5ft8 'JJL. Price: $4.00 per year. ONCORD. N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, tOOO. ' SINGLE COPV 5 .CENTS. Eit T1T,TrTT .LKl-V KIN JJLJJL-IU -L 1 PAINFULLY 'MEAGER 'AT-BEST. JEW YORK PROBABLY REPUBLICAN MARYLAND RE- BUBLICAN WEST VlKUliNlA, keying a jvivv ivrix- . TUCKY DEMOCRATIC THE GREAT WEST NOT HEARD FROM A FiuW UUUJNT1& AHEAD CABARRUS GOES FOR CARR BUT STANLEY FOR SIMMONS 30,000 MAJORITY CLAIMED FOR THE LATTER. .. VOTE BY STATES. Georgia goes for Bryan by 50,000 to 60,000 majority. A special from Danville says Virginia will give Bryan a large majority. "Ham nprjv to rlnim Kontuckv bv J.UUiVV wvw . 15,000. New Jersey goes Republican by 66,350. The New York Herald claims N. Y. for McKinley by 175,000 majority. Maryland gees Republican by 20,000. Kansas has gone Democratic by a good safe majority. West Virginia gives a small Democratic majority. Returns show that South Caro lina will elect all Democratic members to Legislature. It will give Bryan a large majority. HOW SOME OF THE CITIES VOTED. Rochester, N. Y gives Mc Kinley'18, 909; Bryan 14,445. Philadelphia goes for McKin ey 25,000 to 30,000. Toledo, 0,, Mark Hanna's home, gives a Democratic ma jority.f v r J C.Johnsoa, Secretary Re publican Committe, says the Re publican increase will be 15 per cent over, last election. COUNTIES HEARD FROM. Catawba and Lincoln counties give Kluttz majority sure. Kluttz carried Iredell county. . Twenty-one out of 29 precincts in Mecklenburg give Carr 400 majority. Bryan's plurality 1,500 to 1,800. y Boone county gives Bryat500 majority. 10:40-At thus hour.all indica- tfons point to Simmons majority over Carr for .Senator to be 30.- ooo. m OUR 34EIGHB0RS HEARD fflOM. 9 'Phone message from Albe marle says a few precincts are '"MX"1! I TP l'n.VVO - . i-U'M k -r-r a rn a n urn TT"TT1XT . . TTTmTTnn TlTlTlATim TfT TTmmn TTTXTLJ . ttHifUrvi jvuuaii x u o yet to hear from. The chief in terest was in the senatorial con test and that Stanly gives more than 70Q majority for Simmons. China Grove reported onlj some majorities as follows 77 for Bryan over McKinley, 79 for Kluttz over Holton and 15 fcr Carr over Simmons. The town of Salisbury is Dem ocratic.by 850 majority with the senatorial vote about evenly divided. .CABARRUS COUNTY. The following are the incom plete returns for Cabarrus: No. 12, Ward 1 Carr 218,Sim- mons 78. Ward z . irvan IKi. Mclvin ov 111, Kluttz 209, Holton - 93, Can' 185, Simmons 53. Ward 3 Bryan 66, McKinley 22, Kluttz 68, Holton 22, Carr 24, Simmons 43. Ward 4 Bryan 84, McKinley 181 Kluttz 93, Holton 178, Carr 45, Simmons 45. Township No. 1 Bryan 81, McKinley 102, Holton 102, Shu ford 2, Carr 32, Simmons. 48. No. 2 Bryan 96, McKiuloy 69, Kluttz 94, Holton 63, 'Carr 36, Simmons 49. No. 3 Not heard from. . No. 4 Bryan 75, McKinley 113, Kluttz 77, Holton 109, Carr 41, Simmons 84. No. 5 Not heard from. No. 6 Carr 55, Simmons 13. No. 7-r-Nbt heard from. No. 8 Bryan' 156, McKinley 54, Kluttz 166, Holton 54, Shu ford 2, Carr 09, Simmons 61 . gNo. 9 Bryan 77, McKinley 17. Kluttz 76, Holton 13, Carr 65, Simmons 9. No. 10 Bryan 111, McKinley 56, Kluttz 111, Holton 36, Shu ford 5, Carr 44, Simmons 65. No. 11 Bryan 80, McKinley 51, Kluttz 80, Holton 49, Carr 11, Simmons 69. 1 Makin& rro&ross iQiua- -A- Washington dispatch of the fRt1lCo,rC. 5th says: v "Mr. Conger's last advices to . . . the State department claim that cUcfnMv nrftwss ?q hP?no- iv ,j i""o"" 1- made by the ministers at Pekin toward an arrangement of a basis upon which negotiations will bo Ijad with the government for a final settlement. "rue ministers nave pass.; I mi i i ,on the question of punishments , tiations. The results have not been made public. The Russian minister is understood to be par tjcipating actively in the discus sions and the proceedings are harmonious. 