r 4 . '. - ; feS .-in pi '. a & m il m B i p I- j' 1 r 1. 9 i.i : t ft f; 1-. i 15 Ml I Prtck:'-v.00 per year. . On Chrhtinas ev at 7 o'clock Mr. Walter Deal claimed as his bride Miss Fcivl, t lio popular aud only daughter oi Mr. F W Bosc, of China Grove. , The cere rnoay was jwrfortned by their pastor, Kev. Mr. Wert, iu St. Marks E. L church. ' The attend ants wore. Mr. T G Furr, M iss Dora Beit, Mr. Pleas Ktchie, Miss I-ffie GoodajhD, 3Ir. Le Kankin, Miss Eunice Itaker. The ushers were Messrs Ives, Litakor and Chas. Lyerly. Mifrs Ma ttie Holin jesided at this orr,ari, A rc.iption was held at the home of the bride's f f iber after the c!r;mony. Both Mr. rind ilrs. Dull are popular young people Dd -the oumerou.-. btiu?l pn-rvU .re coivtd by i hem atv . t th ; ;.v p )pu larity. Flurvd. U( fi-.'. n ;tib. Cf.ib. N. 0., :'vi. 31, i 901. TJioR Aanio Hil io o, .s ho has boon ..iet,d'iifr CncUt:. a . here i lOW, v r'Oyd . re- i i. : - wi t ad- loru ... ',,Ji. J.i v nn. jj . 3'I'g "joirr ';.( cunt- loi U i. h&:i -fn at ':J rover, 3. C. CiV -l. 8.rvis, of Orroiu; r..u.iV'' t,:.vl:iy If take i'j is pi..u e. The i I.'i . 't'z) j' hrfre lad a voi'y ni.-o (.h ' i! a a.- ire?, ao Mr. Join Tviet,e's Tnarsd;;y.v The ibv ;as uafav'orable, bit- the sell or llnrs rdl ad . a nice, time. Y iitti ) chap big enough' to .. gk ';, a pole.') o! oranges) can Kitjf anU rpplc.s. '? Mr. J uiie? 7)ay vault vbr had his bro her C.ai'!es helpi Mir tbrouf, i Crvri: tiva5: week in m has h i n iiv'tv. : Mr. WH Cunn-.ond, tho dog trainer, wtc- visits here every yew, will lei vc for Florida' in a iawdrys. . Io likes a wart a cli- Llrf . OMiioM, who has ouite iici for soma timo, 3 bei ter tc lav. Th:re t:.s less hunting this Chrif.trr.j i in this county' than J I . w Mexican war veteran and I :-.. i s B, y :e returj ei to- j , rninent editor writes: "See- cey o h r f'boo! after loving!1" - the advertisement of Chain . ' ' jb .lam's Colic, Cholera and SJ.G1 a -.veek at home. , ,rrhoea Remedy, I am re- V 'ohn Litaker. vl j hb . m'' ided that as a soldier in ieei nnplr.yod by the Cannon Mf.i.ufavtiritig Co., - turned hcrio tulay. R. tpMM. - ' WiiC'U a n i.u "vaut to s.i'ji, ' ay his ife v'" e r,ew ;;?utH is I Randknnifl Token of AnnrRnlAtinn. 1 1 - ' The Concord Telephone Com pany gave each of its regular employees a $5.00 gold piece this morning as, a token of apprecia- tion and esteem. It was a hand - some way of starting the new year. Albino Bird. xMr. W L Holland, of No 2 township, reports to us sone thing of a color freak in a rkht white robin that he observed with a flock of its kind of rdi- nary hues. He did not crpture it. It was most probably an ai bino of the feathered tri Pebbles From Itocky Ilyer. Bosts,Mill, New Yer Day, 1902. Dr. Bailey, specialist of nervous diseases in tie city of plate man,lfactureroBrooklyn,on North Union, street. There who have been withour master. were about fifty boys and girls, hunter, Mr. T E Srrith, here forN a week left for their respective ; homes Tuesday niht. They are lavish in their praise of Mr. M L Bost and Ms Pky Pivcr com murtity as a plac.to ri'crcate and gather the wealh of real hp-y-iness. We learn tliit tlifl Post. Mill conr?;atioi) is quii.o iloix ed virli t'u (ir m vT pastor, the Kev. : Mr, I." ic's'uis. !..-.;!;.... 'vr, -HV .bik:,- o; j.opular v j - 1 -r - ,.t5 8Cson and hopes at un j earl.duy to eo; i.t:rr:, a :ird Jfor; - 'ltho i est;' e has n wt.it.iug. Our frlfend, Jackson Little, is not developing much skill in the science 0f hunting and we fear he will never be a success at that as he is in merchandising. Mr. Sam Dixou, from Little ton, ( N. C, is visiting here and is qute a charmed and charming guest. - '' ; , The Poles are being erected for' a telephone line from Con cord to the Phoenix Mine. In the near future it will link us on ton and wo can "hello" you at - 'ill. ! Jar iachelor friend, Mr. Tom Tost, his his new department to tne taujiy uwouiug finished and the family will move into it. Then the present residence will be torn away and rebuilt in con nection with the new, forming a ! most elegant country mansion. v e are sorry to say that Mr. John Bost's health is very deli ral i. lint nf nn InirP5isp nf II Is IVnsfon. .Mexico n '47 and 48 I contracted Mercian diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from gett ing an increase in my pension for on every renewal a dose of it restores me" It is uneaualled , i , ire for diarrhoe and ' ;. pit 't.