l 3t Price per yoqfr.- CONCORD. N. C. WEDNESDAY" BSCEinJjtR 12 1900. SirjGLP, t'.OPY 5.CE1VTP. POWULATIt OF )LI TOWNS. Concord's Gyid Showing Increase Uot Tan 82 per cent.-nfe Rank Seventh. . . AnQtiet .batch of the census news is now out and die follow ing is the report of the towns of the state containing more tuan 2?000 inhabitants: . .; . 1900.' 1890. Ashoville ...... .14,694 10,235 Beaufort V. 2,195 2,007 Burlington 3.G92 1,716 Charlotte..'. 18,091 11,557 .Concord ...7.910 4,339 Durham . .,679 -.5,485 Edenton -..3,046 2,205 Elizabeth ..6,348 .3,251 Fay otto villel., 4,670 4,222 GasLouia... 4,610 1,033 Goidsboro 5,877 4,017 Graham 2,052 991 Greensboro 10,035 .3,317 Greenville 2,566 1,937 .Henderson 3,746; 4,191 Hickory 2,-535 2,023 High Point. . ..... 4.163 3,481 King'sMountain . . 2,062 429 Kinston. :. 4,106 1,726 Monroe '. 2,467" 1,866 Mt. Airy 2. 680 1,768 Newbern 9,090 7,843 Raleigh 13,623 12,678 Randleman: 2,190 1,754 Reidsville 3,202 2,969 Rockv Mount...:.. 2,937 816 Salem 3,642 2,711 Salisbury 6,277 4,418 Statesville '.'..3,141 2,318 Tarboro 2,499 1,921 Washington....... 4,842 3,545 Wilmington 2 ), 976 20, 006 Wilson !;. 3,525 1,126 Winston -..10,008 8,018 Concord has 7.910 against 4,339 in'i890 which is a very creditable growth, being an in- m' crease for the. ten years of 3,571 or 82 and three tenths per cent. Concord is now surpassed in population only'.' by Ashoville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Wilmington, and Winston. In other words she ranks 7th in the number of inhabitants. Items From Glass. Written for The Standard. Glass, N. C, Dec. 10. Corn is in demand here, it sold for 72 cents per bushel at Mr. A V Sloop's sale last Thursday. Mr. William phambers, who has been unwell for sometime is now confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. LC Overcash have our sympathy in the loss of their twins. One died Satur- day morning and the other one this morning. ; They were buried at Enochvilje. Mr.-Kelley a pleasant gentle man of Long Island, is spending a faw days here hunting with Mr. W H Hammond. " Miss Lena Kirk, of China Grove school, is visiting her Rev. Mr. Dennis is still ahead inthe'Spork line. He killed a hog that weighed 335. Mrs. Denson Caldwell, is still with her daughter, Mrs F W Glass. Mr. T W Still, of Albemarle, sjOint a lew hours here Sunday. (Vat Fof a Third Lutheran ChurGJi. ,."?ojiri glad to announce tlyit Mr. Jno. C Wrfflstwth in tys Addr ;ori toCoucord hasieJder.ed a lo't, which he and Rev. O B Miller have designated, for the purpose o , thvd Liitharan church in the town. Tho lot lies in a most su' table position for the Lutheran elemenfrat Forest Hill, the Gibson mill and, tho new mill now projected by Mr. 0 B E Harris. The tender is made to the North Carolina Synod and will como up before the execu- 1 . two committee at its next meet ing for its reception and appro priate action. It is a very ap preciable giCt and will bo re ceived most gratefully. ff7 Mrs. Carrier Slightly Hurt. Mrs. F V Barrier was hurt in a peculiar way in front of Mr. G W Wright's furniture store this morning. She was speaking to Mr. Barrier, her husband, sales man for Mr. : Wright, who was opening a case of bed springs and .had just turned partly around when the case came open and the springs bounded out, striking her on the left arm and shoulder, knocking her against the wall of the building and al most unconscious - for. a short whilo. Fortunately by turning about the blow missed her face, and her injury was only slight. Sal isbury Sun of 11th. nall-Uelllg. We acknowledge with thanks the following beautiful card and tender in advance our hearty congratulations: Mrs. Mary Lizzie Betts reques-ta the honor of your presence at the marriage or her uistor Grace Gertrude Ileilitf to Mr. Edwin Alonso TIall, on Wednesday evening, December the twenty-sixth at eight o clock, AlbemarleEvangelicalLutheranChurQh, Albemarle, North Carolina. Reduced Railroad Kates. Annual Convention, Southern Educational Association, Rich mond, OVa., Doc. 27-29th, 1900. Sale tickets Doc. 20 and 27th, with final limit January 8th. Round trip, including membership foe, 10 00. Christmas Holiday Excursion Fares. Round trip tickets will be sold betwToen all points on the Southern railway, also, from all coupon stations on tho Southern railway, to points within tho erritory East of tho Mississippi river and South of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, with the excep tion.! a few points situated on one.