0 Q 3UI Price: $4.00 por yeaj.- OONORD. N. c'TTESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1900. Single topy 5 centc,- o e I- tt ' .'i - I.- ; ' . . CO KJtKEXCE AITOINTMESTtf. Central al. L. Church Keeps Her Pastor Her. II. 11. "Pafkcr-P. E. We note the following appoints by' Bishop Morrison, at' the Greensbonr Conference in which our Methodist brethren as well as others are most interested: SALISAURY . DISTRICT W. W. ' BAYS, P. E. Salisbury: First Church H L Atkins. Main Street A H Whisner; East Salisbury R G Barrett. Spencer Station R C Craven. Salisbury Circuit D F Car penter. Concord: Central J A B Fry. Forest Hill J N Huggins. Epworth J H Barnhardt. Concord Circuit-T W Smith. Mt. Pleasant Circuit L T Cord ell. China Grove Circuit E G Pusey. Norwood Circuit J O Shelley. Albemarle Station rG T Rowe. Albemarle Circuit G M Gen try. : Gold Hill Circuit J S Nel son. Lin wood Circuit and East Lex ington Mission D P Tate. Lexington Station and West Lexington Mission J D Arnold. Salem Circuit W Y Scales. We note that the Rev. R H Parker, pastor of Central church four years ago, is made Presid ing Elder of the Asheville dis trict. The Rev. R M Hoylo goes to the Polkville circuit. Rev. S B Turrentine who served as presiding elder of the Char lotte district becomes pastor of West Market street church, Greensboro and the Rev. F Siler whom he relieves goes to Trinity church "Charlotte. The Rev. J C Roweiieccmes presiding elder of Charlotte . district. Dr. Chroitzburg remains at Tryon Street church. Items From Faith. Written for The Standard. Faith, N. C, Nov. 27,' 1900. Mr. W S Stirewalt and Mrs. Maggie Rimer were married on .Sunday evening by Rev. George Cox. We hope they will locate in Faith, as Mr. Stirewalf is a good granite cutter. Seventeen granite pillars were shipped from here to Mr.. Hat ley, at Albemarle Saturday. Mr. Andy Cooper and" family have moved into their new home. Mrs. J C Watt, of near Lisk. postofnee, is visiting relatives in Faith'. ; Messrs. George Hoffner and J Thomas Wyalt haue each bought an organ cd placed in tJoeir parlors. Other families talkbf buying soon. The plastering in the new Lutheran cLrarub about com plete. A. M. E. ZION CONFER EMU. White Citizens Perfectly. Wclfume Bishop 'Hood to Be Here. The ' annual meeting of the Central N. C. Conference of the A M E Zion church will convene in the methedi'st church on West Depot street tomorrow (Wednes day the 28th) Bishop J W Hood presiding. All the white citi zens that would like to attend any of its sessions are 'perfectly welcome. Preaching each even ing at 7-o'clock and on Sunday at 11,' 3 and 7 o'clock. Business sessions during week days. W H Graham, Pastor. ,P. S. The conference will supply the other churches of the town on Sunday with preaching. The Day at the Graded Schools. The Thanksgiving exercises of the first and second grades will begin at 1 p. m. The following program for the other grades will begin at. 2:20 p. m. . Music Pilgrim Band 3rd and 4th grades. .- Thanksgiving Day Claudius Smith. Signs of Thanksgiving Julia Barrow. The Landing of the Pilgrims Vernie Blume. Why We Have Thanksgiving Hattie Pounds. The Pilgrims Myrtle Day vault. The Dressed Turkey Adelino Morrison. When Father Carves the Duck Afton Means. Music Fill the Baskets Chorus. ' Thanksgiving Ladder Five 5th grade girls. Thanksgiving Letter Nellie Herring. John's Pumpkin Fred. Bost. Remembrance of Turkey Charles Davis. The Passion Play Bettie Hawkins. Ride of Jennie McNeal Jessie Sims. Thanksgiving Story Edna Correll. The Bill of Fare Ray Bell.' M usic To God in Heaven School. Thanksgiving Drill 5th grade children. His Mother's Songs Mary Kimmons. Thanksgi ring Letter Ann Carter. The Pilgrims; Lizzie Propst. Help One Another De Al mond Phillips. Pilgrims in Song and Story 3rd gjrade children. The Reason Why Sadie Furr. The Pumpkin rOhla Brown. ' 'Dialogue 5th grado children. A Good Time Mary Sims. j Thfc Girls' Thanksgiving Mary Bingham. Dolfio's Thanksgiving Ireng .McConnell. . The Faracpr's Thanksgiving 1 Eva May Brown. Music Aaierica,My Home School. SALISBURY FIRM ASSIGNS. The Burt "Shoe tympany Closed Doors i Monday Evening. ' The Salisbury Truth-Index says the Burt Shoe Company made an a'ssignment Monday evening for the 'benefit of its creditors. It is very much regretted in Salisbury. Mr. E W Burt, the manager, -has been hindered nluch from sickness,' it is