o Prick: $1.00 per year. Concord, u. c. tuesoay1 September 25, 1900, Single copy 5 (Jents. . c t! ..'ffll flffll Jones Peeler Falls Under the Wheels of a Wagon and His Life Crushed Out. Mr. N F Yorke received a 'phone message from Rockwell, Rowan' county, this. (Tuesday) morning stating that his nephew Jones Peeler had been killed by a wacron running over him . It seems that vouner Feeler was - ti hancrinir on the wacon between the front and hind wheel when his grip gave way and the wagon passed over his body. He was a son of Mr. J !V Peeler and was about nine years old. Daughters of the Confederacy Meeting. We clip the following from tho Raleigh Press-Visitor. "The State Convention of the . Daughters of the Confederaoy meet in RaleighOctober 10th and will bo entertained by tho John-ston-PettigrewChapterU. D. C.of this city. On Wednesday after noon, -October 10th, the public will be cordially invited to attend r;he meeting, for at that time mat ters pertaining to the Jefferson Davis Memorial will be discussed, md several gentlemen will give 1 10 minutes' talk on the subject. "On Wednesday evening tho Raleigh Chapter will tender a re ception to the convention, and :ill visiting Daughters, in the handsome assembly hall of the Vgricultural building. It is there hat the convention will meet." We learn that special rates will be given for the occasion, though be exact sum is not obtainable yet- Mrs. Jno. P Allison and Mrs. 'Jno. C Wads worth are tho chosen delegates to represent the Douson-Ramseur Chapter. Xotiee to Teachers. To the Public School Teachers of .Cabarrus county: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the School Law, will, on Thursday the 11th day of October, 1900, and the day following, at the court house in -aid county, hold tho examina tion.for public school teachers. All persons who have no cer t ificates and who expect to teach in the public schools of the county and those whose cer tificates will expire during the year are especially requested to he present and take the exaTni ation. M. B. Stickley, 4 Supt. of Public Schools. leeting of Bryan-Stevenson Club. Monday night 'at the meeting of the Bryan-Stevenson Club Messrs. Tas. P Cook, J F Hur ley, M B Stickley G B Means, A B Young and Z A - Morris were elected to represent the dub in Raleigh on Wednes day, the 26th , of September. Col. P B Mess gwas appointed dso by ChairmOn Young as a representative to the State con- ention of the Bryan-Stevenson "!ubs. i 1 i ' 1 Attains the Ae of 7.5A One-lrmed Confederate Veteran Member of St. Johns Church. The venerable Mr. Paul Barn hardt, ef .No. 9 township, died Monday evening at his homo at the' good ripe age of 75 years. He was childless and leaves his aged companion as me oniy member of his immediate family. Mr. Earnhardt was a consist ent member of long standing at St. Johns E. L. church. He lost an arm in the Confederate ser vice and as age grew upon him he felt how kind it was for the State to set apart some of its revenues for the com fort of such as he. ' ' Tho funeral was preached this (Tuesday) morning by his pastor, Rev. S D Steffey, and tho body was buried at Cold Springs church cemetery. Scrupulous Observance of the Sabbath. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STAN dard: In consequence 01 an announcement of my worthy competitor that ho would not sell or deliver his meats on tho Sab bath day, there appeared in your last Saturday's issue a very pleasing article commending his course in this matter to which I wish to add my hearty approval. I have always held and contended that the Sabbath day is a day of rest, and he, who follows his regular avocation on that day is a violator of law m 'every sense of the word. Yet I am painfully reminded of the fact that since I have been in busi ness in this town I havo lost many good customers because I could not get the consent of my conscience to deliyer my meats on the Sabbath day. It may be a very small thing for some to require those who dilligently serve them during the week to ask them to continue that service on the Sabbath day, but for me it was asking more than' was in my power to grant. Because He who created us and gave us all said, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work." - This command was al ways sufficient reason for me not to violate he Sabbath day. I hope this spirit of reverence for the day that God hath set apart for man to rest will pervadp every home until fiot only thosei !i who have things to sell wjjl not viohtte this scred day, but thjit there wiU, be no one who will so ' far forget hirqelf as to want to q maire a purchase onethe Sabbath day. " ! I can say with others all honor to him who will stand for that T)f which is better than the things of earth-eternal truth. Respectfully, "Harvey A. Gk.ebek. Young Man Fulls into the Sense and Sinks as a Weight. The Durham Morning Herald says: Ernest Chamblee was firin ? for a steam tug in the Neuse Tiyer last F'iday -and in passing on the boat he seemed to step off and fell -in 12 feet water. He sank ike a wei I Or n r. never. coming to the top any more. His body was grapped out and the doctor found very little wa ter in his lungs. It is surmised that he fell of heart disoa'sfe, and died without drowning. He was X9 years old, the son of a widov lady. ANOTHER WORTHY ASPIRANT. Hon. T. J. Jarvis Would Re Glad t Re First Elected by Method He Fir Advocated. The Hon. T J Jarvis is out ' a card announcing his Candida for the United States Senate a asks the favorable ebnsidcrat' of the voters at tho coming so" torial primary. . - He claims to havo boon the first in advocating the senatorial primary and would be glad to be the first elected by it. To' tho claim by some (who we think take a very erratic view of office) that ho has been duly honored ho very forcibly claims that his party services havo not been less, and over against tho young Democracy idea ho presents a well ripened experience in pub lie affairs. The ex-governor and ex-sena tor presents his claims in a most dignified manner and aunounces that he will not organize any forces in his behalf but having presented his candidacy and his claims to fair consideration he will employ so much of his time as his private affairs must havo and will devote all the rest to (he interests of tho campaign for Bryan and Stevenson and the candidates for the House of Rep resentatives. Editor's Awful Plight. F..M. Iliereins, Editor Seneca (111.) News, was afflicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. He writes; two boxes wh6ly cured him. Infalible for piles, Cure guaranteed. Only Sic. Sold at Fetzer's dru store. A'FHBSJI'LlNffOF Nice Candies,. ALSO NICE FRESH m Summer Cheese AT., J- FRVTN'S ! II 811 r j REMEMRER . tnat the Concord Steam Laundry & Dye Works still have the department of Cleaning and DyeiDpr, and better pre pared than eyer in that line. Our clean ing is.doiie thoroughly and we DYE Scientifically. OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Gout & Vefit Cleaned and Pressed $ .75 Pair of Pants " .40 Or Whole Suit 1.0J 75 to 1.00 50 to 1.00 2.50 1.00 An Overooat Ladies Skirts Suits Dyed and Pressed Pants " " Skirts 75 to 1.50 Prices 'on any other articles not mention will be given upon .ap plication. Also remember that 25 per cent, discount is allowed on all Dye work. Give us a trial. Concord Steam Laundry & Dye Worts. In a do. most tvit on you. , ca saloto bogin .-...vuUhiuV;i.. , . :i caoli sot'ison with a big sample hat sale, ana' 'JiL immense' values. What are sample hats ? They are hats the manufacturers make to selr the merchant from. They are made with a great deal of care and from the very pick of the furr stock. They have served the manufacturer's purpose. Some of the bands may be a little out of shape, but these fine hats are passed to you at much less than wholesale cost. The values will surprise you. This is one of the many series of sales to show what the Department Store can do for you. No one who comes Wednesday will be disappoint ed. 300 sample hats will be displayed in the front part of the building. Our new fall caps for boys will be dis played that day and the prices will range from 5 to 25 cents. Special attractions will be offered for this day, and we want all the boys to come and select for them selves. Prices on men's hats will be like this : $3.00 hat for $i.q8. Hats sold regularly for $2.50 and $2.00 are place on the table at $1.48. Hatsusually sold for $1.75 and $1.50, our special price will be 98c. Tlie above figures represent good dependable, stylish hats. 'No two are alike, and the choosing is easy. Now do not let' the Mayor and his -coppers gut yon'on Thursday; we arc doing all. in our power to save you. You All Know About The Man Behind the Gun! We are ah-o ready for action in correct form with steady aim, loaded with all kinds of ' Furniture and House Furnishings to the muzzle. We go. forth conquering and to conquer. Car lots and saving all diacounts. We are in a position to do you goqd. Our line of Mahogony, Birds EyeMaple and Golden Oak Suits are beauties. Iron anfl Brass Beds are tbe talk of the town, You can't call for anything made out of wood used in tbe house fof Furnftujjrp ftmt we nayen'tin the Ptcro.'or ou.the way. s. , , PiQtUre'sH HMical Instrbments j E Third shipment in tw months " 0 Did You Ever! 0 0 w,bich 118hows we didn't t buy un. Come and sec us, we are never too busy to welcome you. Bell, arris &cCo. Residence Phone ., ,0. . Store Phono. ... 12 Vjt Cufes--incssss Si' 0 A sure cure for chills afld fever is . Hance's Tasteless Tonic CHILL CURE. ' . Children like it. None bet, ter. It is positively eruarau- fa teed.' Give it a trial and be cured. Price 50c. per bottle, 3 KfS bottles $125. . e fa Concord Drag Co., fe Thone 37. c w FEVER