5 i-W in ft A ry& t i ate' V. i til I t 0 .13 an i fL J&? iPS J5 1 i &f m m o ess m ?, Price: $1.00 per year. IJeyival Meetings at Forest Hill, Central and Epwcrth M. E. Churches With Higiily Satisfactory Results. TIk) past, week has been a per iod of unusual spiritual refresh ing in the Methodist Episcopal branch of the Christian church in. our midst. At Forest Hill church the pas tor, Rev. Mr. Hoyle, added 18' members to the church on Sun day. The meeting thus far has resulted in about one hundred -who have professod conversion and are comforted by a new and saving faith. The meeting is full of intense interest. Hundreds ,. were turned away from the morn ing and the evening services on Supday for want of church ca pacity. Services will continue this week twice a day, at 8:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. ' . At Central church the pastor, Rev. Mr. Fry, added 14 members on Sunday. He is very much gratmea at results, xiis enoris were chiefly directed to the high er spiritual attainments within the congregation and he feels that he has much for which to be thankful The meeting will most probably close with the services .of tonight (Monday) but may con tinue if the interest manifested seems to demand or justify it. At Epworth church the inter est, though a little apathetic at fifirst, is now, at a very satifactory . stage. Fifteen seekers professed spiritual enhghtment and hope ful conversion on Sunday night. The meeting will continue this week. Pastor Barrett is expect mg assistance in the work. L. Allegro Club. The young ladies of Concord, met with Miss Laura Leslie Sat urday afternoon, Sept. 22nd- to form the L'Allegro Club which will meet twice a month. The officers were chosen at this meet ing, Miss Mabel Means being elected President and Miss Net tie Allen, Vice President. The meeting adjourned to meet next time with Miss Allen on Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock, Sept. 29th. Concord Ahead. Mr. M L 'Buchanan, referring to the claim of Raleigh's new ginnery and its pitting out a bale m 15 minutes says tho Concord Cotton Seed Oil Company beats that and does not havo to have Butler as a citizen. He ginneda bale Saturday in 12 minutes, by his watch that weighed 490 pounds. This puts Concord up head. - Sheep thrive best in a paure where moles are numerous. The mole holes serve Irmd. Selected. to drain the isefsiiiwiis i ji'iii. .::. ais mm, MeetjIlff Eiects Qfilcers and Appoints Conmiiitc8t ' The different committees met at the residence of Mrs. Jna. 0 Wadsworth on Saturday last and added the following helpers. The first named lady on each committee is the chairman of said committee, and they are request - ed to meet at Mr. Wadsworth's residence on Tuesday, 25th inst., at 4:30 p. m., to perfect arrange ments and to begin to work. The ladies are requested to be present, tmd it is hoped that all the chairmen wili be present. DINING HALL COMMITTEE. Mesdames'J F Hurley, Sap peuliold, Alexander, Dr. Young, Williams, Ritchie, J L Hartsoll, J C 'Wadsworth, Pink Misen Heimor, Ed Hall; Misses Willie Richmond, Claude Fisher. American Booth Mesdamcs J F Goodson, Gowan Dusenbery, E C Earnhardt, AdaBoykin; Misses Lizzie Young, Mary Virginia Wadsworth, Fay Brown, Mary Young, Maude Brown. Rummage Sale Mrs. B E Har ris, Miss Pauline Means. Flower and Fruit Booth Mos dames P B Fetzer, Allison; Misses Nannie Cannon, Janie Patterson, 'Wilma Co'rrell, Louise Means, Kate Smith. Museum Mesdames E King, D B Coltrane, S J Erwin, C J Har ris; Misses Nettie Caldwell, Mat tie Johnson, Clara Harris, Julia McConnell. Baby Show Mesdames M L Brown, H M Barrow. Tobacco Booth Misses Nettie Allan, Emily Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson, Kate Means. Pillow Booth Misses Agnes Moss, Kate Gibson, Janie Ervin, Belle Means. Candy Booth Mesdames A E Lentz, D L Bost, D J Bostian; Misses Genovia Parks, Jennie Coltrane, Lina Hartsoll, Myrtle Dayvault, Mary Cline. Gipsy Camp and Orange Grove Mrs. P B Means ; Miss.es Jennie-Smith, Maggie Brown, Sadie Fisher, Carrio Suther, Lucy Montgomery, Mary Archie, Jen nie R Skinner, Lila Barrett. Music Committee Messrs R A Brower, JAB Fry, H M Bar row; Mr. R L Keesler; Misses Hemphill, Rose Harris, Addie Patterson, Gertrude Caldwell, Mrs. Woodhouse. Committee, on Doll Exhibit Misses Emily Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson, Belle Means, Nettie Al lp.n. Lida White. Fannie Leslie. , . 7 - , Jessie Sims, ShtjJby Harris, Sa- Grace Fisher, Chassie Brown, (' Carrie Boyd, Annie Young. Mary j ;i Johnson, v a?ae Baown. Pastor Called. JJAttheFirstPrcsbyterian church Sunday unaninjous call was given !?e. George J Cornelson, J of Aiken, S. C Rev. Mr. Cpijnel- son is a graduate, of Davidson College, and has many college mates aud friends in this and ad joining counties. CONCORD, N. 0. MONDAY,. SEPTEMBER 24, l00. Negotiations Slow-Germany's Tonus Not Airreed To Two JliliUry Afov?