-; or -two minor railroads. Tickets on sale Dec. 22-23-24 and 2,5, also,: 30 and 31st, and Jan. 1st. with final limit January 4th, 1901. t. Annual meeting N. C. Confer ence, M. E. church Charlotte, N. C. Dec, 19-24. Sale tickets Dec. 18-19-20 final limit Dec. 25th. Round trin. Third tPan-Amdrican "Medical Congress, . Havana, . Cuba, Dec. 26-29. Sale tickets Dec. 21, 22 and 23, final limit Jan. 10, 1901. Round trip $60.75. Train No. 33, leaving here at 7:29 a. if, connection. All persons de-4 siring to take advantage of this rate will advise ticket agent 2 days in advance, so that Pullman and railroad tickets maybe satis factorily arranged. Meeting grand lodge colored masons, Asheville, N. CI Dec. 11. Sale tickets Dec. 10 to 13. Melancholy isQhe nurse olii'Sn. oTe SiwffiS ' final limit Dec. 20. Round trip fre azy. William Shakespeare, j giTes relief. For sale by M. L. Marsn. j $7.00. Q Sale Notice. . ' I will sell at public auction on Thursday, Dec. 20th, inst.,for cash, the personal property of all kinds, belonging to the estate of A. M. Black welder, deceased, at his late home in No. 8 town- ship. D. M. Blackwelder, Doc. 12, 1900. Agent. Fruit tircwers Meet In Asheyillo. , The twenty-socond annual meeting of the StatoUarticultural society will bo helcl on Dec. 19 at Swananoa . Hotel, . Asheville. There wilL be two sessions one at ,4:30 andthe otheFat 8 o'clock p. m. The rates art $2 per day. The fruit growers over the state will find this association to be beneficial in this rising in-dustrv. Thq, Unsatisfied. Ain't no satisfy in' folks! This here lif's a hummer: , When' it snows An' when it blows t "Good Lord,, send the sum mer!" Ain no satisfyin' folks! Hot Sun fires, a splinter; Then you hear Both far an' near: 'Good Lord, send the winter!" Folks are awful hard to please; , Life there's little in it; Come to die You hear 'this cry: I "Good Lord, wait a minute!" ; 5 ' Frank L Stanton. . A New York woman had a der- . matologistto operate on her nose and she knows more now than she did at the beginning, and is suing him for $10,000 for the experience acquired. Morning Star. i . ' " ' ill A FRESH LINE OF Nice 'Candies; ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. ER YIN'S -J) REMEMBER" that the Concur J Steam Luunury .iDye Works fchll have the doVaTtnoit of Cleaning and Dyeinpr and is better pre pared than eyer in thatlioe. Our denn ing is dOnetliorone;hly and we DYE ; scientifically. . OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS ; Ooat & Vest Cleaned and Preyed $ .75 Pair of Pants " " .4$ Or Wlurfe Snit " " l.(n An Overcoat " ' " ?6 to 1.00 Ladies Skirts ' " CO to 1.00 Suits Dyed and Pressed- 2.50 Pants " i Skirts 7Ctol-C0 Prices on any other articles not mention- will bo given upon ap plication. Also remember that 25 per cent, discount is all owed on all Dye work. Give us a trial. Concord Steam Laundry & Dye forh a "I have nsed Chanirerlain's Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," suys JVlr. EH Phipps, of Potoan. Ark. "It cured me of bloody , flux. I cannot sneak too highly of it." This remedv always wins tho good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it.' The quick cures which it effects even in the most levere cases make it a favorite every' where. For sale at Marsh's drojj store Special Kates for Students. Tickets will be sold to students and teachers of schools and col leges upon presentation of cer tificates signed by tho Superin tendents. Principles or Presi dents thereof, under .the forego ing conditions, on Doc. 15th to 2lst inclusive, with final limit January 8th. The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Palm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pain in the f.i-1.) or chept, ive it a trial and you iv ceri'iiu to be more than pleased with the prompt relief The Holiday Fai t t t i t Making Ready for Santa. a-n There is a Christmas air that pervades this store, re making ready as fast as wt; can to show the most, charm incr disnlav of Ohrisf.- X ' Novelties, Toys, etc., ever X shown in Concord. The l) partment store does not do things by halves. Every thing up-to-date in city sty I u. a Dress Goods. Here is the place to make a sensible and appreciative gift. 3 A very handsome line of Broad- A. m cloths in all the popular shades, 52 tf','r ':l -. .- p inches wide, the $1.25 quality only k B 98c. vard. What would make a 0 skirt. We hae a large variety to 4&&M t m m ' Hit t. I. ir. I III it w select from. One piece each black 0 and blue Camels Hair Serge for Suits and Skirts, 44 inches wide, priced at 75c. A pair of Ladies' 0 Kid Gloves never come amiss. O You get a friend to get the number 0 and-we '11 do the balance. m a 0 ft Novelties in Belts, Combs, P.urses and Hand- kerchiefs. 0 a c&5 OO. DEPARTMENT STORE. 0 i v; ekr vv: comes but once a year and if you don't get your share it shall not bo our fault. We propose to tako Stock Decern oer SC'th-, rain or shine, sick'or well, and in order to make stock taking, as light as possible we wiU make yon PRICES on all kinds of FflniitlU'e, even a tar Leader Cook StoVe, . and if 'you wantaP3I5jaL3Lr5",!jE1,and of course you - m , tlo, we think wetiave the best3n thy town. Como and liour new CrDODS tiliat are arriving daily. We are ycrs, -ashing to be yonrfcanta Clnns,