.9 if. -. tRiCE:$4.00j)er year. CONCORD. N. C5. THURSDAY, -SEPTEMBER 27 1900. Sitfoti fopy 5 rrrrs. fc- . - . I j , m STRIKE BO JIM HOWARD TO IIA3fG. . i A SEVERE STORM AT JiOMB. 0 Says theory to tho Man that Killed Many People Rendered IlomclesProp TeD Dayi on Itallons Fight Among TheinsclYes. The Strike has been o'n for ten days- The strikers ' have sue ceeded in closing a number of mines and their numbers have grown. Two instances of bloodshed have occurred, that at Shenan doah wherein the sheriff's "pesse killed a man and wounded a girl and a battle that occurred among some Italion miners at Scranton on the 26th in which 20 pistol shots were fired and three men fell, one very seriously wounded The Democratic Clubs' elgh. Meeting1 'n Ral According to ca)l tho Bryan Stevenson Clubs of North Caro lina met ia Rale'gh Wednesday and formed the State clubs into a Stale association, which will bo a part of the national associa tion. Hon. F D Winston ,was elected president of the associa tion and Elihu B Lewis of Kins- ton secretary. Eleven delegates were elected to represent North Carolina at the national meeting of Democratic clubs in Iadian apolis, Indiana. One delegate was elected from each congres sional district with an alternate, and two delegates at large with alternates. Mr. James P Cook was elected to represent the 7th district, with Mr. A H Boyden, of Rowan, as his alternate. Del egates at large are John H Cunningham and Hon. R A Doughton. After the appoint ment of an executive 'committee tho meeting adjourned. The following were appointed on this committee:-H A London, chair man,, W R Allen, H A Pousher, W B Snow and F H Studraore. Mr. Chas. Hielop to Leave the State. Mr. Chas. 'Hislop, who was superintendent of the Buffalo Cotton Mills here for four years, and for the last two years has been superintendent o the By num Cotton Mills at Bynum, N. C, which mill is under the man agement of theOdell's, is to move with hiS family on October 1st, toOpelika, Ala. Mr. Hislop will superintend the Qpelika Cotton Mills, which operates 15,000 spindles. He has many friends in Concord and other parts of the State who will be sorry to hear of his departure. Goebel. James R Howard was convict ed at Frankfort, Ky., on the 26th, of murder in the first degree, a,nd the jury fixed th.e death penalty, ft was feared. at first that a mis trial would result, but it, was too clear that he was the man who fired the shot that killed Goebol. He listened to the verdict with perfect composure, but when he was taken to his cell ho called for pen, paper and ink and amid trickling tears wrote to his wife. There will be a motion for a new trial. MIL JDRYAS AT NEBRASKA. Spores tho SI arch Trust and Takes the Starch One of a CVul.-rnphilcJ Mob. Mr. Bryan spu'.:e at Nebraska City, "Kansas,-on tho night of the 26ih and directed his remarks chiefly against trusis, and par ticularly the Starch Ti-ust, which has a pla -it there. There wcro threads of violence' against him if he should speak againsi, the trust, inasmuch as there was c intimation that tho plant might be moved elsewhere. He waded into the situation so boldly and con vine. nglv i,hat there were no bad eggs for him. He showed them that while that starch man ufactory was not in any trust it thrived and was owned by the people there but that within a trust it was liable to bo moved or closed down or wages reduced or anything else that a man in New York might dictate without refer ence to local interest. H's speech was well calculated to disarm all hostility toward him or Attorney Gen. Smith, whom they disliked for prosecuting tho starch trust. REMEMBER. ' that the Concord Steam JLaundry & Dye WnrlcH .Ktill )mua fVio flonnrtmunt 't ri i t i vieamng ana jjyemg, ana is Detter Pre pared than eyer in that line. Oar clean ing is done thoroughly and we DYE scientifically. erty Damage Estimate at $500. 000. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 25. The" 0UR prices ajie as follows: , , , . . - Coat & Vest Cleaned and Pressed $ .75 steamer Roanoke brings news of pair of Pants .40 .... . Or Whn a Nm( ' aiuuaiuiaaauuua sluiijj av xiuuio. i Q Overcoat 1 iiisipi. ( ( 1.001 75 to t.00 50 to 1.00 2.50 : 1.00 75 to 1.50 1 on any other articles not A snre cure for chills and fever is Bailee's Tasteless Tonic CHILL CURE. Children like it. None bet ter. It is positively guaran teed. Give it a trial and bp cured. Price 50c. per bottle, 3 Tf -ro rrorl '-OTifh nnncnol TnAlorfr Ladies Skirts . buits Dyed and Pressed for nearly two days, up to the 1 ants -' . . . J Skirts ' evening 01 bepteinber lbtn, and pnnPQ wn.s tho SAVfit-ost t,Vin,t, pvor visitArl i mfintinn will ha northwestern Alaska. Pjtioir. Also remember that $ Concord Drug Co., j& . 