' v , ; : v.i Price : $4i00 per year. , ONCOIU), N. 0. V EDNESD AY JAN. 8 1 9 2 -Single copy 5 cents. 9 1' w9 t 1 1 FARMING IN THE SOUTH. ."Old Fogy" Has Some Up to-Date Mef s on Farming and Pens Them Dowu Thines to Be Considered and . Plans Suggested. (CONTINUED FROM YESTERDAY.) The average production of cot ton is one bale to hree acres or one third of a bale tp the acre. The average price of cotton this season is about $36.00 a bale--one-third of that $12. fo. Now estimate the cost of producing it fertilizers, say $2.00 an acre, labor 5.00, picking $2.00, in mng and packing ($ balg) ou cts, bagging and rinnf anri tioc Tnr cn mn ST7 lUw UUU fclV-k) A W A hJ l I w- 25 cts. Now sum up and we have $9,75, leaving $2.25 to cover cost of pjow, teatn wear and tare of implements, blacksmith tbill aDd rent of one acre of land, to say nothing of one's super vision, worry, etc. Can any one see any profit in that ? Bnng up the yield to half bale per acre the only items of ex pense increased are the picking $1.00, ginning,, etc., 30 , cents, bagging and tis cents,, in all $1.42, whereas th increase in valuo of half a bale oyer one third bale is $6.00. and we have to profit account $5.83 in place of $2.25.' !" Now let the yield' be one bale per acre. ' which can easily be done, and the expense accour.fc will be $15.25 and the value uf cotton 36. 0, $20575 to protit account. JtidiVJUg , Notice hoxt rapidly the profit increases with productiveness of land. The lesson is, don't "cultivate poor land. J3ow it in grain if you choose, put it in -grass, or turn it out to sedge and pines, but do not cultivate It iij plowed and hoed crops. You will have your labor and trouble for naught. Good cultivation is as essential a factor in making good crops as is land. The soil must be deeply broken and frequently stirred. This cannot be done with poor, weak stock. If you have sucn get rLi of it, it will not pay the cost of. feeding. Better trade off and get o smaller number and cultivate less land. So, iijshort of provisions it is also better to reduce number of stock. A well fed animal will do much more work than a half starved one. When feed is scarce it is decided- ly better to be understocked than overstocked. There is scarcely a farmer in th$ country that would not be betteroff by con tracting his operations, reducing acreage to hik.best land a'n'd t!ng down expenses at "every point. "Especially is this impbr tarit when'casli in Hand Is short. Working oh credit has brought endles woe tothe farmers of the South. A farmer in debt and wording on "b6rr6wed capital is very'much like an animal bogged in the mire every move that he makes tends to sink him deeper and deeper; contraction is the plank to bring him out. Another thing that must be considered in planning for the year is the matter of labor. Can you get it ? Can you control it ? Can you rely on it ? The answer to these questions will vary more or less in different localities Taking the country at large, we are led to believe more and more labor is being diverted from the farms, that it is becoming more ' and more" unwilling to be bound by regular hours and to, be n eld to steady work. Farmers should riot close their eyes to these signs of the times. It is unwise to risk 'much on ventures that call for much labor. for much labor. Our true , policy ' fs, .first to contract, es- peciaiiy as regards those crops 1 1 . J A. - 1 A ? 1 A- chine for hand labor' wherever practicable; third, to substituta manure for labor as far as it can be safely done. Instead of cul- tivating one hiyidred aCros, cul- ttvate" fifty acresnd try to mak as much from tbe fifty acres by ,. rt -v ' - . applying to them manure pur chased with ' the money that would be required to hire labor and get' the other appliances re quisite to cultivate the other fifty acres. That is what is meant by substituting manure for .'abor. Old Fogy. , Organ Church, Jan. 1st, 1902. Man DIES IN THE OMNIBUS. Mr. Harry I), Smith, a Travelis Stricken With HeartDiseaffe Jfeggei Away as He Nears the SU Cloud. Mr. Harry D Smith, ot New, , . -i , i , '- York, came in on the .delayed ' i train Tuesday night. While riding up in Brown Bros.' 'buss he was suddenly stricken with heart disease. The porter dis covered something wrong as Mr. Smith leandd over and seemed asleep. The porter's suspicions were aroused and he attempted to wake him but found him un- conscious. Being near the St. Cloud he quickly obtained help and Dr Arehey was called in but fouud nothing to be done, Mr. Smith was dead. It was not his lirsj attack and to friends who knew him well tho stroke was much less sur prising than sad. The body was taken charge of undertaker Bell and it is in the parlor of the St. Cloud hotel. Mr. Smith was some 55 or J more years ol'd. tfhe following telegram was received at 1 p. m. today: "Have body embalmed and laid out. Either.brother Tom or myself will go, to Cotfcord. Jno.'B Smith.". Jfear-Admiral Sclriey Appeals to tho President. Rear-Admiral Schley has had a hearing by- President Roose velt with regard to the decision of the' court of inquiry, He asks the President7 to reverse the find ings, and it seems presents phases of injustice-to him not before visible to the President. He left the President satisfied with the interview. Write tbls uown in the book or memory: there IS NO SUCH THING AS A HARM LESS cough. Every cough is a warning of a