rv - to ?4" Price: $4.00 per year. SHE JlFWW TO HOt OUT. PaTment of LIrt Wtrrtiut for $100,000 - Special School Appropriation. The $lfr0,000 special public school appropriation &ill be paid by tjie sheriffs of the various counties withholding the amoiifs of the warrants in fayor of their cotinty. Tf!e State financies arq, not orerflowiug the treasury coffss jwst now and the State Treas urer decided to take this method of paying thfappropriations. The following letter on this subject was snt to sheriffs , yesterday by the Treasurer . You cand send in school war- rant for your cttnty, in your final settlement. Send all moneys collected as-fast as possible only. holding "enough back, on your books, to pay school warrant. News ajid Observer. The Jnj? Business. The A. C. L. train whjch comes in from the north every afternoon, is now known as the 'jug ft-aiu." Speaking of jugs, we find the following in the Lumberton Robesonian: , Fifty-seyen jugs wtre put off , at Lumberton in one day many at Maxton, 'Red Springs and . other places but little drunk- eness is repoted. Fifteen hun dred jugs feft Hamlet in one shipment, much of which came to this county. It is a sad sight to see such a sinful waste of money. Fay ettevillo Observer. A Virginia Hot I by Old Confederates. Mecklenburg Camp Confed erate Veterans is. to give an en tertainment some tiiiie in Marcn to raise funds to help defray the expense of 'the veterans to the annual reunion in Dallas. One of tho features will.be the Virginia reel to be d,anced by twelve old veterans, with twelve tf the women of the Confeder acy ,s their .partners. Col. Tom Ritch who'is ma'na'ger of this particular feature, says that he has already sold 100 tickets at $5 each. Charlotte Observer. TTonderful Feat of Research. General Julian S Carr has won all sorts of praise by his address on the poultry question in this city Tuesday night. Any man whocatrace the history of the duck fton600 B. C. well, words are inadequate to describe such resource and research. CharlotteObserver. Too much can hardly besaid of this tonderful speech. Few peopte conceived that thar was so much to learn about the featbfcred tribe. Says a Georgia Philosopher: 4:Itisapity we are all more successful at digging bait than we arc at catching fiLsh!" At lanta Constitution. MR. RUFTV COMPROMISES. The Southern Pays IHm $V00 for Death of Children. CMr John E Kulty com promised with the Southern Railway Co., instead of bring- ftog a suit, as he had anticipated, yesterday, The Southern paid Mr. Rufty $1,990 on ccoun of hedeaUi of his children ' on QUristmas eve, both of vrRom were killed on the. track. " v,-. u i 1 V j Mr4 : Rufty had employed J counsel to irmtitule a suit but baiisbury Sun. Rests In the City Cemetery. The funeral services of Mr.ffeel amply compensated for our - - i flarry B. Smith were conducted , at 3 p. m. today at. All Saints . Episcopal church by the rector, Dr. J-C Davis, and the remains were buried in our city.cemetery . The pall bearers were Mesrs. B F Bogers, C T Troy, H M Bar row, J C Wadsworth, F L Smith and R E Gitison. . His brothers, J B and T A Smith were the only relatives to attend the burial but a number of close ' personal friends were among the procession to do honor tp tho dead. Beautiful floral contributions manifested the -sympathy of our citizens: Would Xot Allow the Marriage! At Washington, New Jersey a negro war veteran 71 years old wanted to celebrate the wind up of the.yoar by marrying a white flirl 20 years old. The white girl was willing, but the Jersey magistrate who wfts asked to perform the ceremony indignant-' ly refused, and a hundred citi zens thereupon maltreated t'.:e negro md pulled down his house. This goes to show that there, are some prejudices and predilec tions so ingrained among the mass of the white people in the United States as to overturn all reasoning restraint. The condi tions in one part of the country are riot different from, those in other parts. Philadelphia Rec ord. The exasperating part of it4s a disposition on the part of too many northern people to force social equality on the south, which they will not endure them elves. Leavs Sti Norml. Prof. P PClaxton, of the chair of pedadgogy of the State Nor mal College, has resigned to take a secret arysliip under the Southern Educational Beared. He is one of North Carolina' most gifted educators. Haleigh Times. Xew Cns'i'ess Stand. I have moved from the Brick Row to the room over Johnson's Drug store where I will be. pleased to have my customers to call. Patronapre solicited. 