X I--. . 1 A1- J . o ""'bv- 1 npnr t.nw ritv mnrmnc frnm ing exception to a resolution passed at. the recent oncampment at Chicago, of the G. A. R., rela tive to Southern school histories It was held by the G. A. R. reso lution that mrfny of the histories used by Southern school children o ' THE EXTRA 1 . gave a partisan viety of the his- 11th, 1836, and received his medi- A. 1 C . a - f A 1 -N TTT I toricai iacis OI ine UIVU war. ri ndnrnfimi thor nnd at. Pbila, Alter giving briefly several m the effecte of a Stroke of paraly sis six monthVago. He wa's one of the mosfomin- (ent surgeons in- the South. Ho was bJorn in Winchester, OctaWfl bale of large Bath Towels at less than 50c. on the dollar. "n fir tw ra . wn m m mm u special; Our friend, the' Stanly Enter- About 300 nounds of them at 20 .1 1 1 TT. 1 . 1 1 1 1 ... I cidents in the war the resolution v .cents per pound. adoptod by the Atlanta camr. meDt wmcn brouSnt lrom la- G o concludes: dephia to'Richmond some 300 Thie 'is nnrlmirifprllv flip In the language of the reso- Southern madiral students dnr. plionnoftf Inf. nf Tnwnls nf- lutions of the Grand Army, we . excitement incident to fered on this market for nf tno Smith alsr ru nnnn all I patriotic citizens to' aid in ban- the John Brown raid. He had years. uOme and buy all ishing from our school all books filled the chair of surgery in tho yU want the more the bet- and teachings of a partisan, sec'- Medical College of Virginia and er we ' or we are nuiicu ur uibmyai cnaracier, dui . , 4, n.. maKinff our usual nront ana WO remind OUr fellow Citizens of vmi env fiO nnr nf nn xrnnr a of Mfl Pino Vinr ' K w " ww "w " v" J w una vjrauu iirmy oi uie itepuDlic, " Tnwple ft v T a l :n RPhnnls n.ro nr,r,l?nrl WHV, WW . . , ' , Wt'UK WU Will UUei . v r.itli wwo rimporiuni meaicai woriis, nas i , Ti - TA -nab toenail iiiai uie war ueiweeii n i -,. . . ,v"vj .j Restates was organized rebel- served m leading. positlons. m Sateen and Denim fliem- ion aesignea 10 aestrov tne un- v ,vm " " foM,, nnnts. J.1 a. T V Tv j 1 I a e Jl j 1 I juu. inni ueirerson uavrs was tne -nons ox mo counirv. ana was n n arch traitor (whUe John Brown chairman of the History com- A largo line of Stamped Linens - 1 T i 1 was d, nero ana maryir.inat mitlce of the Grand Camp of . from 5c. per piece up. ATlMcf ATI I I ana ibtonewan Jackson were vnrrl Tro f!nrHin: it r,Q ntc . Richmond Dismtah of 19th. 6 am mco urtamS at cents Jiuuiv ul ireiison: mai rtemmos. v ' j Tattnall, Buchanan and Waddell were wicked pirates, and the Southern armies were bands of fFrilled Ndt . Curtains at $2.25 per p'air. Ch'enille and Tapestry Portieres at $3.50 per pair. 36 inch Curtain Scrim at 5 and 15c. per yard. Shades from 10 cents up and Poles from 25 cents up. Homemade pieced Quilts, filled with good cotton, size 7x5 feet, weight 5 lbs, only $125 each. Counterpanes from 85 cents up to $2.68 each. Barrel of Apples for Each. per pair. rebels, the adoption of these res- 1orui America 18 expected to bo olutlons bv the Grand Armr nf tho largest ever known. The j the Republic is but a hollow farco. horticultural experts predict "The resolutions themselves from 80,000.000 to 100.000.000 . . . . . i leem with partisan anger and barrels, which will be a supply mioicpioaouLciiiuii. vv nenevcr thp unfair nnrlisan Vinnl.-c rf ilia , , , North am mrmptori n.n,i aii w: inhabitant of the United States. I'nsu says me iaianties ax tne i va 4i .Tni,ew a., oi ideGCes of tred tothe South -Daily Record. 1889, were 2,142. We read in This year's apple crop in Irish Point Curtains at $2.50 per pair. Feather Pillows at 60 cents each. Only ja few left... Colored Machine Thread at 12 cents per box of 1' dozen spools. This is regular 5c. Thread and' will answer for basting as well as any. G assorted Steel Pens for 1 cent. D. J. BOSTIAN. SpoITord's Cyclopoedia 9,000 pretty big difference. Will the Enterprise please give us the .author of statistics on which it draws. Sr TheXRetail Grocers' Union of Charlotte petition for the co-operation of employes for the col lection of bills made on promise of settlement on pay-day, which promises are so often ignored and the money is paid to another. If this iniquitous homestead were iemoved there would be no such dodges. thought of. eliminated therefrom, it will then . , - I mvQ Tj.ct nvii years struggle wnn a manrant Btomacn be time enough for our Grand AUW uest rrescnpuon xor tmus t.rnnhlfl that nannAil rliKfrAKHinrr n.ffn.Alra The Bravery ot Woman Wai grandly shown by Ifrs. John Dowling, of Butler, Pa., in a three years' etrugsrle with a malijrant stomach o uuuuio iuhii tuueou uiotiuooiii utbacjiH Army friends to call for reform And feTer is"a. botUe l?rove's Taste. of nausea an(j indigestion All remddies . n. . . .. . . less Chill Tonic It is frirenlv iron nn1 i i: 1 a.