f f o a IT!!- 9 0 rEicEr.OOjjer yev. CONCORD. 5ft V. SATUttOA, .DECEMBER 5$ 1900. . ' . Sr.N'GL:; copy if c: f A4?V A?Sf JV Hi . j. r 9 w .j 4 'V f X .(lit I TniP IS COM I JO. :.rcists Iiy 1'ie Various Chiydies The LVu ... . lays an.I or i ime anu mature oi , ?.'1TH TJ!E ClittiniSS lOMOKItfW. Mr. Renben A. Uilfs !ad. ore Opi u' nM Welcoino to t il. Mrs. Reuben A Pile died ot . - in 12 o'clock. Friday iright hI her ii home, near Bost's Mills fitter ai "Am the arjrel Baid nnto them, Fear lingering "with malarial lover. At Central M. E. church Sa,ntft nat:.for, LeLtjd II jcu oi lid- ' , lags of root j-r, v-L'.ch. j.Lall lo all Mrs. Bites leaves a husbrrnd Claus will appear at ..o'clock people." Luke 2-10. ' . . , . . , ,i -n, ,T rn i ,u c and five children Uj mourn her Tuesday evening and wili;ianu down gifts to the Sunday School. Appropriate music will be ren dered by tlio choir. . At Epworth church a well ladew Christmas tree will' shed its gifts' in the laps of tha Sun day School at 6:30 o'clock Mon d 'A- evening. There: will be tnusic, Tecitations, 'dialogues etc. a appropriate exercises. At Trinity Reformed church the bell will call , the. congrega tion together for a sun rise ser vice on Christmas morning, when songs, recitations and address by the.- pastor will precede the usual treat. At Forest Hill M. E. church the Christmas -exercises will take place at 7 o'clock Tuesday r evening. There will be songs, recitations etc. 'when Santa Claus will arrive in the midst of a snow storm with his store of good things which e, with the aid of a few of his confidential friends, will pass around to the happy expectants. At the First Presbyterian church there will be Christmas exercises Tuesday evening, hour to be announced tomorrow at church. YTho thief features' are music, responsive reading, short address, by Prof. J I) Lcntz, and! Orwange. At St. Andre u s E L church there will be two'Christmas trees ai ncVlu:k Voda evening with recitations, soags and a handsome treat to the Sunday . school. At All Saints Episcopal church therejwill be Christmas exercises at 11 o'clock Tuesday.. 'A Christ mas tree and gifts to the Chil dren-' together with a beautiful service will make a joyous Soa- son. At Cannonville .Presbyterian church there will be exercises consisting of singing recitations etc. There will ba'no treat but a benevolent offering instead. At the Baptist church there will be pleasing exercises. .Santa1 Glaus will be on hand with two trees full of good things for the littlefo.lks. A.cAntata will be Epworth M. 3. church Sun day School at 9:30 a. Ser- departure. vices at ll a. m.and 7:30 p. m , ! She was dbouf 37 years o by the .pastor, Rev. J Homer age. T-fc 111 "It uarnnarat. ... . The remains Vvill bo buried St. Jamos E. L. church. Sun- L, , . . , ', . 0 t ,i M. E. church. The bereaved husband and dav; School at 2 p. m. Service at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.,by the pastor, 'Rev. C-B Miller, with appropriafeness for Christmas. Trinity Reformed church. Sunday School- at 10 a. m. Ser vices at 11 a. m., and 7 p in., by the pastor, Rev. W H Mc Nairy. Central M. E. church. Sun day School at 3 p. m. Services at 11 a. .m., bv Dr. W W Bays, and at 7 p. m., V.y the pastor-, Rev. JAB Fry. ' Baptist churc h S ii n d a y School at 9:30. Services both morning and night by the. pas Rev. B Lacy'Hoge. St. Andrews E. L. church. Suudav School at 9.30 a. m. Services at 7 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. C A Brown. Episcopal church Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Services 11. a. m., and 7:15 p. m., by the pastor, Dr. J C Davis. Forest Hill M. E. church. tounuay bcaooi at y a. m. Services at 11 a. m.. and at 7 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. J N Huggins. First Presbyterian church Sunday School at 3 o'clock. Services both morning and night by the pastor, Rev. Geo. H Cor-nelson. motherless childron havo our profound smpathy. Perrj-Kothrock. Mr. Fred Perry and Miss Jo sie., the 'accomplished daughter of Representative-elect L II Rothrook, of Rowan county, wcio married at the residence of the "bride's father near Gold Hill, this morning. The happy' gou pie left on the early -train f6r, Henderson, the homo of the groom. Albemarle correspond ence of 19th to Charlotte Ob- server. KjTho Concord High School. The High School closed down Friday for the holidays. Mr. Lcntz and MissPlrifor will spend their vacation in Concord, while Mr. Ninninger will go to the old Dominion to spend the holidaj'-s at home. The following is the honor roll for the term : HIGH SCHOOL. For Scholarship Willy Fetzer, Flossie Pounds, Shirley Mont gomery, Ernest Correll, Willie Smith, Campbell Cline, Clyde Stuart, Wilma Correll. For Progress Eugene Can non, Anna Ritz, Atha Watson, Grace Watkins, Fourn'ey Rogers, Julius Smith. For Punctuality Atha Wat son. Preparatory department. h or Scholarship Margaret Back From Illinois. Mr. L E Propst, who lft Rowan county for Illinpis six years ago, arrived in the city Wednesday night, and will spend several weeks here visiting rela tives and friend;. Mr. Propst was accompanied by his frieud, Mr. J H Linn, who is tho son of a native of Rowan county. 