1j1XLL Water Has no eqmtl in the United States for curing Dyspep sia, : Constipation, Liver Complaint, Nausea, Dropsy, Gout?,. RheumiTtism. Dis eases of the Kidney s "and Bladder, Hematuria and Catamedi'al Derangements, Diseases of the Blood. For Sale At MARSH'S' Drug Store. WEATHER FORECAST. Showers' tonjht. Friday gen erally fair. Colder. Hello, Halloween was night and we knew it not.. last Miss Lou Stuart has returned from a visit in Ashe vi lie. Frank, the little son of Mr. and Mrs." W P Hornbuckle is very sick. Found A bicycle on circus night, the 16th. Call on Chief of Police. n3 of Mt. Mr. S J Ludwig, Pleasant, is spending the day in the city. The price of cotton has been at a standstill for the past week. There wore 33 bales on the mar ket today at 9.40. Mr. William Sides and Mrs. "Mamie Shinn, both of Cannon viJle, were raurrio "Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. Notice Pigs for . sale at Fenis Flour Mill $3.00 to $5.00 each. Call at once. tf G T Crowell. Mrs. J M Odell and Mrs. S E White went to New York .last night on a combined pleasure and business trip. Mrs. John Gorman and two children from Marion arrived in the city today to visit at Mrs. J L Honor's. . Call at H B Lentz for fresh pickles, kraut, candies, oranges, fruit oi all kind, can goods, and all kinds of fancy groceries. Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge and Capt. J M Odell went to Bes semer City today on business connected with his mill there. Miss Bertha Bell returiaed yes, terday from visiting friends in the" country and is a guest of Mrs. Leslie. . j. By l an oversight, the name of Bessie Caldwell of .the sixth grade as omitted on tho fcouor rollof graded school. ? Mfrf and M rs. Walter Kecsle r aftt visiting very pleasantly'in Cfinc'ord returned to their home in Seneca, S. C this morning. i Mr. ' J B Douglas spent last night in the city, leaving for Monroe and other points in North Carolina this morning. He. will "probably return here tomorrow night. : Today, No. 1, was observed as All Saints day in the Episcopal church, services being held at 11 o'clock by the Rector Dr. J C Davis. Rev. J F Pharr was in the city Wednesday and told the Standard man that ho would participate- in the reception festvvies at Mr. Iloldbrooks to day.; Wanted Energetic represen tatives to work in their own sec tion at big wages. Address, Eugene Harris, Nov. 1 2t. Charlotte, N. C. , Mr.-J F Newell, accompanied bv his mother. Mrs. W G New- ell, 'and Miss Hudson, left this Thursday morning for a visit at Gold Hill. Lawyer J L Crowell and Mr. Chas. Wagoner went to New London this moraine: to hunt quail, the law against bird hunt ing being out at that place today. Mr. Jno. Bost, of Bost's Mill, former clerk at the St. Cloud Hotel, is a guost for a few days at the St. Cloud. In the absence of a pastor at the First Presbyterian church the arrangement has been of fected, we learn, that Rev. J A B Fry will preach in the Presby terian church on Sunday morn ing and in his own church Sun day night. The congregations are invited to worship together in the two services. Chassio Brown . returnod Salisbury this morn- 11 uu. Miss home ing. Mrs. P B Parks left last night for Columbia, S. C, to attend the fair. She was joined in Cha rlotte by her sister, . Miss Alice Sims. Mr. Arthur Butt has arrived and his tent is up on the baclc of the Dummy lot where he will display his beautiful Bible scenes tind projectoscope pictures to night. , Dr. W H Wakefield, of Char- lottee, N. O., will be in Concord at St. Cloud Hotel on Wednes day, November 28th, for one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. w Mr. Chas. Kimball who has been the efficient occupant of the office'of chief clerk at our depot for a few years past has accepted a railroad position at Columbus, Miss. He will' leave as soon as Auditor Smith arrives and checks him out. . The "Pair of Tramps Co." will arrive in their speoial car Satur day morning Nov. 3rd over the southern railroad, watch for the big parades Seats now on ealQ. Prices 25,, 50 and 75cts. , A Gnod Cough Medlclcf. Many thousands havo been rectored to health and happiness by the use o; Chamberlain's Couch Itemedy. I afflioted with any throat or lung trouble give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that havo resisted all treatment for many years have yield ed to this remedy and perfect hoalth has been restored. Cases that pecined hopeless, that tho olimato of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use, For salo a Marsh s drug store. The Fisherman. River looks invitin' . Lookin' crtCst the town; Feel the fish a bitin' See the cork go down! . "-TyhatfS the use o' ploddin' . Tillin' o' the sod? Ruther be thar noddin' With a fishin' rod. Comes "bhe ffcelin' lazy . . Whoa -the spring day snnle; Rutin r reap a daisy ml 1 1- UNDERWEAR at. C&rinoh2& fetter $0 Than plough a mule a iM These chilly mornings. SUg-j WE HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OCf Life we've got to give her Room to rest a-bit; Fishin' in the river An' drowsin, side of it! 