-.u . nd safe to take. For CONCORJ. N. C, VniDNJOSDY JAN. "T Mif and .Mrs, Hambj's Watch Party. Mr. Hamby, the boss dyer at dell's, and Mrs. Hamby enter- ined about thirty invited guests lat , supper Tuesday night and ! held a watch partv at which thev saw the cycle of 1901 sweep by ' and that of 1902 glide in. We J are told that it was neatly done witnout a jar or creair, or. even a vacancy of timo between. It was a pleasant social event and as far as we know was the principal i watch party of the town. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Fink Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. J C Fink enter tained the Forest Hill Young j People's Missionary Society, un der, the guidance and care of Mrs. Fink, and the Sunday 'school class taught by Mr, Fink, happy and sweet as the candy they pulled in the old fashioned way. It was the climax of happiness for the gocd old year. Saved His Life. 'I ish lo say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes H 0 Chrestenson of Hay Held, 'Minn. "For three years I Avas troubled with dys pepsia, so that I could hold noth- jing on my stomach. Many times 1 would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally I was contiued to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it lit 103 tasi and commenced its use. I beg. in to improve -from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to all." Di gests your food. Cures all stomach troublos. Gibson Drug Store.. The Chinese Government wants to hlre an American adviser at a salary of $15,000 a year. Ilere is achance for some North Carol inia editor who would like to take a rest. Wil mington Star. There are Some Simple Remedies indispensable iu any family. Among these, the experience of years assures us, shot Id be re corded Painkiller. For both in internal and external applica tions we have found .it of great value; especially can we' recom mend it for colds, rheumatism, or fresh wounds aid bruises. Cbr stian Era. Avoid substi tutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis', Price 25c. and 50c. If a white man is appointed in his place even the democrats down here will rejoice at the promotion of Dancy. Durham Herald. 1 Twenty-Five Pisces Fcr 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundrv 25 nieces j such as Fil V A- low Cases, Sheets, fToweif!-, Nap-1 , kins and Handercl fc 9,n Not more ih&n 8 sleets to be in each lot. Tablt Cloths aud Si)reads in with the above will 1 T 1-1 iJ TVT i 1 be 5 and 10c eacli No starch will be put in any of the above mentioned. We are vours to please, Concord Steam Laundry. 1 19 2 When using baking . powder it is always econ omy to buy the Royal. Royal makes the finest, most wholesome and de licious food. THE ORIGINAL Guaranteed Patent Leatnw Shoe. HaTO you ever tried thubhoe?.- Ihl8 18 the bebt . dre Shoe on the market today and costs vou less than any good Patent Leather Shoe you can buy, Snow's Guaranteed Patent Shoes Just at this season when new resolves, etc., are in order it will be to your inter est to visit our Shoe Department and learn to your entire satisfaction that we carry the most complete and up-to-date line of Shoes in the city at from 25c to $1 less than you have heretofore been' paying" for Shoes Not So Good and then resolve not to buy Shoes again until you have? given us a look. CHOOL Do you have to buy,, again before the children start to school? Hiere are no better Shoes than the brands we carry. Size 9 to 12 at 75 cents and : LOO. Size-13 to 2 at 1.00 and 1.25. 5 - These are the most servicable School Shoes oil the market. For any kind of a Shoe you may want we are the people to see. o We Told A M s-1 TT n 4 I I TT 1 V vrf X -0 TTN11 j our friends that, have taken advantage of our closing out $ 33 sale you are missing the chance of your life. Jan. 1st we lij move. Wh expect to make everything in our store move if m jiossible befuro that time. Oh, 5!! WE ARE SELLING STUFF Your Christmas Presents we m Pro-,ents big, little and middlo (M and hear rices that you will K! Concord at the . i 33 oil cfe; KM I Hit m ,. -TNOL COPY . 5' Cl,Vo.V Leather $4.00. S A You So! m m HA rf-A -P 4 V y-x wt n C ye bargain hunter, hear ye. TO BEAT THE BAND. 2? m m M are in the swim ah kinds of wj sized. Come, take a look m not likely hear soon again in .1(4 3E3Cxrris : 1 ft MM If i i -1 ( 4 ' vjle uy m L, iviarsn uruggist. o 1 V i jr

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