- nents Taking Chinese Forts. .Negotiations for peace .in China drag sl'owly toward a so- lution. Germany will doubtless have to abandon Emporor Wil i , liam's plan to kill off Chinese , leaders who are responsible for the troubles. The, United States will not agree but will accord to China as to other nations the prerog ative of arraigning these offend ers before Chinese courts for punishment. Prince Cning and Li Hung Chang are recognized as author ized agents of the 'Chineso gov ernment. So far as our govern: went is concerned tnere seems little in the way of laying down the conditions of peace to the Chinese. There have been two fights frf some importance recently. Fif teen hundred British and Ameri cans on the 16th attacked the Boxers at Pei Ta Chu, called the Eight Temples, 12 miles west of Pekin. The enemy was com pletely surprised and 50 were killed without loss to tho allies. Four thousand Russians and Germans attacked tte forts at Pei Tang on the 20th at daylight. They thought they had the enemy bagged but the Chinese fire be came weak and then ceased. Tho cause was found to bo that the 3,000 Boxers escaped in open daylight in boats to the chagrin of tho allies. Dispatches say too that 25 of tho fatter were blown up by Chineso mines. Tho Chi neso losses were very small. iJeforo the Justice. Mr, J Ed. Henderson was be fore Magistrate Pitts this morn ing charged with an assault on Bill Lee. Submitted and paid the cost. Jack Morris col., also appeared before 'Squire Pitts to answer to three charges of larceny. He was found guilty and will remain in Concord at tho Cabarrus Ho tel until Superior court convenes. 1 A FEESH LINE OF" Nice' Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN 'S r Questions Answered. , Yes. Aunsi Mower still fias the larg est sale (f nny n3cljoib iu the eiviHned world. Your mothers and trrandinotirers uiuuui ubiuj; yuywiuL' visa or indigestion or billion sness. Doctors lyere scarce, ancl they seldom heard of appendicitis, neryoua prostration or Uert failure, etc. The!y nped Aligns t Flower to Clean ont the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, repjulato the action "f the liver, stimu late tho nervous and Organic action of the system, aud that is all they took when fechns dull jtnd bad with head aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, m liquid form to make you Batiriod there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sal by all dealers in civilized countries. . 41.. 1,4. 4.U.' If Noah ever called his wife an angel he undoubtedly meant an arkangel. '. hicago News. EM OF CONCORD lias issued a proclamation calling1 in evory ani all .straw hats for this season. Wednesday is the. last day and all persons found; wearing a straw hat after sueh date .will he dealt with according to law. The change is to he inadeatthe DEPAKTMENT STORK, they having made the loycst bid for the patronage. They have a . mosr convenient store and polite salespeople to wait on you. We' Ve arranged for a tremendous sample hat sale to begin Wednesday, September 26th. You remember the way we open each season with i big sample hat sale, and the immense values. What are sample hats ? They are hats the manufacturers make to sell the merchant from. They are made with .a great deal of care and from the very pick of the i'urr stock. Thev have served the manufacturer's purpose. Some of the bands may be a little out of shape, hut these fine hats are passed to you at much less than wholesale cost. The values will surprise you. This is one of the many series of sales to show what the Department Store can do for you. iNo one who comes Wednesday will be disappoint ed. 300 sample hats will be displayed in the front part of the building. Our new fall caps for boys will be dis played that day and the prices will range from 5 to 25 cents. Special attractions will be offered for this day, and we want all the boys to come and select for them selves. Prices on men's hats will be like this : 3.00 hat for $1.08. Ilats sold regularly f or $2.50 and $2.00 are place on the table at. . .'$1.48. Hats usually sold for $1.75 and $1.50, our special price will be 98c. rpi. 1 n -Liiu auuvc iiLfures renresent injou uenen"anie. stylish hats. No two are alike,, and the choosing is easv. Now do riot let the Mayor 1 hursday; we are doing all You AH Know About The Man Behind We are aleo ready .for action in correct form with steady aim, loaded" with all kinds of Furniture and House Furnishings to the muzzle. We go forth conquering and to conquer.Car lots and Bavin? all discounts. We are in a position to do you Ood. Our line of ' Mafiogony, .3irds Eye Mapje and Gofden Oak Suits are beauties. Iron and Brafl Beds are the talk of Jhe town, You can't call for anything made out of wood used in the house for Furniture that we haven't in'the'stcre, or on the way. I Pictures!! I . v 0 Did You Ever! 3 q Como and see us, we are never Belt, far Re sidence Phou. . , , 0. oiNGLI cop? u ce::-i- S&&rjy tJ w jf v v j'ts 9 i f"J CHILLS 111 Ml A sure cure for .chills aud ever is a nance's Tasteless Tonic CHILL CURE. Children like it. None bet ter. It is positively guaran teed. Give it a trial aijfl be cured. Price 50o. per bottle. 3 e bottles $1 25. Concord D'mg Cq, Thone ,n. i V -ya va v in l i 1 i ii and his coppers geryou on in our power to save you. the Gun!- lMuiicnlJnitruments.. Thirds shipment iu two ni(vt'is, j u"?11 11shows we dida-t.buy -.m. g advisedly. too busy to welcome you. mu n il! mm i If i mm n b m ilill 1 U rl 3 C Store Phono. ...It