confidence that goes from bad to worse unless it is remedied r ght away. Opium laden medicine is a delusion. Allen's Lung Balsam cures the worst of colds. It clears the bronchial passages, so that the lungs get plenty of air. Why not get a bottle today ? HANDSOME DONATIONS TO DAVID- SOX.. Mrs. J. vt. Odell and Mr. P. II. Fetzer Each Endow a Scholarship. J As a part of the good results from the visit of Dr. Menry Louis Smith to Concord, Mr. P B Fetzer tendered to him the en- dowment of a scholarship to the it with While telling O ladness- Mrs J 0de11 promptly tendered a like dona tion njt honor ofer father, the late i W Allison, Esq. Dr. Smith gratefully "accepted tbem and tbey are ow a pan of the . , endowment of Davidson College, . e The suiri f each is $1,000. Six to Hanff In One Daj. Governor Aycock has set Wednesday, February 26, as tho xor U1 cuuuu ui mauiui- inals. The cases have all been carried to Supreme Court. and pew trials' have been refused. Four of thorn are tire 'Emma burglars, near Asheville; ode is Andrew Jackson, the Lincoln - f- , Rose, the Wilson county burglar. . . , , ' It. ic eairi that, twn nf t.np K.mma . i t m- . burglars stand some show for commutation of sentence to life imprisonment. - ' There is a movement" to, have Jackson's sentence c&mmuted probably from aversion o cap ital punishment alone, for !t is said to be a very aggravated case. Ho burglariz3d a homo in Lincoln county in which there wero (wo women only. When detected and they attempted to defend their hpmo and property ho fousrht them using a knife. One was severely wounded. He escaped aud was captured a year later. On tho -trial a child was show lit- to tho court with birth marks corresponding with it; mother's wounds. This being the case the Governor will hardly exercise clemency in the case. If troubled with a weak digestion, beiching, sour stom- or if you feel dull after, eating try Chamberlain's Stomach, and Li ver Tablet Price 2& cents Samples free at M TV Majsh's drug storA. MDdncord Thief CanghU Joe Brown, of Concord, was caught here Monday night. it, .i i ' Brown, who is a colored man, was wanted in Concord for larceny and an officer came up for him yesterday and returned to Concord with him. Salisbury Sun of 7th. Twenty-Five Pieces For 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundry 25 pieces, such as Pil low Ca.ses, Sheets, Towels, Nap kins and Ilanderchiefs, for 25c. Not more :han 8 sheets to be in each lot.' Table Cloths and Spreads in with the above will be 5 and 10c each. No starch will be put in any of tho above mentioned. We are yours to please, Concokd Steam Laundry. EX TRAOR OINARY IBARGAINS ALL OVER THIS STORE. First, last and all the time this is the store of the peo plethe great masses whose patronage goes where the best values are to be .had. The sole ower to draw crowus Heresies in tnte unuorraiy low prices tnat pre- vail for worthiest Qualities. widen our scope of business, oroauen our service. Un the '! s made here to ive our patrons better service and make ciiungtjs ium are uenenciai selves. N 3w comes a January. Sale thaf all humanity is interested in. Thisis. sale of dependable goods at real bargainlpnces. The 'goofte in our srtore look even better than they do on paper.'' " During the holidays' a great deal eai .of goods wey e somewhat soiled and wrinkled .in ecorating These goods go in his sale for less thn dec cost and ar,e as good as new. We have just purchased SAMPLF'GOOHS in Meri Wear at greatly reducedprices : Ten dozen ftjen's Wool' Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, rea .Yalue t00 per garment our special price ' ' 6ic . Twenty dozen Knit Undershirts, tbig vajiip, only ., . , 25c. SOXTLTlO Sox: Twenty dozen Sample Sox, io sen irom una tney reran at ana du cts in tins sale yCfnr choice of the high grado. sox at : r 25c IJaaJes, Hosiery Vithin a short timq the sales in our Hosiery Der)art jnenl; h"aye increased wonderfully and -we attribute the worthy quality to be the cause. ., tWte claim to "sell the best 10, 15 and z5 cent.hosiery to .be had and a visit to this store will provGour talks. , Special GO dozen chil dren's hose, extra heavy, at" m 10c One case of Misses double knee Hose, superibr quali ty, ' . " 124c. Fifteen dosen Ladies Sample Hose .at 15, 25 and 35c. that are worth doirble. The quantity is limited and will be picked over quickly.', And if moving tihlc O t 1 r Just Keen Coming ! wc will not have such a job after all. For thc"next few daysuntill, our new quarters are ready, we are going to make ' prices that will sell goods if low Prices Will Sell Them Thanking, you for past favor and asking you to pass over our mistakes whey, it's possible, wo will try and da better in the future. Again thanking you and asking you to call and see us wp arfi yoyrs to try to please, The. B611 &.Harris Fur." Co. Good Job Work ! R C substantiate this statement ft A with the real stuff, & t i 1 1 . w IQ say whether our uot; and if it is not X make it sc. We profit-a livingalso to do justice to S b our customers. W The Standard Job Office. $ We seelc constantly , to to enlarge our facilities and hrst ot each ' year an eflort to our customers, ana our- the very besl and selected SI, i-' s 9 is delayed much Ion; i r. and leave it to you ; i - ii 1 1 y. work is a!! right or we guarantee to ft are here to make a K

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