if i O 13 rf. i i .. V" '!! 'KVfcvy -t?.' J PRicfe: $-1.00 per year. CONCORD, $T. 04. WlfDNESDAY MBER 20, 1990. SlNGIT1 COPY O CEXflTS. 2P W $fm '$f . - : 4- J i HH'l PEK1N. American Troops to bo Withdrawn at Once Believes a Oreat -Uprising is rending. . ' The situation in China is taking shapo so far jIs the United States is concerned. Within an other week the United- States troops will be withdrawn save a .sufficient legation guard. Germany demands five Chin ese heads and if they are re fused she proposes to declare war. England it now seems will side with America. " Lord Salisbury is quoted as saying: "America is the only country in the world strong enough to have taiten smb. an initiative of she did when she stood out against the German proposals. I feel deeply grateful that the Americans did so. Theirs is tho only logical point of view." The action of our government is not viewed by Germans with foelincr akin to alienation but rather that the government at Washington has a misconception of the situation. TheGerman com mander really anticipates a fear ful uprising in China and contin uation of disorder. The appointment by the Em press of Prince Tuan as head of the government is regarded as very unfavorable and is even de clared to be the fruits of the American policy. Under his ad ministration there is little hope of a favorable, treaty .for the missionary work.' Only an Empty Collin. Mr. H W Tucker is somewhat annoyed at a rumor around that a dead "young one" was found under his house this (Wednes day) morning. A small coffin from a former stock was saved from the late 'Cannonville fire and was placed under his house for want of a more suitable place, and having been discov ered, it was easy to get the im pression that something had gone wrong. The coffin was found but no baby had found its way into it yet. Marriage Licenses Issued. Register of Deeds Johnsoxi this morning issued marriage license to Mr. F C Honeycutt and Miss Maggie Motley; also to Mr. Wil liam Morris and Miss Julia Wag oner. This is a case where cupid was no respecter ofage. " A Club V ill be Organized. A Bryan and Stevenson Club will be organized gfc Kindley to- nigh, by M. M B Stickley. Mr. M H Caldwell will address the assembly. ORGAN tnl:KCll ITE.US. Land Sells Well-Delicate Surreal Op- eratiou Too Healthy for a Doctor. Mr. Henry Bost, of China Grove, has bought the John II ' 1 C Fisher place, containing fifty-sbc acrqs, paying 758 being some - thing over $13.50 per acre: Mr. James M Hipp, near Rimer, has rented the .AHison Hosts' farm, and will move on it soon. Mr Hipp has lived a num ber ot years among us and we are glad to welcome him back to Rowan. Dr. Long, assisted by Drs. McNairy, Goodman and Heilig, on Tuesday of last week per- formed a very successful surgi cal operation for tho wife of Harry Ross, colored, removing from her stomach a largo abnor- mal growth. There will be two services at Organ Church the second Sunday of October. Regular sermon in the morning and an address on The Century Memorial Semin ary Endowment in the afternoon by the pastor, Rov. G II Cox. Communion meeting at Organ Church the fourth Sunday of October. Preparatory -services on Saturday evening at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Minnie Oliver, of Char lotte, is visiting her grand m6ther, Mrs. Lovina Beaver. We will have a wedding to re port next week. Dr. Goodman has changed his location. He is now located at Crescent. Our community is too healthy for a doctor. Dr. Mc Nairy is located at Gold Hill. X. ENGINEER J0. TALMEli KILLED. His Fireman Also Killed Engine Turn ed Oyer Monday Night. "Jack" Palmer, as ho is famil iarly known, and his white fire man woro killed Monday night at Lower Creek, near Lonoir, on tho narrow; gaugo road. Tho engine, -which leaves Le noir at 6:30 a. m. with two cars laden with timber, left the track, plunging into the field for eight or ten feet. Mr. Palmer jumped just in time to be caught beneath one of the cars, and was crushed to death. His body was taken to Charlotte for interment. No definite cause for the acci dent is known. i -..I GREAT SHIPWRECK. Transport Suffolk Lost With SOOTeop'e. . A London dispatch of the 25th says: "The .transport Suffolk was wrecked on Cflpe St. Grancis off the South African coast today. Eight hundred persons were drowned." Mr. Smoot Leaves. T?C Mr. Marvin Smoot left last nij-fht for Richmond, where he enters a medical college to pre-1 nnrp. liimsnlf for t.bo rrmd ir.nl nrr.- J fession. Salisbury Truth-Index, j RALEIGH'S 2EwfcORaSIZATIOifl -w :i tjterary Hik)rical Assertion Its Objects and AIiusV At a recent conference of gen- 1 Or h i A i.