'These gentlemen are highly pleased with the home in the west.Salisbury Truth Index. Charlotte News Mints IJrjun. Our roaders and tho public generally will please take notice that 'Mr. Walter J Woodall, is no longer connected with the News as associate editor, or in any other capacity. . ' In this connection it may not be amiss to state-that an invita tion has been extended to Hon W J Bryan to make Charlotte his homo, and become editor -of the. News and Times-Democrat. A letter containing an attrac tive offer has been mailed Mr. Bryan by the editor and pro prietor of these papers,, and he hopes to have a favorable reply at an early date. The splendid, advantages of fered 6y this city and this sec tion are set before Mr. Bryair, A KIJ.ESII flNtf OF Nice Candies, ' ALSO NICE FRESH Summer Cheese AT S. J. EKVIN'S REJflEMBER U-nt the (Vienrd St Mm Lunndry fcly Wtiiiri fcfill have Cue dtpartiiflmt f pareu umn eyer icniiiie uui clean iu? is doij..! thoronrhly und we DYE seientitieiiiiy. OCR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Celt & Vtst Cleaned a:vi PrenM-a .$.75 . Pair of Prints " " .I Or Whole Suit ' l.OD Au Overcoat " " 'T: So1.ro Ladies Wiirts " 0 jo t.OO Suits Dyed arid Presrwd . i'anta. " Skirts " 7$ to 1.30 Phces on any other artic1 - not mention Will be given ujiou n-p-plication. Also'remembc that 2') per cetft. discount Ls nHowoil i Ion all Dye work. Give us a trVjl, , CoMorJ &m LannSry & Dye Torte H v, ft TJ fy IS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR I mm H a nml you will find the Department Store a good pi:nv to select something nice with which to i inLu v. iiicird. We have an unusually large Lealher Jelts anif- 1 1!' im. 7 - : (:. il;uid- ' V.' Chil- H V. We are told that our info -k 4l Z-Sh' iFmnl nnwlill Tiulnv -wr R 5 Quarter Haiidteliicf - Sterling Silver Noveltie dren's Rings, Bracelets, TTai- Or- jnaments, Combs, etc, ! u; t'.is j Christmas stock. Our "..-c; ; hit everything well displayed just tho things uwi ted are nero at popular prices, and wo always Lave tho orov'.l All kinds of China Novelties froul those on tho in- r..,-. to a handsome Dinner Set or a $7.i0 Tea Sot. . Beautiful assortment of Vases, Pin Trays, Latiii. o. In our Toy Department you find cvoi ytliing 'Hor T h M small boy, all colors, and they blow loud, Doll- T,-.u r. tj riages, Picture' Books, Games, Tin and Iroir Trains v:.;-..m. Carts, Banks, Drums, Cannon, B!u'k roar-Is Vn-1 Sliding Trombones' help to make the assortnn-nt. A brm U-.- isf children's Trunks with lock and key from Li.'e to si ,f I ,'- our Toy and China Dcp help you in selecting Christmas gifts. s M u if N rendered with magjeal displays of beauty. It will be held at 7 o'clock Monday evening. There will be pretty and in teisting Cristms orvice at St. .Jarnc Lutheran turch Ttoy evfc ii. Crjp o'clock. Ihre will be a good program f music, recitation, tableaux etc. rendered ithe Auditorium ftli church, commend at G:C0 sharp; after which the school Vvill march down to the lecture room when a Chrisdrnasj n re ana treat win await :neir pleasure. its' wonderful growth and pro- Wcodhoiise, Nevin Fetzer, Nan. Igress, and its unequalled attrac- nie CrowJl. tionsan account of location, na- lor Progress Eutrone Sher- tura resources, etc., or tho rili, Frank Cline. Ross Cannon, 4 publication of a great newsi Monday, Jnniary 7th,lP01. L - - . I Kuthei,fpv!,"n J."'! DcI'vlry. TheNws h6pes on its own account, and on account of its city and state and section thatH ! Bryan will give tiiis propo- "f V1 r-f tri I Ihonritnn -i! e U 1 . , - 1 - .. .v . v. unui siiiou iuvuriiuie cuiihiuei anon, - A Rutherferdtoi) special of the ' :;i'Pd to tho ".ar1 says there .va.j a jail delivery on ' nvin.rlnt.tp Ws Friday night at thnt place. Five prisoners escaped. The jailor! . . . ' t 4. waked in time to save some of Prayer 1S a Private key to the his birds". Kingk chamber .Ram's Uorn comes but once a year and if you don't get your share it shall not be out fault. We propose to take" Stock Pooemoer 26th, rajn shirle, sick or well, and in order to make stock taking as light as possible we will make you PRJCES on all kinds of Furniture, eveu a : ; Star Leader Gook Stove, ' do, ve think we have the best in the town. Cor; :;r.d ' GOODS that are arriving daily ' "We are yours, wishing to. Ve onVianta Claus, 9 RstvL 0 &