-3 i cbNCOKi). N. V. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, ., 1900. Pnicjji: 84.00.per yea. COPY'ii CEXTff. I'l FA 32 II A" IlEUMlW. II r. and Mrs. G. Ritchie Brins 'ty'ttIuT Their Close EWl Relations in a Gnu f east Day!. .My. and MrG E Ritchie Jad a family reunion cm Wednesday the 2Cth at thtur honia in No. 0. It was a very pleasant occasion and will bo long remembered. They had every living descend aDt, five sons anil five daugh ters, (having, lo5t but -one chili .by death)- and fourteen grand childrenv together with the:r pastor. Rev. S D Stelley -and wife, and Rev. Mr. Steffey's father and .mpther, also Capt. and Mrs. .William Plopst, Mrs. Propst and Mr. "Ritchie being the only surviving members of their parental home, and J D Barrier who with Mrs. Ritchie a.re the only survivors of their mother's family. A well laden table throe times imparted it bounties to the aged, the youiig and the juveniles, till all 'had eaten to the fill. Later Mr. Jno. J Cook took a picture of the group of all tire families clustered as well as could be ar tranged together with.the invited guests. . .The bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. John L Ritchie received the congratulations on their ar rival and Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie at the parting, for it was theirs to look benignly on children arrd children's children all pies-, ent and in the enjoyment' of usual health. It was especially gratifying to theuTto call 'about I them all to whom the cords of sanguine relationship bind most closely 1 feast them at their own boanl and hear, extend and receive the effectic te greet-'little iugs. The cksing .part of the day's enjoyment was the baptism cf the-infant children 6f Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'J Ritchi? and Mr. 'and Ms. Jno. AV Cress, followed by aif address by Pastor Steffey apprjpvi;o to tho occasion andj ending with a fervant prayer for heaven's continued blessings on the parent couple and their en- .cirling posterity from whoso entire ranks death has taken but two. & The Carncn L'urst. . . Master Frect Host met with a 'and financiallye quipped to.look very painful, though not serious, 'out for whatever avemfesmay accident on Chrlstmufc day. A 'open to him. number of small boys in the mim. . lower piirt of the city manufac- 'fJt,t(:i 0vor vlnUt turedtheL4.:elves a cAiinon out! , e, . i , , j After a s:ege of five weeks by Aof woctl and filled it with pow- , , , . . r T TT . T , t 1 blood poison Mrs. J II Mason der and Master Frd touched the , , . , , , m has so larrecov-: :"' a.? o be able fu5 wStli a malcli ul before Lc . A ccmldgetouitcftho wsv ihe can- ! non ourst, lining nis lace luil of powuer. . Cii WeJu iX3 spent moot of the r.cv.:':::: with the doctor, Wno was picking tho powder Cnrj , ;y we.!!. FULLED li!)lt Wmi llffAlX. l un Robert )Tallei' breefli Pin Flies Out From (Tun ur.il lantees In his Skull Above tfee Eye. Robert, the 12-y ,w r old son of JMr. Thomas Waller, met with a very serious accident Monday afternoon while hmfting larks, . and incidoutaly proved himself a lad of rare ner.ve and presence of raind. While snooting his gun the breech phi flew out. striking the lad just above the rigUteye. The wound made in the skull was two inches long and a half Inch wide. The boy pluck ilv pulled the breech pin out of his brain him self, Professional assistance .was secured and when last heard from the patron', vas doing well. Salisbury Trurh Index. . - . n Vtvfa Jlisci'oaul. Wo learn that between Satur- j v 0 j , o some xme succeeded in getting .the keys to all the doors to. Mr. L D Coltrane's new house on South Union street and took them away. IJeiug all mortice locks n necessitated the tedious, task of opening every outside door with skeleton key. Fortunately the inside doors were not locked. It put Contractor. Propst to decided inconvenience and the cost of new locks and is a strik ing example of wanton or ma licious mischief and deserves punishment that will carry a les- son with it .when tho miscreants .re, found out, p1 lhllt 1d'0Q Wo tyre glad to loarn that the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J E Smoot jxp'uiionced no seri ous result's from eating poison in Salistury. Drs. L'ong and Brown arrived 'promptly .and washed out the sto'nach sp thor- oughly that the systcm.co.uld not absovb the poison-and the child was saved. i Tries for Fortune In Texas. .lr. Jno. P Cox, son of Mr. J. IM Cox, of No. 9 township, left i today (Thursday) for Dallas, Tcas, to tr his fortune in ihe creat south west. Ilfl is educate! . - J? . . to come cxv.f r.a.rs to hS , , i ,. , , iuoa is. xno ii i ma wnicn ,.