said, and could not give the fullest at tention to business. He does not avail himself of even tho home stead. It is hoped that he will ere long start up business again. Colored Savings Bank. Durham's leading progressive colored men are nover behind in matters that will tend to ad vance and promote the welfare of their race. One of tho latest things is th'o organization of a company for the purpose of opening a savings bank, to be known as the Dimo Savings Bank of Durham. The backers of this movement are Jas. E. Shepherd, John Merrick, R. B. Fitzgerald, Dr. A. M. Moore and others. The next session of the General Assembly will bo asked to charter this enterprise Durham Sun. Eight Fairly Good Riddles. Feet have they, but they walk not stoves. Eyes have they, but they see not potatoes. Teeth, have they, but they chew not saws. Noses have they, but they smoll not teapots. Mouths have thny, - but they taste not rivers. Hands have they, but they handle not clocks. Ears have they, but they hear not cornstalks. Tongues have they, but they talk not wagons. Golden Days Miss Sarah Ann Harrelson, of Williamson's Cross Roads, 'who died recently, has been selling whiskey for the last thirty or forty years in defiance to Uncle Sam. She died in poverty, and some people thought she must have had plenty of money, but we are informed that only seven dollars was found about the place. Columbus News : J, am not a fanatic on the use of tobacco, buC I advise my younger brethren to let it alone. -Bishop Morrisonf Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six different doctors nearly sent Wm, H Mullep, of Lockland, O. , to an early crave. All Kaia he had a fatal luns trouble andj that'he must eion die, But he was urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. After taking five bottles he was entirely cured. It is positively guaranteed to cure all dis eases of throat, chest and lungs, ?clud ing coughSColdd. la grippe, pneuyuoniu bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough. 50c and $1. Trial cbottles free at Fetzer's drue store. r A FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE. FKESIf Summer Gheese . AT S. J. ER YIN'S China as well as necessities in lino of China and 1 i i 8 &.J9&S has come in and been marked and placed on the tables for your inspection. The price well, if they come from Parks & Co's. they are low enough we dote a little more on quality and style. China Cake Plates, new designs, according to size, 15, 25 to 48c. Cracker Jars, Salid Bowls, Cups and Saucers, Celery Trays, etc. Come and look over the variety, it will give you new ideas. All kinds of Glassware clearest goods. Tinware and Agate Enamel Ware of all kinds at Department' Store prices. 0 !. L. PARKS DEPARTMENT STORE.' Tell it to Your Neighbors and come a running to the Furniture Store of Bell Harris-& Company. Special Sale to continue until December Ist.pDon'tJJmis tho chance of your life to buy FURNITURE cheap. Fifteen thousand dollars worth of FurnStmire'airad Mouse FmiraJshSinigs in stock, bought in car lots for spot 'cash.JEverytbing new and up-to-date. We will make a change in our firm at that time. Big reduction in .everything coirs and see. t We will make you prices that wjll beat "the man that-made " the goods. . u 0 1 U V jlQ Star LeadCrsf'Tron Kings, Gate'Citys, the bfjst cook Stoves on. pocket aaainon 2. six noie "iB&ll, Harris & Cdmpany.. P. S. IOou He usnd .jour Residency .'phonu90. REMEMBER fchat the Concflrd" Steam Laundry A Dye Works etill have the department ol Cleaning: and Dyeing, and is butter pre pared than eyer in that line. Our clean ing is done thoroughly and we DYE scientifically. OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Coat & Vest Cleaned and Pressed $ .75 Pair of Pants " " . .40 Or Whole Suit " " 1.0O An Overooat " " 75 to 1.00 Ladies Skirts " "" 50 to l.OO Suits Dyed and Pressed . 2.50 Pants ' ' 1.00 Skirts " 75 to 1.50 Prices on any other articles not. mentibn will be given upon ap-, plication. Also remember that 25 per cent, discount is allowed on all Dye work. .Give us a trial- Concord Steam Laundry & Dye forto: House Furnishing Department. ISBiOBO Thanksgiving1 brings a demand for table deco rations in it Novelties tho kitchen. Our holiday G-lasswar e of the newest patterns and JJ 9 COMPANY. i2 J the' mftrkot. 'Al so, from u itnge. actft If df jsfr us -"we.need the moaex Store 'phono 12JJ