fcj m rule.": $4.00 per.jT.aj-. concojid. y.'c. satckday; sra-JMBEK 8 i9oo. ' -SlNGLK COPY 5 CE-Vio. - m . KV'-; ' ft mtftyv. CP1 . 1 T ,. m . v ;! 51 Men Captured tVviK.ly Iauy Killed or Vi ounded I i,vr. TI'J's Regiment But Not His v: dispatches of the 28th ;T tin sad news that Capt. S:.r'.ilds i'nd 51 men of Co. F, 2' :in Kejr'.mcnt, have been cap ture'! by the Filipinos. They left S.;nh Cruse for Torrijos on th. 1 by boat intending to ro turn o wrJand. Nothing definite lirvs b;..i heard from them, but rumors' ad to the conclusion that the i aat and all the men not kiiW were captured. It is said i!,it (''.li,: Shields was wounded. 'or co has been sent to ..: : ' rlTorts to recapture the V i- . . squadron. ' '. : Lliigs much of un- '. '-.z but there is less of si: ; -a . about it for our ini i a; ommumty as it aoes not iuvo' v i Lieutenant Kd Hill. His is' Company M. The names :ivon too in the dispatch in cludes but live North Carolinians in the company. TiLul Vu.'o and Thankful Tastor. Rpv. C A Brown, pastor of St. Anu.'-eus church, wishes us to convoy his sincere thanks to parishioners and friends for the folh-. wing deeds of kindness, sympathy and material aid in hi., la to losses from tho disas trous Iir. A donation party p-esutel isself at his home Fri- -,r; i.rut bearing a goodly sup f hen and pantry sup goods for children's ;.:.;;. gtther with a liberal !. . ;.is donation was gath- '" ' !y by the solicitation. ;:!:: iWoltnr. . -, I . rgo Patterson, from Grove community, a goodly turn of Hour, and also a gonoro.us pji.Oi'f money. . Theso cheer t' p,!tor ;rnd his w4fe and. en d. ;u- them to the people asman if stations of affection and ap-pj-ec'i.'it'mn. b i " i J : i. JlihS i(;,;s Entertains. Miss Agnes Moss' fgave a din- inir todiv in her beautiful subur- ban borne complimentary to her -.'. siting friend, Miss Bird Cross. Mrs. Manie Davis, Misses Kkte Oibson Kate Means .andJjinie vin vvre her invited guests. Confederate Veterans to lie Addressed. Will Speak Hero on the Oth of October ?)ipd tcrtipg His Innocence -Said . Utners tocimitteij t uo Crime. . Chauncey Davis-was hanged in Tarboro on Friday. 'Ho died The following is a copy of a protesting innocence and said h:s circular being distributed: 'conviction was a shield -to the Gen. Julian S Cirr, of Dur-1 real guilty party . ham,, commander of the North' The charge was burning Mrs. Carolina Confederate Veternrs, Loviuia Battle's house when win aciaress me out .ouieaerate . Hnm-v nnnn ik nh on,r. REM'EMBER f ue Coucord Steam T I V oi ks stifi Lave the ti n ijitminntr ana u vainer, and jm ntrir r-. j -J.-- ptircu mau oyer m inatime. uureii nn ins.ia douo tlm roughly and we lvn scientifically. OUIt PRICES ARE. AS FOLLOWS : Veterans of Cabarrus and ad joining counties, at Concord, on Saturday, October O'.h, 1900, at 1 o'clock p. rn.- All persons are cordially invited. others. AKCHIE K1NSAU1 : II VNUEI). FOliEST HILL MEETING. Iiiteiebt Uiiiilatrd-Ful! CV :rch Every A'ia'iit-'.: Tho revhvl i ; ' ' ' .:.'- l-'orest Hiif M. E. church continues with unabated interest. Pastor Hoyle holds two services every day, terial brethren. The morning services held in the. basement are especially in teresting and at night the church is always tilled, sometimes to overflowing. The professions of religion now number 205, and with the interest so encouraging tho end of the meeting is not yet fore seen. The meeting is exceedingly gratifying to tho pastor and. his devoted congregation. ':ri. i.