L 4. X X 2.J. F etzeVs 'Drug -Store. ; concord, n. c. For Holiday.. Gifts Presents our stock is large and complete. Beautiful goods in Cut Glass, Prorated China, Wedgewood & (laMto Wares, Leather Goods at.t' Novelties.. We invite your insp-.ction and take pleasure , in showing our goods. Beautiful good3 and low prices will surely at tract your attention. e resists w .. .. JKJflL AND OIHRWISE. M Hi i ji.i . Mr, j D Leritz is spending the day n Mooresville. . 'j llrs. H E Gibson went to Sal isbury this morning. ... : ; Christmas Cards and Booklets, at Fetzer's Drug Store. Mr. J. C. Wads worth returned from "a business trip this morn- fi r - i "'s i -.1 t'' ""3 ! .' r i ; Out Glass and Wedgewood W ire at Fetzer's Drug Store. Miss Willie Cress and friend of China Grove, are visiting in tb.3 city. A beautiful line of Decorated Camps at . . .. . ' Fetzer's Drug Store. Miss Ada Boykin left today for Charlotte to visit Mrs. Jno. Yorije. Buautiful line of Hand Painted Plaque's, 10 and 25 cents, at , s Fetzer's Drug Store. ' Dr. and Mrs. R. S Young, are spending the day in Charlotte. They will return tonight. , . y Miss Mary Ella Cannon re turned, Tuesday, to Randolph Mucon College after spending iho holidays at home. . . ,.:,)', , . . f't lli, . f. 4 '' V,. -'. - ' ' "L idies' Pocket - Books, new tj )s, in Alligator, Seal and Un dressed Calf, oX, .v Fetzer's Drug Store. Miss Mary Hendrix, who spent the holidays 1 at home, left 'for McLeansville this morning where she teaches school. .' music in the high -HVr useful, ornamental and iheap articles for Holiday Pres; nis go to ;. t r Fetzer's Drug Store. Mrs:JrI Odell Js spending the c ay iii Ch arlotte. . :t Mr. J W Cannon returned from Piiladelphia this morning. r Mrs. WtH Branson is spend ing tb day in Charlotte. J'Mr,i? V Hasliey of Charlotte, was atthe St. Cloud Tuesday nifcni.' -'. " t,Mr, A! D Walling, of Passiac, N. Yi, was m the city Tuesday n'ght. L, , '.-'., .Baled Hay and Straw, also cotton. seed feed for sale at W M Thompson & Go's.' ; ; l-3t. ' Mrsf h'Lt Ludwig left for -Sal isbury this morning to visit rela tives, j T ' ' Mrs. M C Medlin, of Charlotte, came in this morning to visit rel atives' and friends. I Mr .0 W Dry, of Dry's Mill, spent (Tuesday night in Concord returning home today. Mr !.. Julia West, of Forest Hill, left this morning for Salis- ouryJ vish inenas Mrj F Dayvault is off again and wi l soon give us fresh as surance oi good steak and roast. Mr1, p W Tillett went to Con cord,' yesterday cn a business trip.Charlotte Observer of 1st. Good evening! The Standard wishes its friends and subscri bers a pesperous and merry new ye.ir. , MiM.Ed L Ritchie, of. Govern, wnokma now -recoverea xrom a long series of bickness was in tbe'i ity: tdday. '.vu:rr::-r r I M W A Dayvault moved to day pom West Corbin street in to hU splendid new . house on Soull Union street: ) V-V- 1 Mr aud Mrs. Jno. E Casper after spendiug thq holidays with homo people near;. lyew London retained Tuesday. Ml Mr. R A Brown returned from Norfolk Tuesday night," where he -d a herd of cattle procured in 'jison county. Ar. Robert Walthz.ll returned Tuesday night from Farmville, Va. Mr. where he has been spending ral days with his mother. W R Bar ringer, of Salis bury, and Miss Mary Jane Cook oflNo. 5, will be married this kjhing attthe hore of the bride 'diss Lizzie Hemphill returned Ttesday night; from Morganton vjiere she spent , thes holidays th home people. , - , ,,,!.... Mrs. M A Boger, who has been siting hec parents, duringt the lidays near Georgeville, left wis morningforher honoin 'emarle. ,- -,.i,-f .. . .ir Mr. and Mrs, Ed Caster, who ave been visiting nome ioiks lere for the past few. days, left his morning for their home, at igh Pointy . . . : . v v-. i v - .... i Prayer meeting for Central Methodist Congregation will be: at Mr. Penick - Query!s,; on, Spring street, .tonight instead of at Mr. McKennie's as appointed. Mrs, J P Allison went to Char- ; ?XrJZZZ 1 The Rev. Thomas Kluttz, who C 3 n l"ra sVLuuJhas been visiting relatives in No.' il Tuesday night for Cleveland, .0., Those who . are jk0Ufed, the St. Cloud today arft; U H B i Davis, of Nash vHH Funches,"of ,VfmcyMs J K Link, of Salisbury, O U VIvA liff, af Gainville, Ga,, i4 A W Butterworth, ol PhUJftJihia, -:7t Miss' Rosa. Mund,' who, ts em ployed as stenographer in Hick ory, will leave tomorrow, (Thursday) to resume her work after spending the holidays with home folks. We wish Miss Rosa a prosperous year. , , . --o ,. -. SaTes Two Froin Death. 'Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,'! writes Mrs. W K Haviland. of Armonk, N. Y., 'but wheu all otherrerae dies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our neice, who 'had Consump tion in an advanced - stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield io Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medi cine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Fet