'The. understanding is that when the ministers themselvos have agreed on a program there will be little difficulty in ecur ing an acceptance by the Chi neso government, which is in deed powerless to offer serious resistance to the united demands of the powers." Philippine Condition Bad. London, Oct, 5. A special to the Globe from Hong Kong says that the situation in tho Philip pines is unsatisfactory owing to the failure of the Taft commis sion to establish cordial relations with the natives and inability to organize municipalities except by force. This failure is duoto the obstinacy of the natives in refusing to take tho oath of al legiance to tho United States Several towns in which mu nicipal government was es tablished have been burned recently, and the natives are manifestly " determined to contiaue tho struggle indefi nitely against the Americans. The authority of the Americans is strictly limited to the range of their guns. Present conditions in the islands are detrimental to 'trade, and the outlook is gloomy 'Unfortunately, " concludes the dispatch, "Careful inquiry proves that there is no justification for Secretary ; Root's prediction that the negotiations from Manila will result in restoration of peace by December. ' Present prospects cannot 'with pandpr bo snid to favpr -hopes of peace." . According, to the latest census Porto Rico has a population of J 953,243-, but they don't know ye't whether they are Americans or simply plain Porto Ricans. Ex. Every woman has got a story of some woman who died of a broken heart three weokft after her husband laid ata for ever. Ex. . remember UfrStfttStt SK&5PB 1 Clearing and Dyetotr, and is better ore- pargd than oyer in that line. Out clean ing in uoqg thoroughly and ye DYtJ. . scientifically. .our prices are as follows 9? :Ye6t Cleaned and Pressed f .75 i'air c: l'ante " " 40 Or Whole iddit " An Overcoat " Ladies Skirts Suits Dyed and Pressed Pante " Skirts " 1.00 " 75 to 1.00 u 50 to 1.00 2.50 1.00 75 to 1.50 Prices on any other articles not mention will bo given upon ap plication. Also remember that L'5 per cent, discount is allowed on all Dye work. Give us a trial. Coiicoril Steam Laundry & Dye Worts. Making Ready for a Big Winter and Holiday Trade. Our values are a facination to shoppers. , The people gather at tho Department Store daily and buy their needs and go out witJi with an expression of satisfaction that means a great deal for us. No winter weather yet but we have had the largest October safe in the history of our businoss. On our counters are found tho very best goods at a reasonable price. Everybodyk.uovs there if no standstill in the management of this store. Wo ,ave dispatch ed our Mr. Parks to New York a second time to buy .Toys, Novel ties, etc. You know this will be Santa Claus' headquarters dur ing tho holidays. We will add a large .Toy Department in about two weeks. Mr. Parks will, of course, pick up some of the latest novelties and many bargains with which to hold Special Sales. Our shelves and counters are now filled with the choicest goods Underwear, Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, etc., at prices that ploasc the purse. Just received a new lot of Novelty Belts in Gil',, Pat. Leather and Calf. Ladio's whito hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with silk initial, a real 10c value, our price only 5 cents. A good selection of ladies Handkerchiefs at 10, 15 and 25 cents Windsor Ties, for boys, in polkadot, the very. latest thing out, only 25 cents. A new lot of ladies' Linon only 10 and 15 cents. Tortoise shell Hair Brooches, as ornamental, only 5 and 10 cents. Beauty Pins aro practical and have in a new. lot which wTe think you will like, as thoy are some thing new. Our notion department is complete and if you have a need in this line look for it hero beforo Tell it to Your and come a running to Furniturh Store of Bell Harris & Company. " ) Special Sale 7 n to continue until December 1st. Don't mis the chance, of your life to buy FURNITURE cheap. Fifteen thousand, .dollars worth of ' Furniture and House Furnishings - in stock, bought in car lots for spot cash. Everything new and up-fo-date. We will make a change in oiir firrp. at that time. Big reduction in everything corre and seo. We will make you prices that will beathe man that mada. the "goods. . . PirPATTT in 1 111 mm -Star Leaders, Iron Kings, Gatcj Citys, thebest cook Stoves oh the market. All sizes, ltim & pocket nddition a six hole Range. Bell, Harris & Company, P. S. If you ow3 us and your acc't is ivi ray us- we reed ttc lUcy Rskle&co 'phoney90. s.!l"ZD . Store 'phone Il'j II".:' : SETS We have just icceiveda new lot of select Onions. Sets. ' both white and yellow. Come early and get what you meodl for fall planting. Price : ioc. Per Quarts Concord Drug Co, 'Phone. 37. Collars, standing or turn Jowu, which are very useful as well threforo have come to stay. Wo elsewhere. Neighbors - the

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