11 9 ; O ' ice: 4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY JAN. 9. 19' 2 4 -SlNGLB COPT 5 CENTS. MECKLEMBCRU MAN SUICIDES, Mr. Joliu M Henry HaiiRS Himself-Is iound ULIIe rulse Was Beating but, too Late. Mr. J M Henry took bfs own life at his home, on the Lawyers' road, three miles from Charlotte' jresterday afternoon, by hang ing himself to one of the rafters of his wagon shed at the Ibarn. Mr. Henry -left Hie house at 1$0 o'clock and went to tho barn. . His wife, wtyo wa in the house when he went out, tearing that j his signal but the incoming n; something might befall him, as'gineer of White Plains local he'Vas sick and crippled, fol lowed after him Vithin about 20 minutes. But she wag too latet for when she passed the main part of.the barn and looked under the wagonshtfd she beheld the lifeless body of her husband, dangling in the air. He had picked up a piece of old' plow line that lay in the back yard, gone to the shed, pulled up by the aid of his crutches to the hounds of the wagon that was j mere, tiea ine cora arouna me raster, then arpund his neck and jumped off. The toes of his shoes touched the ground. grourftl about where The they touched was marked as if thre had been the least bit ofa strug-( le for life afer the fatal leap was taken. When found the this m0rning beyond Mt. Pleas body was dressed as usual and ant jIe was on his way to Con. everything intact.. Death had COrdwith cotton and cotton seed come from strangulation. Mrs. Henry called to George Wilkes, and old negro mat!, who ' was passing, and he hurriedly cut tbo'rope and laid the corpsp i out on the ground. Though the body was still warm, the pulse .still beating death claimed his victim. Mr. Henry was 58 yaars old. He had married Miss Isenhour of Cabarrus. 'Charlotte Obser ver. . Tannery and Gin House Burned. Mr. W B Bradford learned thi? morning of the burning of the tannery nd gin tiouse of Brad ford & Sons, at. New Sterling, sixmiles from Statesville, The loss was complete as there was no insurance either on he building or contents. The firm's loss is estimated at 5,000. Charlotto,News of 8th. Col. W. J Bryan has decided to ' move into theCountry artd farm. A man who made $50,000 in one year lunning a weekly l'ypaper can afford to indulge in farmirig. Raleight Jf imes. The new Postmaster General began as dry goods clerk in a country store and the new Sec retary of the Treasury started as a peddler of fruit trees. This only shows that the avenue te ad ya- cement is still open to intelligent, hard working poor boys. Raleigh Times j RAILROAD DISAS LF.R IS NEW TURK i Eifteen Killed and JLgiy Injured by near haa Collision ,jn Tunnel Under i l'ark Arenue. A shocking" wreck occurred on . .5 . the Bti. in the New York Central Railroad tunnel that .borrow under Park Ajenue in which fif- teen people were killed- and and twa sraaU iildren were is creating a stir and why shouldn't if, because Gents" thirty or more W9re .njurea . barned to death.. The ffi0iel. Underwft Neckwear JIosiery and. Fancy Shirt .W The South Norvralk locaL wasaccidentally fel, ia the fir0.plac, j. fc sod J halted for some purpose and the clothi M and lh are glightl jled flr but d flagman p aced a torpo W flames tpeaa. deyinB the ' best ig tage , samiIethey have served .,,- failed to observe themhad went crashing into the rear of the motionless train. The engine iraiu. ine engma through more .than ploughed half the rear coach ,ch carrying tho mifortu- me uuioriu- death and injury to iiai pauger. . The scene was made thtomore. distressing by the fact that It. was in the tunnel where rescue was the more difficult .and the hissinsteam-frotn brgken pipes stilled some of, the fruitlesscries . TWengineer 6f th-5. ihtomALg. train, JM Wischois believed to kQ resposible for the calamity. Uurt in a 1J una way. We 'learn that Mr. Jno. 4 'Shoe" Barringer was sharply, though e hopo not seriously hurt, early when his ,team took fright and , ran aayj by wll5ch he suffcred injury. Pojr Abuscl Friday. J ' . respectable a day as any. other of the week, butgivo a day or i dog a bad name and it is done for forfcver. Friday has been so long discriminated against as haegsman's day that it Is no wonder that the women folks (and some men) have come to re'gard it as tho unlucky day. When a man is so unlucky as to be sentenced to be hanged, straightway liis execution is set for a Friday and his ignominay attaches itself to that day. Poor Friday, it needs the rest that Governor Aycockhas given it in putting the six execution that are to