'AtlantaConstitution. ' Have just received 'a fresh lot of very fine Cheese and a few kegs of New Pickles. Have also some very finai Breakfast Bacon The vorygbost tho market affords. Try us. V. D. Sikes. Phono 110. gest heavier Clotliing; and Winter Underwear for men and boyg. We are well fixed to supply your wants m both lines, ana m an grades and prices. No matter what grade you 1 TT l you want in underwear: Cotton or Wool, Ribbed or Fleece Lined. You'll find it here in all grades, and at 1 lowest prices.- We have the sizes, too. i3ig ooys ana lit-I ' ;and thev are gomcr with a tie men, fat and lean, can j all be fitted and pleased. rush. Armor . .. Brand SHIRTS, Soft Silk andLinen'BosomJL These-are regular $.oo Shirts. (35 dozen of them to go at 50 cents, WE HAVE A VERY NICE LOT of : Violins, Guitars. Mandolins, Banjos, Atitoharps, Accordions, Jews Harps, a Harmonicas. that wo are willing to boU cheap. Our stock of fixturos is complete We are agont for the Gordon Guitars and Banjos. If vou want a crood one. buy the Gordon brand. The John Phifer Youngjhap- .ter of tho Children of the Con feuurey will meet tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o'clock wiih i4rs. John P Allison. A fuli. attendance is desired. Our manner of doing a thing often counts for more than the thing itself. Some people havo the gift of doing gracious things ungraciously. They seem to think -it of small moment how they act, if they do tho right thing.- Their -gifts are felt like a blow. Others refuse with a kindness that falls like a balm. The Italian who is asked for alms," unable to help replies ; "Pardon me. I also am a poor devi). That leaves no hurt, while the open hand of some oth ers inflicts a sting. "God cares "more tor adverbs than for Verbs," says an old writer." Do the right thing but do it rightlv, courte ously, sympathetically. Sunday School Times. No mattor what prico is quotod you, wo will always bo as choap or cheaper. Gibson Drug Store. FOIi You can have your home as shabby as you please, That's Your Business. You may Furnish it nicely, That's Our Business, and we will see that you get the best in quality and pay only medium prices. OF OUR NEW FALL FURNITURE have lust been opened and put on exhibition. If you enjoy having first piOU: you Will tae oaaiuss piea&uiu m uujriu8 your fall Furnishings now. Craven Bros. ;i Furniture and Undertaking, .yer-i Phone No. 3. Ghamberlaln's Congh Remedy a Great Favorite. The sooth and Ltalinp: properties 01 this remedy, its pleasant taste and frompt and pesmanent cures have made t a great favorite wfth poorle every, where. . It is especially prized by mothers of fciall children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or oiaer harmful drug, it may bo giyen as coali Jeily to a baby as to aaaffult. For sale at Marsh's drug store. AND CUT E emmesasmmt. LflSS CALL AT A Frenchman went to an Amer- can, ana saia to mm - w ai Dolarbear?" The American an- 1 A W. C CORRELL swered. "What does T polar The-Jeweleb. . do f I don't know. . Why he sits ! on the ice." ."Sits on zee ice?" "Yes," said the American, "there Is nothing else to sit on." "Veil, vat he do ?" "Whyt he eats fish." JTT.ftfe fiaVi si fa nn 7.aa ir.fi and Wo have completed our equip-1 ment for Livery Service and re- eats fish. Then I not accept." spectfnlly solicit the patronage , , 0 of the traveling public in and "Why, what do. you mean ? You uear Mt. Pleasant. Firsf-claae d' t acceDt ? ..What do vou tnrTinnts nrd saf stock andl drifers promptly famished. mean "Oh, non, non. I does, Lpwaeir, Johnson & Co., : 1 was vited to ba , . n I polar Dear 10 a lunerai. Mt. Pliant. N. C. nl i M. L. BROWN & Bro. LIVERY, FEED ANDiSALBS . STABLES. SSJust'in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses . meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horse3 and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thorp aghbred Poland Chintk Hosts. . Just in. Frosh lot erf Rubber Garden 2ose. m o

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