J 0 , - CQNCORD. TUBSD!Y NOVEMFf 2D, lOOn. :SiNor.u r:oiY 5 (Iekt&l- Ok two nadir el L'il 4 evil fc M 3 feJ I 3'1 E K'-ii EM fcTtf. . ff?T o . 1 j 1?!?. BITTLK lO'fiT ASX IT t litj A U Y. t istorie-il IHjcourse When V'-e Cv n'ti o Estiiblisiiutl V. oul " :;. linric inrfftrh'g People. Rev. .dolhro Rumple, D. D., has served the Presbyterian cb1 err 'a'don in. Salisbury for 40 consecutive years. He preached an biploiiral sermon Puvday Ut 11 a. and Rov. John Davis.. D. D., of Columbia Theological Seas many preached th3 anniver sary sermon it night. Further cxercit'es will bo held tliisTucsday 'night it.'which several addresses will b. mado. . Wp T' e, r.s a part of the his tori? : N'th, the organization oC the pi ottunt .clvn rehes in Salis bury, as follows : ".'First Presbyterum church, August 4th, 1821; St. Luke's Epis co'pal, 1623; St. John's Lutheraa, 1825; Church Stroc'u Methodist Episcopal. 1831; Baptist, 1849; Reformed, 1608." The doctor, in closing his re marks, said he had never for the forty years regretted his coming am one them and that he wished to spend the remaining shorter period of his life with ihem anc be buried Among those he had buried. rrcllit Wreck This Acvniag. Railroad 'frocks aro all the go now, and while there have not been any serious cl-os in this section lately some inconveuiont ones have cc ourred. A fre:;jht lr-v.n w wrecked early tiii:-; u,ornij:g hi a cut about ti j'C: - - miles from town, near .n i: Knight's -;r .;.'.micH&Levl A'.-A-QSI up nr.;; go'., : injured, t. severely s!i. iag outfit fi tli rough A'O one was o cr.';w was . ?how;-ocl- ;ry passes .;-::!, o'clock thi ;::Gi'u; SUfiViv : ; had the debris n d av. ny to per mit the passage of the early trains which reached hero about nine o'clock. No cause has. been assignee' for the disaster. Greensboro Telegram. ' The Young Man is touch Wanted. William Forsyth alias Harry Hartley, a young Chicago man has given himself notoriety and made himself verv much wanted. He seems to have atar.tod in Chicago where heChas served out one term on the chaingang. 1,R has now been takeli to Charles- ion, S. C, where .he is wanted. Whon done with him there he goos to Colirmbia. From there ... . bo c-r.r.s n::cid7dk.Va,. FitUill . - ,t tese .kq ilirougTi with the vculisrforru- there will probably : Ije crcr-h ciphers wnntirg lum lo I jive iiimfre4)oard and lodging . Jor ECM year Uo ll A'r. wiji'i"jsui;ylio v.r!t . av, f.o,n bo P v. ; S'iS f qj-.ery ?nd -,?IH hardly get Hog h;df (thidr oatienls p-M 4i Jj. , - iitten. " !-Dui-liam JlOT$!d ; VEJIY BAD F0T1V'. r.lCI!.' ( ;harg(- With TrtpJc Minder Jliid De- Mriioifo'Aof VkJhi . ' An Umalia dispjitn gi tne l.yiu says: ' 'Sheriff Miowell, of Salt Lake, has tracgd to Onl'ia Rev. Francis Hermans, former pasfoi .1 of tho Sweedish Luthf.v.;n ciiur. h' of Salt TAke. ."Hermans let Omaha rive years ago for Salt Lake with Henrietta Clausen, who had .helped him in hi church work hero. When Herman s became pastor of a church in Salt Lake another young woman was ad mitted to his household as a ser vant, "When members of tho con gregation began to talk butli the young women mysteriously dis appeared. - Prior to this Mrs. Herjnans had died suddenly. Hermans was accused of killing tho twTo young women, chitting them up and burning them in a furnace. 'His arrest isexpeted." Iarenter of Oil Rubber Dead. Savannah, Ga.,Nov. 19. John G Carter, formerly of Boston, Mass., tho inventor of a process for making a subitkute !'or. l ub ber from cotton seed oil, died in the City hospital this morning, after a brief 'illness. By profession Mr. Carter was a landscape and portrait painter. Several years ago ho discovered his oil rubber process. He went to Boston to enlist crmit?l in his inyorition. Thirty thousand dol lars was invested in a plant near Greenwich Park. Fire soon af tor destroyed ii, but It was re built, only to be gro'H'y c' wnp'd by a storm. Again it was re" built and vva? o-i the cv - f1 kg si aided once mro w Leu -eiii cit.imod the its originator. 'iho process was kuown on'y to Mr. Carter, and unless he'lei't written iustructiqns and direc tions for the continuance of tlio work it is probable the secret died with him. The state of Columbia is suf fering a . standstill of business from revolution. The insur gents have gained several im portant victories and are about to attack Panauia. Gov. Tyhv his issued a call for tlie Virginia igi!.dnro to moot in oxtiv 'on -n Jau uary i?3rd to arr.y.gc fur tho election and holding of n grmsii tntional convention. . . Uhe tiro ! iVJMipm, .Ve.,t Virginia ht Satnlav ih droved ru; erty I about fUKcH0 woith uf proui- Tho voiuni bv the snvdal com- lult0 th; isthTn!,in e-nod will ho ri'iidy it iss:fid for the ulV;' r tmgn.s.. 4 REV. 0. WlKBER I)V . f Tho Get man Reformed TasUr