' ' -- - - Price 00 per year. CONCORD, N.41. THURSDAY? DECEMBER 13 .r9QQ. -SlNGLIi COPY 5 CEKTJS. DflV EOliyD Paedoftn to col off hot-boxes'1 wireless' .telegraphy, via . r uiuLtll uUl fUUilU. being an all-round soiVof a fel- j China 'Grove and Fred Qltes; $ 1 1 low. J J3tft the boy is happy on i To wit; j HENRY .FREEMAN C.VMPED WEST OF TOWS-WAS SURPRISED. Mr.-Upiwd In Japan. The Statesville Landmark sayS: "Rev. C K Lippard, who visited in this section recently, and who was soon afterward married in Chicago- and went with his wife to Japan as a mis sionary, arrived at Saga, Japan, October 30. A letter from friends there, bearing date of November 5, conveys this information." GONE TO REUNION Of the 57th Regiment, at Salisbury- Some Incidents. By 'phone, telegraph, foot messengers and otherwise, the editor pro tern of the Standard is enabled today to give just a little about the first reunion of the Clarence Withers, .Stolen From. Or . pliau's Asylum Eighteen Months Ago Is Found and. Sent on to His Rela tives. Henry Freeman, a man of a roaming nature, spending most of his time in a wagou, passed through Concord Wednesday evening. He drives a mule and a jenny. Freeman is not a young man any more, and, if reports be true, bis reputation is such that no one could take him for an angel. Clarence Withers, a 13-year-old boy, disappeared from theThom .asville Orphanage about 18 months ago, leaving behind a little sister. The home of his folks was in this county and the Orphanauthorities communicatod with Chief Jas. Harris, who since theu has been on the lookout. Wednesday evening a man, suspicious looking and having a boy ' that met the descriptions, passed through and on west. He hauled up at a cabin on Mr. J P Allison's place west of Concord. Chief Harris communicatedwith Mr, J E 'Misenheimer; of Char lotte, with whom the boys moth er lived for sometime, and had him to come over this (Thurs day) morning on the 5:37 train. Tliey went out to the camp. About that time the gay old duck, Who proved to be Henry Free man, flew out the back door and disappeared in the darkness. During the Chief's interview with the boy and the "certain recogni tion by Mr. Misenheimer, Mrs. Henry Freeman, the beloved wife of flown Henry Freeman, began to"lip"the Chief as only an indignant woman can do. The boy was brought to town, leav ing the balance of the outfit. He did not like Chief Harris' looks or his brass buttons or something and hence had not a great deal to say. A Standard reporter talked to the boy, who had be come reconciled to the situation. Clarence talked freely and we will let him tell his story. Sai!l "I was on the orphanage grounds and a -man came along in this wagon, told me my father and mother were both dead and that make an honest effort to put my mother wanted him to take ' the owner and hand-bag to las way to gentle relative's and a fond mother, while there may be several1 chapters yet to pub lish about the doings of gay Henfy Freeman. Esq. There's Xmas ahead for him. 57th Regiment of North Carolina folks those that survive the cruelties of war, the flirtations of snares, sickness, bad politics, hard times and all other ills too numerous to- mention not one of whom, living or dead, received i a wound in the rear. Editor Barrier was one- of the folks who survived just to at tend these meetings, and to take notes and to preserve the brave deeds of his comrades. Notwithstanding his system atic preparation and great care to details, Editor Barrier, ' in making the 5:37 a. m. train for Salisbury, forgot his hand bag containing, hard ' tack, pencils, paper and empty vessels for snake bites (the latter easily got ten and -more quickly cured in Salisbury). The editor's valet, the . best one in town, rushed to the depot ' to THE EDITOR IN SALISBURY MORNING APPETIZER AND SELL ING PAPERS. Just at this point of- our illus trating process an important blood vessel in our engraving machine snapped, and the story of the editor's outing in Salis bury must bo