- .or 'lead. : , "Mrs. ,hu :er. tht aged mother ' tV: ' v ) . sman,' William Junk 1 v Paralysis Friday and ;!. r.ar'..i .it St. IfartinsE. L. vj: t I'o. 9 township today, -lie'-- sl-v! was amember. ?' I v.' -er had suffered a Mr. Wjchc Will Tell t!;e Sucred Story. Mr. "VVhyche, whose presence and calling as a story teller we noted a tew days ago, will tell his wonderful story, "Light of tho Vjrorld,"'at 1 o'clock tomor row evening in Central M. E. chur?h, in which that and tho ft rial Presbyterian Sunday schools will meet in joint session. This story, we lcr:r, is told not from the standpoint of theology or dogma, but rather from the stand point of ' literature, reverently and sympathetically. It links to1 gether in orderly development tho most interesting scenes in the life of Jesus, His Boyhood, The Temptation, Life and Deeds Ar.ound tho Lake, Trial and Crucifixion. It has-all the charm and supernatural of the fairy story, but at the same time is one of the most powerful and j tragic of all stories. Hnnlesome Work Two Trials of It- Tore Open His L'hroat Wounds. Archie Kinsauls wa !. ;:.go! on Friday, tho 28th, at Clinton, for the murder of John Herring. It will be r-em cm bored that who a the limo camo first he attempted to cut his throat a;:d cvino ue;:v doing It. He was res pi I : 'd t give time for tho wound to l eai. There seems to have been a Ol u. The rope slipped on Ids chin, tearing open the wounds, and he was dving a slow death by strangulation when the doctor j urged tho sheriff to raise the body up and drop it again, to hasten the end. Tho first hanging was for nine mjnutes and the second for eight, when ho was pronounced dead. It was claimed that Kinsauls was crazy but it doubtless lacked verification. .liundry &Dvo' . " " IT - m A . -J t emu SB Ffl . .f- X r- , fr K.ll 1 uout .v eat Uleaned and rressed- ;? .76 K.'V rin-.if fa I'jiir of Pants . " An lvy O Or Whole Suit "' l!!) VW W,?W T.IIlip O An Overcoat . ." 75 to 1.00 O lluU " 1 A Uiillj r'J' Ladies Skirts " SOtol.OoSlJ C.iILL CUIR. Suits Dyed and Pressed a.fiO , !S Clnilr. n ik it, M Tuiitc ' x ii i JL Skirts ' 75 to 1.50 1.00 t,U ter. It is positively euaran- Jf., teed, (iive it a trial and b li.j teed. C.ive it a trial and be 'C Prices on an v other urticlos not, 1 V ? Pc'ee 50c. per bottle, 3 f.a mention will be given upon ap-!W bttlu.8 pncation. Also remember that 125 per cent, discount is allowed on all Dyo work. Give us a trial. Concord . Steam Laucflry & Dye Worts. Concord Dr'tug Co., q fl .-V. rI JT fT. TTfy ?V K Jk, Children's Clothing Masonic A'otice. A . Specif Xy of Stoke F&AM Special communication Stokes Lodge No. 82 A is A M on Monday night Oct. 1st. 1900, at 8 o'clock Work in the F. C. degree. All Masons are invited. K H G i '.i rr in, S-.w. Sept. 291900. ' fix A Minister's Go"i w t':. "I had severe attack of bilious. colic got a bottle of Chnmberluin's Colic Uoiera and Diarrhoea i5etaeiy, took two bofies and was cntiry cured", : y., lley. A.A.Power, ofEinnoria, Kan. "Aly neichbor across the street was sick for oyer a week, had two r three buttles of medicines from the doctor. lie m-'iul them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for somu days and iruve him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next moruinsr. lie said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so Ion,: that it was almost bloody ifux I asked him he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said, 'No.' I went hon-.e and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to tke another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, but be took no -more and was entirely cured". For tale at Maibh'e drug store. Parents wo v,-;i;if y r.v .