-i t. a... i in the matter of Southern his tories." The days and nights are now ecfual. The provision seems to give a fellow as much time to rest 'and sleep as to work. It doesn't provide, however, for a full dinner pail. Bryan and frying are words less suited for rhyme than watchH w 3 -ds far the two great opposing . YVith eleven Presidential tick ets in the fild, the man 'who c;i't make up his mind how k veto raigt draw lot Mrnin Star. Dnrinsrlast Mav an infant hiM nf our neienoor waa snnenng from cholera infantum. The doctors had all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle Of Chambflrloin'fl Oolin. tlhnlAra and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house tellim? them I felt sure it would do good . if used aooordinjr to directions. In two dayn time the ohild had fnllv to. covered. The child . is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remeay irequentiy and have neyer knOWU it to fail. Mrs. flnrtio "Rnfcnr Bookwalter, Ohio. For sale at Marsh's arug store. While' digging in phosphate mines near White Springs, 'Fla., Friday the earth suddenly caved in and a big underground cave was revealed. In it were skulls and human -remains and parts of pottery and cooking utensils. Among them were found the head of an immense serpent and in a phosphate bed later were found his bones and form petfri fied. Experts who investigated claim it was fully 74 feet long when alive and very powerful. The human remans are supposed to be those of Semincles. - -Greensboro Patriot. quinine in a tasteless form. no pay. Price 50c do cure Electric Bitters. After taking it two months, she wrote: "lam now wholly cured and can eat anything. It is truly J A t Al i T n. . . . , , , . i u Krtuiu Luiiiu iur mv wnoio bysLeiii an a r(C fllnUO 1 VvmtOl-t VlrtA 1 I rrxUA UlAISAAUl-AlU lUOaCAl mnch str0nf?er crime r This is the reflection of since using it." It aids digestion, cures . . .. more than one man since Sun- 78pe?.8ia' J day's norror in our city. Less Fetzer's drug store. than three weeks since Tom Jones Derished on the scaffold Boot Brown commits mnrrW Pla3Gd t0 over 100000 People in almost as atrocious.-Raleigh Eur0Pe5 that the cash receipts 4 AA -k-v- 1 i t in Press-Visitor. Mr. Sousa says that his oand JUST A REMINDER FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER SUIT o -If truibled with rheumatism, give Ciab.ulain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will, rxt cost you a cent! if it does no goof. Oneiplication will relieve the 4jaiu.Tt also oures spramsTlnd bruises in one-third time required by any other treatment. guts, burns, " frostbites quinsny, painf in the side and chest glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applyingjit. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, and 50o. For sale at Marsh's drug stra. were $100,000; and that he is go ing again in August 1901, to tour Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thli ty in Scotland and Englad. He Years of Suffering:. had one audience of 6 500 people, "I suffered for 'thirty years with he savs. in Berlin, where he fravo j;. ai i .i . . . . -r . . " ' . -o - uiarrnoea ana xnougnt i was past be- A a j t ing cured." savs Jonn a. Hallow. ft concerts on seventeen days. . In French Camp, Miss. "I spent so Paris he twice had an audience . i SfiaKle? ?,?Af,u?eIei e of 100,000 persons. -Durham Sun. ,u-.vvm unu flT VU Ul OlA AAULCD UA I was so ioeble from the Endured Death's Agonies. v Only a roarins fire enab!nd .T Tr iGafrettson, of San Atitonio, Tex., to ho down when attankrd wi'tli ouii -- WW T! kM Ml A11UM j A. A I I f J I which he sufferedSfor years. Hevritos his misery was often so great that it semed he endured the agonies j death ; but Dr. Kjng'sINewIDiscovery for con samption wholl cared fcim. Tis mar felons medicine is the only knownoure for asthma as" well as consumption, coughs and colds, and all throat, chest and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Fetzer'a drug store recovorv. I effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chprnhfirlain's Hnlin Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottles 1 am en tirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I an anxi ous that it be in reah of all who sutler as I have." For sale at Marsh's drug store. Wanted Trustworthy colored man to travel and appoint agents in N. C. t$o monthly and exs peiis.es; position permanent; enclose self addressed envelope for reply. Manager Cross, Star B'ld'g, Chtfa'' JACOB HEED'S SONS OF PHILaIDELPHIA INVITE YOU TO EXAMINE THEIR BEAUTIFUL NEW COLLEC TION OF FABRICS NOW SHOWN BY O: V. PATTERSON, CONCORD, N. C. i o Suits from $12.50 upward?. Trousers from $4.00 upwards. Overcoats from $10.00 upwards- o o All carefully cut to . measure, handsomely . , trimmed and tailored. Sanitary Xotice! All persons are notified to dean up their premises at once, hose kfceping hog(S are espec ially warned. The Commissioners have taken strong actijpn in the matter and the mayor has given strict orders. A word to the wise is sufficient. Clean up and stay clean and save yourself of fine and cost. Jas. P. HARlhs. Chief of Police. A Powder MillExploions Removes everything in sight; so do drostio mineral pills. No need to dy namite your body when Dr, King's New Life Pills do the work so easily and perfectly. Cures headache, constipa tion. Only 25 cents' at Fetzer's drug store. I Concord la ona Saul Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. V , We solicit toftr patronage with the assurance cf hon&able treatment and dne appreciation of vour patronar-e. plf we can serve you any time we will oe glad to nav ytm come and bco ua. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Cajital anSlSurplns D. B CoLTBANE,;Chashier J M. 0de-a President. CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon & Fetter Jompany. Good middling, r 10 50 Middling io 50 Low middling 10 25 Stains., io 25 PRODUCE MARKET. . Corrected by., Ed. P. White. Bacon io Sugaf-cured hams 15 Bulk meat sides .. . . 10 Beeswax 20 Butter t 15 Chickens 10 to 25 Corn, Esjrs Lard atauia m. Oats Tallow 70 12 10 $2 00 70 50 9 V 4 o

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