WIN i 1 S fI. 1 g SI! 5ft . . ' . 'I o PriCS:$4.00 per year?-i- ''IS'S IP! Addresses". A 'Good Audbnce TKurs- . day 'Night. , Draws The L!nr-s r.otwt'Ji. Party Prin t'iru'iS Tarty TYt tfeuoios (ret Hon. Lee S Overman spoke Thursday night to a. good lartfe audience. . - . He was introduced by Mr. L T Hartsell in a 'short hut 'well rounded speech. Mr. Overman paid his compli "ments to Mr. Hartsell declaring that no county in the State was better represented in the last legislature than Cabarrus. He began the . discussion by saying that long -ago- we held two elections in the state in presidential years but that money had been flooding " the state to secure advantage to the, Repub lican party and it was concluded . to bold the elections together, but when the issue of White Su premacy was to be fought, it be ing purely a local issue, it was thought best to separate the elections. The matter was settled he hoped forever. That was a politico-social question. The one "before us now is purely poli tical and there has been-no more important, national issues than are involved in this election. It is whether, the principles for which our forefathers fought shall be perpetuated or whether the principles which they estab lished shall be overthrown. He here stopped short to say that he believed that Democracy will win this year." It is "our , turn. He noted that Democracy won in 1S7Q but tfas cheatedout of victory by Republicans. The elections have alternated every four years since and this is our year to win. He eulogized Mr. Bryan com paring him to - Washington, Clay and others who; established the principles for which he stands. He named a catalogue pf im portant cities whose late elec tions poiut to , the triumph of Democracy. . . He drew the 'distinctive lines between the . two great parties and their leaders Bryan -like Thomas 'Jefferson is for equal rights to all and special' privi legas to norxf whie, McKinley, like Alexander Hamilton, wouldj rear an aristocracy conferring favors on the few anS laying burden on the many. Ifc was 4 .TflfforBftTi'e fnrfont?rTiB Vio k vailed and gav iil the constitu- - i tion. North Cail ;;r.d ever is jealous for tile rights of I the common necvf woii'el. not enter the Cn.on until the- inh n.v. .-, ii- i tion was passed wb 3n -e jo:r,cd: the compact in 1769. Democracy he said' !.;,:! :.'-: for equal rigiits io ill from lie (3arliest history, ftho 'goe-s down before hex, enemies some times but 'comes up. ordain aud combats the wrorig iUway.s, He- declared, that the whole course of tho Republican pM;ty. hts been one of ppUo nr.d hatred toward the south. Lincoln said ho looked with hor ror upon turning loose upon the the southern people 3, 000, 000 of their former slaves but tho 1 1th amendment came and then tho 15th- and now if McKinley be elected the whole force oi tho party will be directed to undoing our late victory for White Su premacy. How stand you my fellow citizens, said he? Will you vote for the party arrayed against what you hole1 so dearly? What any how has tne Republi can party ever done for the south but evil? He declared that Democracy stands for . the constitution -for equal justice to all and special favors to none, no entangling alliances with other nations, a small army for defensebu,t none for conquest. We So hot want to rank as one of the powers of tho earth but be ours the land of the free and the home of the brave. - " Republicanism is for eenrali zation of government, milita- ' " rism, imperialism, colonial ex pansion, monopoly, industrial slavery, misery. - ' He declared that we have ap proached dangerously near to the abyss of ruin for the great principles established by our fathers. Hq declared thaphe oi:ly ;l'e.i of Republicanism is prosperity. This' he said is not due to. Mc Kinley. Ho did not bring tho abundant crops in America, and the famjne in India, the gold of Klondike nor the war in Africa. Prosperity ebbs and flo ws and its blessings have been abundant in Europe, in all civilized coun tries now for years. But is not the greatest strike the world ever knewtm now, the effects of trust and monopoly methods,? He said that the administration J Of McKinley had cost $900,000, 0Q0 more than that of G rover Cleveland. Who can conceive of the stim. If 'the amount were in silver it would take a wagon train reaching fr6m here'to Raleigh to hauUt. He said trusts were pushing; ing tnenou$ oi business, raising j the price. to tie consumer andi reducing it for the producer of : ra material McKinley, said he has a law but will f not get iawyer to proriscnte the trusts.' If Bryan ' . CONGDRti. N, C. VTtfaAY. 