-A-tontion in our (3lii!'livii'1 Clotliiiiijr DcpnitiiKMit. - W'o liavc bo.iidit and now !i,ivo 0:1 our countv'rs an tifr;i;;: lin;u'y : ) lario 1 t h k of iioys and J Youtjis' Clorliiir of ihv ue-w- 0 est fabrics and of the f . jnaterials. Kvcrytliiinv is ole"- J antly tailored ami made to '. fit the little folks beautifully, y Our line of Yestee Suito, frm ij 3 to- 8 years, are 'strictly Q stylish and up-to-date, and i prices from Sl.'48 to ,?4.00 ft . ft The double breasted knee pant Suits bein at 8 years and ft run to 17 years. Prices from ft S'2..0 to .OO. Kvfi-:, A well made and guaranteed. "We Imndle the very rs best. . $ At $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 we are showing a line ft of little Gents' Knee Pants Suits, i) to 10 years, ft 3 pice, coat, vest and pants, that :uv stroitgly K y made and strictly upTto-date. fj fj Youths' Suits, 14 to 20 years, in the new colors, ft. ft we offer at $5.00, $7.50 and $9.00 All new fall ft 1.1 (I fV7yV-40, TT 1111 Wl I'HIH 1111 11 T ,11, ; ft We have just got. in our new stock- of extra made ft Pants, 3 to lb years, in blues, blacks and rys ft i - (Juesli 'ns Answered. - .Yep. August Flower still has.the larg est nnie qt any medicine the civilized xvrlrl i mir motLers and trraodmothers never ttflugbt of usiif any thins ejse! or indigestion or billionpues-.. Doctof were sff-rceancrrucy t tulom neara oi i appendicitis, nryor.s i.robtration or heart failure, eti. Thty n.st-d Augtst , I Flower to clean out the .syfctem and ' t( i)1 fctop fermonta.'-n of nndijrestea iooa, m reffnlata the uci ion . i the livt, irtaiu-' lata the nervous aud organic action Of : 41. M-rfm .. 1 .lit l.H Ail tiitlV IOOK I - Ill from the incurable ; wuea fechnp: ami i.ia bud with ht ' ncltcs r.ua oioer uciicn. v.uj "" f few de es of Green's Au-ust 1'lower. m 1 liquid form to make you eatiried there is ( nothing serious the matter with you. ' For sale by all deulera in siviiiztd A FKESII LIXE OF Nice CandYes, ALSO NICE FRKS11 Summer Cheese A (ft AT S. J. EH VTN S 1 .) j vvitli douole seats and Knees, at oil a 1 1 u Voc j;a.:r. ft One lot of extra quality Corduroys for -vr; i, , ft 10 years, real value 1.00, on !-y 75c. ' ! Extraordinary values in Knee Pants at 25 and ''!), 0 f ft C.YE HUNDRED DOZEJf BOYS' -jXEW ST Y'Lh I ff CAPS IT 5- TO 50 CENTS. 1 1 Yb A Know About The Man Behind the Gun! We ar.e also ready for action in correct form with steady aim, loaded with all kinds of Furniture and House Furnisliings to tbe muzzle. We go f(rth conquering aud to conquer. Car lots and savins all discounts. We are in a rosion to do you $od. Our line of ijMahogony, Birds Eye Maple and Golden OakSuils are beauties. Iron and Bruno Keds are tbe talk of the town-? Yoi iae out 01 oou usea in the Ptcre, or on tlvf v.-oy. can't call for anything jnade out of ood used in the houn fur Furniture that we hayeti t in the it. 1 T m II i Picture !! g 3 nsfrafnents. it v ! I liiril slinni(nt, in tun n ri-; 2 0 Did You Ever! 3 fidUWB H0 uida,tuu: i? III I I-'"' " ' " id Come and soo us, wo ar'evor tou buy to vccoale you. Bel!, liavv)5 & Co. iesiderjce'Phou..,,l)0. ' 6tore Phone. . . . IL' r Cor Tho Standard. councnes.