-,,, ,. , . sui'ercd tl:rt -'-! '-.o-rie attack is yet too rnucn a.i:.:i( a io use the pen, Ijiie v, orn ; down, her let- to her n d with the "neglected twin." TURKISH BARBARITY. GreeK Worshippers Attacked and Go town With Iheic Bumiiipt Church. A Vienna dispatch of the20th tells of a mQSt savd??e acl by tho j urks at liinia. South West Turkev. near the Adriatic sea in which worshipping GrceTism were attackr-U and. the church j( . .1.-11 ,1 .1 . 1, burned While the helpless vie - a i 1 i ii I .... urns meet to escape uio names they were stoneel and-stabbed. Twenty are'said to have burned with the building while many were wounded. Chailotte lias Touglis At an . early hour Tuesday morning, Mr. David Ilolobaugh was fourid wandering about in Sovorsville, a subnrb of Char lotte. His face was-.ba'dly bat- tered find he was in a" da'zed con dition, unable to give an account of himself. He was brought to his home in tho city. .Later Mr, Holobaugh revived and gave an account of his experience, to'the best of his recollection. After getting his wagosMonday night 4 in paper and a silver dollar ho started home. On North Poplar street, he was accosted by an Unknown man, who knocked him down, b5at him in to insensibility, and got his money. It seems that after tho encounter Mr. Holobaugh wan dered off in an effort to reach his home and was found .in Severs ville. There is no clew to his assailant, At 4 o'clock yesterday morning Mr. John McFadyeii was found hat less with his sloevcs i oiled up and his face bloody, by Ser geant Baker, in Ward 4. Mr. McFadyt-n said that ho had boon waylaid by three men; that they gavo him a stiff fight, but that he finally whipped all tbroo and saved Ins mouey. lie ocye se vere marks of tho battle. Tho men .who assaulted himworo nbt captured. Observer of 27 TTie Gambling Instinct in the Indian. A Pomona, California, lotter to the Chicagq Record gives, an insight to the gambling instjnets of the Indians of "that region. The recklessness of tho red skins is truly astounding and standsas a hindrance to missionary work ftmongtheif). Think of a mis sionary educating them and In ducing ithemto accumulate the various articles for domestic comfort andadvancement in civ- ilization when lo, they pack.up evervestigo ot tJjeir belongings j and-go out on a camp gambling Jll . ! I'll :i 1 . . : 1 . 1 expemiion iiju, mey loose an luey bavt or win all that some other tribe has. The gambling goes on as Igng as there is anything to win or loose. Gambling is said to be the last'instinct, character istic that cannot bts overcome in j fhosfl Tnrlinns n.rtrl it, hinrts tlnm i : I down to pepQtual degradation. J FRESH LINE 'OF. i . NlCE . CANDIES ' ) ALSO NICE FRE&I I Summer Cheese. AT g.' JERVIirS 1 I I Of f li e season i and customers, we wish- you all. a Merry christ-ma and a most prosperous rTe vv Year and or n y il'u Lb 1 flii NiO comes but once a year and if you don't get your share it shall not . bc-our fault. We pfoposi) to take Stock Docomorr Tfth, rain . . . . . fihine sick or well, and in order to make stock takinir r.s light as possible wo will make you Plil'CLS on all kinds of FSrtfhrc, ev-.v.i Star Leader Cock Stove, anJ jf yOQ wont t d think we havo tho ;t, GOODS that are arrivins: dailv. We are yours, wishing 4 REMEMBER ttial the Concord. tosir: Lf .,,nni,fv Works btill have the doixrtrtnnt J Oieunins: anl D.cii:sr, ux.Jl i- ! -t J- pawd thim etf iu that, line. Cur c-'etn-iug is doL. thoiuiigLl ttiii uu leientiffcal.'y. ouxt pit;ci:s akr as follows Coat & Vet-t OleSr, ed aui i'resst4 '.75 PaiT f Pjnta " lt Or Whole Halt ' , " l(j( An Overfloat . " " t'O.vJ Ladies Skirts ' ' CO to l.f) Suits Dyed aud Vi essod Pauts " 1.00 Skirts " A t(f 1.50 Prices on any otlier ciiicl , s iul meniion wnrne givon ""Jl plication. 'Also. rt'inembrM' that 25 per cent, mscou'iil isKj:ovvd on ail DywoiT. CTvo nr; i- t;";-;l. 'Concort Steam Landry & Dye v. I ii lib to our frieiiu s century fS fi m KM ii SU.ilJ.lVT', and ofcMurse you he tf wn ((iino anJ sc? 6ur row tele ycur'-K t&yJ.