'oCTCJiER 5? - be elected YievAl) Jnd'a roan to execute the Jaw. e retraced the history or our Nations, wn.n woe, rorw itit-o- ... .. , .,. .ana mo .pmupinuus, ueoi&i iuu j ii. i . ; i : r that these people had Ijeen fin - 1 ; . or., liir Tho Wvv. , . Mpnroe' Dostriine -is goJi, he. Itgav'eto the Central a,nd to be republics .against,iny for eign aggression, we f: noma do;-1 1 " 1 u" ""j 'i aiucxes. uvi ... t montion w.ilT ba given upon an- gu.dedby it in cur relations cOUt Alaoromomber that Cuba and Porto Ivico. i .o ,a-j;, pVr cviil. ikscouxt is allowed pino.s have many educat ed m, ii of the highest type. Thoy should be free. We paid 820, 000, 000 for what ? The laud wac not Spai'i'.?, the people as subjects we do not want. They, must bo citizens with us or r.;:bjoclt to us, ;nd ideat, or their emperor. ITe claimed that Dpwey took Afo'ui naldo as an ally and that the lat ter made ..due apology for the the first Filipino wrong but was treated to volleys as a rena ment. He related Roiiio's hiakuy uuu Napoleoja's downfall as a warn ing against colonial aggression. He read from high Republican authorities and enumerated many more whose warning voices are raised against our tendencies to ward an imperial form of gov ernment and declared that the God of nations would, frown up onns - v-W;;-- ;:-rif "i . He gave a graphic account1 of North Carolina troops at Gettys burg: , and how they closed in their'' ploughed-through ' ranks and carried the flag farthest in battle. . Give us only citizen soldiers when,, emergencies arise and not great standing armies. , Let North Carolinians, too, got together for the triumph of principles taught by the fathers. As a peroration he recited, My Country, !Tis of Thee, etc., with thrilling effect. The speech was punctuated by great rounds of applause and there was evidenced a decree of awakening to interest in tho campaign 'that has been dosing so serenely. ': Coharrns to beJKepfefleiited. Winston will have a five days semi-centennial street 'fair begin ning Oct. 30th. .The association desires the presence of one lady representative from each county in the state, a horseback rider preferred. There will be a cast ing about for one of our fair la dies that will represent Cabarrus and the name will be announced. 54 A rRESH LINE OF Nice Candies; ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. ERVIN'S ii. "1 J, 1000. . .REMEMBER tW the Concord Umm Laundry & Dye Works ; nft.ll have the department of and Dyeinsr. find is better rre- lne 'th owniMv VDE rvnrfxil than nvr in that lino Ciny i'i.n ' scientifically. 1 f i K !coat&V. OUR i KICKS ARE AS FOLLOWS : eac tviennoa fwia rressea 8 .7fi j rir ot I'arjtS .40 1.0) 75 to 1.00 50 to 1.00 S.f.O Lndfos'kirts 1 04' bkitts 75 t 1.C0 'oi: c!i Dye work. Give us a trial. Concori-Steam Laaaflry & Dye Ms! BOY'S - CLOTOING BOY'S Boy s , We are making a great hit on boya Clothing; Special display of . : ' ,. Bbyahd; Youths' . Winter Clothinp; tomorrow. -,-. An extraordinary large line and prices most reasona- able Parents come and see the new styles. .rrzzyr&T?,, 1. - tt tw Fow A Know About The Man Behind the Gun! We are also ready fbraction in correct form witli steady aim, loaded ' with all kinds of ' '. Furniture and House Furnishings- to the mnuzla. We go forth conquering and to conquer.--Car lot.. and earing all discounts. We are in a position to do yon good Onr line of Mahogony, Birds Eye Maple and Goldea Oak Suits are beauties. Iron and Brass ean't call for anything made . out of -wood nscd in the house for Furniture that we -haven t in n Pictures !! Did You Ever! Come and seo us, we are never Bell, arris & Co. ' Residence Phonft; . . P0. , SlNt3LB."c;opy 5 cents! i' ins so m I Airo cure f.-r fevei :s ulls 8Ed TT. 1 'ter. it is tvKsi'tvolv r-rfn"rn.r. . k& ''i!re.l. Price COc. ru hottV. l'ottles ry ' Concord Drug Ga, I iiolit' At. . jt Xi u; fcv "V l,; I Beds are the talk of the town, Ton i -wood nscd in or on the way. the etcre, 01 Musical Jnstrumetots. I Third shipment iu tro mouth;. v which shows wes didn't . buy on- ft advisedly. o ft too bu"Sy to welcome you. Store Pbon9;, CLOTHING UHg