25 per cent, discount is allowed A " O uuuiwi u.fiw auw i.nt- on an uyo wonc. liire us a trial. driven ashore ere wTere totally wrecked beach for miles, both east and west of Nome, the wind and wa ter have created havoc with tents and mining machinery. A num concord Steam Laundry & Dye forts. All along the JUST YOUR FIT. Laif Explodes. There cama neai being a sei- ious fire at Mr. John Smith's home last night. The swinging lamp in the hall exploded and threw nre and oil in every direc tion. Tho carpet was in a flame when ie neighbors passing by saw it, and extinguished the hro a8 1 have." For sale at Mark's drug A new fakir is abroad in the rural regions. He drives through the country and sells soap at five dollars a box, which sum includes the price of forty yards of carpet, selected from samples which ho has in his wragon. Ho takes the five dollars, leaves the box of soap, promises to deliver tne carpet of the selected sample within a week, and drives away. The soap is worth probably 50 cents. It stays with tho pur chaser. The carpet is probably worth fifteen dollars, but it stays w:'th the fakir and has not yet been delivered to a single victim. Farm families should be on their guard against this new fakir and against other fakirs. Durham Daily Sun. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Years of Suffering. T emffnro.l fnr t. hi rt.tr vcar with .M. DUUV.VV. - .1 . ' ' diarrhoea and thought I was past b in cured," says John S. Hajlowajr, of French Camp, Mits. "I spent bo much time and money end suffered so much tfciitl had piven up all hopes of recoveiy. I as so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy, aid iftpr tatiiicr 6tcral bottles I m en tirely cuied of" that trouble. Tarn so pleaCf d with the result that I am anxi ous that it be in reacfo of all who suffer rjTimmWtif" K 1 i you a nine particular ber of lives are belioved to havo as to the appearance of your been lost. It is known that A A Clothing. Then come right Kyan, 01 ios Angeles, was . drowned. Sovorai captains and L seamen on'small tugs are miss- W. G. Boshamer will ing, and it is thought they aro fnkn vnnr mMsiirH nml lmvn VOU a suitmnrh insf tn vmir less, while the loss to rronfrtv and supplies is over- 500.000. wvv 11 luuao UJ1U yuanuuee a. There is nbt an alley leading to perfect fit. the beach that is not filled with ilfthvio Mn.nv nf frnnt. st.rnot, buildings abuting on the beach are hcre on (iisPW. Our line of Trouserings and fancy have been damagod. Numerous Vestings 'are unexcelled. Drop in and look over the small buildings were swept com- samples. Mr. Boshamer is in charge of our Clothing pieteiyaway. 4. 1 t i t , -i, Tho Urut ir., .lJaillllsu vvmuil Ims ueengreany eniargca, ana win ably the Alaska Commercial attend to your wants. w v uic anuwsugaii eieganr line or imcii s Suits in fancy Worsteds and Cassimers at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00. All the newest fall fabrics fromjthe famous Kahn Bro's Mining and Trading-Company. Parents we want your attention as to our boys' knee pants Suits. The Mrs. Hopkins Gold Label arc the best Reports from various sections in this county indicate that the tobacco crop is a sorry one. A gentleman says that in tho noigh borhood in which ho livos tho crop is worso than sorry, and never riP ncver loose buttons, and are made right that ho honestly believes it will The Pants have double knees and double seats. not average &3 por hundred pounds. All through the tobac co growing section tho serious -fil'S sf,S CrP 13 reprt' ELEGANT LINE OF GENTS' F UR.M ISUTJfOS FOR EVERYBODY. (Questions Answered. Yes. Aucrust Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine ia tho civilized world, Your mothers and graadmothers never thougnt oi using anything else for indigestion or billionsness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, neryons prostration or heart failure, etc. They nsed August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimu- i late the nervous and organic action of EKsra rie Man Behind the Gun! aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Clreen's August r lower, m liquid form to make you satined there is nothing serious tne matter with You. For sale by all dealers in civilized I countries. ri, i 9 ' You All Know About We are also ready for action in correct form with steady aim, loaded with all kinds of r and adverted a conflagration. 'store, A FEESH LINE OF Nice Candies, . ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN'S Furniture and House Furnishings to thd muzzle. We go forth conquering and to conquer. Car Joti and saving all discounts. We are in a position to do you good. Our line of Mahogony, Birds Eye Maple and , Golden Oak Suits are beauties. Iron and Brass Beds are the talk of the town, Yrni can't call for anything made out of wood .useJ in the house fur Furniture that we hayen't in the 6tc e, or on the way. . J Q Pictures ! ! . jj Musical Instruments, g S , 2 X inrrd nnipment ia two month-, l J ! TON r VPr ' M II wmcn snows we aiun i jduj nu. Come and see us, we aro never too busy to , elcbme you. 1 Bell, HarrW& Co. Residence Phonf. . , . 0. Store Phono. . . .12