t,i Sails- . ... . ... , . , ' Rev- Gemey WubVr, as.tor of ' the German Reformed rdirch, at pnrvrnnrrn ines. Salisburydied at8:15 o'co(kMon day night. He was cor: : ug ; from a very hard attack of ty - j phoid fever. Bright Irs ver? Lu for .his ri,(,ovo.i v his sudden turn, which was proba bly heart trouble, is ; ci.liaily sad. Ho had been marred only about ono year ajid leaves a young wifo.to bear the a.oro be reavement. lle Was Heady for More. The two trains :amc together with an awful crash. Some one had blundered. That, however, was a matter which, would have to be left for future investiga tion. As soon 'as those who we re iu jurod could extricate them selves from the wreck they turned man fully to the work -of rescuing their less fortunate fellow pas sengers. It was a sickening sight. Cars wero heaped on top of one an other. People wero pinioned un der seats, beams and trucks. Steam was hissing from the over turned boilers, the rails of the truck wore warped and torn from the ties, and the moans and cries! of the injured could be heard afar off. Finally, after long, hard work, the rescuers reached the bottom of the mas, where .the legs and body of a man protruded from beneath a twisted platform. Be side him lay a 'cane d-; .-orated; with colored ribbons, aud a long tin horn. Fearfully and anxiously a scoro of strong men lifted the weight from the head ar:d should ers of the prostrato one" 'vi 1 car-' ried him up the emhr.akuiont. As. they reached the highe level he opened his eyes, ps.ecl a hand in front of them as if brush ing away a film or streen of somw kind, and shouted : "Rah ! rah ! rah ! Sizz ! boom, till A Jf 141 WVJ t pUli J iVLA . Come on fellows ! Which side has the ball ?" There are 200 cotton seed oil mills in the Sou,th which consume $50,000,000 worth of soed annu ally, which not many years ago was considered useless, saye the part that was used for planting. Morning Star. SanitaryXotic! , All persons are'notifjed to "clean up their. premises at o'nee. tliose keeping hogs are espec ially warned. , . The commissioners liao taken Strong'action intho $ 4tor sr-nd lh& mayor Ifas given strict orders. A word to thfwd i Of.aa up stay l. I--""-- asa if1' ,P4, Hams & Company. aii COtet- 'jAo-fc-jAliK' ' ! ?. S.' If you owe u? an.l yonr acc't Is dr.- rcy ; s fe nced Tie .inf Chic? of r.;;,-e. iRe3idonco NdioueiC.gC1 "Sioio o li?3 Ik- -71 ip I a KkE.;ir LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH 8! jj( Summer Cheese II! S AT S. J. ERVIN'S V f iTSA - line of L m 1 in both colored a(id white materia:. Some very nobby patterns in colored Shirts that should attract your attention. One point we wish to n;a':vo 1 ill 1 . "ii jj! T T i' ill -auoui mese sinrts is inai M great deal of satisfaction. The double Triuug! ; Ihuiid vjjP Collar for men, boys and women are sold for 15 :d . v -O and are as good as others sold for 25c. The TrhvM'ln vv? Collar is the best, and h.ave nothing else. ,,, boys' Furnishings aro v 0 i EK, just a little newer, somethinc, that makes O sirablo th.an those you Everylhiiig up-to-date jfc: in '- ' .' Hc.ndkerchicfs, f;kX Cottars', Shirts j;f ailll Neckwear (.SJ i- !o be found in - h! f:': civp.'U'tincmt. f"'"i v 9 1;Z j'f' t.i.if t3 j-vwXm (tip DEPARTMENT STORE fi ( ; j.-. a Jvi ?Vi, M It to Your Msigiife and come a running to the Furniture Store f Hell Harris & "Company. Special Sale . . to continue until December lst.riDon'imis tho chance oi your life to buy FURNITURE cheap. Fifteen thousand dollars wortn of Furniture and House Furu5slhiilrjg5 in stock, bought in car lots for spot 'cash. Everything new and up-to-dale. We will make a change ir. our firm - at that time. Big deduction in everything con" ? and goo. 'We will make you prices .the goods. J i 1' iw headers, Iron Ki a !h( best cook Stoves on pocket addition s. six hole REMEM'BER tout tSe Cone ,. "! "" ..i"r. L tux; . Worka still hnvo 'W. rvr'-r . r Cleaning and Dveii;.', ;uid is irttef prv pared than ey-.f 1 1 .ul hue. C .. . Lag is doue l.l..-r't -itjr-iort vo 'Vt Qvn prjck:;; A.TIT as rci- v - Coat. t O.'(.i-.0'! an! Vr-A " .TT Pair of PoDts " " Or Whole y.;: " " V" An Overcoat, ' " 75 to Ladies Sl.irt,-- ' i ! Raits Dyed and Piv )d ' PttUtS " 11 " Pri.eed on an- r-.er articles "noi mention will uo .;iveu Upou ap plication. Also rome'r.Ve 25 per cent. rsc Sunt isallowx on all Dye work. Give us a trial.. Concord -Ste Lair; iry & Dye worts. v e want to Collar You V,- Cuff jtU(J9 wi aiLM l k 9'. if - time show tho now iney nc ana leei comioruove. 4X once worn you - it "I 7- to "r '"ii iV ?i 5 ?, 'r in. mn inn tiin."-Tgsf,mM.-inim- that will beat the man that; mad ngs, Gate Cifys, tho markci. All sizes, from tv Range. C I Our gouts- aiii !; J ja' Mi litiio IV li;er.: :: i uo- nU;..v;!: a - "'v.Vj'"1'.-"