occur on one day on Wednesday. Monroe Journal. Mr. It K Blair a Broker. Messrs R K Blair and M C Sims, have gone into the broker-jsPare( age bjsiness. The firm will 1 have an office in Blair Bros. & ' Co's drug store. Charlotte News. "Winter Homes in Summer Lands." The above is the title of an at tractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the bouth. A copy may be se cured by sending a two-ent stamp to S HHardwick, G. P. A. Washiogton, D. C. WINSTOJI SALEJl KEWS. j Mother and Two Small Children Burned . want The I'residentat Crtitennial. A Winston-Salem special of the fith to the Krws and uhspr- " ver says: Near yjfr.'ds, Wilkes county, yfeter'ay. MA ltoxie Johnscn ,house wjththe mother and her twr.ntrcnnps . Tm warrant hav been issilPf1 fnr tbA rrpat nf V)r wam Sullivan, of this county. He. is chard.v4th advisimr .rn-onlo wno have smallpox in the north - , , , ernpart nf the ourity that the - . . a 1 jsease is jtGh and not smallp0x. our Def,roeV attempted to saw Qut of jdu Jaftt Tter were detected by thejailor, who ..with the sheriff gave the pris t hmnin . a committee, headed by Mrs, Lindsay Patterson, goes to Washinffto,-next week.tb extend an ivilfttion l0 President Roose? ! velt to deliver an address at tho laying of the corner stone of Salem Female College centennial in May. Hickory Wet Again. Hickory has passed from a dry to a wet town. Tho salo'on rioo- 1 J and tho contest before Superior Court resulted in sustaining tho count Tho city council art, all opposod to the saloons and tlicy .have mad restrictions. that-are close ,and uncomfortable lo tho salooners. Gen. Hampton Dangerously I1U General Wade Hampton, one of tho most gallant gonerals of the Confederacy, and later United States Senator from South Carolina was dangerously ill for a while this afternoon. His heart was affected, and for a time it was feared the at- tack would prove serious. The general rallied later, and to night his physicians say he is very mnch better. This is the first attack of the kind General Hampton has had. Columbia, S. 0.,Dispatch 5th. Wefail tQ see anything fresh froaa the venerable soldier and statesman and hope hk is to bo cl " " T" Segro Girl Burned at Enoclivill. On last Friday morning a ten year old negro girl while mak ing fire, caught her clothing and was burned to death. Tho! H T TT H. Parks.' "The girl ran but no j one could get to her until sio J fell and did in a few minutes. j Enochvillc Correspondent to tho ' Salisbury Sun. is Sale imions purpose in a wholesale wayaud now they go to the con sumer for almost haif. Men's Underwear at Almost Half. 4 Men's pure wool flflficed Shirts ! an.d Drfwers to match, regular iPrico 1.00 per garment .our j ipeciml prico 62 1-S' cents. Men's heavy cottbn fleeced ShiHs and Drawers, regular S0c goods, UiOStlyJarjre sizes, sale price 25 cents. Men's 25c knitrey Drawers at 15 cents.. ! A real bar?ain in Mon's Stiff Bosom 3hirts, mostly colored but some whiter m sizes 14 to 15 the real value of 75c and t 'There is a limited stock of th5se Samples they arc? going rapidly and, we expect -to clean them out by SaW urday. .Come 'and have a look. ; . A.Tl Mf.f i st fee J u And if moving time is delayed much long er we w'ill not have such a job after all. For the next few days untill, our new quarters are ready, we are going to make prices that will sell goods if .Low. Prices Will Sell Them . , Thanking you for past favbrtand asking you topasg'over our ipietakes when it's possible,., wevill try nd do better in the future.. Again thanking you and asking you to call and see us we are yours to try to pleasev The-Bell & Harris Fur. Co- .Good Job Work ! 4 e substantiate this statement K n with the rea stuff, w to say whether cur ft nnl 1 cirrrl if it ic no P ' nwi uim ii il i o i i w make it so. We are here to make a ft proflta llVingalS0 to do JUStlCe to K; j OUI' CUStOITierS. 3 ! r-, q. , -.I T 1 CX-fC H Jcj 1 JIG iotcillCiarCL dOD UillCO. ;'i;j(iX. j.D0CIX 3cC3eC'.:.3oC XX ;C-v. .'l.' 'X 4 of Samp 1 1.00K all placed on one table amS marked 50 cents. Men's Fancy Sox. Herg.are twenty dozen Halt Hose, hardly apy two pairs ex actly alike. Theyire.as good if not better than new .because thejf were made to sell from. MenV50c Socks in black ani fancy colors, sale price. 25' cents: Men's regular 2oc Socks ia, beautiful colors, sale price " 15 cents. M -t , . I if J 1k 4 and leave it to you U; "work is all rirrht or U: ao reiidianfoQ fi", i u u guui ui I luu Lu v O 3Ct si f p Coming! it

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