concluded in a fu ture edition. To checkmate any careless remarks, by which suit for damages may result, the editor pro tem must insist that nothing in the appearance of tho hi A. FRESH LINE OF Nice Candies, ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. EiiVIN'S i REMEMBER that the Concord Steam Lanjudry &Dye Wojks etilj have the department of !leaDinff nnrt DyeiD, and is hfttnr iat pared than lever in that line. Our clean ing ia done thoroughly and wo DVG scientifically- OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS r Oont & Vest Cleaned aad Fresd $ .?o Pair of Pants " ' .40 Or Whole Suit " 1.00 An Overcoat " ' 73 to 1.00 Ladies Skirts " 00 to 1. 00 Suits Dyed and Pressed 2.50 Pants. " " 1.00 Skirts " ' 7Giol-50 Prices on any other articles not men'tioh will be given upon ap plication. Also remember that 25 per cent, discount isaUowed Ion all Dye work. Give us a trial. Concord Steam Laundry & Dye ' fort 1 " - " .i ' .' ' 1 mm ? 9 fa e a a a a a a a a . 4 editor or his valet caused the vi tal organ of the photographing outfit to collapse. A Sew Club for Concord. Slowly but surely that's tho way the mills of the gods grind- our ladies are organizing. In additiou to the many social cir cles, clubs and socioties already doing: business in Concord, a new one was organized Wodnes day night and has beon chris tened: me and raise me, etc, etc." I gether. As the intelligent As ttie Standard readers well know, from the character and meaning of the name given to the club, the object of it is to study the causes leading to the Chinese troubles and to decide what is best to be done about it. The boy did not know until xeader must lmow froti the this morning that his mother was ' beautiful half-tone engraving alive she's living in phester, S. abof9 tho, valet, though swift, C. He was dressed ins. and ' lost bis hold; mt undaunted said he had been poorly fed and ho hi cled it to gjtlisbury. ha3 travelled over Kentucky and, wj nabled " furbish elsewhere. i , , , our readers with some very ar- if rumors be correct Freeman is wanted about Rockwell for the tistic pictures, which wore exe- abduction of a mule and other cuted riSht here in the j R- F. Taylor-Yancey ville. things. It is said, too, he is pre-1 from mental pictures transmitted R. F. Bumpus New Bern. About Some Treachers. ' The North Carolina Confer ence has adjournwd at Newbern, and among other dispositions of preachers we note those of special interest tx Standard redder s : ?. Greening Aurora circuit. A. D. Betts Bethel. A. P. Tyre Wilson. T. A. Smoot Payetteville. F. B. McCall Carr church, Durham. M. D. Giles Mt. Tirzah. a 6 a a PLANNING FOR ft Chnstirnas a a Happiness, a The lare basoinonf a denartmnnt nf this Store ia filled with dirt B goods of China Novel tSes . Glassware and all kinds of Toys. a fa a a a a a a a a More holiday goods aro carried here than, at all the otbor a stores combined. -Since our opening tho crowds have in- fa ffa creased each day with eager buying and enthusiasm. Its c& JjL very gratifying ito us to hear on all sides tho expression : X X "Everything is so reasonable." That is characteristic of a tho Department Store. Shop now while the assortmeut is a frroatfist and 'avoid t.hp rush of tho last, da, vs. Onnris ...rn fit JZ - j - " 41 A sold and labeled with date for delivery that's the end of fa your trouble. Wo make shopping easy. JL Our Santa Claus Mail Box is filled with letters every day x H Li V ' W X. JJIAA.KJJ kUUbl V. , 11 HI w. 111. a a a JDZ JL IS. EST 1MI SLS comes but once a year and if you don't get your share it shall not be our fault. We propose to take Stock Decern oer 26th, rain or shine, sick or well, and in order to make stock taking as light as possible wo will mak'e you PRICES on all kinds of Furniture, even a Star Leader Cook Stove, and if you wftat a HPl A p,A T3"llXg- and of course you do, we think we have the best in the town. Qome ande our new GOODS that are arriving daily. We are yours, wishing to be your Santa Claus, 9