(.t'Vili ii v - - VUV i -.4. i ; it was determined to take steiif6 &nd Pe88ed $. "S for the organisation of a State Literary and Historical-Assoc.-!- , tion. The undersigned wejre'ari ition. The undersigned w'ere'aj - I : i .1 .. III 4 I pointed a committee to brenaro .n nrJrir.cc tr ihex -nnnTiir, rir. tVirs' 1 i ' -,-tr7 btate, setting ioriii Dneiiy.rjo purposes of such association aIou a11 DyQ work. Give us a trial. oxtending to all persons and;or- ganizations that tuay be inter ested an invitation to meet inhe city of Raleigh on Tuesday nigli of Fair Week, October 23rd prox., at 8 o'clock, in the audi torium of tho Agricultural Build mg. The chief purposes of this a. sociation will "be: First. To promote the reading habit among the people of North Carolina. Second. To stimulate tho pro i i auction or literature in our State. Third. To collect and preserve historical material. In carrying out these purposes tho Association will hopo to aid in the improvement of our pub lic schools, in the establishment of public libraries, in tho forma tion of literary clubs in tho col lection and re-publication of North Carolina literature worthy to be preserved and now rapidly passing away, in the publication of an annual record or bibMog raphy of North Carolina literary productions, in tho collection of historical material nnd the foun dation of an historical museum, and in tho correction of slanders, misrepresentations and other in justice done our State. We are confident that mucl good can bo accomplished by an association composed of even a few members who shall earnestly endeavor to promote these pur poses. We thereforo invito all, both ladies and gentlemen, who aro interested in this movement to be presont at tho timo and placo above indicated, to. tako part in tho conference that is to bo held, and. to enroll themselves as members of tho Association. Walter Clark, Geo. T Winston, W J Peele, Theo. B Hill, Henry Jerome Stockard, D H Hill, Miss Rebecca Cameron, Mrs. .John Van Landingham. A FRESH LINE OF Nice a-nd.es, ALSO NICE FftESII' Summer Cheese II! i ! AT S. J. ERYL'S r RFMFMRFR . .-. ... v I thftt the Concord Steam Lwuidrv &Dye 'Works still have the deartrrfent of Cleaning: and Dyeing:, and is butter pre pared than eyer in that line. Our clean iD is. .done thoroughly and we PYE scientifically. OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : 40 Or Whole Snnt 4 It c 1.0D 75 to 1.00 50 to 1.00 2.50 An Overcoat Ladies Skirts Raits Dyed and Pressed Pants " " ? ," T-k 1.00 Prices on any other articles 'not l a bu l.tju - t - Qention will be given upon av-i l.1i,.r..m-.-. A 1 , 1 1 i tr"-Liuu. rt.iso rememoer mat 25 per cent, discount is allowed Concord Steam Lannflry & Dye-Work JUST YOUR FIT. Are you a little particular as to the appearance of your Clothing. Then come right U) the Department Store and Mr. r. G.' Boshamer will take your measure and havo you a suit made just to your hnvn ideas and guarantee a perfect fit. All the newest fall fabrics fromthe famous Kalm Uro's are here on display. Our line of Trouserings and fan.y Vestings are unexcelled. Drop in and look over the samples. Mr. Boshamer is in charge of our Clothing Department, which has been greatly enlarged, and .will attend to your wants. We are showsng an elegant line of Men's Suits in fancy Worsteds and Cassimers at $10.00, $12.50 and 815.00. Parents we want your Attention as to our boys' knee pants Suits. The Mrs. Hopkins Gold Label are the best never rip, never loose buttons, and arc made right. The Pants have double knees and double seats. ELEGANT LINE OF GENTS' F UllNISHJNGS FOR EVERYBODY. You All Know About The Man Behind We are also ready for action with all kinds of Furniture' and House Furnishings to he mnzzl1. We ro forth conquering and to conquer. Car lots' and saving all discounts. We are in a position to do you pood. Our line ot ' Mahogony, Birds Eye Maple and Golden Oak Suits . are beauties. Iron and Bmss Beds nre tbe tall of tl.e town, You cau'fc call for anything made out of vood ns'd iu ihe house fen Furniture that we-hayei't in the Ftcre, or on the way. Z ! : m j., 0 Did Y'Otf EveT ! 0 8 wbh .ews wo dial.! Imyun . $ v JJ fj ftdviHedly. m fXJdcKafcffl is? ?r r.: frfi.'ssi,, . Come and scte us, we are never too busy to wclcotno won. Bell, arris & Co. ' Residence Phon. ,l)0. fK tT V V V f 1 1 f a c --J2-' l mmm I A snre fiiiro for chills and fever is . A ' Hance's Tasteless Tonic Children like it. ?Jo'n bfit. U ter. It is positively jjuaran- ok ucrtrt. vnc lb a unit i I X ull'f;L 50o. i.w bottle, 3 Co., 'Phone 37. VI . the Gun! ' 9 in correct form vitb s'eady aim, loaded Third f-hipment i3 twowmnrth-, Storo Phono.... 12 P9k; o 1 ii,iiiiiiiiiiii-ii---lli-iimniiipi in ill - J .in im i ..in .1 i mi ninmilB-.nm