1-16. W W Gibson. "UNCORD, N. 0. FRIDAY JAN. 10. I Elizabeth City People Score Mayor aog Chief of Police. Tho Citizens' Committee of Elizabeth Cfty severely criticize the mayor and chief of pohcfc for lack of co-operation, aevei f$r hindering them n the master of the Nellie Crdpsey mystery. Af ter setting forth thir grievances and making a financial statement the oommittoe closes with the following impressire paragraph : J "Wljn we -template "Uery best ig takeniJor sample-they have served their happiness and the joy that we . y . fci . , . . . have brought into the stricken . . home by this great uncertainty iter's name being hel4 in revere ' eoce because of her purjty, we i m ' , . . ... . , e5orts- anorejoice witb you tnat V 1 J 1 a iL . vthe Jr n , cold wafers of he Pasquo Pasnuotanlr . v- . "A q love guardod witb toars cf remembrances, It f eposes near thfC" scenes of her childhood, among those that knew and J oved her best." . Cornerie Institution Taklir Shape tTJae board of trustees has been announced for the Cdrnegie In- stitution to whom . Mr Cornegie will convey $.10,000,000 in 5 per cent..oonds and the institution has been incorporated. The nameof GTrover Cleveland stands first on the Jist after the ex-offleios The President of the United.States, , the President of - : .... ... the United States ' Senate;" the Speaker of tho House, of Rep resentatives; the secretary of tho Smithsonian Institution; the president of the Jvational Acade my of Sciencie Ivy Institute for KewvLontloii. The New Jondon corrospon dent to thJ Albemarle Enter M ' ft prise says $1,000 has been made up to build a school houso at that place to be. called Ivy Institute, in honor of the late Mr. John Ivv. 'Mr. O C Hamilton will take charge of the soIj'ooI. Fire In Scotland Keck. At 3 o'clock on trie morning of the 8th a tiro broke out In ithe, Carolina Bufc.gy Co!;, building at Scotland Neck and it was quickly consumed, . together with the town market. The loss was about $3,000 and about fifteen workmen were out of employment. Tne Way of the Transgressor is Hard. J P Austin seetts to have left - J Salisbury. Nothing has been seen ff him here since his alter- cation with Mr. Surrnt Ir. is said that-he has left Sa!isuty' and vrill not return Until his trial at the February term of court. Salisbury Sun. I Cut this out and LU l t3 11 IU M L Marsh's druar store and ret a free sample of Chaniealain's i Stomach and Liver Tablets the j best physic. They also cure i disorders of tho stomach, uusness and headache. bili- I1' 2 This Sale lot is creating a stir and why shouldn't it,, because Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery and Fancy Shirts are displayed ind sold for less than the actual cost. Some nr sliorhtlv soiled or wrinkled but not damacred. The purpose ina wholesale way and'now they go to the con sumer for almost haif. '."' Men's Underwear at Almost . Half:. Men's pure wool fleeced Shirts and Drawers to match, regular uuu imnciis iu uiaugu, iuiat price L00 per garment, our i special price . 62 1-3 cents. Men's . heavy cotton fleeced Shirts and Drawers,, regular 50c gjyds, Uiostly. Jar je "sizes, jsale price . 25 cents Men's 25c knit grey Drawers at 15 cents. A real bargain in Men's Stiff Bosom Shirte, mostly colored .hut some white, in sizes 14 to 15J, tho real value of 75c and There is a limited stock going rapidly'and we expect -to clean them out IJy Sat urday. Come and have a look. -o- Just Keep Coming ! And if moving time is, delayed much long er we" will not have such a job after all. .For the next few' days ufitill, our new quarters are ready, we are going, to make prices that will spll goods if Low Prices Will :Sell .The . Thanking you for pafet favor and asking you to pass over our mistakes when it's possible,., we vvill try anddo better in the future. Again thanking youand-asking you to call and see us we are yours to' try io please, The Bell &r.Harris Fur: Co. Good Job Work! e substantiate this statement 4 ;5 with the real stuff, to say. whether our work is all right or not i and jfit is not we guarantee foh Km aba cn Wa ' n r , i i . . . . K I w i l l ' w our customers. , The Standard Job Office SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. of Sample ions 1.00, all placed on one table and marked 50 cents. Men!s Fancy Sox. Here are twenty dozen Half Hosb, hardly any two pairs ex actly afike. They are as good if not better than new because they were made to sell froui. Men's 50c Socks in black and fancy colors, sale price v 25 cents. Men's regular 25c Socks -in beautiful colors, sale pjt ice 15 cents: of tliese Samples tiiey are and leave it to you j cvf horn in makp fi 5 i j. f i : i. : x 0 w I V H 0 8 4

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