zer's Drug Store. Trial bottles free. "Sometimes we only see the worst side of a man becausei his wife gets the best of him." An KrubgelistV Story 'I suffered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble, and tried, various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief uiv til I commenced usi .g One Min ute Cough" CureT 'writes" Rev. James Kirkman evangelist of Belle River, 111. "I have no hes itation in recdoVmenaing it fb all sufferers from pialadies of this affords One Mipute Cough Cure immediate relief for coughs, colds and all. kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is unequalled. Abso lutely safu. Very pleasant to take, never fails and is really u favorite with the children. They like it. Gibson Drug Store. "When a man makes a mis take he usually looks about for the fellow who is to blame therefor." Health aud. Beautj.. . . A poor complexion -is usually the result of a torpid liver or irr regular taction of the- bowels. Unless nature's refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure biood..r -Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow,; This- is na ture's1 method of throwing off the prisons, w.bJch the, . b6wels , failed Early Risers are -world famous for ' remedying this , condition Thev stimulate the liver .and. pro- " - - v - . - . mote regular, and healty, action. of the -bowels but never cause riping,' . qramps ,or, distress; Safe pills.T Gibson Drug .Store. "The fellow who .agrees , with everybody Soon finds that ho has acquired a reputation for being level-headed." evening. LillST P Vfl - h aU- arvOT ni crw strayed from mv stable Doc. 2tsffl Liberal reward' for their retiurq to F B McKinnie. d&w. tf. Miss Hama Kime returned Mtij Amoena Seminary; today ai ter speneing the holidays" wit iier sister here. ' Deputy C H Peck and Mr. W D. Foil look Mr. Walter B Fisher, to enter unon his work in con nect with the Salvation Army. s Miss Cora Collins, of Ashe ville, who is the popular guest of Mrs. B M Collins on South Spring street, is spending the day in Salisbury, She will re tWn tonight. .'. The church bell of Grace-Mission church; Rev.' J Ph. Schmidt to Morganton this (Wednesday) pastor, rang , put, the- old: year morning , to the hospital. Our thanks are offered to Mr. W W Stuart of the Cannon & Fetzer Company for two copies of their 1902 calendars. They are very pretty. One represents a sweet little girl playing hide and seek with hjjr pet lamb and the other is a barn yard scene of mare and colt and cow and calf new year compliments. .passing and ransr in the new jast nignt, It gave us all a chance to shake off slumber for a moment and greet 1902. A very well written batch of locals have come to us from Glass that can't find their way in type. However innocent items njay seou an editor will find his foot into it all too soon at pub lishing anonymous matter. We arc All Familiar with the deep, ' hoarse bark, grimly, , called "a graveyard cough." ,It Js the cry. of the tor-, turned Jungs for mercy. Give them mercy in the form of Al len's Lung Balsam,' a remedy for pulmonary trouble, so highly es teemed ,tnat, it is recommended even jn the earlier stages of con sumption, ' . In the later, stages of consumption. , - In r the later stages mortal skill is unavailing, Nobody can afford,. to negleqt.a cold. ; ' ' " . ' ; : 8t V. iF j ; il' 1 ' 375 1 ft a 0 0 0 o y Ladies Oxford Suits worth , 5.00 V . for ' , ( V Ladies' fine Veiietiau Suits worth' 10.00 7 fZf W it for ' . .OU 0 v O y Fine Fleeced Vests worth 50 cents each y for , ' yf Pants same price. U 8. y Good Heavy Vests for !. 'Pants at same price. 1 lot of light colored Outing worth 10 and M 8 cents yard for Y " 3756S 25c CANNON FETZER COMPANY, A Cutting Affair! We've been engaged in the fiercest price-cutting event in our history literally cutting the heart out of prices. ' We are bound to start 1902 With a Rush of Trade. . : . . . . .. . That's why we're closing out all seasonable goods, makihg room for spring arrivals. ' ' ' Stovss arid .Fu rnitu re M ust Go. GRAf EI BIOS. WE Yocm Furniture and Stove ' WANT trade and must have it if selling goods cheap mear: things 'rWiJiayeia nice assortment 'and i until ;we can get our stock reduced we will cut the pripcou everything-: -o- 7.J Split Botton Chairs, a set $2.00, J CaueiBottom Chairs, a set $2.50 mice High Back Diners, " $3.50 Cobl en Rockers , ... XJ3ix No. 7 Cook Stoves, $7;5Q No,8JCook Stoves $10.00 Bed Room Suits, 20x24 Mirrori . i'. i v $10.50 Job Couldn't IlaTe Sfod It. If he'd had Itching Piles. They're :erribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. Por In juries , Pains or Bodily Erup tions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box- Cure guaranteed. Sold by Fetzer's Drug Store. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! New Furniture Store. Next door to J. P. Allison P. & C E. Stoudemire Subscribe for The Stand ard-35-cents. per month-